When it comes to Perl books I found O'Reilly's Learning Perl
a good starter and for later and reference Programming Perl (all of 
O'Reilly's Perl books can be found at http://perl.oreilly.com/) 
There are also many online goodies at http://www.perl.com
Also I've always found learning by example is one of the best
ways so try going to places such as the http://www.cgi-resources.com/
where there are tons of perl CGI's for you to tinker with.

Have fun :)  
Melissa Plunkett

Clair Mooza wrote:
> I don't know the first thing about Perl and am very new to Linux/Unix.
> I was wondering what a good first book(s) would be to start with.  I am
> looking for a reference book and also for a book that I can sit down and
> read through to familiarize myself with Perl.  Thanks!
> -Clair
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