Depending on your user's tech level you might also
 want to look into using Secure Copy (scp) or
 Secure FTP (sftp)(  Both are
 like rcp/ftp but use ssh and hence are much more
 secure.  The biggest issue with scp and sftp is there
 are no really easy to use GUI programs so
 you have to use the app from the command line
 (if anyone knows of any off hand please let me know! I
 haven't had time to look around much lately).
 There are freeware programs that support scp like
 PuTTy for Win
 and OpenSSH tools
 I would love to use only scp/sftp but like many sysadmins
 I have users who would pull their hair out if I
 forced them off ftp ;)  If you can do this though
 it should really help your system security and I think
 you will see a huge increase in these programs as
 the average user become more security aware.
 Just an idea for now or later.
> Keith Barringer wrote:
> >
> > I've been assigned the task of setting up an FTP
> > server at work.  I am very new to Linux and have
> > currently loaded Mandrake 7.2 because I am familiar
> > with it.
> >
> > I d/l OFTPD, but it appears to only be a server to do
> > downloads from and I need something that can act as a
> > file transfer point for users out in the field.
> >
> > I was thinking of using wu, but with all of the
> > vulnerabilities that were just released, I'm not that
> > sure about using it.
> >
> > I am also using Bastille to secure the box and will
> > unload all packages not in use on the box.
> >
> > Any suggestions FTP programs and/or any tricks and
> > hints would be appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
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> /*********************************
> /* Melissa Plunkett
> /* System/Network Administrator
> /* College of Education
> /* University of Missouri - Columbia
> /* 111 London Hall
> /* Columbia, MO 65211
> /* Phone: (573) 884-6835
> /* Fax:   (573) 884-5158
> *********************************/

/* Melissa Plunkett
/* System/Network Administrator
/* College of Education
/* University of Missouri - Columbia
/* 111 London Hall
/* Columbia, MO 65211
/* Phone: (573) 884-6835
/* Fax:   (573) 884-5158

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