This is my first post so hello everyone :)

I just took a look at old (an excellent source for
linux ware) and found a program I have heard others talk of called
netperf.  It sounds like what you are looking for.  The url
is and the best
part is that the netperf site has a database where others have
uploaded there stats so you can compare w/ what you are getting.
If that doesn't fit your needs try going to freshmeat and look
through the ware there.

In your first post you also asked about the load stats given
by uptime.  The load is a measure of CPU usage.  Basically a
high number means a lot of process are running or perhaps just
a few CPU intensive processes are running.  Another command you
might want to try is top.  It shows your load averages, CPU 
percentages, as well as what processes are running.  I think 
it will help to illustrate how everything is related.  Top
is good because it if your load is high you'll want to see
what is causing it so you can find a solution to bring it 
down and increase system performance.  

Hope that helps :)
Melissa Plunkett

Walt wrote:
> At 01:53 AM 5/17/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >For the software, are you using Windows or Linux?  In other words, what OS
> >do you need the net statistics software to run on?
> I have software for windows already, though it's
> nice, it's rather simple. I would much prefer to
> have something for my (linux) server, which
> would allow me to monitor speeds to different
> computers as opposed to installing something
> on each box...
> I have a 10/100 8 port switch and 100 24 port hub.
> Currently, I'm running everything out of the 24
> port hub, thinking that things will be faster on the
> same hub than if I have to patch the hub to the
> switch. Does this make sense or is a switch really
> that much better that it'll make up for any loss?
> Also, 10 gb per 15 minutes calculates to c. 11 MB/sec
> if I'm not mistaken (which I probably am :-) which
> is like double the speed of my current setup.  So, is
> my config messed up, my hardware cheaper, or just
> the hub vs. switch issue?
> *Sigh* Sorry I'm such a newbie at all this!
> Thanks for your time,
> Walt
> -~
> If you don't care where you are, then you ain't lost.
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