Re: [techtalk] localhost, etc.

1999-10-16 Thread Jeff Dike
> Here's my /etc/hosts file: > nzingha You really need to add localhost to that line. Lots of things "know" that localhost refers to the local machine. That will get you past the connect problem. To add some background to this, /etc/hosts is usually the first pla

Re: [techtalk] localhost, etc.

1999-10-16 Thread Jeff Dike
> I wonder how /etc/host.conf differs from /etc/nsswitch.conf. I have > both files, and they both seem to set the search order... You're right. I've got no idea what host.conf is for. nsswitch.conf is definitely the one being used: % strace ping ... open("/etc/nsswitch.conf", O_RDON

Re: [techtalk] GUI's

1999-10-20 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > >Do they layer on top of the X-windows environment? What is their use? > >Is there someplace someone could direct me to learn more about this? > Tell me about it. I still don't get it. There is a set of layers that looks like this (usually): Sessions A

Re: [techtalk] SMP/threaded programming

1999-10-22 Thread Jeff Dike
> as I said, I was assuming I could garuntee testset was an *atomic* > function... i.e. indivisible and possibly smaller than the timeslice > of a scheduler... like a few i/o functions... Speed doesn't guarantee anything. A timer interrupt can reschedule you anytime, anywhere. Also, reschedule

Re: [techtalk] logins

1999-10-27 Thread Jeff Dike
> Someone with a login that is *all* numbers is having a problem logging > in... can login *eventually*, but never on the first try. This isn't related to logging in, but various utilities allow specifying users as either login names or uids. These can get horribly confused when a user-name is

Re: [techtalk] 6.1 install, the undead

1999-11-01 Thread Jeff Dike
> mount /dev/hdc/cdrom Is this is actual command that you're using? It looks like it's missing a space: mount /dev/hdc /cdrom Will mount the CD regardless of what's in mtab or fstab, assuming that /dev/hdc is the CD drive and /cdrom is available to have something mounted on it. If t

Re: [techtalk] kmail issue...can't send ..ARG!

1999-11-07 Thread Jeff Dike
Have a look in /var/log/maillog. There might be some interesting error messages in it. Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] kmail issue...can't send ..ARG!--fixed!

1999-11-07 Thread Jeff Dike
> Do I have to tell what and give away my stupidity? Everybody's done stupid things. Wanna trade "I can't believe I did that" stories :-) Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] swtiching rhat drives . . .

1999-11-08 Thread Jeff Dike
> You should be able to create the linux partitions on the 4.5 gig > drive, copy the FS from the 9 to the 4.5 (assuming of course, your not > using all 9 gig for linux ;), swap drives, boot from floppy (not > nescessary?) and run lilo. You should be set. Right. The copy is a little bit tricky.

Re: [techtalk] swtiching rhat drives . . .

1999-11-09 Thread Jeff Dike
> I always wonder why people use tar beasts if they have the wonderful > GNU cp? Because cp will completely foul up device files. Try copying /dev/mem from one place to another. You won't like the results :-) > Lean back and enjoy the show... I think this alternative is far less > error prone

Re: [techtalk] swtiching rhat drives . . .

1999-11-09 Thread Jeff Dike
> Because cp will completely foul up device files. Try copying /dev/mem > from > one place to another. You won't like the results :-) > sorry, but I can't stand it if people don't actually try things > instead of repeating false statements: > ---8<--- snip --- > root@wombat:/tmp> ls -l /dev

Re: [techtalk] swtiching rhat drives . . .

1999-11-10 Thread Jeff Dike
> What switches where you using for cp? It _only_ works with '-a' all > others ('-dpf' for example) copy "byte by byte" and thus fill your > disk :-). I did just -p. Both the man page and info file say this: -a, --archive same as -dpR -d is preserve symlinks, -p is preserve

Re: [techtalk] GPL Questions

1999-11-11 Thread Jeff Dike
> I was planning on publishing an API for this system that others could > use in proprietary software. (Note: no code from the system would/ > should be used in the proprietary system, just method/function calls) Then you release your code under the GPL, and document the API. Anyone else can i

Re: [techtalk] resolution

1999-11-12 Thread Jeff Dike
> there an easier way than running through that entire config > again? What I've done in my many X installation nightmares (I seem to have a cursed combination of video board and monitor) is this loop: 1. Start off in runlevel 3 (via telinit 3 or boot with id:3:initdefault in /etc/in

Re: [techtalk] bind problem...and a sendmail one, too

1999-11-14 Thread Jeff Dike
> I had it dump it's stats, memstats, and database, but I can't seem to > decipher WHAT address "is already in use". I get a chance to plug one of my favorite utilities...strace :-). run strace -p -f -e trace=network and look for something returning EADDRINUSE or 98. Then look at the argume

Re: [techtalk] bind problem...and a sendmail one, too

1999-11-14 Thread Jeff Dike
> Is there something I am missing here? Here's what I have: > (according to /var/run/ is 328 I was trying to be fancy with the "-e trace=network" bit. It looks like the interesting system calls aren't captured by "trace=network". Try this: strace -p -f -o strace.out Let t

Re: [techtalk] bind problem...and a sendmail one, too

1999-11-14 Thread Jeff Dike
> hmm... no EADDRINUSE or 98 in the whole file > this is what happens (well an example, the ESPIPE eror is constant): > 15242 _llseek(0x5, 0, 0, 0xb76c, 0x1) = -1 ESPIPE (Illegal seek) > 15242 read(5, "bind: Address already in use\n", 4096) = 29 Are you sure you did the -f on strace? Becaus

Re: [techtalk] Problems w/Gimp

1999-11-20 Thread Jeff Dike
> X also allows applicatons to use their own colormaps, and switch them > with X's colormap when they want to. However, if two programs use > different colormaps, their colors will map differently, so gray in one > will be purple in another, which is what GIMp is doing. This is > perfectly norma

Re: [techtalk] X, GNOME, and xpm.h

1999-11-22 Thread Jeff Dike
> The big one is that the gnome libs 1.0.53 won't compile, because they > cannot find a file called "xpm.h". I have done a find on the entire > drive, and this file does not exist. Gnome expects it to be in the > X11 directory. What package should I download and build to get this > file? ~ 100

Re: [techtalk] TERMCAP

1999-11-22 Thread Jeff Dike
> Does anyone have a clue what this means? > > "TERMCAP", line 0, col 273, terminal 'screen': unknown capability 'xv' > "TERMCAP", line 0, col 276, terminal 'screen': unknown capability 'LP' > "TERMCAP", line 0, col 523, terminal 'screen': unknown capability 'AX' > "TERMCAP", line 0, col 526,

Re: [techtalk] TERMCAP

1999-11-22 Thread Jeff Dike
> but thanks anyway for you effort, jeff :) Oh well. I guess if I'm going to be any help, you're just going to have to have easier problems :-) Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] mail format (was re: ftp for non users)

1999-11-27 Thread Jeff Dike
Below is a little perl script I wrote that removes html parts from messages that have text parts as well. I wrote it because exmh goes ballistic when it sees such mail. The only downside that I've seen is that it can't tell if the two parts have the same content, so if someone sends you a pla

Re: [techtalk] Bourne Shell Programming and Awk

1999-12-04 Thread Jeff Dike
> Basically, I'm writing a script that takes two parameters from the > user, an alphanumeric character and a directory. What's the matter with find -type d -name "$ALPNANUM*" -print Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] Slackware and RPM

1999-12-05 Thread Jeff Dike
> I am a Slackware user and typically count on "tar" and "gzip" to > extract packages. Some of the tools that I want to install are in RPM > archives. How do I extract this source? Sounds like what you want is alien ( Here's the freshmeat appindex record: Ali

Re: [techtalk] Newbie: Apache question

1999-12-08 Thread Jeff Dike
> I have set up Apache. I was wondering if anybody could let me know as > to where I will have to put my web pages (like a simple page with no > forms of any sort). In one of the Apache config files (it's in my /etc/httpd/conf/srm.conf) find this: > # DocumentRoot: The directory out of which

Re: [techtalk] X Display

1999-12-08 Thread Jeff Dike
> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: Client is not > authorized to connect to Server Error: Can't open display: :0.0 > By changing the current configuration, I will be loosening the > security of X windows, but I do need other users to be able to use the > same display at the same

Re: [techtalk] truncated file names

1999-12-14 Thread Jeff Dike
> I am sure I chose a wrong option someplace along the way because now > my long file names are truncated. Is this doing 'ls' on a windows filesystem? If so, I don't see how it's related to the new kernel. That's (in my experience) controlled by how you mount it. If it's mounted as an msdos

Re: [techtalk] truncated file names

1999-12-14 Thread Jeff Dike
> In the /etc/fstab, the entry the corresponds to the filesystem you > want to have mounted at boot time should have a 1 in the fifth field. > A 0 in this field indicates that it should not be mounted at boot > time. This is what man fstab has to say about field # 5: The fifth field, (f

Re: [techtalk] RedHat newbie question

1999-12-18 Thread Jeff Dike
> If so, how can I install it (or do I need to reinstall RedHat?). > Install directions seem to want to use gcc to do the installation. You didn't way whose install directions want gcc. If the system is up enough to run rpm (and it should be if you can do 'which foo'), check to see if it's in

Re: [techtalk] not 8 bit clean?

1999-12-18 Thread Jeff Dike
> > My ppp log shows that all 7 bits set to zero not 8 bit clean, is there > > any way to resolve this? > It's often a problem with the ISP, I don't remember what the exact > cause is. So it's not your problem, unless you've also changed > something in the ppp configuration. > It goes withou

Re: [techtalk] modules and xconfig

1999-12-20 Thread Jeff Dike
> Obviously you would select n for items that you don't need included in > your kernel, but what is the difference in saying y to support for my > scsi or m? For the average user, it doesn't make any difference. You need to say 'y' to anything that you need to boot the kernel (so if you're boot

Re: [techtalk] kernel compilation

1999-12-21 Thread Jeff Dike
> I can't find it spelled out plainly anywhere. Anyway, I want to: > 1) load the kernel onto a floppy so I can make sure linux will boot > with the new kernal 2) backup the old kernal 3) install the new > kernal You shouldn't need the floppy. When you build your new kernel, just make sure i

Re: [techtalk] Filename star

1999-12-28 Thread Jeff Dike
> To delete such problem files, if you use emacs, you can use the > directory editing feature in emacs is useful (^X ^F from memory). dired is ^X ^B. ^H m will give you a little buffer which tells you what all the commands are, but the most interesting ones are the movement commands (^N ^P - u

Re: [techtalk] linux + disk

1999-12-28 Thread Jeff Dike
> > Also, I seem to remember there's a way to find out how large a disk I > > have without having to open my box and look at it. Anyone? > Try the command df That only tells you about filesystems on the disk which isn't necessarily what she wants. echo p | fdisk /dev/hdb is a little messy, b

Re: [techtalk] Filename star

1999-12-28 Thread Jeff Dike
> dired is ^X ^B. Sorry to follow up on my own blatant disinformation, but the above is wrong. dired is ^X d; ^X ^B is the buffer editor which is real similar. I stand by the rest of it. (heh) Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] Re: techtalk-digest V1 #90

1999-12-30 Thread Jeff Dike
> > grep hdb /var/log/messages|more > > is better. It tells you what the disk told the OS when it booted. > Bingo. Thanks, Jeff! Actually, this is probably the right way to do it: hdparm -g /dev/hda /dev/hda: geometry = 1048/16/63, sectors = 1056992, start = 0 Multiply sectors

Re: [techtalk] X11 and xauth

2000-01-01 Thread Jeff Dike
> xauth has been partially overwritten with bad data xauth or your .Xauthority? > .Xauthority for my personal account is listed when I do ls, but I > can't get a text editor to read it. It's (at least partly) binary data. Mine has some readable strings in it, but it's definitely data. > So t

Re: [techtalk] missing posts

2000-01-01 Thread Jeff Dike
> I am beginning to believe that I sent to wrong place, say > [EMAIL PROTECTED] or something.seems strange I did not get > them back though. Why not go poking through /var/logs/maillog to see what really happened? Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] http:

Re: [techtalk] missing posts

2000-01-01 Thread Jeff Dike
> Because I screwed up my linux install, and had to start over yesterday > :-) Gotta hate it when that happens... Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] missing posts

2000-01-02 Thread Jeff Dike
> Because I screwed up my linux install, and had to start over yesterday > :-) BTW, what did you do? I'm having trouble thinking of anything short of trashing a disk that would call for a complete reinstall. Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.l

Re: [techtalk] missing posts

2000-01-02 Thread Jeff Dike
> I remember when I was first learning linux (redhat 2.something, I > think), there were a couple of times when I screwed something badly > enough that it was easier (and faster) to reinstall than to learn > enough (on an unusable system) to make the system usable again. ;) For those of us with s

Re: [techtalk] need database recomendations

2000-01-03 Thread Jeff Dike
> Hey girl, I'd probably get flayed if I said something like that :-) > What I use is postgres. Also, mysql ( and msql, both free. Freeness makes them good for learning what you want in a "real" database. And they might turn out be be "real" enough for you.

Re: [techtalk] need database recomendations

2000-01-03 Thread Jeff Dike
> > Also, mysql ( and msql, both free. Freeness makes them good > > for > > learning what you want in a "real" database. And they might turn out > mysql is not free according to the DFSG[1] (or opensource > according to the OSD[2], if you take that side). See True. I was being a b

Re: [techtalk] Other OSes on a Linux box

2000-01-03 Thread Jeff Dike
> The next question, of course, is: Can anyone recommend any rackmount > servers from companies that support both Linux and NT? They sell rackmount servers, your choice of Linux or NT. A popular local co-lo service swears by them. An extra attraction for us (YMMV on this) was th

Re: [techtalk] libraries gtk+ and glib

2000-01-06 Thread Jeff Dike
> Well, i've already downloaded the latest versions of those libraries > (source rpmd), unpacked, configured and installed them according to > the manual, and those programs still prompt the same msg You built them from source, not from a binary rpm, so rpm doesn't know about them. So, just

Re: [techtalk] missing posts

2000-01-07 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > I got same weird message every time I tried to boot, so I wimped out > and reinstalled. :-) Guess I need to buy a book eh? Pay attention to the chapter called "Single-user mode". :-) Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.

Re: [techtalk] initrd/kernel building

2000-01-08 Thread Jeff Dike
> Or, can I just not bother with initrd? Is it worth having? You don't need it. You should also probably change the kernel version number if it would otherwise be the same as what you've already got. What I did was make EXTRAVERSION=a, so that the new kernel version was 2.2.5a rather than th

Re: [techtalk] put a drive to sleep...

2000-01-11 Thread Jeff Dike
> Is there some command or function that I can use that tells a hard > drive to spin down, etc? Try 'man (heh) hdparm'. The -y switch looks like what you want. -S and -C also look interesting. However, this is an ide command, but there is this at the end: Although this utility is in

Re: [techtalk] System CRASH - one solution

2000-01-13 Thread Jeff Dike
> It is always the same inode-- When fscking, inode 818763 is always > deleted with zero dtime. What does this show? This could just be a temporary file that some daemon has opened and unlinked. When the system crashes, the one reference to that file (the process) has disappeared, so fsck se

Re: [techtalk] ipchains logs and nmap audit

2000-01-22 Thread Jeff Dike
> What exactly is printk()? I haven't found any information about that > particular function. And the reason that this internal kernel function is appearing in user-level docs is that printk'd stuff shows up in the log. Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] h

Re: [techtalk] ipchains logs and nmap audit

2000-01-23 Thread Jeff Dike
> It is the print function for the kernel routines. I don't know the > workings of the output of this fuction yet. It's just like printf, without a lot of the bells and whistles (no floating-point, numbered arguments, etc). Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] How do I get rid of login screen

2000-01-28 Thread Jeff Dike
> I am using Red Hat 6.1 and was wondering if there's there a way to > boot directly into gnome without having to log in (anywhere). This is off the top of my head, so you'll probably have to play around before it actually works. The basic idea is that you replace xdm in the boot process with

Re: [techtalk] newbie question

2000-02-25 Thread Jeff Dike
> Would anybody please let me know if the "noauto" should be "auto" or > something else? It should not be noauto (i.e. leave it out) if the media is always there, like a Windows disk partition, and you want it mounted at boot time. If it's something like a floppy, "noauto" would be reasonable

Re: [techtalk] gcc versions and bus error

2000-02-29 Thread Jeff Dike
> Hm, maybe this should be a FAQ. Both indicate that youre accessig > memory that you shouldn't. A segfault does. I did a quick check of the kernel (core kernel + arch/i386), and found two places where processes get SIGBUS: swapping out a process failing to free any memory (swap_out in

Re: [techtalk] Modem issues

2000-02-29 Thread Jeff Dike
> The system seems to be finding it just fine, but What do you mean by this? The system normally just sees the serial port, and doesn't know what if anything is attached to it. > the modem won't respond to commands (ATZ, ATDT, etc.). Are you sure you've got the right port? If not, just ru

Re: [techtalk] Problem with LILO & booting

2000-02-29 Thread Jeff Dike
> It got upset and when I boot up, I get a lovely screen with 01 01 01 > 01 ... It's a Dell Dimension L500r with two EIDE drives in there, > Win98 on the first one and Linux occupying the second one. Can > anyone give me any hints as to what the booting heartattack is over? At the bottom of the

Re: [techtalk] Problem with LILO & booting

2000-03-01 Thread Jeff Dike
> In any case, I can't boot Linux without the boot disk, and when I do, > "starting linux" it takes about 10 minutes for all the dots to go > across the screen. Any hints on how to speed up my boot? Boot off something other than a floppy. Zips can be made bootable, I think. > Or on how > to

Re: [techtalk] Problem with LILO & booting

2000-03-01 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > AHA! My DVD is bootable! And I have a CD-RW > Will let you know if this works tonight... thanks Jeff! Cool. Since it's a bit larger than a floppy, you can put a whole root filesystem on it if you want. I'm not sure that's a great idea, though. /dev likes to be

Re: [techtalk] Getting a computer on a network.

2000-02-17 Thread Jeff Dike
> I'm trying to get my desktop computer at work (which is connected with > an ethernet card Run ifconfig and make sure that it has the right ip addr: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:B0:D0:20:06:FC inet addr: Bcast: Mask: which

Re: [techtalk] Getting a computer on a network.

2000-02-18 Thread Jeff Dike
> I'm not at that computer now and can't run ifconfig until tomorrow but > I've tried pinging from one of our server and this is what I get: > chipshot # ping PING ( > 56 data bytes Your box is off the net somehow. Make sure the wires are hooked up

Re: [techtalk] Getting a computer on a network.

2000-02-18 Thread Jeff Dike
> I can ssh to any server (there are dozens) from my puter but I can't > telnet to my puter from the servers.. I'm thinking it has something > to do with how security is set up but I don't know. I think your site has network connectivity problems. Regardless of security policy, all machines

Re: [techtalk] Getting a computer on a network.

2000-02-18 Thread Jeff Dike
> But Jeff, I've seen situations where ping has been turned off for > security reasons. What security reasons were those? ping is a really basic tool without too many security implications (besides DOS, which can be done with any protocol). If ping has been disabled, then I'd start looking

Re: [techtalk] everybuddy/icq trouble

2000-03-06 Thread Jeff Dike
> Strings? How do I do that? Then how do I get the stuff from the > output? strings is a very handy little utility. 'strings filename' goes through filename printing out anything that looks like text. It is a zero-order approximation to any number of blah2txt utilities :-) In this case, it

Re: *cry*

2000-03-18 Thread Jeff Dike
> Any more ideas? Send in some complete error messages. Console logs. Anything that looks out of the ordinary... Jeff

Re: [techtalk] Source code for routing

2000-04-02 Thread Jeff Dike
> Can anybody tell me which is the file where the routing decisions/ > algorithms are implemented in Linux and how to get it's source code. You can get Linux sources from The code you're interested in is in net/*. Jeff _

Re: [techtalk] no modem etc

2000-04-07 Thread Jeff Dike
> You can comment it out ir remap it to another program, like a script > that logs who and when pressed it. > If the console is in a place where other people can easily get access > to it and you are worried about security there are many programs, for > X and tty*, that lock the console out with

Re: [techtalk] shutdown problems

2000-04-08 Thread Jeff Dike
> When I try to shutdown the machine to reboot into Windows when I need > to, it no longer shuts down. It stops at a bash prompt. I always used > shutdown now and had no problems, but it doesn't seem to work now. > Any suggestions as to how to fix this? I think the thing to do is figure out wh

Re: [techtalk] installing nic for 1st time

2000-04-10 Thread Jeff Dike
> My problem is that I'm looking for "eth0" under /dev but it's not > there. I compared with work and it isn't under /dev/ either so I'm > assuming it shouldn't be there. So how do I configure a nic? Network interfaces don't get /dev entries. > And can > someone explain where linux is getting

Re: [techtalk] ReiserFS experience?

2000-04-10 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > I'm a little scared of trying it - a file system is more importatnt > than a window manager (or TV card driver), so I'm not too keen on > using something unstable... [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > But It is not stable. I use it only for squid cache now. I > would not r

Re: [techtalk] Parameter at a script-call

2000-04-12 Thread Jeff Dike
> it is only: michelle1:/# myscript -parameter /path/filename > A small example will be nice. #!/bin/bash if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo You gave me no parameters elif [ $# -eq 1 ] then echo You gave me one parameter, which is \"$1\" else echo You gave me $# parameters which are \"$*

Re: [techtalk] whiptail and String problem

2000-04-12 Thread Jeff Dike
> Item1="0 \"Midnight Commander\" off " > Item2="1 \"Mouse support\" off " > Item3="2 \"Dos-Tools\" off " > Items=$Item1$Item2$Item3 > whiptail --title "$Titel" --checklist "$Text" 15 40 10 "$Items" The quotes around "$Items" is forcing the $Item1$Item2$Item3 to be a single argument, whereas

Re: [techtalk] qmail, fetchmail, and POP3

2000-04-15 Thread Jeff Dike
> When I try to telnet to it on 110 from my shell account (this mail > account), QPOP answers me. So it's somehow related to the firewall. I hate to ask stupid questions, but can you make sure that your shell machine and firewall agree on the IP address for > Could this have some

Re: [techtalk] qmail, fetchmail, and POP3

2000-04-15 Thread Jeff Dike
> Apr 15 14:40:33 trinity fetchmail[924]: 5.1.0 querying > (protocol APOP) at Sat, 15 Apr 2000 14:40:33 -0400 (EDT) > Apr 15 14:45:33 trinity fetchmail[924]: timeout after 300 seconds waiting to > connect to server > Apr 15 14:45:33 trinity fetchmail[924]: client/ser

Re: [techtalk] disk space monitoring?

2000-04-17 Thread Jeff Dike
> What's the best way to monitor disk space usage? Ok, the most > efficient way to monitor disk space usage? du and df are the basic tools. To find the disks-space hogs, I usually start where I already know the problem is (like ~ :-), and do "du -s * | sort -rn" and recurse. > Surely a script

Re: [techtalk] kernel patches for disks >34Gig incorporated?

2000-05-02 Thread Jeff Dike
> I heard a rumor that about six months ago or so there were kernel > patches for hard disks larger than 34Gig. > Have these been incorporated into the kernel, It has been. I believe that was the problem with cylinders being a short and 34 G disks overflowing it. > and, if so, which version?

Re: [techtalk] signal 11 - help

2000-05-03 Thread Jeff Dike
> What does signal 11 mean? Signal 11 is SIGSEGV. It means that the process accessed (tried to, anyway) memory that it had no access to, either because the address didn't exist in its address space or because it didn't have the right permissions. The question you probably wanted answered more

Re: [techtalk] A SIGSEGV problem

2000-05-04 Thread Jeff Dike
> A g++ program is encountering problems during execution. There are no > error messages as it gets linked and compiled. The executable file > does not run though. These are the error messages observed: 'Program > received a signal SIGSEGV, segmentation fault' OR 'Segmentation fault > (core dumpe

Re: [techtalk] Script file help

2000-05-09 Thread Jeff Dike
> I need some help making a small script file. What I need it do is > copy the directories on one HD to another. I usually do this with 'cd srcdir; tar cpf - | (cd destdir; tar xpf -)' cp -a will apparently do the same thing. Jeff __

Re: [techtalk] signal 11 - help

2000-05-09 Thread Jeff Dike
> We kept getting random signal 11's with an old 486, but the memory > check didn't find anything. The cpu fan wasn't working, though, so > could that also cause sigsev? Just interested... I think so. If the cpu is overheading, that could cause the same sorts of things. Although, I've mostly

Re: [techtalk] newbie trying to install gnomeICU

2000-05-10 Thread Jeff Dike
> What's ya'll's more educated opinion? I'd call it more of a wild guess, but when I see where I've got an applet-widget.h and then see what rpm it belongs to, I get this: % locate applet-widget.h /usr/include/applet-widget.h % rpm -q -f /usr/include/applet-widget.h gnome-core-devel-1.0.4-34 S

Re: [techtalk] help with sorting text in a file

2000-05-12 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > On Fri, 12 May 2000, alissa bader wrote: > > Specifically, anything containing the > > string "QAA." Tried doing a grep, but I got the > > entire line again, not just the portion of it that > > contained "QAA." > what part of the line do you need to grab, other than QAA

Re: [techtalk] how to find prior art/software?

2000-05-12 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > The project in question: a generic ratings and comments engine for a > website. The things being rated could be anything, but site visitors > should be able to vote on various survey questions for each > (book|movie|restaurant), and add their comments. Visitors should als

Re: [techtalk] Issues making Apache

2000-05-19 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > Unfortunately, modules/standard/mod_so.o doesn't exist. The file is > mod_so.c. Do i need to compile this to mod_so.o? This might be system-dependent. I know squat about Solaris, but this is the sort of thing that might work on one Unix, but not another. Also, does

Re: [techtalk] Newbie Install Problem

2000-05-13 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > When I get to Disk Druid and try to partion the root directory, I get > an error that says Boot Partiton is too big. I think what it's talking about is the LILO 1024 cylinder limit. The kernel has to be within 1024 cylinders of the beginning of its partition. That's w

Re: [techtalk] Gnome and window managers

2000-05-26 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > I approach you now to ask, as I am running Gnome and Windowmaker, > where can i find out which parts of the GUI i see are Gnome's fault > and which are the fault of my window manager? Kill your window manager and see what parts of your GUI go away. Also, "Gnome" is not

Re: [techtalk] ejecting the #$%#$! cdrom

2000-05-30 Thread Jeff Dike
> Once in a while Linux (RH 6.2) will insist that a cdrom is busy and > thus will not let me umount it and thus will not let me eject it. Another handy thing is lsof. lsof | grep /mnt/cdrom will tell you what processes have open files in /mnt/cdrom (I think - my system seems not to have lsof

Re: [techtalk] do you know how to send dual msgs?

2000-05-31 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > I'm wondering how to send email messages that query the reader's app > and display as text if that's what you're reading with (ie, pine or > mutt), or display as html if you have an html-capable reader (ie, > Netscape)? You don't, AFAIK. If you really want to do that,

Re: [techtalk] Removing spaces form Windows File names

2000-05-31 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > Is there a file I can create that will do this? I am not a programmer, > so I have limited knowledge in creating files but I can sure try... > Any help you could provide would be amazing. I don't think I could pass up a chance to be amazing :-) find /dos -name "* *" -

Re: [techtalk] Removing spaces form Windows File names

2000-06-01 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > thanks for the info I will try it out, Actually what I am doing is > Migrating everything to Linux, so all the Windows File thingy's are > copied over to a Linux filesystem and well I kind of want to get rid > of Windows all together. What do you expect to do with your

Re: [techtalk] Removing spaces form Windows File names

2000-06-01 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > No not those windows specific directories... all my DOC's etc... like > I want windows specific stuff on my system, that would be similar to > hitting my head against the wall and well.. I am not into self > destruction In that case, go ahead. That convoluted command th

Re: [techtalk] wvdial problem

2000-06-02 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > I am automatically disconnected. Is there an easy way to either a) > disable the auto disconnect feature or b)extend that to a more > reasonable time constraint (20-30 minutes would be fine). I use diald, which I got because it provides demand dialling, but it also c

Re: [techtalk] source vs. rpm?

2000-06-02 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > hey, anyone have a minute to explain the differences/advantages > disadvantages of source vs rpm? I've installed things both ways, but > i really only know barely enough about them to be dangerous. whenever > i "make" something and it doesn't work i just kinda sit ther

Re: [techtalk] source vs. rpm?

2000-06-02 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > There are certain things that you will and should never use an rpm > for.. for example.. apache. Why not? If you've got a server that you take seriously and want control over what modules (and what versions) go into it, you build from source. But for your generic s

Re: [techtalk] linux memory usage

2000-06-08 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > However, we have observed that instead, it just acts as if there is > no memory available, and doesn't free up buffer/cache allocated > memory when new programs are started. We're using RedHat 5.2, kernel > 2.0.36. So, do you start swapping when there is a ton of mem

Re: [techtalk] GUI frontend for ipchains (Firewalling for Dummies :)

2000-08-09 Thread Jeff Dike
Also check out mason ( It's not a GUI, but it does have the feature that you can put it into learning mode, make connections to the firewall, and have it generate the rules needed to block that connection. Jeff

Re: [techtalk] Preserving Permissions

2000-08-31 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > I thought the -p option preserved the permissions. How can I preserve > my files original permissions scheme (in directory B)? The permissions being preserved are those of the copied file. Any files that get copied over don't matter. Did you try not preserving permiss

Re: [techtalk] Finding out the library versions

2000-09-01 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > How do I find out what version of library is on my system? On RH (and other rpm distros), you can do this: ~ 1009: rpm -q -f /lib/ glibc-2.1.1-6 You have to peel off the "1-6" to see that this is glibc 2.1. Something similar should work or whatever librarie

Re: [techtalk] Limits of grep?

2000-09-27 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > >> find . -type f -print | xargs grep /dev/null > > I don't get it. I doubt it hurts, but why the /dev/null? To prevent grep from reading stdin (and just sitting there) if is empty. Jeff ___

Re: [techtalk] Kernel params

2000-10-01 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > Can someone point me to documentation on the available linux kernel > params and how I go about querying and modifying them? Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt in your favorite kernel pool. Looking at them and changing them varies. The most popular ones have entries

Re: [techtalk] Disk utilities under Linux

2000-10-08 Thread Jeff Dike
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > I'm wondering what disk utilities are available under Linux--or are > they necessary? For instance what about a disk defragmentation > utility like Norton Speed disk? As far as I understand, they're not really necessary. The ext2 filesystem isn't as prone to fragm

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