RE: [SAtalk] Turning off Habeas?

2004-01-20 Thread Terry Shows
receiving server. The way it is now, it is just another header that can be added by a spammer, and as long as nobody turns him in to, he is guaranteed an easier path for his junk. (if I am missing something, please feel free to educate me. Just be nice when you do it) Terry

RE: [SAtalk] Turning off Habeas?

2004-01-20 Thread Terry Shows
will follow suite and turn this rule off too. Terry -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Douglas Kirkland Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:57 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Turning off Habeas? -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE

RE: [SAtalk] Should I just outright block *.biz domains?

2004-01-14 Thread Terry Shows
I have several clients with valid .biz domains that only send legitimate email. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dragoncrest Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 5:30 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [SAtalk] Should I just outright block *.biz d

Re: [SAtalk] Any good reason why this would not be marked as spam?

2004-01-08 Thread Terry Milnes
Thomas Nilsen wrote: As you can see from the header info, the message got 8, and we have the spam level set to 8.. Why would it not tag this email as spam? Its because the X-Spam-Status: No. is rounded off, it may have only scored 7.75, count the stars in X-Spam-Level, there's 7 tm

Re: [SAtalk] SA.rpm with sendmail install/usage

2004-01-04 Thread Terry Milnes
Try this: tm. john walsh wrote: Hi. I am new to spamassassin, but it looks very good and I would like to use it. After reading a lot of DOC's, I have decided what I want to do, but none of them have shown me how to do it. I want to run spamd

Re: [SAtalk] whitelist_from_rcvd question with multiple domains

2003-12-24 Thread Terry Milnes
Mike Kuentz (2) wrote: Terry Milnes wrote: I am not exactly sure what you want, is NOT the same domain as, its irelevant that it may be hosted on the same servers and owned by the same people. I'm aware that & aren&#

Re: [SAtalk] whitelist_from_rcvd question with multiple domains

2003-12-24 Thread Terry Milnes
I am not exactly sure what you want, is NOT the same domain as, its irelevant that it may be hosted on the same servers and owned by the same people. whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] Terry

Re: [SAtalk] Help with whitelist_to

2003-12-15 Thread Terry Milnes
Have you tried dropping the comma after [EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't see the comma included in the spamassassin.conf man page. Marcio Merlone wrote: Hello all, I think my whitelist_to is not working, can someone help me? On /etc/mail/spamassassin/ [EMAIL PROTECTED] spam]# grep [EMAIL PR

Re: [SAtalk] spamc / vpopmail problem

2003-12-13 Thread Terry Milnes
re -f :0 * ./the_users_name_here/Maildir/ Terry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi. I've tried to run Spamassassin (spamc/spamd) with vpopmail on a per-user basis by adding the following line to the .qmail- file: | spamc | /var/vmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox but unfortu

Re: [SAtalk] Problem getting mail from earthlink

2003-12-11 Thread Terry Milnes
Are you sure the earthlink servers don't have another name prepended? eg mail server name =, therefore it would be [EMAIL PROTECTED] tm. Billy A. Pumphrey wrote: I added a few entries in the to let all earthlink email come through hopefully but it didn’t work. Her

Re: [SAtalk] SA tests performed

2003-12-10 Thread Terry Milnes
Barb Bautista wrote: Newbie question...sorry for my ignorance. What do I do with the "tests performed" available here: Could someone please explain if I should just copy this file into a .cf file in my I am currently running SA site-wide. That's ju

RE: [SAtalk] another SpamAssassin ???

2003-12-09 Thread Terry Shows
Has anyone considered changing the spelling? Just changing the last i to an e (spamassassen) just might be enough. If you don't then you can expect exactly this type of activity from Mcafee. Considering that Spamassassin is now the "preferred" spam tool for ISPs, and getting some great press, th

Re: [SAtalk] script to convert outlook .msg files

2003-12-08 Thread Terry Milnes
Barry Porter sent me a link to the following (we were discussing this off list): This appears to be what I need Terry Terry Milnes wrote: I am looking for a script that can convert the .msg file that is created when you copy an outlook

[SAtalk] script to convert outlook .msg files

2003-12-08 Thread Terry Milnes
extra stuff that MS likes to use to pad a simple few byte message into kb's.... Terry --- This email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials. Become an expert in LINUX or just sharpen your skills. Sign up for IBM's Free Linux

Re: [SAtalk] How to config Spam Assassin to reject spam > x.xx

2003-12-01 Thread Terry Milnes
Robert Harrison wrote: Hi all, Lots of helpfull people say this can be done by configuring SA to do it. Well I guess lots of helpful people are wrong then. However these same people don't mention how this can be done, Thats because SA can't do it so do any of you nice people out there know h

Re: [SAtalk] mysql user rules (no definition)

2003-11-26 Thread Terry Milnes
What do you mean by "user rules"? if you mean user preferences I have preferences in mysql that are not in the and they do work. Terry Adam Denenberg wrote: I believe Dallas touched on this some time ago when 2.55 was released but not sure of the status. It appears sti

Re: [SAtalk] An Open Letter to the SA-talk forum

2003-11-25 Thread Terry Milnes
ting criteria that can only result in an overall low score because its compared to products that it does not claim to be. I think I may understand why you felt it necessary to include SA, it is after all the benchmark that many companies like to use for comparison, and in many cases are

Re: [SAtalk] An Open Letter to the SA-talk forum

2003-11-25 Thread Terry Milnes
Frederick M Avolio wrote: At 06:13 AM 11/25/2003 +0100, Mark wrote: Is SA hard to install? Not harder than any other program based on Perl. Perl is the underlying engine, which, in and by itself, has nothing to do with SA. It is good to keep that in mind; Perhaps this is *my* problem. November

Re: [SAtalk] Re: Really bad Infoworld article

2003-11-24 Thread Terry Milnes
spend their spare time deleting the emails opposed to spending the money. Terry... --- This email is sponsored by: Giveback Program. Does help you be more productive? Does it help you create better code?

Re: [SAtalk] Really bad Infoworld article

2003-11-24 Thread Terry Milnes
front than down the road. Software upgrades are done in the comfort of my house, using SSH and webmin, usually taking only a couple hours, if that, at my convenience... -Jim -Original Message- From: Terry Milnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2003 11:16 AM To: Je

Re: [SAtalk] Really bad Infoworld article

2003-11-24 Thread Terry Milnes
The company I did this for is a small company, a large user base doesn't mean a large company. The same can be said for the larger companies, they may have an admin who makes 20 bucks an hour so their costs would be in the $30 an hour range. There were other considerations I didn't even mentio

Re: [SAtalk] Meaning of spamassassin -a option

2003-11-23 Thread Terry Milnes
From spamassassin man page: -a, --auto-whitelist, --whitelist Use auto-whitelists. Auto-whitelists track the long-term average score for each sender and then shift the score of new messages toward that long-term average. This can increase or decrease the score for messages, depending on the l

Re: [SAtalk] Really bad Infoworld article

2003-11-23 Thread Terry Milnes
2,700 for 2 years Postini $ 2,700 for 2 years ProofPoint $ 2,000 for 2 years SpamAssassin$ 3,100 for 2 years 51 users, is another story though.. Terry Jeremy Dold wrote: Does someone want to respond to this guy and point out the obvious?

Re: [SAtalk] log msg "Still running as root: ..."; how to fix suppress [RH8, SA 2.6]

2003-11-20 Thread Terry Milnes
n't need to keep telling me its "Still running as root..."? Terry... --- This email is sponsored by: Giveback Program. Does help you be more productive? Does it help you create better code? SHARE THE

Re: [SAtalk] Negative score for SAtalk messages

2003-11-20 Thread Terry Milnes
Ditto, kinda, mine is specific to this list: whitelist_to [EMAIL PROTECTED] whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED] Works for me and is harder for spammers to abuse. Note that for this to work your mail system must be set up in such a way that spamassassin can "see" the e

Re: [SAtalk] Question about user prefs.

2003-11-18 Thread Terry Milnes
erprefs would be removed, If this is the case, and support for an option to use a username is to be dropped, I guess I would have to look elsewhere for an anti spam solution because it just isn't going to work in my environment where there are no "real" users. Terry ---

Re: [SAtalk] Cannot write to bayes_journal

2003-11-17 Thread Terry Milnes
Marco Schnüriger wrote: Hi all I've got spamassassin 2.60 running (as root, not fine I know). Sendmail is working with spamass-milter which calls spamassassin. My system is a red hat 8.0 box. In /var/log/maillog I see those recurring events: Nov 17 10:19:36 probivirix spamd[30674]: cannot write to

Re: [SAtalk] management GUI

2003-11-13 Thread Terry Milnes
Margit Meyer wrote: Further I created accounts for all these "spamboxes". As a result every user has two mailboxes: his "normal" mailbox, e. g. peter and a second, the"spambox", e. g. peter_spam. Now a user may (if he misses a mail) or may not look at his spambox to control whether Spamassassin is

Re: [SAtalk] Bounce all but whitelist

2003-11-12 Thread Terry Milnes
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Terry Milnes Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 4:57 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Bounce all but whitelist Haha I just had to try this Blacklist [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the db for that particular u

Re: [SAtalk] Off topic: Threads

2003-11-12 Thread Terry Milnes
This list seems to be worse than most though, go figure . Matt Kettler wrote: At 07:18 AM 11/12/03 -0500, Terry Milnes wrote: Are the threads on this list screwed up by the list program, or is it just users replying to existing mail to create new? Just wondering, because it seems to be

Re: [SAtalk] Bounce all but whitelist

2003-11-12 Thread Terry Milnes
Haha I just had to try this Blacklist [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the db for that particular user, then add his acceptable senders as whitelisted entries. Don't know about any negative ramifications, but it does work and will fit in with the way you want it to. tm Tim Merkel wrote: I have a clie

[SAtalk] Off topic: Threads

2003-11-12 Thread Terry Milnes
Are the threads on this list screwed up by the list program, or is it just users replying to existing mail to create new? Just wondering, because it seems to be terribly messed up Terry... --- This SF.Net email sponsored by: ApacheCon

Re: [SAtalk] management GUI

2003-11-12 Thread Terry Milnes
Margit Meyer wrote: On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 16:51:51 -0800 "Dan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: All seems good. I am trapping all spam and viruses in /var/virusmail (they are in .gz format) Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can add some better management around spam that we have blocked, that we ne

Re: [SAtalk] Problem while configuring Spamassassin

2003-11-11 Thread Terry Milnes
and what happens when you run spamd -D from the command line? Rajdeep Larha wrote: I installed SpamAssassin as per the documentations available at the I instaleld all the dependent modules and it installed fine w/o any error, I checked and verified using the command listed in

Re: [SAtalk] scoring system and values...

2003-11-11 Thread Terry Milnes
ess I could start with my corpus and add to it as I do mine, and watch the test accounts to see how well it works. Thanks David B Funk wrote: On Sat, 8 Nov 2003, Terry Milnes wrote: The bayes filtering works great, but the typical user is not going to want to jump through what he would conside

Re: [SAtalk] Re: scoring system and values...

2003-11-11 Thread Terry Milnes
Lukreme wrote: On 10 Nov 2003, at 07:33, Terry Milnes wrote: The typical user is capable of making toast in his electric toaster, but when it comes to the overwhelming complexities involved in operating a computer he is totally lost. He will become extremely agitated when he looses the *REALLY

Re: [SAtalk] Looking for Rules

2003-11-10 Thread Terry Milnes
IN_DYNABLOCK 0" etc. to their to ignore this feature. Dial up isn't literal it means for the most part you belong to a residential class dynamic ip address. Dunno nuttin' about the eudora thing though... Terry... Bob Rosenberg wrote: I have been informed that a

Re: [SAtalk] MYSql user prefs

2003-11-10 Thread Terry Milnes
with the procmailrc. (I get confused when someone mentions "Exchange Server") Terry --- This SF.Net email sponsored by: ApacheCon 2003, 16-19 November in Las Vegas. Learn firsthand the latest developments in Apache, PHP, Perl, XML,

Re: [SAtalk] Re: scoring system and values...

2003-11-10 Thread Terry Milnes
Lukreme wrote: On 08 Nov 2003, at 06:46, Terry Milnes wrote: Some of us though are system administrators and need a solution to offer to the end users. The typical end user wants to open their email and see no spam, period. Since the definition of spam varies from person to person that is

Re: [SAtalk] Is gone?

2003-11-08 Thread Terry Milnes
you are correct, it doesn't resolve for me either Mark wrote: Is it just me, or is gone? I am no longer able to get a DNS resolution for it. - Mark --- This SF.Net email sponsored by: ApacheCon 2003, 16-19 November in Las Ve

Re: [SAtalk] scoring system and values...

2003-11-08 Thread Terry Milnes
Now I don't expect SA to know dutch; that would be unfair. But what I would like is some way to score those english terms way higher than an american would or could. For an american, mortgage does not spell spam per se. But for ME it does, and I can practically guarantee I will not ever get an em

Re: [SAtalk] spamd startup script hangs system

2003-11-08 Thread Terry Milnes
-d -c -a -u spamd -H /home/spamd" fi Terry Russell Mann wrote: Yeah I can confirm a spamd startup script works Send yours, also send what you use from the command line, what OS you use. etc. etc. tm. I did send that stuff before - trying to save some list bandwidth. Ce'st la vie

Re: [SAtalk] never sees username

2003-11-06 Thread Terry Milnes
Although I use qmail/vpopmail/mysql etc. I call spamc from procmail, don't use the qmail-scanner-queue, so my method is a little different than yours but it may help, the spamc call uses the -u username option... eg. users procmailrc file: LOGFILE=/var/log/procmail VERBOSE=ON ### Spam Assassin

Re: [SAtalk] Anti-SA article: "ISP Assassin"

2003-11-06 Thread Terry Milnes
Haha this guy "Doctor Electron" is a moron oops I defamed him... His paper "The Smart Gateway: Port-to-Local-Host Address Mapping" was also entertaining tm. Matthew Cline wrote: Hmmm... The article claims that SA itself genera

Re: [SAtalk] Anti-SA article: "ISP Assassin"

2003-11-05 Thread Terry Milnes
Haha this guy "Doctor Electron" is a moron oops I defamed him... His paper "The Smart Gateway: Port-to-Local-Host Address Mapping" was also entertaining tm. Matthew Cline wrote: Hmmm... The article claims that SA itself generate

Re: [SAtalk] IP Blocks to kill at the firewall?

2003-10-25 Thread Terry Milnes
This is a spammers wet dream come true, send out 15,000,000 'IMPORTANT' emails, use a bell smtp server and it reaches the end user 8 times so he doesn't miss the valuable message. The same problem has been occuring at as well, another "Bell" company. It started about 3 weeks ago.

Re: [SAtalk] does override sql prefs ?

2003-10-16 Thread Terry Milnes
Don't know if I can be of much help here becaue I don't have a required_hits directive in, I thought it would be redundant when using the sql preferences. Anyway I slapped that directive into, then reloaded spamd, ran a test message and the answer is the does not appe

Re: [SAtalk] Spamassassin updates

2003-10-16 Thread Terry Milnes
s. --Larry -----Original Message- From: Terry Milnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 12:45 PM Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Spamassassin updates Hold it a sec, not all rpms contain the source, in fact unless things have changed I thought that most

Re: [SAtalk] Spamassassin updates

2003-10-16 Thread Terry Milnes
Hold it a sec, not all rpms contain the source, in fact unless things have changed I thought that most contained precompiled binaries, and that was the problem with them. I work primarily with source installations, I have no problem tracking what was involved during the install process, granted

Re: [SAtalk] Spamassassin updates

2003-10-16 Thread Terry Milnes
Hodgson wrote: On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 12:09:36PM -0400, Terry Milnes wrote: Personally I don't see how its possible to run a customized server using rpms only. You need to build your own RPM's for stuff that isn't already packaged or for software that you want special optimizat

Re: [SAtalk] Spamassassin updates

2003-10-16 Thread Terry Milnes
Darren Coleman wrote: I'm Linux SysAdmin at the company I work for, I always install everything from source. A colleague, a Windows SysAdmin, installs everything on his Linux boxes from RPMs. Personally I don't see how its possible to run a customized server using rpms only. A windows system admi

Re: [SAtalk] CPAN or RPM's?

2003-10-15 Thread Terry Milnes
l be a Fedora n, I would also assume that the concern that started this thread with regards to RPM support is unfounded. tm E R wrote: That might be because it might not be called RedHat anymore, it's the Fedora Project Terry Milnes wrote: I don't know how you arrive at that conclusio

Re: [SAtalk] CPAN or RPM's?

2003-10-15 Thread Terry Milnes
I don't know how you arrive at that conclusion, versions prior to 7.1 have reached end of life. RH states that there will be no errata released for those versions. They also state that versions up to 9 will reach end of life at the end of this ye

Re: [SAtalk] Consonant and Vowel Pairs or Sequences

2003-10-13 Thread Terry
ften the consonant string is longer than 5. Anyway, I don't know if this info is useful to you at all. I am very much a newbie at using SA, learning about tests, Bayes, etc. It was a fun exercise, though. :) -- Terry --- This

RE: [SAtalk] using sa-learn...

2003-10-10 Thread Terry Shows
I am relatively new to the SAtalk list, so forgive this "stupid" question: Just what is HAM? Terry Shows -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Scott Blomquist Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 11:42 AM Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: R

Re: [SAtalk] Re: Ignoring first hop in RBL lookups (RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK - bug 2543)

2003-10-05 Thread Terry Milnes
s from falsly identifying the RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK. Terry --- This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. ___ Spamassassin-talk mailing lis

Re: [SAtalk] RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK problem

2003-09-26 Thread Terry Milnes
t what of all the people who use an ASP's mail service opposed to their ISP? Terry... Ryan Moore wrote: I guess I'm either confused or a little too tired, but I'm not seeing a problem with what is happening. The IP is listed in the dynablock list, so when the receiving s

Re: [SAtalk] RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK problem

2003-09-25 Thread Terry Milnes
contained recipient addresses... I ran this a dozen times to make sure it wasn't an isolated case, and was incluing the recipient address in the content for fater reference. Terry... HEADER FROM RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK MESSAGE- From - Wed Sep 24 14:06:52 2003 X-UIDL: 1064426808.23

Re: [SAtalk] RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK problem

2003-09-24 Thread Terry Milnes
ully their policies haven't changed. Thanks for the response btw. Terry Gerry Doris wrote: On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Terry Milnes wrote: This may be a little difficult to explain but here goes. All of my systems are behind a nat box. My mail server OS is linux, using qmail/vpopmail/mysql p

[SAtalk] RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK problem

2003-09-24 Thread Terry Milnes
al up block, surely it should not be marked as such, even if the RECIPIENT is in a dial up block. Anybody have any ideas what could be causing this? TIA Terry HEADER FROM RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK MESSAGE- From - Wed Sep 24 14:06:52 2003 X-UIDL:

Re: SV: [SAtalk] RD - Here is a rule to check for Verisign redirect domain

2003-09-19 Thread Terry Milnes
It could be relativly static if each admin makes up their own... The admin could also write a script to verify the name resolution. Alternativly perhaps verisign could register a domain name that could be used for this purpose. tm. Gert Lynge wrote: So presumably, looking up a garbage address

[SAtalk] Installing Spam Assassin for site-wide handling

2003-09-13 Thread Terry Allen
y a pretty tightly locked down mail server & which is working well. I have around 15 domains that are handling mail, so I need to try & keep the server up & running while not stuffing any working things up. Thanks again.

Re: [SAtalk] Blocking a Domain

2003-06-23 Thread Terry Milnes
I just wanted to ask , can I blacklist an entire domain for a particular user in his spam settings (Web iterface) blacklist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Put that in the users config file Chris I prefer [EMAIL PROTECTED], the example above will not blacklist the entire domain, mail from [EMAIL

[SAtalk] Looking at running Spam Assassin

2003-06-15 Thread Terry Allen
uld be greatly appreciated. -- Bye for now, Terry Allen ___ hEARd Postal Address: hEARd, 26B Glenning Rd, Glenning Valley, NSW 2261, Australia Internet - WWW: or

Re: [SAtalk] RBL slowness

2002-12-05 Thread Terry
Another dumb question. Where is "rbl_timeout" located? I can't find it anywhere. -- Terry Rich Puhek wrote: > > The dsbl lists were not resolving earlier today, still appears to have > problems. > > One fix (suggested by Matt Kettler in a different thread earlier

[SAtalk] RBL slowness

2002-12-05 Thread Terry
in a huge volley. I only want it to check one or two of the RBLs. Is the correct way of doing this done by setting the score to 0 or is it done by commenting the checks out somewhere in /usr/share/spamassassin ? Thanks, Terry --- This s

RE: [SAtalk] SPAM related, but not SPAMASSASSIN question

2002-10-10 Thread Terry Poperszky
il to themselves all day long and not bother us at all. Terry Poperszky --- This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. ___ Spamassassin-talk mailing

RE: [SAtalk] SPAM related, but not SPAMASSASSIN question

2002-10-08 Thread Terry Poperszky
That explains it, thanks. Terry Poperszky MCSE, CCNA Network Manager SOS Staffing Services 801-257-5706 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: Theo Van Dinter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 8:23 AM To: Terry Poperszky Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re

[SAtalk] SPAM related, but not SPAMASSASSIN question

2002-10-08 Thread Terry Poperszky
does not, nor has ever hosted the email for this domain, why in the world would he be getting them? Terry

RE: [SAtalk] Best upgrade practice or method?

2002-10-07 Thread Terry Poperszky
I just upgraded (2.40 - 2.42)using the .tar and it was dead simple. Three commands, then restarted spamd. Life is happy and no errors showing in my log file. Terry Poperszky -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Chris Santerre Sent: Monday

[SAtalk] Terry Ryan/Chesco is out of the office.

2002-07-23 Thread terry
I will be out of the office starting 07/20/2002 and will not return until 07/29/2002. I will respond to your message when I return. If there is an immediate need to contact a CCIS representative, you can call our office at 610-518-5700. ---