On 24 Nov 2003 Fred ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
SpamAssassin 2.4 is really out-dated, it's missing Bayes and thousands of other fixes that make it a better product.
I had a good laugh on your article, you say "Spend the 10 or 20 per month per year for one of the commercial services", sir Dialup ISPs only receive 10-20 per month from their clients, how are we supposed to afford everything else when all our money goes to commercial e-mail services which we can do for free on our own in our spare time?
I agree with you Fred that there's plenty to criticize about that article, but your last paragraph is not one of them. For the vast majority of people it is well worth $10-20 per month for spam and virus protection. Most people would much rather spend their "spare time" doing something other than maintain a mail system.
This is a bit misleading, if you do the math, the products reviewed ranged from $20-30 per year, per user, (lower rates offered for larger volume of users) unless of course you have considerably less than 50 users, at which point you would look at stand alone products.
Your statement that the vast majority of people think it is well worth $10-20 per month may be correct if we expand it a little to include "if someone else actually pays the money".
Granted your statement included anti virus protection, but its a totally seperate issue. If you modified your statement to "most users would spend $2.50-5.00 a month to eliminate spam" I would still have to disagree....
When the company I installed SA offered spam filtering at $30.00 per year, only a dozen or so out of over 4000 users purchased it, I interperet this as most users think that $2.50 per month is to much to pay.
An employee using the company email on company time will moan a lot about the spam, will he accept a drop in pay to prevent it? Not likely, because he has the same problem at home and hasn't spent a dime on doing anything about that either.
The truth is most people would rather spend their spare time deleting the emails opposed to spending the money.
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