Perhaps its time for me to re-visit rpms. If enough people would smarten up and get off the MS bandwagon, I would have a reason to want to improve my existing method of installations. As it is now though with aprox 1/2 dozen servers per year, I think it would be more time consuming.

Alan Hodgson wrote:
On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 12:09:36PM -0400, Terry Milnes wrote:

Personally I don't see how its possible to run a customized server using rpms only.

You need to build your own RPM's for stuff that isn't already packaged
or for software that you want special optimizations or options.

It's more work than the alternatives for a single server.  If you need
to install and maintain software on multiple servers it's rather
nice, though, especially if you setup an apt-rpm repository.

Keeping everything under package manager control certainly makes
long-term administration of a system a lot easier.

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