n = 5
blah blah $120/\sage{n}! = 120/\sage{factorial(n)} =
Another option here is to use a symbolic variable:
n = var('n')
blah blah $120/\sage{factorial(n)}$ which,
s there exist other way to do this? Hope to get your help, thanks
> very much.
Try just "dict()":
dict(zip(keys, values))
{(0, 1): 0, (1, 2): 1}
Here's how zip() works, if you don't already know:
--- Da
Hello all,
I'm emailing sage-support and sage-devel about the new version of SageTeX
that I just finished. It includes one small backwards-incompatible change,
so I think it's best that I tell everyone about this.
The incompatible change is with sageexample and sagecommandline
environments: previ
...and, if anyone is in the mood to review a SageTeX-related ticket, here's
an easy one about documentation: http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14343
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"sage-support" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving
= a given element, in an
interval, get a list of minimal elements, and so on.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
#x27;t use sansu5.kaist.ac.kr. AFAIK there's
nothing weird about the network; forward and reverse DNS works fine, so
it really should work.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
uot;alternatives" system. See `man
update-alternatives`; you'll want to change the java alternative, I
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
ing the server from the actual machine it's
running on. I discovered that things work properly when accessing the
server from a different machine. So maybe it is a misconfiguration on
this computer. I'll look into it...but I'm using Sage for demonstrations
today in class, so I ju
#x27;s easier to have the server
listen to everything and use a firewall to selectively block access. I
think firewalls, in general, are easier to configure if one wants to
restrict address to a certain block of addresses, etc.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department
ould be
just a list of integers:
{3, 7, 15, 1, 292, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1}
It would also be nice if you could do symbolic expressions as entries in
the list.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
is ": function
takes at most 1 positional arguments (2 given)".
I know I could manually do (exp(-t), 2*exp(-t)), but the above form
seems so natural. Is there a way to get that to work?
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
r suggestions and help.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
files might be useful on the binary download pages, too
-- I notice there's one for the FC8 binary [2], but not for any of the
other Linux binaries.)
1. http://www.sagemath.org/dist/src/index.html
2. http://www.sagemath.org/SAGEbin/linux/32bit/
--- Dan Drake <[EM
thematica's ability to do complicated substitutions,
pattern matching, and so on -- although yes, the syntax got weird. I'd
like to see Sage get more of that ability.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
e FAQ right now. I believe, though, that the teTeX
distribution is no longer being developed and that in current versions
of Ubuntu and friends, TeXLive is the "official" way to get TeX. The
fullpage.sty file is available in the texlive-latex-extra package.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAI
ere Sage can find it. Also, after
running Sage on the .sout file, if you have created any images, you'll
need to copy that directory back into Windows in the same directory as
your LaTeX document.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
]> wrote:
> >
> > Thank you, screen works well (except that it fails when in chroot jail
> > for my set up)
I usually just ran screen from outside the jail, and inside screen did
the chroot commands. I don't know if that somehow made the setup less
secure, but it
a Gnuplot table
terminal, something like the result of doing this in Gnuplot:
set terminal table
set output "some-file-name"
set format "%.5f"
set samples 20
plot [x=0:10] sin(x)
Is this possible right now? Or do I smell a trac ticket? :)
On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 at 05:18PM -0700, Mike Hansen wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 5:13 PM, Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The "Plotting functions with asymptotes" thread reminded me of something
> > I've wondered for a while: i
Error: Unable to convert x
to real number.
This is with Sage 3.1.1 on OS X. I have no trouble evaluating
bessel_J, so why can't it plot the function?
On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 10:07 PM, John Cremona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This works:
> plot(lambda t:bessel_J(1, t), (1, 10))
That's very helpful, thanks!
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- h
sh server is running).
I just set up a VirtualBox Sage server using JeOS this morning! It was
pretty easy and works really well (so far).
I did set up an ssh server and some other stuff, though. I'll write up
what I did and post it soon.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
s to run a server on a powerful personal machine and let
students create their own accounts, and when they start complaining that
it's too slow, pass their complaints on and ask for a better server. :)
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical
out the permissions, but couldn't get things
to work. Can someone explain how to set this up? I understand ssh keys
and Unix file permissions and so on, but I don't know what the notebook
server needs or wants with respect to them.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
directory so that other users
> can read from it. Otherwise, there is no way this can work.
Ah! That solved it. I might open a ticket for a better docstring -- I
never realized the permissions were related to the 'directory' option.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&
rwritten during an upgrade.
I've tried to include logic in SageTeX so that things are automatically
found, but haven't found anything satisfactory yet.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
ulling the plug -- and restarts the guest from a
snapshot. I'm reasonably certain this could be done from a cron job with
VirtualBox (which is what I use); I'm guessing the other virtualization
setups (KVM, Xen, VMWare) can do it too.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
10 loops, best of 3: 6.87 µs per loop
sage: %timeit list(2*vector([random() for j in range(10)]))
1 loops, best of 3: 112 µs per loop
Using list comprehensions is almost always a good choice in Sage/Python;
as I understand (and as we see above), they're very well-optimized.
and changed it. :)
Although Jim should still email mabshoff for a trac account so he can
submit and review patches. :)
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
t work. The bug
report has some suggestions for new versions to try installing.
1. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/icedtea-gcjwebplugin/+bug/207064
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
I run "sage
-t foo.sage", the doctests don't work -- they complain about the
functions not being defined.
The doctesting mechanism seems to assume that you're only testing code
that is available via "from sage import *". Is there a way to run
doctests on an arbitrary file o
efore you
submit? The answer is to make your submission early in the day, get it
accepted -- so you find out the eprint number! -- then go back, update
your TeX file with the URL, and resubmit. If you do this early enough
(before 4 pm ET?) it doesn't show up as a new version.
rd. Or, maybe, not so
There's also attachfile2 and embedfile on CTAN. I agree that the coolest
thing would be to just upload the PDF and have the notebook extract the
code, but at any rate, we should be able to nicely
sin, cos, or log do automatic conversion, so I would prefer
that exp follow that.
By the way, Kwankyu, I'm guessing you're in Korea. Where do you
study/work? As see below, I'm in Daejeon.
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http
ticle in the Monad Reader
on multiset partitions:
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
ought of it!
I'll start investigating this and see what I can do. In the
meantime, there's probably nothing you can do except put everything into
one big document. I thought there was a LaTeX package or script that
would do that, but I can't find anything right now.
--- Dan
age on a smaller .sage file. This isn't relevant to your
case since you're using \input, but we might want to do this in the
future. I think this would be difficult. It's certainly not going to
happen anytime soon. For now, you'll always have one big .sage file for
the en
> to that particular example, and the rest of sagetex should be fine.
To what Mike has said, let me add that it's a problem in Sage and not
SageTeX, and when that patch gets in, everything will work. I'll also
add that Mike fixed this problem very quickly after I first complained
er stuff, of course). The main notebook server process
has ssh'd to the nb4 account and is running a Sage process as that user.
That process does all the computation when you are using the notebook.
Do let me (or the sage-support list) know if there's any confusion about
that wiki page, or
Or, email your comments to me and I will update that wiki page
appropriately. I'm happy to add the suggestions of others there.
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
way to be responsible, though, is to use screen. :) That's what
I do.
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
and increase the running time even more.
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
http://www.kaist.ac.kr/, it's in euc-kr and I can read everything. When
I visit http://www.google.co.kr/, it's UTF-8 and Firefox automatically
detects this and switches.
Since you are Korean, I am guessing that you are using Internet
Explorer. Try using Firefox and see if that he
...but maybe I could get a quick patch in that would fix this. I've made
a new ticket for your suggestion:
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
Just out of curiosity, what to do want to do with Sage and Moodle?
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
never used sagetex myself -- I hear it's really cool.
> Dan Drake is the man to ask -- I'm pretty sure he reads sage-support,
He not only reads sage-support, but occasionally refers to himself in
the third person...
As for your question:
On Wed, 04 Mar 2009 at 10:35PM -0800, Alex Lara
27;m not quite sure what to do, but an obvious first step is to try
reinstalling the Maxima spkg. Try
sage -f http://sagemath.org/packages/standard/maxima-5.16.3.spkg
and see if that fixes things.
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
a non-ascii character somewhere
in the path to your Sage install, or in your shell's $PATH?
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
r document again.
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
he same
directory as your document (/Users/Sony/Desktop/sagetexEx/). There are
other ways around this, but that's the easiest way to do it.
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
that, a correct pdf output is
> generated. I believe that this sage.engine is a new addition in the
> most recent version (2.25) of TeXShop.
Wow, that's cool! I'm really excited to see SageTeX included with
TeXShop. I'll add this to the documentation.
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
quot;", line 3
%time N(sqrt(2)**n)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I know the % functions are special IPython things, but why do they work
when I type things in manually, but not when I hit the arrows to go
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Scienc
otebook, %time and %timeit seem to do the same thing, but on the
command line, %timeit runs multiple loops.
There's definitely something weird going on with the %time* commands...
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.
if I edit
again, I get
(See https://sagenb.kaist.ac.kr:8066/home/pub/4 to see this in the
My (wild and uneducated) guess is that this is related to some sort of
escaping issue, in the same spirit as #4851.
--- Dan Drake
eck this over; I'm not an expert at that stuff.)
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
a great idea. There is also the idea of a "Sage
Magazine" which is still in the planning stages...see
http://wiki.sagemath.org/SageMagazine . Your article sounds like it
could be a good fit for that.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Math
worked; when I type
plot(2, x, -1, 1)
I *don't* want to see the numeral "2" printed at the origin, and I can't
imagine anybody who would.
--- Dan Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://math.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
gt; > Hi. I see that when I make file called foo.sage, sage precompiles it
> > into another file called foo.py. The code statement in this file is:
> >
> > _sage_const_2 = Integer(Integer(2))
> >
> > Surely this is wrong? Maybe it does not matter if this
y file somewhere.
On the command line, there's log_text, log_html, and log_dvi. They
record (mostly) what you type into the session.
I recall fixing some nasty bugs in those functions, so if they've become
broken again I should take another look at them.
--- Dan Drake
'read "/home/drake/.sage//temp/sage.math.washington.edu/1954//interface//tm'
sage: maple.eval('ifactor(2008)')
sage: maple.eval('ifactor(2008)')
Something seems really screwy. Any ideas a
othing else on your computer will be
affected, unless you installed some other software into that directory.
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
eans that person can access all sorts of things on that computer.
There are some guides to running a notebook server in a VM: here's one I
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
There's a simple Sage API:
(for the benefit of anyone reading this thread)
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
to get the host's network somehow hooked up to the guest's
network, otherwise your browser on the iMac can't talk to the notebook
server in the VM. I'd try forwarding, say, port 8000 from the host to
the guest. Check out
mol main page works fine, as well as their "browser
check" page. Other Java applets work fine.
A colleague here told me that Jmol wouldn't work for him at all, and
he was using IE and Chrome. (I'm not sure if he's having the same
problem, although he is using the sam
, including the Jmol stuff on their website,
so this does seem like some kind of Sage or Firefox problem.
Everything works fine in Safari, so it's not a system Java issue.
Any ideas?
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsc
y're very flexible:
[GF(2)(x^2) for x in prime_range(5, 25) if Mod(x, 3) == 2]
The result of that isn't very interesting, but it shows you what you can
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
to be root to change the owner of a file from
root to someone else.) That will recursively change the owner of all the
files in the .sage directory to you. Then, don't ever run Sage using
sudo again!
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
d up.
This is a different problem and I'm not sure what to do about this.
There might be a jsmath package you can install to help, although
perhaps that got pulled in by Sage's dependencies.
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
can change /usr/local/bin to another directory, but
if you're new to Linux, it's probably best to keep it that way for now.
(If you *don't* have a computer with an Atom CPU, then you downloaded
the wrong binary, and need to get one that matches your computer.)
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
From an interactive command-line session, see log_text, log_dvi, and
log_html, although I just tested log_text and for some reason it's not
putting the output into the log...log_dvi works, though.
--- Dan Drake
- KA
n matrix(rows, cols, [x*y for x, y in zip(a.list(), b.list())])
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
t = symbvar('t')
return exp(t^k).series(t, n+1).coefficient(t, n)*factorial(n)
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
t1 1/2
> It looks as if on a file that is attached from another attached file,
> no preparsing takes place. If within this same session I touch
> test2.sage, it works fine.
It looks like this is a problem with the IPython interpreter's "attach".
This is now
display with one decimal point, do
something like this:
sage: '%.2f' % pi
sage: '%.1f' % pi
sage: '%.6f' % pi
See the Python documentation I linked to above for more details.
--- Dan Drake
ct, since the tikzpicture
environment is only defined when you are using the tikz package.
Perhaps we should update the documentation on the Sage graphs stuff to
make it (more?) clear that the output only makes sense in a document
that uses TikZ.
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Ma
it's still written like it was centures ago? I feel
> like I've heard that somewhere. So English isn't unique like that,
> though it's probably the only language you can really have a spelling
> bee in :)
> Anyway, interesting thread. I assume that th
is is with version 4.1 on
Ubuntu. What on earth is happening here?
(I am teaching some basic Fourier series stuff this semester, so I
*need* to be able to integrate stuff with sin(n*x) and cos(n*x) in the
notebook, so I can publish the worksheets for students!)
--- Dan Drake
Ack! I checked with 4.1.1 and everything seems to work (except that it
won't print a pi symbol when typesetting is on, but that's not a big
deal). So move along, nothing to see here...
--- Dan Drake
- KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences
--- http://mathsci.k
en sudo su and then run sage at the command line results in
> error at line 199 3469 illegal instruction
> screen capture below.
What kind of CPU do you have? The "illegal instruction" error indicates
that the CPU you are using is too different from the one that Sage was
bably not a 32-bit versus 64-bit issue. Can you put up a screenshot
somewhere? That might help us figure out what's going on.
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
-3, 3), (z, -3,
> 3),viewer='tachyon')
> p.save("TEST.gif")
> -
> the output is:
> -
> TEST.gif.sobj
I think the problem here is that .gif is not a recognized image format.
Try .png instead.
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
.com/mercurial/ and also the Mercurial book:
You sound like you're pretty comfortable with the basic diff and patch
utilities, so I'm sure you'll figure out Mercurial very quickly.
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
curate. Is there anyone else having problems?
There's also http://sagenb.kaist.ac.kr which hosts two public notebook
servers, and within a couple weeks, will be running on better hardware.
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
recent version of SageTeX from CTAN:
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
> l.6 $\sageplot
> {plot(sin(x), x, 0, 2*pi)}$
> ?
> I tried placing the sagetex.sty and .py into the folder of the example
> I am running, but it did nothing.
You need to put a \usepackage{sagetex} in your preamble.
--- Dan Drak
E_ROOT/local/share/texmf/tex/generic/sagetex into
your current directory.
Then the two parts of SageTeX will be using the same version, and it
should work.
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
Any suggestions for how to avoid the memory problems?
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
the answer to appear as
> (g_1(a,b,c,d) g_2(a,b,c,d) ... g_24(a,b,c,d))
How about something like (not tested):
def f(*args):
return tuple(func(*args) for func in [g1, g2, g3...g24])
If your functions really are called "g1", "g13", and so on, you&
erver and
http://wiki.sagemath.org/SageVirtualBox .
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 19:11:38 -0700 (PDT)
> From: David
> To: Dan Drake
> Subject: Re: sage server
> Ah, oops, spoke too soon. I can connect to the sage server, but I
> can't do anything. I get the notebook interface but nothing gets
> computed. On the console
hat virtualization software works poorly on netbooks.)
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
"make ptest" and see for yourself! It's very
likely to work fine, but running the doctests will let you be certain.
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
This sort of thing is possible in a LaTeX document with SageTeX:
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
On Wed, 04 Nov 2009 at 01:30PM -0800, q wrote:
> sage: A = matrix([[0, 4], [-1, 0]])
> sage: A.eigenvalues ()
There's a space between "eigenvalues" and "()". Python (and hence Sage)
gets confused by that. Use A.eigenvalues() with no spaces.
On Wed, 04 Nov 2009 at 04:07PM -0800, Simon King wrote:
> Hi Dan!
> On 5 Nov., 00:15, Dan Drake wrote:
> ...
> > There's a space between "eigenvalues" and "()". Python (and hence Sage)
> > gets confused by that. Use A.eigenvalues() with n
ally well, except that it would require
people to keep their old downloads; to efficiently upgrade to, say,
4.2.1, you would need the tarball from downloading 4.2.
It seems like a reasonable mix of regular file downloads and rsync.
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
d only downloaded 74 megabytes. (Using
10^6 bytes = megabyte), so it only transferred about 27% of tarball
using nothing more than the webserver I am already running.
All you do is run "zsyncmake" on the file you want to efficiently serve
up. There are some options that I
e .sws file is very big, it's
probably because there are lots of snapshots stored in it, so you could
extract the files, delete all the snapshot files, and then recompress
it. The actual code of the worksheet is in the file worksheet.txt.
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.ka
a path to Sage if it isn't in
your $PATH, and you can also specify options to -notebook.
--- Dan Drake
- http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake
Description: Digital signature
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