Re: issue on riak bulk loading---taking huge time

2012-05-14 Thread Mathias Meyer
Hey Sangeetha, at first sight, what strikes me as odd about your bulk import is that it shells out to curl. That has a significant impact on the time it takes to load the data into Riak. As a first means to improve script and performance, I'd recommend looking into using the Riak Erlang client

Reviewers for Riak Handbook Update

2012-05-23 Thread Mathias Meyer
Hey! I'm just about wrapping up the changes and new content for the upcoming update of the Riak Handbook. To make sure what I wrote makes (mostly) sense, I'm looking for one or two technical reviewers of the new content. The focus is more on whether everything makes sense, so not necessarily o

[ANN] Riak Handbook 1.1 released!

2012-05-30 Thread Mathias Meyer
Hey there! Just thought I'd let you guys know that I just released a new version of the Riak Handbook, a free update if you already bought it. It comes with more than 40 pages of new content, focussing primarily on use cases and usage scenarios (data modelling, access patterns, pros and cons),

Re: what is content type

2012-06-25 Thread Mathias Meyer
Anand, A content type is a cue as to what kind of data you're storing in Riak. The concept is based on Internet media types [1]. The cue may or may not be important to your application to figure out what to do with the data. It's also important for certain Riak features like Riak Search, where

Re: undefined method content_type

2012-06-25 Thread Mathias Meyer
Anand, I rewrote your script a little bit (you did some odd things in the initialize method which isn't expected to return anything), and this way it works: require 'riak' Riak::Serializers["text/html"] = Riak::Serializers::TextPlain class RiakClient def initialize super end def client @clien

Re: map function->send arguments and store in bucket->key

2012-07-03 Thread Mathias Meyer
Venki, You can specify an argument in your map function and hand the argument's value over when running the MapReduce request. The part in your JavaScript code is as simple as adding a second and a third argument to your function like so, with the third argument being the relevant one: functio

Re: Pass json as argument to mapreduce

2012-07-04 Thread Mathias Meyer
Venki, You don't have to serialize the argument as a JSON string, it can simply be specified as a normal JSON data structure, just like the other data in the MapReduce request: curl -v -d '{"inputs":[["artists", "Beatles"]], "query":[{"map":{"language":"javascript","source":"function(v, k, a)

Re: Pass json as argument to mapreduce

2012-07-05 Thread Mathias Meyer
egroup][\"users\"]; > > } > } > return [obj]; > }","args":{"gender":"G0,G1","agegroups":"A0,A2","metrics":"users,cpc_median","groupby":"country"},"keep":true}}]}'

Re: Pass json as argument to mapreduce

2012-07-06 Thread Mathias Meyer
; > var k = arg; > > It is giving undefined variable arg. > > On the other hand, > If I am trying to access this variable passing as a third parameter to > function(v,k,{"",""}) > It is also giving me error. > > Please help me on the above. > >

Re: Riak client for node.js

2012-09-26 Thread Mathias Meyer
o connect to riak in node.js? > > > Basho seems to push for Voxer's node_riak > > > (, but are there better alternatives? > > > > > > > > In addition to node_riak, Mathias Meyer (with some help from Sean > > Cribbs

Re: Riak client for node.js

2012-09-28 Thread Mathias Meyer
int are appended. > > Thanks. > C. > > On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 2:21 PM, Mathias Meyer (> wrote: > > The drop of PB in the new js branch is for now just temporary. Allows us to > > focus on getting the JavaScript code base up to speed at le

riak-js pre-release announcement/warning

2012-10-22 Thread Mathias Meyer
Hey folks, I've been putting some work in the riak-js client for Node.js recently, and as we're getting pretty close to doing a release, I wanted to keep you posted on changes and especially breaking changes. About a year ago, Francisco Treacy started rewriting the code (originally written i

ANN: riak-js 0.9.0 released

2012-11-13 Thread Mathias Meyer
Hey all, I'm happy to announce the 0.9.0 release of riak-js, the Riak client for Node.js. It's a complete rewrite in plain old JavaScript, bringing some new functionality along the way. You can read all about the fresh release over on the Basho blog [1]. riak-js now has a new home [2] and full

Re: ANN: riak-js 0.9.0 released

2012-11-13 Thread Mathias Meyer
I mistyped that indeed. The correct name is indeed riak-js on npmjs. Sorry! Cheers, Mathias On Tuesday, 13. November 2012 at 21:26, Christopher Meiklejohn wrote: > On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote: > > Are you published in npm? > > > > npm install riak is fo

ANN: riak-js 0.9.1 and Riak Handbook 30% off

2012-11-23 Thread Mathias Meyer
Hey guys, A quick one from me. Just shipped riak-js 0.9.1 with some fixes and some neat additions, most notably request instrumentation, useful to e.g. track metrics for request times. Here's a simple example that tracks request times per request method: var instrument = { 'riak.request.end

[ANN] riak-js 0.9.3 and 0.10.0pre1 released

2013-02-05 Thread Mathias Meyer
Hey everyone, Just shipped two releases of riak-js today. 0.9.3 [1] is a minor bug fix release. It should now be installable on Windows too, because there's really no reason it shoudn't. The 0.10.0pre1 release brings preliminary support for Protocol Buffers, based on Nathan LaFreniere riakpbc

[ANN] riak-js v0.10.0

2013-05-03 Thread Mathias Meyer
Heya, Just shipped riak-js 0.10.0, with support for Protocol Buffers: To use protobufs, specify a different API option when creating a client: var riak = require('riak-js').getClient({api: 'protobuf'}) I'd love to have some feedback on how the protobuffs supp

Re: [ANN] riak-js v0.10.0

2013-05-03 Thread Mathias Meyer
inject it into a previous version of riak-js to get useful > performance. I'd like to drop that hack. > > > Best > > Sebastian > > On 03.05.2013, at 17:55, Mathias Meyer (> wrote: > > > Heya, > > > > Just

Re: [ANN] riak-js v0.10.0

2013-05-03 Thread Mathias Meyer
; The agent is based on the keep alive capable agent included in > In a more recent version this was > extracted to, but I haven't used it > since. > > On 03.05.2013, at 18:44, Mathias Meyer (m

Re: [ANN] riak-js v0.10.0

2013-05-03 Thread Mathias Meyer
to the Debug one and it is fine. Maybe you wanna > fix it > José > On May 3, 2013, at 5:55 PM, Mathias Meyer (> wrote: > > > Heya, > > > > Just shipped riak-js 0.10.0, with support for Protocol Buffers: > > https://npmjs.o

Re: [ANN] riak-js v0.10.0

2013-05-04 Thread Mathias Meyer
odules/protobuf.js/node_modules/wtf8/wtf8.js > > var wtf8 = require('./build/Release/wtf8.node'); > > but there is no Release folder. Only Debug > > > On May 3, 2013, at 9:15 PM, Mathias Meyer (> wrote: > > José, > > &g

Re: [ANN] riak-js v0.10.0

2013-05-05 Thread Mathias Meyer
#x27;t use any debug flag. I just did it again and it still created a > > Debug folder instead of Release. Maybe it's my node_gyp> I need to check. > > Has anyone else experienced this? > > BTW I am using OS X Mountain Lion > > José > > On May 4, 2013,

[ANN] riak-js v0.10.1

2013-05-06 Thread Mathias Meyer
Heya! Hot on the heels of 0.10.0 I shipped riak-js 0.10.1 over the weekend, which fixes a bug in the protobuffs code. More importantly though, it now sports connection pooling/load balancing for HTTP connections by way of the poolee library, courtesy of Andrew J. Stone. When creating a client

Re: EC2 and RIAK

2011-04-01 Thread Mathias Meyer
If you decide to go with a RAID, be sure to add LVM on top for simpler snapshotting, which will be quite painful if not impossible to get consistent snapshots using just EBS snapshots on a bunch of striped volumes. Let us know if you have more questions, there's lots of details i

Re: Strange results from numerical range query in Riak Search

2011-04-05 Thread Mathias Meyer
rating. Or you could set your own custom schema for the bucket, telling Riak Search to treat the followers field as a numeric field. Both is detailed on our wiki: Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Dienstag, 5. April 2011

Re: QUERY: riaksearch

2011-04-13 Thread Mathias Meyer
contact1. You can query the separate fields by using an underscore instead, so you would run this instead: $client->search("bucket","contact_phone1:999")->run() Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Mittwoch, 13. April 2011 at 10:23, khyqo wrote: >

Re: Python feature suggestion - load (binary) content from file

2011-04-13 Thread Mathias Meyer
I took the liberty of wrapping this into a pull request. The API corresponds to Ana's original suggestion, allowing bucket.new_binary_from_file(key, filename) Thanks for contributing! Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Dienstag, 12. April 2011 at 23:21, Ana Nelson

Re: RiakSearch + MapReduce integration

2011-04-14 Thread Mathias Meyer
at") ->map("function (v) { return [v.key]; }") ->reduce("Riak.reduceSort") ->run(); Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Donnerstag, 14. April 2011 at 20:20, khyqo wrote: > good day everyone.. > > i encountered another problem.. i am confu

Re: python-riak-client: 3 unit tests failed

2011-04-21 Thread Mathias Meyer
t variable SKIP_SEARCH=1. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Donnerstag, 21. April 2011 at 21:49, Mikhail Sobolev wrote: Hi, > > (I'm not sure if this is a correct list for posting questions about > python-riak-client. If it's not, please direct me to the correc

Re: Question regarding riak-js getAll() method using where option

2011-04-28 Thread Mathias Meyer
repository's directory: $ cake build $ npm install Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies [1] On Donnerstag, 28. April 2011 at 17:41, Luc Castera wrote: Hi folks, > > I've encountered an i

Re: Buckets with different expiry_secs value

2011-05-17 Thread Mathias Meyer
work, but for the REST API it's best to use binaries as it doesn't handle atoms. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011 at 08:58, Dmitry Demeshchuk wrote: > Greetings. > > I'm looking for a way to set expiry_secs for specific bucke

Re: undifend error for js modules

2011-05-19 Thread Mathias Meyer
Malka, the most likely reason is that the JavaScript file is not properly accessible to Riak on some of the nodes in your cluster. Have you checked that the file is properly distributed throughout the cluster and js_source_dir is set accordingly, and Riak is restarted on all nodes? Mathias

Re: Riak replication and quorum

2011-05-26 Thread Mathias Meyer
Peter, wrote my replies inline. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Freitag, 13. Mai 2011 at 20:05, Peter Fales wrote: > Sean, > > Thanks to you and Ben for clarifying how that works. Since that was > so helpful, I'll ask a followup question, and also a

Re: Clarification on key filters

2011-05-26 Thread Mathias Meyer
at page to clarify how they should end up looking when multiple are put together. The bottom line is that Ripple does produce proper key filter code with conditions and that you are absolutely correct in bringing up this slight confusion. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On

Re: Old values on put call

2011-05-26 Thread Mathias Meyer
er, unless you're prepared to deal with the potential conflicts, and e.g. handle siblings immediately after you reconciled the differences between two objects in your compare() function, see [1] for more details. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies [1] http://wiki.basho

Re: riaksearch: using index docs in place of real objects

2011-05-26 Thread Mathias Meyer
buckets, and therefore the same distribution and consistency properties apply to them as to objects stored directly in Riak KV. Bottom line is there's nothing wrong with just using them instead of fetching them again from Riak KV. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Mit

Re: riaksearch: using index docs in place of real objects

2011-05-26 Thread Mathias Meyer
bly also simple) enough to add something like that to the Riak Search Solr API. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011 at 20:50, Greg Pascale wrote: > Thanks Mathias, > > We'll continue to do that then. > > It seems to me, though,

Re: riaksearch: using index docs in place of real objects

2011-05-26 Thread Mathias Meyer
be used to look up the serialized document in Riak KV. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011 at 21:56, Greg Pascale wrote: > Eric, I believe the key is the document id, which will be the same as the key > of the corresponding object in . > >

Re: Riak Search with Erlang API

2011-05-30 Thread Mathias Meyer
[RiakObject, KeyData] end. Timeout = 10.riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, "bucket", "query", [{map, {qfun, MapObjectKeydata}, none, true}], Timeout). Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Montag, 30. Mai 2011 at 12:37, Hagbard Celine wrote: > Hi, >

Re: The JSON of death

2011-06-17 Thread Mathias Meyer
application and MapReduce code rely on that. If you need to enforce this before storing data inside Riak, you can use a pre-commit hook to validate the JSON using e.g. mochijson2:decode() and have your application respond accordingly, see [1] for an example. [1]

Re: Riak crash on 0.14.2 riak_kv_stat terminating

2011-06-21 Thread Mathias Meyer
collecting the results on your application's side. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011 at 14:25, Jeremy Raymond wrote: > I increased the memory to 3GB on the VMs I'm using for Riak and also replaced > a JavaScript reduce function I

Re: speeding up riaksearch precommit indexing

2011-06-22 Thread Mathias Meyer
messages directly to Riak, and then resort to failover should one of the Rabbits go down. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies [1] [2] [3] [4]

Re: Concurrency hazard when updating links

2011-06-22 Thread Mathias Meyer
tc., and then store back the updated value using the vector clock you got when requesting the object including the siblings. We have wiki page [1] dedicated to vector clocks and conflict resolution, explaining the process in more detail. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies [1

Re: Concurrency hazard when updating links

2011-06-22 Thread Mathias Meyer
And here's the link I neatly forgot to include: Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011 at 17:18, Mathias Meyer wrote: > Manuel, > > what you're seeing is not specific to links, it's

Re: Link Walking via Map Reduce

2011-06-23 Thread Mathias Meyer
educe request itself, but is less prone to encoding/decoding issues with JSON. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies [1] [2]

Re: Link Walking via Map Reduce

2011-06-23 Thread Mathias Meyer
ion of a string, you would see it as a string in the log file as well, not just as a list of numbers. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011 at 17:31, Andrew Berman wrote: > But isn't the value itself JSON? Meaning this part: > > {stru

[ANN] Riak Python Client 1.2.2

2011-06-24 Thread Mathias Meyer
ps:// [2] [3] Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Bas

Re: Mysterious JavaScript MapReduce crashes and timeouts with 0.14.2

2011-06-24 Thread Mathias Meyer
ire pain though, as it only reduces the load of the last step in your MapReduce job, so it's more of a general practice. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Freitag, 24. Juni 2011 at 20:43, David Mitchell wrote: > I am doing 208 MapReduce jobs in rapid-fire succession

Re: mr_queue gone wild

2011-06-29 Thread Mathias Meyer
tion, and try running this setup again to see if you get the same erroneous results? If you do, some more details on your data and the MapReduce jobs you're running would be great to reproduce and figure out the problem. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Mittwoch, 29.

Re: Mysterious JavaScript MapReduce crashes and timeouts with 0.14.2

2011-06-29 Thread Mathias Meyer
f them. In your case I'd say it'd be well worth looking into Erlang as an alternative. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Map/Red Function Cache Corruption?

2011-07-05 Thread Mathias Meyer
Eric, are you by any chance still running Riak 0.14.1? There was a bug showing the same symptoms you're describing, which was fixed in the recent 0.14.2 release. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Samstag, 2. Juli 2011 at 14:40, Eric Stevens wrote: > I've be

Re: vs. db.update()

2011-07-06 Thread Mathias Meyer
bject from a different part of your code that's fetching the object initially? Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011 at 00:30, Claus Guttesen wrote: > Hi. > > When saving a new record using db.update() getting the record using > c

Re: riak mapreduce failure

2011-07-07 Thread Mathias Meyer
Matt, in your JS function, you return value, where instead you must return a list of values, so changing it to return [value]; fixes the problem. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2011 at 05:53, Matt Graham wrote: > Hi, > I'm trying

Re: Quering Riaksearch on Second Node

2011-07-11 Thread Mathias Meyer
Muhammad, can you see the merge_index directory fill with data on the second machine that's not responding to queries? Anything unusual showing up in the log? Can you access the normal data you're indexing through Riak KV on both machines? Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Te

Re: /stats on Riak server

2011-07-11 Thread Mathias Meyer
r the total number of requests (vnode_gets_total and vnode_puts_total). Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Samstag, 9. Juli 2011 at 06:07, Jon Baer wrote: > Hi, > > I am wondering if there is a clearly explanation or docs somewhere that > explains a little bit mor

Re: Two question in re pre/post commit hooks

2011-07-11 Thread Mathias Meyer
u may want to look into Statebox [1] as an alternative way, or try to serialize writes through a messaging system like RabbitMQ to ensure atomicity to a certain extent. [1] Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Freitag, 8. Juli 2011 at 19:1

Re: Introduction question

2011-07-12 Thread Mathias Meyer
terns you have. Providing us with some more details would help giving you an answer here. If you only access all data for a particular zip code in one go though, the answer would probably be yes. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Dienstag, 12. Juli 2011 at 15:04, Anton Pod

Re: Quering Riaksearch on Second Node

2011-07-12 Thread Mathias Meyer
You don't necessarily have to reindex your data. Copying over the data directories from the old Riak instances should do. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Montag, 11. Juli 2011 at 14:58, Muhammad Yousaf wrote: > > Thanks Mathias & Sylvain, > Everyt

Re: Riak in a common test suite

2011-07-12 Thread Mathias Meyer
every complete test run, i.e. stop the Riak processes, wipe the data, and start them up again. Ripple (Ruby client for Riak) and riak-js (Node.js client) both include a test server that runs a Riak instance with an in-memory backend, maybe that would be an alternative to go with? Mathias Meyer

Re: Riak Recap for July 27 - 28

2011-07-30 Thread Mathias Meyer
entry to a list stored e.g. as JSON under a specific key in an atomic fashion, which is not possible in Riak either way. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On Samstag, 30. Juli 2011 at 11:47, Jonathan Langevin wrote: > Re: 4) - This is regarding to updating the data tha

Ann: Release Python client 1.3.0

2011-08-04 Thread Mathias Meyer
iak-python-client-1.3.0/ Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Error compiling Riak from source

2011-08-09 Thread Mathias Meyer
The wiki refers to the current stable release of Riak, which is 0.14.2, and which still relies on Erlang R13B04. To compile the current development master, e.g. to try out secondary indexes, you need to use Erlang R14B03 instead. Mathias Meyer Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies On

Re: Python Riak Search Returning 'NoneType' object

2011-09-13 Thread Mathias Meyer
Which interface for search are you using? Are you using the Solr search interface, or do you go through MapReduce? The former would using client.solr().query(), the latter Should you use the latter, do you call obj.get() on every result object before calling get_data(). The res

Re: [RFC] Python client: move to properties

2011-09-14 Thread Mathias Meyer
The short answer: yes, we can and we should. I had that on my radar for a while too, because it felt un-Pythonic. As for deprecation, there's no specific rule for the Python client yet. I'm happy to accept a patch for it for e.g. a version of the client 1.4.0 with an announcement that support

Re: Python Riak Search Returning 'NoneType' object

2011-09-14 Thread Mathias Meyer
Is it possible at all you indexed the documents using the Solr interface, and you're now trying to use them in a MapReduce query? If so, that won't work, because the get() call expects the objects with their respective bucket and key to exist in Riak KV, which means you'd have to index via a pre

Re: Can't PUT to a Bucket

2011-11-18 Thread Mathias Meyer
Your URL is pointing to a non-existing endpoint. Change it to ( (note the "keys" URL component before the actual key), and you should be good to go. Cheers, Mathias On Freitag, 1

Re: Ripple + riak confguration

2011-11-28 Thread Mathias Meyer
Vamsi, there's nothing wrong with your cluster setup. Support for multiple nodes in Ripple is being worked on in the master branch, you can have a lookie here at the documentation update on how to use it: Chee

Re: discourraging reaction about riak

2011-12-09 Thread Mathias Meyer
If you read it thoroughly, he doesn't recommend against using Riak. He recommends to start out with a relational database like MySQL or Postgres if you don't know what Riak is and how you'd benefit from it, or how you data will evolve over time. Start out with one of them, add Riak to the mix la

[ANN] The Riak Handbook

2011-12-15 Thread Mathias Meyer
Hey everyone, I'm happy to announce the public release of the Riak Handbook, the most definitive guide on Riak. The most comprehensive book on all things Riak, Riak Search, Riak 2i, MapReduce and data modeling. I could go on and on about all the things it covers, but you should go and see for

Re: Ruby eventmachine async client

2012-03-16 Thread Mathias Meyer
Hey Sean, for a while I hacked on an EM-based Riak client but didn't find the time to investigate it further. So you can do several things with riak-ruby-client an EM: 1) Just use the client with EM.defer, putting it into other threads. That arguably voids the purpose of using EM, but at least

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Mathias Meyer
Thanks for the praise of my book. I'm curious though, what does "advanced" entail for you guys? I'm continuously working on updates for the book, and I'm happy to look at things that you think are missing, but it'd be great to have some more concrete examples of what you think a book on advanced