
Riak Search stores indexed documents in Riak KV too, as serialized Erlang 
terms. You can easily verify that by requesting a document from<bucket>/key.

So whenever you query something through the Solr interface the documents you 
get back are fetched from these buckets, and therefore the same distribution 
and consistency properties apply to them as to objects stored directly in Riak 
KV. Bottom line is there's nothing wrong with just using them instead of 
fetching them again from Riak KV.

Mathias Meyer
Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies

On Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011 at 00:34, Greg Pascale wrote:

> Hi,
> In our data model, our riak objects are flat JSON objects, and thus their 
> corresponding index documents are nearly identical - the only difference is 
> that a few fields which are ints in the riak objects are strings in the index 
> doc. 
> Since they are so similar, we are directly using the index docs returned from 
> our search call, skipping the second step of doing gets on the returned keys 
> to retrieve the real objects.
> Is this advisable? Are there any circumstances under which we might run into 
> consistency issues?
> Thanks,
> -Greg
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