
there's nothing wrong with your cluster setup. Support for multiple nodes in 
Ripple is being worked on in the master branch, you can have a lookie here at 
the documentation update on how to use it:

Cheers, Mathias 

On Montag, 28. November 2011 at 11:43, Vamsi Krishna wrote:

> Hi, 
> I was able to set up a riak cluster with 4 nodes. I am using ripple as an orm 
> for riak db, but I can only configure with one node. I am getting data 
> replicated in other nodes but, the issue is if the configured node with 
> ripple is down I was not able to make use of the other nodes. Is there a way 
> that I can configure ripple with all those nodes? Or can is there something 
> wrong with the cluster setup ? I followed 
> ( for the cluster setup.
> Regards,
> Vamsi.
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