
are you by any chance still running Riak 0.14.1? There was a bug showing the 
same symptoms you're describing, which was fixed in the recent 0.14.2 release.

Mathias Meyer
Developer Advocate, Basho Technologies

On Samstag, 2. Juli 2011 at 14:40, Eric Stevens wrote:

> I've been struggling with this for a few days now. I have a pair of related 
> Map/Reduce queries. Executed individually they produce the expected results, 
> but when executed in parallel (simultaneous XHR calls from the browser), 
> their results tend to get mixed up with each other; I see values from both 
> mixed together in a single result. 
> Once that corruption happens, even the calls executed individually can end up 
> with cross-pollinated results. It seems to be related to the caching of the 
> anonymous javascript functions used, as adding a space to the function 
> declaration clears the issue up. Taking that space back out causes the 
> problem again. 
> I can confirm that the corruption can become persistent by using a line such 
> as (PHP client):
> ejsLog('/tmp/mapred/reduce_" . join('.', explode('\\', get_class($this))) . 
> ".log', JSON.stringify(values));
> After the corruption happens, if I clear the log path, execute just the one 
> map/red operation, I will see log entries appear for both classes (the class 
> name being encoded as part of the function declaration). The problem seems to 
> happen for both map and reduce operations, though I have not specifically 
> noticed cross-contamination between map and reduce functions, just 
> map-for-map and reduce-for-reduce. 
> Adding this as the first line of the function declaration seems to solve the 
> problem, but this is obviously something intended to defeat caching, so I'm 
> sure there's a performance cost to this (note, just get_class($this) is not 
> sufficient, cross-contamination can still happen, each call needs to be 
> unique call-to-call, thus the mt_rand()). 
> "//".get_class($this).' '.mt_rand()."
> I noticed Francisco Treacy had this same problem back in September: 
> but I 
> didn't see any resolution there. Is there a potential longer term cost to my 
> cachebusting, such as memory exhaustion (i.e. is there any garbage collection 
> on the function cache)? 
> Any help would be sincerely appreciated! 
> -Eric 
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