Hey guys, 

A quick one from me. Just shipped riak-js 0.9.1 with some fixes and some neat 
additions, most notably request instrumentation, useful to e.g. track metrics 
for request times. Here's a simple example that tracks request times per 
request method:

var instrument = {
  'riak.request.end': function(event) {
    var runtime = event.finished_at - event.started_at;
    metrics.timing('riak.request.' + event.method.toLowerCase(), runtime);


Full changelog is available in the README: 

On a totally unrelated note, the Riak Handbook is 30% off until Monday for the 
Thanksgiving Weekend, just use coupon code "gobble" during checkout: 
http://riakhandbook.com :)

Have a great weekend, and don't forget to `npm install riak-js@0.9.1`

Cheers, Mathias

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