each roof pan which has a module
attached should be grounded (perhaps under the ridge cap).
Can anyone offer suggested best practice or requirements regarding this?
With Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Addres
Hello Wrenches,
I'm looking for a panel which will provide
0.7A at 12-20V
with only a 60 lumen light source for the irradiance source
With REgards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar LLC
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wre
conductors to match the meter base requirement, but
this adds expense. I am looking for other suggestions for resolving
With Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
es are listed for 14 AWG to 2/0
> http://cmsapps.sea.siemens.com/murray/murraycatalog/2008/08Murray_pdfs/08Murray_03/03_04-05.pdf
> Kent Osterberg
> Blue Mountain Solar
> Carl Adams wrote:
>> Wrenches,
>> We often use a conventional 100A meter base and a
the point of
I'd appreciate your thoughts on the use of the cable tray and USE-2 on
the roof top.
WIth REgards
Carl Adams
NABCEP cert 031508-1
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
project has now
>> proposed to reduce expense by replacing the RMC with cable trays and
>> running USE-2 in the cable tray from the JBOX back to the point of
>> entry.
>> I'd appreciate your thoughts on the use of the cable tray and USE-2 on
>> the roof top.
I would prefer to rely on gravity rather than forced circulation. The
former has not failed to date. Check out Allen's recent article in
Home Power magazine. He offers some good suggestions on battery box
design and ventilation ( all passive or gravity activated) solutions.
We have run into issues with smart meters. We had a customer in one of the
pilot neighborhoods. What we saw was the meter registered his production as
consumption. Effectively doubling his consumption per the meter. After some
research it was determined that while the new smart meters were
The box will contain a 500 Ah battery bank consisting of
eight AGM batteries.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
Options & settings:
I had a good conversation at the ASES conference about Stiebel Eltron with
someone I respect in the industry. In broad strokes it was described as a
good company with good products which matches my experience. The only
negative comment from this "someone" was that their generation 1 collect
you agree to replace
any modules broken due to baseball strikes. You could consider any loss a
solar advertising fee. Either way, my suggestion would be stock some extra
modules and plan on replacing a few.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 12:58 AM, Marco Mangelsdorf wr
Another good option is the Soladeck. If you don't splice inside it you can
actually hide it under the array, making an uber clean look. Seal it down
with Eternabond or similar product.
On Sep 10, 2011 7:14 PM, "Christopher Warfel" <
cwar...@entech-engineering.com> wrote:
> Many produ
Hello Wrenches,
I see the an inverter model #
SB8000US and another
Same holds true for the 5,6,7k models.
I see this both in the SMA Sunny Design tool and on our distributors
catalog. Can anyone tell me what the significance is?
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
With Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
513.290.9072 (cell)
513.766.6025 (office)
Hi Carl,
Battery backup is not an intended use for our inverters, should some fault
in the system cause the inverters to fail then it would not be covered by
our warranty. Also, we don't curr
- once per day for communications
check and as required for alarm condition report
Have any of you provided such a system and if so could you share your
recommendations for a cost effective solution.
With Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by
These used Solarbridge micros. Sunpower has taken over support for the
micros. Unsure about module support.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
On Nov 11, 2017 12:30 PM, "David Palumbo" wrote:
> Wrenches,
> 6 years ago we put in a few syste
We use the SnapNRack screen and attach with SS self tapers and fender
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
On Tue, May 8, 2018, 11:51 AM Nik Ponzio, Building Energy <
npon...@buildingenergyus.com> wrote:
> We need to add squirrel guards to an older sy
> points needed, if you are interested I can put in touch with the powers
> that be
> Jerry
> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 9:09 AM Carl Adams wrote:
>> Hello Wrenches,
>> I have a SI 5048 system installed in 2012 with Concorde PVX-4050HT AGM
>> battery bank. The sy
Hello Wrenches,
I have a Solar Edge site which has a cell modem installed. It had a 5 year
monitoring contract and that has now expired. Anyone know what the process
is to get this extended/renewed?
With Kind Regards
Carl Adams
President, SunRock Solar
tie in. Given the existing connections for the 2
existing DGT inverters can I connect as proposed in the drawing or
would I need to perform a line side tap on the primary feed.
Alternative suggestions appreciated.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar, LLC
DGT Upgrade Single Line Drawing.pdf
roof would likely compress the
underlying foam and result in divets at each foot. What do you
recommend to disperse the load at the point of attachment
2) What type of screw do you recommend for attaching the L-Feet to the
With Regards
Carl Adams
NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer
Conergy may have a few
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Drake Chamberlin
> Hello Wrenches,
> Does anyone know who has Sanyo HIP 200 BA19 modules?
> Thanks,
> Drake Chamberlin
> Athens Electric
> OH License 44810
> CO License 3773
> NABCEP TM Certified PV Installer
> Office -
screws out there I'm not finding?
Does anyone have pullout strengths for this type of attachment?
With Regards
Carl Adams
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
SunRock Solar, LLC
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 6:51 PM, Peter Parrish
> Does anyone have a source for stainless steel, self tap
vered with the eternabond goo that we had throw away the lag bolt
rather than fowl anything and everything that came in contact with it.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wr
Hello Wrenches,
Since year end projects are going to keep us crazy busy till year end,
I am breaking with tradition and getting started early on my Christmas
shopping. I have a tradition in my family of giving an ornament to
each family member. Usually something relevant to the years
I'd be interested in seeing pictures of your work here. We have
several ground mount systems upcoming.
On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 8:51 PM, David Palumbo
> William,
> From 2008 Handbook (actual codebook is not at my desk at this time).
> IV. Wiring Methods
> 690
Trying to match up some GE modules. Customer currently has 22
installed and wants to add another 11 modules.
Can anyone recommend a supplier for these?
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wre
Hello Wrenches,
Can anyone recommend a source for a refurbished 240V - 3 Phase meter.
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
Options & settings:
We have seen this error on the SMA 3000 and SMA4000 units, the 5,6,
and 7K do not seem to exhibit the problem. The disconcerting thing to
me is that if you do nothing and just let the inverter stay ON, the
error will clear itself in about 20 - 40 minutes. The error may clear
on the first day of s
Hello Wrenches,
I am in need of the following
600A 22,000 AIC
Main Lug Only Panel
240 V 3 Phase 3 wire
I am having difficulty locating one in stock at an affordable price.
Any suggestions on sourcing would be appreciated.
Glen Burt, and John McNicholas, thanks for your previous suggestions
on lo
My only comment is the 3 phase units are a long lead time item. Fronius
expects to catch up to demand by end of Q1 2010.
SunRock Solar
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 6:55 PM, Marco Mangelsdorf wrote:
> I have yet to install a Fronius IG Plus inverter. Looking through the
> manual I’m t
the site should
be used for a more accurate assessment.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar, LLC
On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Ryan LeBlanc
> Drake,
> The SPA software is likely telling you 'close-to-the' optimum tilt for
> maximum total annual peak production, withou
impact of a DGT PV system on power factor.
With Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar, LLC.
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
Options & settings:
commercial install was as you suggest to simplify the grid
connection. The residential Enphase install was done to provide a
single point of metering for the system.
I hope this helps
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:35 PM, William Miller wrote:
> Andrew:
> It is n
might help change the
position of the AHJ next time round? I still believe our initial
installation represents the safest configuration.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar, LLC
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
I was just complementing the US Treasury on there swift response to
the grant application.
My customer submitted his application on the 13th of January. We
received this response on the 26th (10 business days later).
From: treas1...@n
s helpful, and again I'd like to here from those of you who have
already deployed these units.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
Change email address & s
units went through some beta testing early this year, so I
would still appreciate any feedback from any wrenches who have actually
installed them.
With Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
From: Nick Soleil
Date: Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 9:45 PM
Subject: Fwd: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: SMA Secure Power Supply
held up very well.
Action Engraving
2243 Valwood Parkway Farmers Branch TX 75234
With Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Corey Shalanski <
cshalan...@joule-energy.com> wrote:
> Our local inspector is allowing sti
Those failures are reflected in the above statistics.
With Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 10:29 PM, Marco Mangelsdorf wrote:
> What are you all seeing as far as failure rates for the Enphase M215s?***
> *
> ** **
> I’ve got a contractor f
ate breakers so you can turn off the inverter output.
> The Sunny Boy outputs also go through a 2-pole circuit breaker.
> What OCPD are you referring to ?
> boB
> On 9/16/2013 12:31 PM, Carl Adams wrote:
> Hello Wrenches,
> We are install
particular how
the arc fault is cleared, after detection. (assuming it is detected)
Any suggestions appreciated.
With Regards
Carl Adams NABCEP 031508-1
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
height will
determine the minimum standoff shaft height.
You mentioned you don't use the other hardware. Are just attaching an
LFoot to the top of the post?
With Regards
Carl Adams NABCEP 031508-1
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Home Power mag
ng main distribution panel. The service is 240V single
With Regards
Carl Adams, SunRock Solar
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
Change listserver email addr
> Glenn
> --
> From: Carl Adams
> Sent: 8/4/2014 10:29
> To: RE-wrenches
> Subject: [RE-wrenches] UPS disturbance with SMA Inverters
> Hello Wrenches,
> I have a site which is experiencing nuisance disturbance of the computer
> UPS systems at the site.
aluminum channel or square
aluminum rail and then mount stainless steel mini for conduit supported at any
height you wish. Lead time on the easy feat is sometimes long.
With Regards
Carl Adams, President
SunRock Solar
513.290.9072 (cell)
513.766.6025 (office)
On Sep 22, 2014, at 7:57 PM, Chris
and apply a four
inch stainless steel hose clamp around the pipe just to prevent foreign objects
from entering the vent pipe.
I have never had an inspector question this method.
With Regards
Carl Adams, President
SunRock Solar
513.290.9072 (cell)
513.766.6025 (office)
On Sep 24, 2014, at 1:37
My CPA said that for residential customers, the credit could be carried
forward until the year the credit expires (2016)
Carl Adams
NABCEP Ceritifed Solar Installer
Sunrock Solar
On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 12:54 PM, Kristopher Schmid
> I am interested in the answer to your question, K
I have a customer who insists he must have Yingli modules. So far I can't find
them in distribution anywhere. Anyone have a source?
With Regards
Carl Adams, President
SunRock Solar
513.290.9072 (cell)
513.766.6025 (office)___
List sponsored by Re
Thanks Kevin. I'll check them out
With Regards
Carl Adams, President
SunRock Solar
513.290.9072 (cell)
513.766.6025 (office)
On Feb 16, 2015, at 8:44 PM, Kevin Eigel wrote:
HI Carl:
You could try Focused Energy for the the Yingli modules.
Kevin Eigel
Ecohouse Solar
Thanks for the tips. Focused Energy is carrying the Poly 255 Yingli black
frame white backsheet. Conergy referred me to Soligent and they are not
carrying the Yingli brand. Rumor is the Panda mono from Yingli are not
available in the US. Can anyone confirm this rumor?
Carl Adams
Hello Wrenches,
I am looking for a good tier 1 module for an upcoming project. The
architect has speced mono crystalline modules in the 300w - 325w range,
approximate size 77" x 40". Any recommendations on a product and supplier
would be appreciated.
With regards
Carl Adams
inverter manufacturers.
Carl Adams
President, SunRock Solar
mobile 513.290.9072
On May 22, 2015 8:39 PM, "frenergy" wrote:
> Hopefully there tech department can shed some light on this for you,
> however, it would certainly be to SolarEdge's benefit to appear to be
> prod
than the UNIVRAC ULA.
The online configurator for the residential ground mount has a few bugs. A
call to snap and rack tech support resolved the issues and they ran the
configurations thru their internal tools to verify measurements. They were
very accessible and helpful in their response.
experience would be appreciated.
Carl Adams
NABBCEP Certified PV Installer
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
Change listserver email address & settings:
Thanks for the responses.
On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 12:27 PM, Nick Soleil
> That is the Andalay/Westinghouse Solar system. They can be reached at:
> http://www.andalaysolar.com/
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 7:59 AM, Carl Adams wrote:
>> I have not been onsite but
Hello Fellow wrenches,
I have a couple of failed Mage solar AC modules. These are Mage Solar
panels with an integrated Solardridge inverter. Anyone have a good contact
number for Mage Solar US Support, or do I need to call Germany?
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
SunPower support team evaluated the two failed inverters via the web
interface and agreed to send out two replacement inverters
Carl Adams
On Oct 25, 2015 8:35 AM, "William Dorsett" wrote:
> Carl, I wondered what would happen to other AC module manufacturers using
> these
cture to the
first readily accessible disconnecting means. The disconnecting
means shall comply with 690.14(A) through (D).
With Regards
Carl Adams, President
SunRock Solar, LLC
513.290.9072 (cell)
513.766.6025 (office)
DC Source Conduit Run.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF doc
We've been installing the Solar Edge product for a few years now and are
experiencing good reliability. I think we have had 2 optimizers which were
DOA from the factory. One was completely dead the other had a 25% reduced
output. No problems with warranty replacements.
With Regards
We've use DP&W Easy Feet for this application.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
NACEP Certified PV Instsller
On Apr 11, 2016 12:09 PM, "Drake"
> Hello Wrenches,
> What is the best solution for fastening arrays to SIP construction? This
> is a metal roof.
the issue recur for that
site. But now we are seeing similar behavior from three other sites, all
installed a in the second half of 2012.
Just wondering if anyone else has encountered this.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
I hope this is helpful.
With Kind Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Howie Michaelson
> Carl,
> We experienced a rash of Comm Card issues with several SE installs over
> several years, but none exactly as you describe. Our issues were
il if
anything goes wrong. We typically set up the customer and our monitoring
email account to receive these alerts.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
NACEP Certified PV Instsller
On May 2, 2016 10:00 AM, "Howie Michaelson" wrote:
> Mac,
> That outs not the typical type of failure in my ex
With REgards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
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Hello Wrenches,
I am looking of a recommendation on a 208 3 phase inverter in the 20 kW
range. Any suggestions?
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re
It looks like the 14k is 208/120V but the 20TL is 277/480
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 2:15 PM, Jason Szumlanski <
ja...@floridasolardesigngroup.com> wrote:
> Solectria PVI 20TL would meet your criteria. I can't vouch for i
initial expense and
installation labor.
Thanks for your suggestions
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 4:16 PM, Jason Szumlanski <
ja...@floridasolardesigngroup.com> wrote:
> You're right. They share the same installation an user manuals,
Are the two switch gear boxes integral to the installation. If so can you
give me an idea of what their function/purpose is?
On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 9:20 PM, Marco Mangelsdorf
> Provides an idea of size and scale.
> [image: Tesla Battery system Aalto residence2. 6 may 2016]
Nice finish on the Sonnen install. It looks fabulous. My understanding is
the Eco 2-8 integrate the 4kW radian, and the 10-16 incorporates the 8kW
radian. I assume generator support is fully supported
On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 8:35 AM, Chris Mason
> I promised a picture of the So
Gary Willett
Icarus Engineering LLC
[image: []]
On 6/17/16 2:09 PM, Chris Mason wrote:
Yes, correct on both. The generator support is there, I did not use it.
On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Carl Adams wrote:
Nice finish on the Sonnen install. It looks fabulous. My understanding
n the older SW175
string. The owner can find a new home for the old inverter on EBAY
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
NABCEP Certified PV Instsller
On Jun 21, 2016 6:13 PM, "Jerry Shafer" wrote:
> I have 12 sharp 72 cell and that only 444 voc so that should not be an
> issue, yes l know h
within 10 ft of the array we do not need to add any rapid shutdown
devices. The inverter AC ouput disconnects would satisfy the requirement.
Does that match your understanding?
Thanks in advance
Carl Adams
President, SunRock Solar
Our crew wear CougarPaws boots when working on asphalt shingles. Very
gentle on the roof and added traction is a great safety improvement on
steeper pitches. They seem to run 1/2 to 1 size larger than the normal
boot for most of the crew.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
I second Mike Nelson's approach, simple, easily inspectable, rugged.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
On Aug 10, 2016 12:20 PM, "Mike Nelson" wrote:
> I have been using buchannon copper crimps with their plastic snap on "wire
> nuts" fo
e your thoughts.
With Regards
Carl Adams, President
SunRock Solar, LLC
513.290.9072 (cell)
513.766.6025 (office)
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
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Hello Wrenches,
I've been using ModSolar for preliminary estimated and roof layout. While
it works OK, it can be a bit kwirky at times and the aerial imagery is at
times less than ideal. I'm looking to see what else is out there?
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
NABCEP Certified PV
Looking for some of these Evergreen modules or something compatible.
Please contact me of list.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address: RE-wrenches
eless option for them to use while the house is
being renovated and prior to their wired internet connection being in
Have any of you dealt with this situation previously, and if so do
you have any working installations running over mobile services?
With Regards
Carl Adams
With Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar, LLC.
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
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List-Archive: http:/
Hello Fellow Wrenches
Is anyone using MC4 box connectors and if so do you have a source for
these in small quantities. I need 20 each male and female for an
upcoming project. MC Part number 32.0057P0001 for the Male and
32.0056P0001 for the Female.
With Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
you could share it.
With Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 10:41 AM, jay peltz wrote:
> Hi William,
> Was this cheaper than getting bulkhead fittings?
> Very cool work around.
> Jay
> peltz power
> On Mar 2, 2012, at 7:19 AM, William Miller w
You can also change the jumper settings on the SMA, so that it does not
require a neutral.
On Apr 19, 2012 2:06 PM, "Dave Palumbo"
> Dave,
> Very good. Thanks for the pick up on the 650A Service Disconnect issue.
> Dave Palumbo
> -Original Message-
> From
I second the Veto Pro Pak. Tough as nails, and nice organization.
Multiple configurations to suit your purpose.
On Apr 23, 2012 5:08 PM, "bob ellison" wrote:
> I have used tool bags from Sears for years, graduating to bigger each time.
> At the present time I have switched to the one with the ru
Hello Wrenches,
Has anyone installed the DynoRaxx system. I am looking for some
feedback on the product from someone who has hands on experience. If
not feel free to add your opinion on the best ballasted flat roof
mounting system you do have experience with.
With Regards
Carl Adams
and if so can you offer any insights?
With REgards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
Options & settings:
a brand new device. Makes me wonder about it's longevity. Have
any of you a good quality brand you would recommend for those
customers who are interested?
With Regards
Carl Adams, SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Ad
Hello wrenches,
In the field today commissioning a Sunny Island system. We are using a Generac
ATS (nexus smart switch). I have this number 888.436.3722 but am told when I
call they don't provide phone support. Any help appreciated.
Sent from my iPhone
Hello Wrenches,
We are looking at a job where we need to install a number of small 2K PV
systems where we only have 120V AC available. Is there a good choice for a
small grid tie AC inverter in this voltage and power range?
With Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
Thanks BIll, Jesse, David, Drake, and Allan,
It seems the Exeltech is a good choice for this application. Gris tied
with 120V supply to the PV array location.
With REgards,
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
8 and verify correct behavior.
I would love to hear from those who have commissioned similar SI
configurations, about other scenarios we should be testing to adequately
qualify the system.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
but I
neither have the tool nor the experience using it to perform the modeling,
so I am looking to hire the job out to someone who does. If any of you
have the software and expertise to use it please contact me off list for
more detailed requirements.
With Regards
Carl Adams, SunRock Solar
We do a few systems each year, and I think it would add to the discussions,
probably not enough traffic to support it's own list.
SunRock Solar
On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 8:32 PM, Jason Szumlanski wrote:
> I was wondering how many people on the list do solar pool heating and if
> it w
I second Chris' suggestion. Disconnect all strings at the combiner. Check
VOC PV+ to ground, and PV- to ground on each string, and PV+ to PV-. This
should point you to the faulty string. If the string consists of 10
modules, each with VOC of 30 volts then you should see +300V from PV+ t
keep the
leaf debri from building up under the array. Do any of you have
suggestions for materials and methods to do this. A link to photos of
installed projects would be appreciated.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
List sponsored by Home Power
economics could work with
the current low NG prices, but only during the winter months when he has a
need for the excess heat being generated.
The Kohler you point out doesn't have the voltage specs to match the
SB6000s, but I'd be interested in other thoughts on this approach.
Carl Ada
, by the manufacturer, for
flat (horizontal) mounting, or have a good point of contact with any of
these manufacturers so I can get a quick answer direct from them? We have
a 20 psf design snow load in our area.
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
-Forwarded on behalf of Gary Easton at ARP-Solar
With Regards
Carl Adams, President
SunRock Solar, LLC
513.290.9072 (cell)
513.766.6025 (office)
-- Forwarded message --
From: gary easton
Date: Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 1:12 PM
Subject: backfeeding breakers
To: RE-wrenches
they informed him that
this issue has occurred previously on other installations where the utility
has a TWACs metering system (Please reference case number 260517).
Enphase applied a firmware upgrade to the site and that has resolved the
With Regards
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
On Mon, Apr
Were you successful in tracking down one of these pumps? We have a number
of Schuco units in the field all running fine at present, but it would be
good to have a part source when the time comes. Any joy locating a US
distributor for the Tyfocor-LS?
Carl Adams
SunRock Solar
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