Re: [RE-wrenches] Shade for Inverters on a flat roof

2014-04-30 Thread Bill Loesch
Fellow Wrenches, Did the group get any efficacy resolution for Zomeworks Cool Box ? Although, I believe, primarily intended as a mechanism to moderate/mitigate temperature extremes to improve battery output on the temperature high and low ends, the cooler daytime temps, above and beyond mere

Re: [RE-wrenches] Shade for Inverters on a flat roof

2014-04-30 Thread Allen Frishman
Benn, micro inverters are an option although there is no shade issues on this project so I would like to keep the inverter cost down. What I mean by zero lot is that the building is connected to the buildings on both sides, there is no back yard space and the front wall is exposed to the stree

Re: [RE-wrenches] Article 690, or The Haves Vs. Have Nots

2014-04-30 Thread Jason Szumlanski
Each microinverter string needs dedicated overcurrent protection. If combining strings on the roof for a single run back to the interconnection point, you need each string to have it's own breaker/fuse. The other option is to run each string back to the interconnection point separately, but for a 1

Re: [RE-wrenches] Article 690, or The Haves Vs. Have Nots

2014-04-30 Thread jay peltz
Hi Jason, Always good to get a different view on how to do it. I've always found it easier and cheaper to pull the circuits off the roof to the AC combiner, so my overcurrent is in a different location Jay Peltz power > On Apr 30, 2014, at 5:08 AM, Jason Szumlanski wrote: > > Each micro

Re: [RE-wrenches] Article 690, or The Haves Vs. Have Nots

2014-04-30 Thread Drake
There are good reasons to want to put AC combiners under modules, but some reasons not to want to. An AC breaker is far more likely to trip than a DC string fuse, due to the surge availability. As a PV system is designed to last a minimum of 25 years, the installer might not be the one to sor

Re: [RE-wrenches] Article 690, or The Haves Vs. Have Nots

2014-04-30 Thread Jason Szumlanski
Yeah, #10 wire is pretty cheap, especially when purchased in bulk, as are readily available 100A Square D NEMA 3R load centers and breakers. There isn't a great cost savings in terms of material. Sometimes it's just easier to make a single home run. Every job is different. We do it both ways. Some

Re: [RE-wrenches] Flexible stranded Connectors

2014-04-30 Thread jay peltz
Hi ray As an FYI. Most of the lugs we all use are not "rated" for fine stranded wire. Quick cable is the only one I'm aware of that if you use their tool and ends says its UL for fine stranded. I prefer ferrules for those applications vs pin adapters. (Schneider XW inverter BOS box comes wit

Re: [RE-wrenches] Article 690, or The Haves Vs. Have Nots

2014-04-30 Thread jay peltz
Yep they make them Jay > On Apr 30, 2014, at 6:56 AM, Jason Szumlanski wrote: > > Yeah, #10 wire is pretty cheap, especially when purchased in bulk, as are > readily available 1

Re: [RE-wrenches] Article 690, or The Haves Vs. Have Nots

2014-04-30 Thread Jason Szumlanski
"​ An AC breaker is far more likely to trip than a DC string fuse" I completely disagree. We have never, not once, had to reset a tripped inverter output circuit AC breaker that I know of, but have replaced many dozens of DC string fuses and GFCI fuses in inverters, most of the time for undiagnose

Re: [RE-wrenches] Article 690, or The Haves Vs. Have Nots

2014-04-30 Thread Drake
Inverter ground fault fuses certainly do blow. What is causing your string fuses to go? At 10:17 AM 4/30/2014, you wrote: "​ An AC breaker is far more likely to trip than a DC string fuse" I completely disagree. We have never, not once, had to reset a tripped inverter output circuit AC b

Re: [RE-wrenches] Flexible stranded Connectors

2014-04-30 Thread Allan Sindelar
William, Ray and Wrenches, You're not alone on this issue. We faced it and did not come up with a good resolution nearly two years ago. This is a Wrenches writeup from June 2012 that never got posted:  Four Sunny Islands and one Radian

Re: [RE-wrenches] Article 690, or The Haves Vs. Have Nots

2014-04-30 Thread Jason Szumlanski
Usually it is repairing work of others who miscalculate the required rating. When it gets really cold (that means 0ºF here), we start to get calls with blown fuses. We do have our fair share of unexplained blown string fuses, and I attribute most of those issues to extreme heat in enclosures that a

Re: [RE-wrenches] Flexible stranded Connectors

2014-04-30 Thread James Jefferson Jarvis
What I have done, and it passed muster of my AHJ, is to use a dual wire aluminum set screw lug (see picture) that is connected to the SI lug with two round copper 1/2" diameter "slugs". The cables from the battery then attach to the bolt hole on the set screw lug using a ring terminal. That all

Re: [RE-wrenches] Flexible stranded Connectors

2014-04-30 Thread Ray Walters
I get my cable and lugs from Quick Cable but I could not find the fine strand UL listing. R.Ray Walters CTO, Solarray, Inc Nabcep Certified PV Installer, Licensed Master Electrician Solar Design Engineer 303 505-8760 On 4/30/2014 8:09 AM, jay peltz wrote: Hi ray As an FYI. Most of the lugs we

Re: [RE-wrenches] Shade for Inverters on a flat roof

2014-04-30 Thread Jerry Shafer
We have used vented cabinets with doors opening to the front. everything is inside have had them inplace for several years On Apr 30, 2014 1:39 AM, "Allen Frishman" wrote: > Benn, > micro inverters are an option although there is no shade issues on this > project so I would like to keep the inver

[RE-wrenches] SMA, Flexible stranded Connectors, Sleep Deprivation

2014-04-30 Thread Ray Walters
What I'm finding in my research is that most of the manufacturers are just not keeping up with this requirement, meanwhile the use of fine stranded cable is increasing dramatically. ILSCO, BURNDY, and Quick Cable all barely mention fine strand ratings. I have their catalogs in hand. Even the S

Re: [RE-wrenches] SMA, Flexible stranded Connectors, Sleep Deprivation

2014-04-30 Thread William Miller
Ray: Thanks for sharing the research. If you could forward to me of-line an email contact and part number I need to order for 4/0. Miller Solar > On Apr 30, 2014, at 10:22 AM, Ray Walters wrote: > > What I'm finding in my research is that most of the manufacturers are just > not keeping up

[RE-wrenches] Battery cable crimper

2014-04-30 Thread Solar
Hello all, I am looking for recommendations for a battery cable crimper. I'd love to get one with the dies built in, but the ones I've looked at are only for non-fine strand wire. Suggestions? Thanks! Jesse Sent from my iPhone ___ List spon

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery cable crimper

2014-04-30 Thread Jerry Shafer
hydraulic or long handle bog difference in price On Apr 30, 2014 8:32 AM, "Solar" wrote: > Hello all, > > I am looking for recommendations for a battery cable crimper. I'd love to > get one with the dies built in, but the ones I've looked at are only for > non-fine strand wire. > > Suggestions?

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery cable crimper

2014-04-30 Thread Jason Szumlanski
Crimpers: I believe MagnaLugs are all okay with fine stranded cable. The heavy wall MCM lugs are made specifically for fine stranded and a single die set covers all sizes. Get a ratcheting type and/or bench mounted model if you are doing lots of c

Re: [RE-wrenches] SMA, Flexible stranded Connectors, Sleep Deprivation

2014-04-30 Thread Dave Click
This may be useful: On 2014/4/30, 14:25, William Miller wrote: Ray: Thanks for sharing the research. If you could forward to me of-line an email contact and part number I need to order for 4/0. Miller Solar On Apr 30, 2014, at 10:22 AM, Ra

Re: [RE-wrenches] SMA, Flexible stranded Connectors, Sleep Deprivation

2014-04-30 Thread Ray Walters
NSI has sleeves rated for fine strand specifically made for this application. They seem to be around $1 for the 2/0 version Here's a supplier. R.Ray Walters CTO, Solarray, Inc Nabcep Certified PV Installer, Licensed Master

Re: [RE-wrenches] SMA, Flexible stranded Connectors, Sleep Deprivation

2014-04-30 Thread Ray Walters
I saw this last night, but I have plenty of lugs from Quick cable that work fine. It was the sleeve to go into a mechanical connection that isn't listed. R.Ray Walters CTO, Solarray, Inc Nabcep Certified PV Installer, Licensed Master Electrician Solar Design Engineer 303 505-8760 On 4/30/2014

Re: [RE-wrenches] SMA, Flexible stranded Connectors, Sleep Deprivation

2014-04-30 Thread Phil Forest
We use ferrules for fine stranded wire at terminals. Www.ferrulesdirect has it all. Phil Forest South Mountain Company > On Apr 30, 2014, at 3:17 PM, Ray Walters wrote: > > NSI has sleeves rated for fine strand specifically made for this application. > They seem to be around $1 for the 2/0

Re: [RE-wrenches] Flexible stranded Connectors

2014-04-30 Thread Glenn Burt
Why yes they are copper, thanks for asking. Well the list would not let me attach the cut sheet – so here is a link I hope works… -Glenn From: [

Re: [RE-wrenches] SMA, Flexible stranded Connectors, Sleep Deprivation

2014-04-30 Thread Ray Walters
Thanks Phil; That's the best resource yet. Actual choices in length of the ferules, insulated or non insulated, and not afraid to talk about Class K stranded wire ratings, etc. Maybe I'll get some sleep tonii-iight.. R.Ray Walters CTO, Solarray, Inc Nabcep Certified PV Installer, License

[RE-wrenches] Hijacked Website

2014-04-30 Thread dan
Merry Mud season everyone, We just got the heads up from NABCEP that our website ( has been hijacked by a fictitious renewable energy organization ( Seems they copied our web site info and posted it on their site with minor modification. a

Re: [RE-wrenches] Hijacked Website

2014-04-30 Thread Roy Butler
Dan, That's freaky! I would have known right away this wasn't yoursfar too corporate looking ;-) Seriously, here's the registration info I found.I bolded what I think might be a help to you: Registrant Email: speaderva...@yah

Re: [RE-wrenches] Hijacked Website

2014-04-30 Thread Tom Elliot
Dan, I’ve seen this before and you could take it as a bit of a compliment, though a backhanded one. I’ve seen this before with other successful commercial sites, most specifically one called that is the best worldwide vehicle shipping service. They were totally hijacked, lik

Re: [RE-wrenches] Hijacked Website

2014-04-30 Thread Dan Fink
Scary stuff, Dan -- I have had 100% success with cease and desist letters regarding copyrighted stolen web content from my sites. Letter #2 from a lawyer has always done the trick with recalcitrant thieves. However I see that your website does not have a copyright notice on the bottom of every page

Re: [RE-wrenches] Hijacked Website

2014-04-30 Thread RE Ellison
Dan, Here is what i could find searching the phone number, it might be spoofed. Good luck, Bob Ellison 479-208 Free Phone Number Information. Who called you from ... * - Proxy -

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery cable crimper

2014-04-30 Thread RE Ellison
The other nice thing about the bench mount you can get a benchmark cutter also I put mine on a 2 x 12 about 4 foot long you can carry it and work with and on the back of the truck and it's a lot harder for it to grow legs than just a hand Cutter or crimper Not bulletproof but at least it is the

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery cable crimper

2014-04-30 Thread Solar
I'd love a battery crimper, but a little out of my price range. I think a hand crimper will do. Jesse Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 30, 2014, at 1:42 PM, Jerry Shafer wrote: > > hydraulic or long handle bog difference in price > >> On Apr 30, 2014 8:32 AM, "Solar" wrote: >> Hello all, >>

Re: [RE-wrenches] Hijacked Website

2014-04-30 Thread Exeltech
Dan (Brown), Some suggestions. #1: In the unlikely chance the website might suddenly go away, get screen shots of everything ASAP. Download and keep copies of each page of the website. This can be done using the "Save Page As" option (or equivalent) under "File". Save all downloaded pages