[RBW] Re: Schwalbe Kojak vs Jack Brown

2010-03-03 Thread rperks
sting to know. Did Mark mention if they run true to > > > > size? > > > > > On Mar 3, 6:32 am, sjauch wrote: > > > > > > I asked Mark about which tire he prefers when I ordered my Roadeo, > > > > > here is his reply: > > > > &g

[RBW] Re: Tubesets: Rambouillet v Roadeo

2010-03-03 Thread rperks
The tubing on the larger roadeos is still a bit of a mystery. 59 and up are "a touch heavier" for what that is worth. When I ordered mine they explained that it was quite similar to a Legolas, but possibly lighter in the stays and fork because they do not have to braze on brake bosses. As for th

[RBW] Re: Tubesets: Rambouillet v Roadeo

2010-03-04 Thread rperks
Things to consider when overthinking the relationship between the tube cross sections in relation to a bike's ride and the physical abilities of the frame. I am speeking from my own conclusions in progress, based on armchair engineering and too much re-reading of BQ. Bicyle frames while appearing

[RBW] JAck Brons and Honjo 43mm?

2010-03-04 Thread rperks
Has any body here pushed the limits? What is the tightest fender a Jack Brown has been squeezed into? Rob -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com. To unsubscrib

[RBW] Re: JAck Brons and Honjo 43mm?

2010-03-04 Thread rperks
Good God, I should not type anything right before bed, sorry for the spelling On Mar 4, 9:24 pm, rperks wrote: > Has any body here pushed the limits?  What is the tightest fender a > Jack Brown has been squeezed into? > > Rob -- You received this message because you are subsc

[RBW] Re: JAck Brons and Honjo 43mm?

2010-03-05 Thread rperks
with all the rain we have been having in Ca, I am pipe dreaming about these on my Roadeo. I have the shimano brakes too, which makes it an even tighter fit in theory - rob On Mar 5, 6:25 am, Mike wrote: > What frame are you using? I've run Jack Browns on a Hilsen with SKS > P45s and with 50mm Be

[RBW] Re: Rivendell's Mystery Item?

2010-03-05 Thread rperks
Special clip on pocket for the instant kool aide... On Mar 5, 8:52 am, Eric Norris wrote: > Mystery items with unknown launch dates ... Fanatically devoted customers > reading and re-reading blog posts ... Rampant speculation ... > > Gosh, looks like my Rivendell and Apple worlds are converging!

[RBW] Re: Widest wide range double chainring setup? How wide is too wide?

2010-03-05 Thread rperks
I have been running a 50/30 on the same crank arms on my Roadeo, phil 103 bb. I love it!! Only shifting onto the 30 for long or steep climbs. In the rear I have a 6 spd 13-28 freewheel and have not had to use the 30-28 yet, even on what I consider my "Test" hill that convinced me to put a trippl

[RBW] Re: Riv-related double century - DV

2010-03-08 Thread rperks
Well Done, and motivational for the rest of us. Side question, what has been the widest tire you can stuff into those fenders? Rob On Mar 7, 11:17 pm, Esteban wrote: > Hi, folks. > Just did my first double in Death Valley yesterday on the Romulus.  I > saw some steel bikes - a handful of fixies

[RBW] Re: Riv-related double century - DV

2010-03-08 Thread rperks
Thanks, I am loving my jack brown greens on the Roadeo, just thinking about how to squeeze non-ugly fenders in there too. The upcoming paul brakes are giving me hope. The rains have been a lovely excuse to cut back on the riding the last couple of months. The descriptions by you and others Breve

[RBW] Re: Carboon failures

2010-03-08 Thread rperks
Looks like somebody traded in their fork for a hat and some stew. On Mar 8, 2:30 pm, PATRICK MOORE wrote: > Graphic evidence of carboon (known colloquially as "crabon") weakness: > > http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wb8bAl1P-N0/S5UF4SO8BLI/NBo/3px9Vh9... > > -- > Patrick Moore > Albuquerque, NM

[RBW] Re: V-Brake lever question

2010-03-08 Thread rperks
Tektro version is $30 at Rivendell, $26 at universal cycles I have had the textro version, and they work as well as any other Tektro lever. Slightly larger form factor, kind of nice if you have big hands. The Shimano units are downright skinny in comparison On Mar 8, 7:36 pm, cyclotourist

[RBW] Re: V-Brake lever question

2010-03-08 Thread rperks
I find the cable Avid BB7 Road Discs give me decent modulation as well. I went that way because I had the really nice wheel set though. I think either way will get you where you want to go if set up properly. here in Southern Cal the wet weather benifits of the discs are not really a gain. And

[RBW] Re: mystery item

2010-03-09 Thread rperks
It fell into the deep evil hole of carbon bashing.. muahahahaha maybe it is a carbon fiber t-shirt that is a few grams lighter than cotton ;) Rob On Mar 9, 8:51 pm, Seth Vidal wrote: > Sorry if I missed it - but was the mystery musa-made item ever revealed? > > -sv -- You received this messag

[RBW] Re: $300 Sugino Double Crankset

2010-03-10 Thread rperks
I know not everybody loves low Q, but I dream of the day ritchey cranks in the old style come back, and yes they show up on ebay for the prices that it looks like RBW is asking, but the stess of bidding can get to be a drag, that and the addictive compulsion to stockpile. On Mar 10, 12:27 pm, Dust

[RBW] Re: Best Riv for Centuries, Charity Rides, Supported Touring

2010-03-11 Thread rperks
I will concur as well on the roadeo, I love mine. Every time I wish I could carry more I just look at the other bikes in the garage that are becoming jealous of the attention being lavished on the Roadeo. And yes I know they are jealous because they tell me so, if you can not hear your bikes talk

[RBW] Re: brakes on the atlantis

2010-03-12 Thread rperks
You can probably get the reach you need with a recessed brake bolt from a standard road caliper, although the Sheldon nuts may be what you would want with the fender. On Mar 11, 9:09 pm, Earl Grey wrote: > I had squealing with BR550s on an Indy Fab Planet X. Finally solved > with massive toe OUT.

[RBW] Re: Boeshield just once?

2010-03-17 Thread rperks
It will last much longer than a couple of months on the inside of the frame under normal conditoins. The reapply statement is mostly for marine and outdoor applications in my opinion (2 degrees in Ocean / Corrosion Engineering if that matters). My first exposure to T-9 was in keeping outboard boa

[RBW] Re: Chris K's Roadeo

2010-03-18 Thread rperks
I will second that, and I love my Roadeo, do not regret being an early adopter, but get a little twinge of jealousy every time I see one with DT shifters - Rob On Mar 18, 8:02 am, JoelMatthews wrote: > I'll be darned.  Riv built one with DT shifters.  When first > introduced, I sent an e-mail to

[RBW] Re: fat tires on the road....WTF?!?!?

2010-03-18 Thread rperks
One thing I have found useful during my fat tire experiments is to use Sheldons gear calculator for gain ratios to keep the playing field equal. Helps to keep you from blowing a gasket during the transition to running fat tires. For example cruising gear on my: Eisentraut - 53:28 w/ 28mm RoughyT

[RBW] Re: Chris K's Roadeo

2010-03-18 Thread rperks
you can always screw on a nice set of stops to use bar ends, while retaining the option fot DT. Dt is less to go wrong, keeps the cables out of the way of a bag, and weighs less if you care about that kind of stuff. Rob On Mar 18, 11:26 am, nathan spindel wrote: > Why do you prefer DT to bar-en

[RBW] Re: Chris K's Roadeo

2010-03-18 Thread rperks
Chris, I concur with your sentiments about the Roadeo, and have been a reader of your blog, articles etc. I would be interested to learn more about some of your specific gear choices, particularly tires. Thanks Rob On Mar 18, 3:07 pm, "XO-1.org Rough Riders" wrote: > Hi gang: Thanks for the c

[RBW] Re: Rivendell Gym!

2010-03-22 Thread rperks
So how does the pushup widget work? On Mar 22, 7:20 am, manueljohnacosta wrote: > Had a free Saturday, so Duy and me rode to Rivendell to grab some > things for our upcoming  S240 trip to Mt.Diablo. It's ironic that the > only bike shop I go to is a shop where I don't buy bike stuff and I > alway

[RBW] Ventura Ride Tomorow

2010-04-02 Thread rperks
I know the notice is really short, but I figured I would put this out there for any that may be in the Ventura area tomorrow, and have not seen the discussion on Flickr. We have a small group getting together around 9:30 AM or so to ride a loop from Ventura up and over Sulphur Mtn, through Ojai an

[RBW] Re: do Rivendell memberships apply to frame purchases?

2010-04-02 Thread rperks
That is the way it has worked for me, I think there is a shipping kickback too depending on the $$ and... http://www.rivbike.com/products/show/membership-join-sign-up/24-042 like they said too, it works out to be a pretty good deal if you are getting a frame or more - Rob On Apr 2, 8:31 pm, happ

[RBW] Re: Ventura Ride Tomorow

2010-04-03 Thread rperks
Turned out to be an incredible day. Clear skies, 60 deg. weather, and flowers in full bloom. Great group of 8 people, I now have real humans to go with the pictures and typing, and an amazingly diverse group. Noel, Andy, Seth, Mike, Doug (and your brother Steve), and Ron of bagmaker fame all mad

[RBW] Re: Atlantis sizing

2010-04-03 Thread rperks
That is precisely why I jumped on the Roadeo, if the geometry and design comes close to your wishes, the RIvendells coming out of Waterford are relatively a deal. Yes you can get a better price from some of the smaller builders, but if you can find the bike you are looking for through Riv, then I

[RBW] Re: S24O for a complete newbie!

2010-04-09 Thread rperks
I would second that, our first is still not due for 2 months, and I am already setting aside a pool of money for the kiddie stoker setup, there is a guy here in town that is everywhere with his son on back. and by the looks of thenm you would never be able to get the smile off their faces. On Apr

[RBW] Re: WOW, speaking of handmade beauties...A 76 Eisentraut on Denver Craigs List

2010-04-10 Thread rperks
That looks similar to nime, but with the lug cutouts, I would be really tempted if it were a little bigger, sombody is going to get a deal - Rob On Apr 9, 10:15 pm, jinxed wrote: > No connection. Still tasty like bacon. > > http://denver.craigslist.org/bik/1684954501.html -- You received this m

[RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Spreadsheet Upload

2010-04-10 Thread rperks
Super cool, thank you Almost as much fun as calculating gain ratios to ensure exact equality across the fleet in the garage. Rob On Apr 10, 10:25 am, CycloFiend wrote: > Hey all - > > For those who are interested in a little non-tax-related spreadsheet work > this weekend... > > Philip Williams

[RBW] Re: Tire Pressure Spreadsheet Upload

2010-04-10 Thread rperks
The above spreadsheet is based on the ideas in this article: http://www.vintagebicyclepress.com/images/TireDrop.pdf Toy around with the % front and rear, use a scale and a helper if you can, and be Honest about the total weights, shoes junk you haul arount etc. it will get closer than you think.

[RBW] Re: care and feeding of a wald basket

2010-04-12 Thread rperks
Think of it as a protective film. That is what it actually is, the oxide layer is over the zinc plate, that is over the steel, keeping the rust at bay. I have had wald baskets take years of abuse in warm Florida wetness without rusting. If you want shiny or dull bright, you need nickel or chrome

[RBW] Re: Paul Racer M's on my Rambouillet

2010-04-13 Thread rperks
Esteban, What 700x40 do you hace in mind? Likewise these seem like a viable reason to spend money and keep the rom. Rob On Apr 13, 10:41 am, Esteban wrote: > I wonder what's the fattest tire that would fit on a Ram/Rom under > some Paul Ms??? > > If you could fit a 40... that's pretty close to

[RBW] Re: Cantilever Brake issue on Hillborne

2010-04-17 Thread rperks
Second what he said, and go through the standards: Clean the rims with alchohol, some even sand them lightly. If that does not do it try lightly sanding or filing the pads to clean them as well. Next stop is Pauls or V-Brakes. I went through this with my Cross-check, but the judder was at all sp

[RBW] Re: The Insanity of our Times

2010-04-18 Thread rperks
FYI - I think Me is Scott, but maybe I am off On Apr 18, 4:45 pm, Tim McNamara wrote: > On Apr 18, 2010, at 4:37 PM, Shaun Meehan wrote: > > > It's interesting. I've seen a couple of shows about people who got so > > large that they were literally disabled. > > I've known a number of them profess

[RBW] Re: Heavy rider wheel issues

2010-04-19 Thread rperks
Get Rich to build up a Phil freewheel hub dishless, 36 spokes and 7 speed. This should last you a very long time, and in my opinion is one of the best values in the wheel market at the moment. - Rob On Apr 19, 10:02 am, Thomas Lynn Skean wrote: > Hi, all. I seek counsel. > > I weigh about 250 lb

[RBW] unclaimed custom?

2010-04-20 Thread rperks
http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/news_post/230 Wondering if it is the fixed gear mtn bike from the San Diego Show? Can not imagine it would be something to take a loss on. Even with the current state of the union something that created that much drool must have value. No telling if that is the one t

[RBW] Re: Pasela 35/37 or Marathon Racer 38?

2010-04-21 Thread rperks
You may have bought already but my four JB greens measure between 34 and 35mm the two most broken in being 34.8 and 35.1, I am not sure you are gaining anything with the Paselas. I have been looking at the spec chart for the Racers too, but too cheap to pull the trigger, based on ETRO the 38 race

[RBW] Re: Pasela 35/37 or Marathon Racer 38?

2010-04-21 Thread rperks
Genot, I am putting together some tire data with pictures here http://www.flickr.com/photos/36302...@n08/sets/72157623904189610/ I will look to see if this is being duplocated elsewhere, but will ikely start a flikr group later today to pool data Also, this is for 650b, http://spreadsheets.google.

[RBW] Road Bike Tire Size Data

2010-04-21 Thread rperks
As we all know there tends to be an obsession over tire size data, actual vs stated, etc. I started a group on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1410...@n21/ for pooling photo data of actual measurements. I alm also hoping to pool data into a spread sheet similar to this one: http://spreadshee

[RBW] Re: Freewheel questions

2010-04-22 Thread rperks
In my experience with the Phil freewheel hub you would be hard pessed to bend the axle. Other styles of freewheel hub, particularly thin axle cup andd cone bearings, you will not have such strength. In this case you are looking at phil so it is a non-issue. My IRD freewheels run near silent comp

[RBW] Re: Pink Mixte Le tour Project..

2010-04-23 Thread rperks
I would second that, it looks like a weel problem more thna a brake. Those are pretty long reach already. Looks like a fun project though - Rob On Apr 23, 4:49 am, Seth Vidal wrote: > On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 1:01 AM, manueljohnacosta > > > > > > wrote: > > I was lucky to get in possession of a

[RBW] Re: homemade bag loops???

2010-04-30 Thread rperks
William, Look at the lampholder 2 in lieu of the 1. It will likely be more stable unter load, with little weight or $$ gain in the big bicture. http://www.flickr.com/photos/36302...@n08/4380585188/in/set-72157622875811028/ Rob On Apr 30, 8:48 am, William wrote: > I like that stoker stem one.

[RBW] Re: if you own a 63cm Roadeo

2010-05-01 Thread rperks
Post at 79-80 ish. The bars are level, and that is with a tech delux stem. If you opt threaded stem it will be hard to get your bars the extra inch higher without the expander being in the threaded portion of the stem, not the best idea. A standard tech stem might give you the length to pull thi

[RBW] Re: Repairing a puncture in Schwalbe Marathons

2010-05-01 Thread rperks
Once I cut a corner too tight heading in the exit of a pakring lot at night, caught one of those do not back up tire damage will result things with the back tire. Let me tell you the sign does not lie. I was lucky to catch it with the tread of the tire, and minimal rim damage. Also lucky that I

[RBW] Re: if you own a 63cm Roadeo

2010-05-01 Thread rperks
ice contrast in composition], Rob!! > > -Scott > > On May 1, 12:26 pm, rperks wrote: > > > > > > > Post at 79-80 ish.  The bars are level, and that is with a tech delux > > stem.  If you opt threaded stem it will be hard to get your bars the > > extra in

[RBW] Re: if you own a 63cm Roadeo

2010-05-01 Thread rperks
love the History that is all around us here. Not as concentrated as say Philly or Boston, but more fun to bike around here in my opinion Rob http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ventura,_California On May 1, 2:05 pm, CycloFiend wrote: > on 5/1/10 1:03 PM, rperks at perks@gmail.com wrote: > &g

[RBW] Re: Homer Hetre?

2010-05-24 Thread rperks
See Steve's questions above and tripple check dimensions. Unless you have an odd small homer you are not going to find a brake tat will reach and the BB would bee to low for most availible cranks. I may be out to lunch on this but with an existin reach in the 60mm range and 80 mm bb drop you ar l

[RBW] Re: Homer Hetre?

2010-05-24 Thread rperks
I will second that emotion, I love the JB greens, but would love a little more air at times - rob > > clearly what we need is a parimoto or thereabouts in 700c. > > I wonder how the schwalbe kojaks compare? > > -sv > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "R

[RBW] Re: sticky new tires picking up junk

2010-05-26 Thread rperks
The last set of Jack Brown Greens I bought a little over a month ago did the same thing, not any more thanks to the dirt lot around the corner. Maybe Panaracer has a sticky mold release? I know that is an oxymoron, but is likely the offender, the JBs had a chalky almot silicone like coating out o

[RBW] Re: Interesting, may be useful Suginol crank for some of us.

2010-06-10 Thread rperks
These are very interesting as the rings seem to stack inward from the 110 PCD holes and the 74 PCD holes may be in the same plane as the middle ring. If this in indeed the case it would open up the door for some very very wide double setups. I wonder if and when we may see a set of these in the f

[RBW] Re: Your Favorite Handlebar Bag

2010-06-10 Thread rperks
I keep my GF-1 in a Tamrac Mosel 3320 - Areo Zoom 20. I find this fits perfectly in my Acorn bag. I leave both bags unzipped for quick access while riding. there is a bit of room to spare next to the camera bag and then the two little pockest for incidentals like wallet phone and keys. I find ha

[RBW] Re: Rivendell in Santa Clarita!

2010-07-08 Thread rperks
so close to awsome town, be careful word might get out http://www.newhall.com/ On Jul 8, 11:00 am, Michael_S wrote: > I was out walking yesterday evening and saw a nice Hilsen with fenders > riding the opposite direction across the street. That is the 1st > Rivendell I've seen in the LA 'burbs

[RBW] Re: A. Homer Hilsen ~ shades of blue color question!

2010-07-09 Thread rperks
I will second that, pictures on the web do not do the color of the Hilsen justice. There are details that you need to se in person, and if you are even in the ballpark I woul dthink that the real thing will shock you with delight. - Rob On Jul 9, 8:54 am, jinxed wrote: > Eric, > > I was curious

[RBW] why hobo bags rock

2010-07-11 Thread rperks
I was at the farmers market today loading my two dozen eggs into the trusty old carradice hobo bag (riv prototype): http://www.flickr.com/photos/rperks1/4784592120/ with the bike leaned up against a sign poll. As I switched to loading the balance of the veggies in the rear longflap the bike slid a

[RBW] where is that lake?

2010-07-11 Thread rperks
Looks like Mr. Trout has a secret lake where one is able to catch cranksets on light tackle? what else lies beneath these waters? Rob On Jul 11, 3:04 pm, "mr.trout" wrote: > i love the way mine feels with a high light load. it has the feel of a > classic sport touring bike. i usually keep it ar

[RBW] Re: Finally did it

2010-07-12 Thread rperks
looks like a really nice day to ride, not to hot, a little breeze, what more could you want. Thanks for the pics On Jul 11, 2:32 pm, EricP wrote: > Rode a century yesterday.  Unfortunately, for the purposes of this > list, it was not on my Sam Hillborne.  A couple of issues (mostly > resolved th

[RBW] Re: why hobo bags rock

2010-07-12 Thread rperks
as much the Acorn is great, for those bigger days I love the carradice. Rob On Jul 12, 1:02 pm, Phil Bickford wrote: > > On Jul 11, 5:36 pm, rperks wrote: > > > > I was at the farmers market today loading my two dozen eggs into the > > > trusty old carradice hobo bag

[RBW] Re: Fw:URL Odd small Riv on Ebay

2010-07-12 Thread rperks
were some of the very first Rivs made with lugs bought from the remaining Bridgestone stock?, maybe I read that in a dream or something. Also, a small fram may have had hard to fit angles fo rthe early Riv lugs. It would be interesting to find the history. Rob On Jul 12, 11:42 am, "Frederick, S

[RBW] secret source for Hunquapillar design

2010-07-12 Thread rperks
http://www.cpsc.gov/businfo/regsumbicycles.pdf Page 2, diagram 1 nobody is cooler than the CPSC Rob -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe fro

[RBW] Re: tandems and other thoughts

2010-07-13 Thread rperks
I think that is a Da Vinci stye set up that transfers the captains efforts while decoupling the timing with the stoker. Rob On Jul 13, 3:12 pm, cyclotourist wrote: > Wow, that has some sort of crazy reduction gear drive on it. > > > > > > On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 3:07 PM, S.Cutshall wrote: > > I

[RBW] Re: New bartape and color query

2010-07-14 Thread rperks
I think the black will look just fine untill you wear it out. gives you a reason to ride more. Do you prefer the thickness and cush of the cork tape? I have found I prefer the Somafab thick and zesty to wrap my hands around and it matches with almost any shade of brown http://www.flickr.com/phot

[RBW] Re: FS: Banana Bag, well used, $30 shipped; other canvas seatbag, as new, $45 shipped.

2010-07-14 Thread rperks
the larger black bag is an early incarnation of the acorn bags, very nice, but I have two at the moment. - Rob On Jul 14, 4:17 pm, PATRICK MOORE wrote: > I bought these onlist and the B bag in particular was bought on a very > generous offer from iBob member John Mosca, so I don't want to profit

[RBW] Re: FS: Banana Bag, well used, $30 shipped; other canvas seatbag, as new, $45 shipped.

2010-07-14 Thread rperks
The black, bigger, bag is an early incarnation of the Acorn bags, very nice but I have two of them at the moment - Rob On Jul 14, 4:17 pm, PATRICK MOORE wrote: > I bought these onlist and the B bag in particular was bought on a very > generous offer from iBob member John Mosca, so I don't want to

[RBW] Friday Mixed Terrain Ride Report

2010-07-16 Thread rperks
I decided to celebrate my first day of underemployment with a mixed terrain ride on the Roadeo. The original plan was to head up into the hills, but with temps projected into the hundreds that seemed silly when it is 65 on the coast. So I made the run from Ventura up to Carpinteria. The coastal

[RBW] Re: Friday Mixed Terrain Ride Report

2010-07-16 Thread rperks
6, 2010 at 3:16 PM, rperks wrote: > > I decided to celebrate my first day of underemployment with a mixed > > terrain ride on the Roadeo.  [...] > > > Pictures here: > >http://www.flickr.com/photos/rperks1/sets/72157624391919159/ > > > Rob- Hide quoted text - &

[RBW] Re: You live on a 15% hill, you don't need a singlespeed......

2010-07-16 Thread rperks
unless your new mexico roads are as smooth as wood floors I can not imagine it is the tires. Mine were fast as usual today, If I ride that route on my 28s I am wasted at the end of the ride and made it home no sooner. Is the problem based on feel or against your computer? Is it the wheel counter

[RBW] Re: Newbie here: Are Phil Wood hubs worth it.

2010-07-17 Thread rperks
I love mine, five or 6 speeds in the rear is all I seem to need. I think with the Foy you can get a dishless 7 speed wheel build that will be very strong and last a very long time as others have stated. If you are heavy or plan to load the rear the benifits of added strength and even spoke length

[RBW] Re: Newbie here: Are Phil Wood hubs worth it.

2010-07-19 Thread rperks
you never get to the extra click if the limit screws are properly set. The IRD freewheel cogs have moders 9/8 speed spacing and will work with many modern shimano indexing systems. When the limit screws are set, you will only get the required throw out of the shift lever. Likewise, the silver shi

[RBW] Re: Mini Bike Tour Santa Barbara to San Diego

2010-07-21 Thread rperks
lf you are passing through Ventura saturday morning then? we have our downtown farmers market until 12. I might be able to ride a bit, but saturday is when the inlaws visit to see the baby. if you are having mechanical issues my garage and tools can be open to assist as well. while in Carp visi

[RBW] Summer clean out

2010-07-26 Thread rperks
My turn to clean out the garage. The cranks are the Riv content, I know these have a lot of love on the older touring rigs. - Sugino AT cranks 170mm by 110 / 74: decent shape, the threads, spider and tapers are in great shape. The arms have some scrapes and dings, lots of rub from the straps or

[RBW] Re: Seat Sgueaks!

2010-07-26 Thread rperks
As the others have stated, tighten judiciously, but not overtight, stripped bolts are a buz kill. If you can isolate it with certainty to the rear frame / leather interface than I have read of success with dry lubes such as graphite powder used by locksmiths. With the sadle removed, push the leat

[RBW] Re: Nice Lugged Stems

2009-09-03 Thread rperks
A similar stem is also on the Tange web page http://www.tange-design.com/tange_2007/stem.htm and I think there were kits for a similar non-round tube being sold for a bit as well. I have never sen one in person though Rob On Sep 3, 8:47 am, Pete wrote: > What's up with Modolo? I've never been

[RBW] Re: Other Riv-ish companies of interest to us all

2009-09-13 Thread rperks
One company that is a some what tangent, but may appeal to the s24hr crowd: http://www.barkriverknifetool.com/ with a forum moderated by the owner here: http://knifeforums.com/forums/showforum.php?fid/59/ They have a bunch of really useful paterns, with the semi custom handles, and a lifetime w

Re: [RBW] Re: Frame bags

2012-05-22 Thread rperks
I have been a bit out of the loop on the forum stuff lately, but saw the mention and am catching up. You can see the Frame bag I made for my Roadeo paired with a couple of acorn bags here: *http://flic.kr/p/91HQ5W* I love mine, even though I am biased since I still

Re: [RBW] Re: Frame bags

2012-05-22 Thread rperks
I am sorry for sending that reply to the list, it was meant for Patrick. I am embarrassed to say I am reluctantly coming up to speed with the new google groups format and how it plays with my gmail. Throw an ipad into the mix and it just makes me feel old. Looks like I need to slow down a bit

[RBW] San Marcos clip in Bicycle Times

2012-07-22 Thread rperks
In spite of the socio-economic differences, Taiwan is still part of the PRoC, at lest I think so. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msg/rbw-owners-bunch/-/9

[RBW] Re: OAC Rambler Ride Report

2013-12-18 Thread rperks
Thanks for the post Tony. I have been a long time member here, huge fan of what Grant has done in the past, and doing now, even had a Rivendell pass through the stable. There are some similarities in our programs, but the Rambler is on a solidly different path then the Riv Bikes. I will adm

Re: [RBW] Re: SoCal February S240 poll.

2014-01-29 Thread rperks
I am not sure if I will be able to make it or not, but would put in a strong vote for Casitas. I made it into the part itself a couple of weeks ago. There are plenty of back roads, out and backs to get supplies, an ghost town (water district claimed neighborhood, most houses are flattened) to

[RBW] Re: Cambium Test. & Stainless Steel Spoke Corrosion? & 7-speed Hubs?

2014-08-13 Thread rperks
Take a look at the face of the broken spokes with a magnifying glass. If there is a bit of corrosion in the face, say more than the area that looks freshly broken, then the rust may have been working its way in there for a while. I have a wheel that I bought as a test sample for possible OEM s

[RBW] Re: Please help me with my Honjo fork crown problem please.

2014-10-29 Thread rperks
Lungisman, DO not settle for the 3mm! Think about which way the tire moves when you hit a big bump, does it move more than 3mm and what would happen if the spinning tire had a bolt fixed to the crown stab into it? Is the risk of this happening worth it? I have had situations like this get clo

[RBW] Re: Please help me with my Honjo fork crown problem please.

2014-10-31 Thread rperks
I think that twist is an archive of the fact that they come off of the forming machines in a big curly Q. with the fender off the bike twist it a bt the other way and gently cold set the twist out. At least that is what I do with the Honjos Rob On Friday, October 31, 2014 3:11:02 PM UTC-7, l

Re: [RBW] Alternatives to MUSA pants and knickers?

2014-11-08 Thread rperks
In the last 8 months I have made the move to Swrve pants/shorts/knickers almost every day. I have one pair of regular jeans that have not worn out yet, but will be done soon. In the last year or so, the cut on the product has gotten a little more generous. Also, do like they say and measure y

[RBW] Re: Polling what's the best 650b touring tire?

2014-11-08 Thread rperks
FWIW Schwalbe is hitting the 650b market a bit harder soon. There is a 650b x 62 http://www.schwalbe.com/en/tour-reader/super-moto-x.html and a couple of others like the Kojak and big ben too Rob On Saturday, November 8, 2014 5:35:46 PM UTC-8, WETH wrote: > > If it is not thread hijacking, anyo

Re: [RBW] Re: BB length for Atlantis with White VBC cranks?

2014-05-23 Thread rperks
Mark, I am correct in thinking that you picked up these cranks used? and if you have a 113 bb spindle, new or in good shape, can you put the arms on said spindle out of the bike, so that the arms are across from each other, and torque down to spec of 30 ft lbs? From there it should be easy to

Re: [RBW] California Visit - Recommendations???

2014-06-06 Thread rperks
Ventura is only an hour north of LA, but the riding is pretty good. There is a Rail trail, 15mi from the coast up to Ojai. Both Ventura and Ojai can make for a copacetic family vacation day with plenty of walking, hiking and shopping etc. Next stop North is Santa Barbara, IMO a bigger version

[RBW] Re: Roadeo and fenders?

2011-12-11 Thread rperks
I think it really does depend on what you hope to get out of the bike, in conjunction with where you weigh in relative to your height. I think it would be hard to dispute that the average riv bike is a little overbuilt, and the roadeo is at the lightest weight tubing, with the hilsen coming up nex

[RBW] Re: Roadeo and fenders?

2011-12-11 Thread rperks
Kelly, I have seen the pictures, and know that you ride a fairly large bike. I would guess that you are a slim 6'6"? I am curious if you are willing to share, your estimated average weight of rider plus gear? I think that based on your proportions you may be an outlier to the average guy/gal on a

[RBW] Re: Tubeless candidate???

2012-01-21 Thread rperks
Everything I have read on the subject seems to suggest the system works best for pressures under 45psi. That was the reccomended high on Stan's Raven cross tire, 700x35. The biggest problem will be the threat of the tire rolling off the rim. Second to that is the sealant of choice eating at the

[RBW] Re: Intro from new Riv rider

2012-01-30 Thread rperks
Welcome, and fantastic bike. First thing that popped into my mind when I looked at the profile shot was how incredible the space between the rack and saddle for a saddle bag. Or even just bags in general all over this bike, or the creativity one could explore with down tube or under tube shifter

[RBW] Re: April 7 SoCal Rive Ride in Ventura

2013-03-30 Thread rperks
-8, Bryan wrote: > > Sounds great! I should be able to make it. > > Bryan > > > On Wednesday, February 20, 2013 9:12:01 AM UTC-8, rperks wrote: >> >> Save the Date, if you still can, and have the time to make it to our >> little part of the SoCal playgrou

[RBW] Re: April 7 SoCal Rive Ride in Ventura

2013-03-30 Thread rperks
:42 AM UTC-7, dougP wrote: > > Thanks for the update, Rob. I'll be there with a couple of my touring > buds. We're all looking forward to this adventure. > > dougP > > On Saturday, March 30, 2013 9:10:56 AM UTC-7, rperks wrote: >> >> A quick reminde

Re: [RBW] Re: Recommended 26" tires

2013-04-02 Thread rperks
While not thousands of miles I have been pretty happy with the SOMA new express tires, for a few months now, a pasella clone with the hypertex casing. They come in colors, I know, but depending on the commuter, keeping the bike fun and all can go a long way. Rob On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 4

Re: [RBW] Re: April 7 SoCal Rive Ride in Ventura

2013-04-08 Thread rperks
t; Here are some pics of the day: > http://www.flickr.com/photos/cyclotourist/sets/72157633189393041 > > > > Cheers, > David > > > > On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 9:10 AM, rperks >wrote: > >> A quick reminder and an update that this ride is next week, and sti

Re: [RBW] Re: OT: your opinion of the Bridgestone RB-T?

2013-04-08 Thread rperks
the only real difference between the two smallest RBT sizes is the location of the actual top tube. It is pretty subtle, but if you measure up 52/53 on the seat tube on a 50 and then horizontal to the stem they are pretty much the same bike. IMO they are one of the better riding bikes where a

[RBW] Re: Suntour is back & says it's keeping it real w/ old skool ideology

2013-04-13 Thread rperks
The hubs and some other bits are being brought to our shores through Merry Sales, they are real, and I have held them. The finish is not super fancy, bit not bad. I am looking forward to trying one out. Rob Ventura, Ca On Saturday, April 13, 2013 1:21:25 PM UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote: > > If it

[RBW] Re: Suntour is back & says it's keeping it real w/ old skool ideology

2013-04-13 Thread rperks
A pretty good idea of the finish on the hubs: http://www.flickr.com/photos/therubbishbin/8514301374/ Rob On Saturday, April 13, 2013 1:55:28 PM UTC-7, rperks wrote: > > The hubs and some other bits are being brought to our shores through Merry > Sales, they are real, and I have held t

[RBW] Re: Handlebar Bag Recommendations?

2013-04-21 Thread rperks
Patrick, It is a serious challenge to get a bag with easy access, little sway, and hang it from the Alba bars. The forward reaching sections which are part of what make the bare great IMO really squash the dream here. That is why most of bikes you see with them end up with a small rack and or

[RBW] Re: speaking of the blug... new Atlas rim

2013-04-21 Thread rperks
for the budget conscious there are options: http://velocity-dev.com/index.php/product/rims/nobs-700c and weight be damned: http://velocity-dev.com/index.php/product/rims/cliff-hanger-622 I like the new site, not sure how and why I keep ending up at the old velocity USA pages, doh. Rob Ventu

[RBW] Re: speaking of the blug... new Atlas rim

2013-04-21 Thread rperks
Also, not MUSA or silver, but a bit lighter on the scale if you trust the quoted data, http://www.sun-ringle.com/product-vault/road-rims/rhyno-lite-700c-29er/ Rob On Sunday, April 21, 2013 5:48:17 AM UTC-7, rperks wrote: > > for the budget conscious there are options: > http://velocit

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