[RBW] Re: Stolen Royal H Mixte Ventura

2013-08-16 Thread Tom Virgil
I am very happy that you have this bicycle back in your hands. I don't have anything to add to comments about the intermediate steps (I don't disagree with most of them). Sorry you had to put in an additional $500.00 to *ransom* it back and I do wonder about the guile of the person who sold y

[RBW] Re: first century tomorrow - any last minute tips?

2013-08-16 Thread Tom Virgil
You are going to do well. If you take the recommended advice, get off the bicycle and take pictures from time to time, post them to a public site, and send us a "Proof that it happened" link, we are going to be in awe of your accomplishment You go, Jack. On Friday, August 16, 2013 6:21:34 PM

[RBW] Re: Calling all SoCal Rivsters S240 August 23rd anyone? See details below.

2013-08-16 Thread Tom Virgil
Dear SoCal Rivsters, Been monitoring things. I live about the same distance from the coast as San Mateo is from San Onofre. Southern Orange County and Northern San Diego have many micro climates, so I cannot say what I see is predictive of what we will see on the 23rd. Up until today, the

[RBW] Re: Calling all SoCal Rivsters S240 August 23rd anyone? See details below.

2013-08-17 Thread Tom Virgil
Another "Diamond Girl" morning (fog burned off on beach by 8:00 AM) and evening (still good). Non bike enthusiast and non Rivendell fan wife rode with me to Edamame on Carmel Valley Road for a sunset Japanese dinner. Sweet times. On Wednesday, July 31, 2013 5:12:14 PM UTC-7, hsmitham wrote: >

[RBW] Re: That Betty Foy is some bicycle!

2013-08-18 Thread Tom Virgil
That is one fine ride and the look on your face is better than anything this side of an eight year old's Christmas or birthday bike. Thank you for sharing your decision, the anticipation, the build and now the riding! Best regards, Tom On Saturday, August 17, 2013 9:43:46 PM UTC-7, Cecily Wal

[RBW] Re: Calling all SoCal Rivsters S240 August 23rd anyone? See details below.

2013-08-18 Thread Tom Virgil
Ahem. Adult beverages. Thinking that a beer run (or wine or what have you) back into town after unloading and setting up camping gear might be the ticket. Can't see myself toting 12 pack (need enough to share) and ice on top of my teetering load. Don't like shopping and leaving bike out side

[RBW] Re: Manny Birthday Ride

2013-08-18 Thread Tom Virgil
Hey, Manny. You are a true bike hobo (I have a lot of respect for hobos). Hope to meet you out there one day. Happy birthday! Best regards, Tom On Sunday, August 18, 2013 5:11:28 PM UTC-7, Christopher Chen wrote: > > I was able to move a work visit to the SF Bay Area to coincide with > Mann

[RBW] Re: Calling all SoCal Rivsters S240 August 23rd anyone? See details below.

2013-08-19 Thread Tom Virgil
Hugh's turkey chili looks delicious, and I don't want to dis him, but I really don't want to burden him with portaging it down from Irvine on his bike. Google maps indicates a 3.6 mile cruise

[RBW] How much do you carry on your S24O?

2013-08-20 Thread Tom Virgil
I am not interested in fern elves who sleep under leaves or those who can build a house at the campsite from available materials What is a nominal weight? With everything I could want, I am coming in at +22 pounds. I am trying to pare that away. If I were to take everything, it would include,

[RBW] Re: How much do you carry on your S24O?

2013-08-21 Thread Tom Virgil
ile using both arms will have to do for now. Ride free, rivers, Tom On Tuesday, August 20, 2013 11:09:21 PM UTC-7, Tom Virgil wrote: > > I am not interested in fern elves who sleep under leaves or those who can > build a house at the campsite from available materials > > What is a n

[RBW] Not a Riv, but I wish there were more old barns in San Diego

2013-08-22 Thread Tom Virgil
This is just awesome. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails fro

[RBW] Re: Calling all SoCal Rivsters S240 August 23rd anyone? See details below.

2013-08-24 Thread Tom Virgil
Now this was a good time. I hope that the SoCal Rivsters are safely arrived home or will soon be. Much appreciation to Hugh for setting this up, choosing San Mateo, selecting this campsite, and reserving it for us. Hugh made it happen. And hosted it. He helped folks set up tents, fix tires,

[RBW] Re: SoCal Rivsters San Clemente S24O

2013-08-25 Thread Tom Virgil
I'm very appreciative of being included and enjoyed meeting every one of you. Hugh's link to his deck of images has convinced me that next time I am taking the long route with you guys for the dining. There is a group shot in Hugh's deck and the "52 year old man in a tree" POV shot (you would

Re: [RBW] Re: Calling all SoCal Rivsters S240 August 23rd anyone? See details below.

2013-08-25 Thread Tom Virgil
t...@gmail.com wrote: > > Tom, thanks for making the trip up! And David's appearance with > provisions made the day! And his beautiful bike was some serious > eye-candy for us as well! > > On 8/24/13, Tom Virgil > wrote: > > Now this was a good time. I hope that the

[RBW] Re-thievery

2013-08-27 Thread Tom Virgil
I can't condone this (re-thievery) as the thief may be dangerous as well as stupid. There's a bit of NSFW language in the article, so you may want to use discrestion. Girl steals bike backThere is a good ending (also controversial)

[RBW] Re: It's like having a brand new bike!

2013-09-10 Thread Tom Virgil
It was sharp to begin with. You have taken it to the next level. On Tuesday, September 10, 2013 1:03:39 PM UTC-7, SMP wrote: > > Hello bunch, > > I had posed some questions a few weeks ago, as I had planned a few > upgrades to my Riv mixte. > > 1) Should I get a Gotham Cargo Crate or a Mark's Ra

[RBW] Re: A Librarian and her Betty Foy

2013-09-11 Thread Tom Virgil
I'll take the numbers in the article with a grain of salt. Knowing that you work through pain and fatigue to do something that you enjoy more than just wallowing in those limitations makes you a hero. Man, there are days I just don't want to ride because of some perceived affliction. I call i

[RBW] Re: A Librarian and her Betty Foy

2013-09-12 Thread Tom Virgil
. > > On Wednesday, September 11, 2013 7:35:28 PM UTC-7, Tom Virgil wrote: >> >> I'll take the numbers in the article with a grain of salt. Knowing that >> you work through pain and fatigue to do something that you enjoy more than >> just wallowing in those limitat

[RBW] Bad Boy Sam Hilborne got his albas inverted for a late summer afternoon ride

2013-09-14 Thread Tom Virgil
It's definitely easier to move from the grips to the hooks and have more hand positions. Proof that it happened: Bad Boy Hope you are all getting in rides. Tom -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

[RBW] Re: Bad Boy Sam Hilborne got his albas inverted for a late summer afternoon ride

2013-09-15 Thread Tom Virgil
w you get more hand positions, could you tell me more? > > With abandon, > Patrick > > On Saturday, September 14, 2013 9:57:29 PM UTC-6, Tom Virgil wrote: >> >> It's definitely easier to move from the grips to the hooks and have more >> hand positions. >> &g

[RBW] Re: LA Bump Ride.

2013-09-16 Thread Tom Virgil
Popped this into google maps and selected "bicycle". I had to laugh. Their selected route on W.Sunset takes you within two blocks of "Laur el and Hardy" park. Neither you nor Evan tend toward those two characters, but it struck my funny bone to see it on the map. Looks like you had a good tim

[RBW] Re: New Mixte?

2013-09-18 Thread Tom Virgil
Leah, Welcome to the world multiple Rivendell bike ownership. Your Betty is drop dead gorgeous, but when you are not riding her, she is lonely and needs a friend in the bike stable. I have been dangerously close (with all due respect to the great Sam Hilborne). The thought of what retributio

[RBW] Re: Morning ride, Proto-Appaloosa Mystery Bike

2013-09-19 Thread Tom Virgil
I would love to see these in production. Alas, I fear they may go the same way as the Hub Area racks that so intrigue me. Tom On Wednesday, September 18, 2013 11:21:02 AM UTC-7, Garth wrote: > > > Well Gee this "Mystery bike" has been a Mystery for far too long now > . lol. > > Anyon

[RBW] Re: only the Dutch

2013-09-19 Thread Tom Virgil
Not sure about their military capabilities, but they sure can ride fixies. Thanks for sharing. On Thursday, September 19, 2013 9:56:59 AM UTC-7, Ron Mc wrote: > > The Dutch Army Bicycle Band > -- You received this message because you are subscribed

Re: [RBW] Re: Morning ride, Proto-Appaloosa Mystery Bike

2013-09-19 Thread Tom Virgil
t he’d really like to do a > production run of these bikes. That it actually got a name suggests that’s > still a possibility, I would think. > > > > *From:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com [mailto: > rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com ] *On Behalf Of *Tom Virgil > *Sent:* Thursd


2013-09-19 Thread Tom Virgil
Hi Hugh, Happens intermittently on home (iMac), work (windows 8), phones (droid and IPhone), and iPad. So I don't think it's hardware or OS. I get the Google Groups framework on the screen but the area for list content remains blank. Restarting the browser and accessing the group again usual

[RBW] Now this is some serious "kit"

2013-09-20 Thread Tom Virgil
Maurice Dewaele 1929 Tour de France There is something about this that even reaches out to the un-racer. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owner

Re: [RBW] Re: Now this is some serious "kit"

2013-09-20 Thread Tom Virgil
ay, September 20, 2013 5:28:28 PM UTC-5, Deacon Patrick wrote: >>> >>> Double goggles and double hats. Kit indeed! >>> >>> With abandon, >>> Patrick >>> >>> On Friday, September 20, 2013 4:23:08 PM UTC-6, Tom Virgil wrote: >>>>

[RBW] Re: San Diego Bay Ride

2013-09-21 Thread Tom Virgil
"Hugh, when you come south so time we will do this ride." Hello Curtis, I would love to do this with you. Cannot tomorrow b/c of church obligations. I think Hugh has some folk down here and visits once in a while. So if he, Evan, Mike, David, or any of the other SoCal Rivstrs get down on an

[RBW] Re: San Diego Bay Ride Not Sure If It Counts

2013-09-23 Thread Tom Virgil
Very nicely done. On Sunday, September 22, 2013 11:27:12 PM UTC-7, hsmitham wrote: > > Curtis, > > Nice ride great pictures and it looks like just awesome weather. And there > was a ferry pic :-) > > ~Hugh > > On Sunday, September 22, 2013 7:35:28 PM UTC-7, Curtis wrote: >> >> Hi, >> >> Now tha

Re: [RBW] Re: San Diego Bay Ride Not Sure If It Counts

2013-09-23 Thread Tom Virgil
You take care of yourself, Mike. Please heal. I look forward to rides with you, Curtis,the geographically unbounded Hugh, and whomever else we can lure down here (Evan?) Agree with David that this is just a sweetheart route. For anyone that is interested, here

Re: [RBW] Re: ISO 26" Tour Wheelset.

2013-09-25 Thread Tom Virgil
I think the Atlantis and your AHH will make for a nice stable of Rivs. Tom On Wednesday, September 25, 2013 10:51:26 AM UTC-7, hsmitham wrote: > > Bryan, > > I'm picking up a 56 cm Atlantis from Seattle and plan on doing some > updates to the drive and toying with the idea of Albastashes. I'd li

Re: [RBW] Re: ISO 26" Tour Wheelset.

2013-09-25 Thread Tom Virgil
4 PM UTC-7, hsmitham wrote: > > Tom, > > Don't forget the Betty:-) > > > > Hugh > Sunland, Ca > > > On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 12:35 PM, Tom Virgil > > wrote: > >> I think the Atlantis and your AHH will make for a nice stable of Rivs. >> >

[RBW] Re: Sweet - Good Thing

2013-09-26 Thread Tom Virgil
Deacon Patrick speaks elsewhere on his remorse following the sale of a Sam Hilborne. I do not believe that such sales can be accomplished without psychological trauma to the (former) Riv owner. They don't cover that on the Learn/Shop/Blug website and every one of us stepped right into the trap

Re: [RBW] Re: Sweet - Good Thing

2013-09-26 Thread Tom Virgil
My apologies to the Patricks for confusing them. Nevertheless, heed my advice on "emotional trauma." I have fantasized about throwing my Sam for an Atlantis, but the aftermath of even the concupiscence of that weighs on my soul. I go out and look at him or take a spin and I think about the go

Re: [RBW] Fenders, dammit!

2013-09-27 Thread Tom Virgil
Removing your fenders, cleaning your bike, and washing your car will bring on a deluge. On Friday, September 27, 2013 9:39:13 AM UTC-7, Lee Chae wrote: > > Glass half full, it seems like you might have a nice little side business > there. > > Lee > > > On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Patrick

[RBW] Re: 54 cm Rivendell Quickbeam for sale

2013-10-02 Thread Tom Virgil
This was a sweet deal. Looking forward to your new bike day, Hugh. I remember the day the box with my Sam Hilborne arrived. Out of curiosity, how do multiple front chain rings work on a single speed? Is their "derailment" a manual operation? Best regards, On Tuesday, October 1, 2013 5:32:

[RBW] Re: Release of Hub Area Rack?!

2013-10-03 Thread Tom Virgil
Eric, I have been jonesing for the HA rack. Hoping it works out so I can put a load lower on my Sam Hilborne. Best regards, Tom On Thursday, October 3, 2013 3:16:23 PM UTC-7, Eric wrote: > > Looking forward to the release of the Hub Area Rack. Any word on date of > release to the general pub

[RBW] Re: Aspen Gold 3-day trip

2013-10-03 Thread Tom Virgil
Just beautiful. Your daughter does have a talent. I got some "brain cushion" just viewing and vicariously enjoying. Love your DW's encouragement and the notion that your family rendezvoused with you at your base camp. I sense a lot of love there. Best regards, Tom On Thursday, October 3,

[RBW] Re: Dyno - SP Dynamo Hub

2013-10-07 Thread Tom Virgil
Hi Kelly, I am contemplating wheel builds. Thinking 32 hole, Velocity polished A23 rims (they seem to address some problems with Velocity Synergy in high dish). Of course I want dynamo lighting. When all is said and done, it is an expensive thing to do. Got to looking around and found Shutt

[RBW] Re: First Meeting of The Sunrise Coffee & Tea Club

2013-10-07 Thread Tom Virgil
Hi cc, The more I see of this, the more I like it. I am highly motivated to do it. I know the perfect place in the Black Mountain Open Space Park near my home that I want to be on Saturday morning, October 13. Wish there were a few more Rivsters in the area to share, but solitude at dawn is

[RBW] Re: Night ride, inaugural, for SP dynohub and Cyo N Plus combo.

2013-10-07 Thread Tom Virgil
Hi Patrick, Good to know I am asking about Shutter Precision (SP) dynamos on another thread. I am OK with buzz. I am not OK with shimmy. On Thursday, October 3, 2013 9:10:02 PM UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote: > > Tonight I put in a brief 10.5 mile augmentation to my 12-mile errand ride > this

[RBW] Re: Dyno - SP Dynamo Hub

2013-10-08 Thread Tom Virgil
Hi Kelly, Based on your experience and what I read around the web, I am impressed. There are SV and PV models on ebay in the $125-135 "buy it now" range. That is very good compared to the competition. For Patrick Moore's benefit, S = Small Dynamo Hub P = Powerful Dynamo Hub X = Extreme Dyna

[RBW] Re: Dyno - SP Dynamo Hub

2013-10-08 Thread Tom Virgil
e<http://www.peterwhitecycles.com/schmidt.asp> . On Tuesday, October 8, 2013 12:51:22 PM UTC-7, Tom Virgil wrote: > > Hi Kelly, > > Based on your experience and what I read around the web, I am impressed. > There are SV and PV models on ebay in the $125-135 "buy it now" range. > That

[RBW] Re: Speaking of Off-Pavent Rides... Come to Redlands this Spring!

2013-10-09 Thread Tom Virgil
Just plain excellent. Marking my calendar. Thank you, David, for proposing this. Hope we see some of the usual suspects. On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 6:14:19 PM UTC-7, cyclot...@gmail.com wrote: > > Over the years, the SoCal chapter of the Rivendell Bicycle > Appreciation Society has put on

Re: [RBW] Re: Speaking of Off-Pavent Rides... Come to Redlands this Spring!

2013-10-09 Thread Tom Virgil
ith the beer and ice). I will never forget the reception as I rode into the camp. Worth ever penny for the beer and ice. Priceless for new friendships and associations. > On 10/9/13, Tom Virgil > wrote: > > Just plain excellent. Marking my calendar. Thank you, David, for >

Re: [RBW] Re: Stolen Romulus In Sacramento?

2013-10-10 Thread Tom Virgil
If you are using Romulus as second declension, accusative, that would be Romulos. Man, I am still suffering from being taught by the Jesuits. On Thursday, October 10, 2013 2:04:35 PM UTC-7, Anne Paulson wrote: > > I bet there aren't many bike shops in Sacramento that sold Romuluses. > Maybe a c

[RBW] Re: Mount Laguna_S240_San Diego, CA

2013-10-15 Thread Tom Virgil
Alas, I have to deal with the ball and chain Friday and into the weekend. I have done most all of this in various separate segments and I know you guys are in for a fantastic time. My one additional recommendation would be that anyone coming up 78 from Escondido to Julian carbo load at Dudley'

[RBW] Re: New to me, Sam Hilborne coming soon.

2013-10-18 Thread Tom Virgil
Thomas, Love my Samuel Hilborne with Albas. I suspect you are going to really enjoy yours. Another Tom with a Sam. On Friday, October 18, 2013 10:50:09 AM UTC-7, blakcloud wrote: > > The demo Sam Hilborne was up on the Riv site this morni

[RBW] Re: Sunday Solo Sites of San Diego Ride

2013-10-21 Thread Tom Virgil
Curtis, That is a classic "bike by the bay". I love it. Esteban's "Mid-City Mixie" looks great as well. Would be honored to ride either of them with you folks. Tom On Sunday, October 13, 2013 6:41:46 PM UTC-7, Curtis wrote: > > Public transportation to downtown San Diego then along the wate

[RBW] Re: Question / Poll/ Crazy idea? Read on...

2013-10-22 Thread Tom Virgil
I like the idea a lot. Tom On Monday, October 21, 2013 5:27:07 PM UTC-7, hsmitham wrote: > > Hi Bunch, > > Back in August some of us SoCal Rivsters did an S240 down in Southern > Orange County (San Onofre) were okay and our "RAD" levels are normal...my > Friend Curtis loaned me a book "Road to

Re: [RBW] Re: Fine steel wool to polish bullmoose h-bars?

2013-10-23 Thread Tom Virgil
You mentioned polish did not work. Tried Mother's or Magic Wadding? Fine rubbing compound? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunc

Re: [RBW] Re: Fine steel wool to polish bullmoose h-bars?

2013-10-23 Thread Tom Virgil
Yes, that's the stuff. On Wednesday, October 23, 2013 1:51:11 PM UTC-7, Jason Cloutier wrote: > > Is Magic Wadding similar to Nev-R-Dull? > > Jason Cloutier > Pawtucket, RI > > On Wednesday, October 23, 2013 4:32:45 PM UTC-4, Tom Virgil wrote: >> >> You

[RBW] Re: Fine steel wool to polish bullmoose h-bars?

2013-10-23 Thread Tom Virgil
If all else fails, here's to beausage. On Wednesday, October 23, 2013 8:10:57 AM UTC-7, Perry wrote: > > I have some bullmoose dull bright cromo h-bars with the faintest scuffs > from inserting MTB bar ends up near the front of the bends of the bar. > These are scuffs, not scratches. Polish won

[RBW] Re: Mt. Laguna S24O

2013-10-23 Thread Tom Virgil
Thank you Evan, Curtis, and Hugh for the pictures. That was some fine riding and camping. On Wednesday, October 23, 2013 4:15:21 PM UTC-7, hsmitham wrote: > > Here's Curtis's set on the S240 > > http://www.flickr.com/photos/97010676@N07/sets/72157636779432626/ > > ~Hugh > > On Sunday, October 20

[RBW] Re: New Bike Day.

2013-10-29 Thread Tom Virgil
Fantastic. It's got great bones. Great as it is, your enhancements are going to make it awesome. Tom On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 12:44:25 PM UTC-7, hsmitham wrote: > > Christmas came early. > > Been busy between receiving the bike from North Seattle thanks Suzy... so > here is the new bicycl

[RBW] Re: My first Riv - at long last. with pic.

2013-11-03 Thread Tom Virgil
It's a fine looking Sam, cbone. Happy to hear you are enjoying it with your family. My "new" (May 24th 2013) just sailed through 2400 miles this weekend and I am really liking it. Meanwhile I have met some wonderful people at an S24O and on this forum. Best regards, Tom On Sunday, November

[RBW] Possible One Pot Meal for S24O

2013-11-07 Thread Tom Virgil
I am going to see if the Trangia has the umph to pull this off this weekend. http://www.lottieanddoof.com/2013/06/one-pan-pasta/ I think I will get the water boiling in the kettle and then pour over the ingredients in the pan. From there, cook until pasta is al dente, garnish with basil, serv

[RBW] Re: Flash San Diego Riv Ride Saturday the 9th.

2013-11-07 Thread Tom Virgil
This circumnavigates my stomping ground, so I am in for some or all of it. Would not want to miss you guys Are you thinking 15th and Camino Del Mar, South to Carmel Valley Road, East to Sorrento Valley Road, South to Sorrento Valley Blvd, East to Penasquitos? The initial stretch on Sorrento

[RBW] Re: Possible One Pot Meal for S24O

2013-11-07 Thread Tom Virgil
bowls, and garnish with basil. Serve with oil and Parmesan. On Thursday, November 7, 2013 8:30:59 AM UTC-8, hsmitham wrote: > > Tom, > > Was very curious what culinary feast your hatching but the link doesn't > seem to work? > > ~Hugh > > On Thursday, November 7, 2

Re: [RBW] Possible One Pot Meal for S24O

2013-11-07 Thread Tom Virgil
lid >> when you get things up to temperature, there's no reason why you can't make >> this meal. >> >> I was cooking quinoa and stuff like that on my tour and never ran into >> problems. >> >> cc >> >> >> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 a

[RBW] Re: Possible One Pot Meal for S24O

2013-11-08 Thread Tom Virgil
, -Tom On Thursday, November 7, 2013 9:12:16 PM UTC-8, hsmitham wrote: > > Tom, > > Which stove do you have the 27-7 or 25-7? > > ~Hugh > > On Thursday, November 7, 2013 8:24:22 AM UTC-8, Tom Virgil wrote: >> >> I am going to see if the Trangia has the um

[RBW] Re: Flash San Diego Riv Ride Saturday the 9th.

2013-11-08 Thread Tom Virgil
We might want to rethink Gonzales based on how many fender people are there. The West end has a lot of sand, sticks, and leaves so bucolic RSF would be better for fender people. I am guessing that you are thinking of something like Black Mountain to Del Sur on Carmel Valley Road, Carmel Vall

Re: [RBW] Re: Flash San Diego Riv Ride Saturday the 9th.

2013-11-08 Thread Tom Virgil
On Friday, November 8, 2013 8:51:24 AM UTC-8, hsmitham wrote: > > Tom you had me on the Gonzales Canyon. I don't mind sand as I have no > problem walking if necessary. Plus my fenders break away in an emergency. > Lets do it. > > > Best, > > > ~Hugh > >

[RBW] Re: Flash San Diego Riv Ride Saturday the 9th.

2013-11-08 Thread Tom Virgil
Ratz. just learned I have a work related lunch meeting on Sat. But... Wild horses are not going to keep me away from this ride. My campus at work is above Penasquitos and there are several ways I can ride and intercept from there. The wheel turns as the wheel turns, but here is a rough appr

Re: [RBW] Flash San Diego Riv Ride Saturday the 9th.

2013-11-08 Thread Tom Virgil
Got it Curtis :-) I will be riding fenders on the Sam. Since my somewhat inconsiderate employer decided to book me for lunch tomorrow with a certain South Korean manufacturer of cell phones and ace me out of part 1 of the ride, I left work early today and reconed the west end of Gonzales on my

[RBW] Re: Flash San Diego Riv Ride Saturday the 9th.

2013-11-09 Thread Tom Virgil
I had work commitments at noon and some "honey do's" before sunset, but I managed to do the middle segment with Hugh, Curtis and Mike. Connecting at mid ride went off without a hitch. Hugh called me from Black Mountain Road and Carmel Mountain Road and 15 minutes later they were rolling into S

[RBW] Re: Catalogue

2013-11-09 Thread Tom Virgil
Mine came today with an order of Tektro brakes (More on that later, as for my plans for them. :-/). It is so much more than a catalog, a "read" on concept for each of the categories of components. I am still pouring through it. What a pleasure. On Sunday, November 3, 2013 11:19:39 AM UTC-8,

[RBW] Re: Flash San Diego Riv Ride Saturday the 9th.

2013-11-10 Thread Tom Virgil
It was good, Evan. As Hugh says, "There will be more...". Come on down to San Diego and I would be honored to ride with you. On Saturday, November 9, 2013 10:52:28 PM UTC-8, Coconutbill wrote: > > Sure looks like a great ride, fellas. >> > Did the equestrians give you much trouble? > Sorry this

[RBW] Re: Flash San Diego Riv Ride Report

2013-11-10 Thread Tom Virgil
ows all atop 29ers. We made our way up the canyon and > okay about this time I was in bliss smooth fire road and single track oh > and floating over the rough patches were the remounted Hetres hooray for > balloon tires. > > Continuing on we paused at the Penasquitos water fal

[RBW] Re: Flash San Diego Riv Ride Report

2013-11-11 Thread Tom Virgil
le track oh > and floating over the rough patches were the remounted Hetres hooray for > balloon tires. > > Continuing on we paused at the Penasquitos water falls and ook in views of > the surprising amount of water, but we had a meet up with our fellow Riv > rider Tom Virgil s

[RBW] Re: Flash San Diego Riv Ride Report

2013-11-11 Thread Tom Virgil
OK, that's not the link I was thinking of and my comments in passing. In the interest of keeping this a Rivendell bicycle forum, I'll let go of it, but I am still laughing about it. The nerve of some people. On Monday, November 11, 2013 7:19:57 PM UTC-8, Tom Virgil wrote: >

[RBW] Re: Flash San Diego Riv Ride Report

2013-11-11 Thread Tom Virgil
e and is reasonably protected. Remember the "Sword Way" sign"? That goes for about a 1/2 mile trip up the canyon to a trail head that is about one mile from my driveway. You guys are welcome to come and explore further from my home. ~Tom On Monday, November 11, 2013 7:33:31 P

Re: [RBW] Re: Flash San Diego Riv Ride Report

2013-11-11 Thread Tom Virgil
e laugh. Thanks for > reminding me. > > > Best, > > > ~Hugh > > > On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 8:09 PM, Tom Virgil > > wrote: > >> Just to keep things in good spirits, it is the image of the stiletto >> heeled, um, shoes. It's not the first tim

[RBW] Re: Invisible Bike Helmet.

2013-11-15 Thread Tom Virgil
>From the end of the video I take it this is some kind of air bag that is deployed. I have no preconceived notion or opinion, but it would be interesting to know how an organization like Snell has evaluated it. Interesting. Tom On Thursday, November 14, 2013 11:44:05 PM UTC-8, hsmitham wrot

[RBW] Re: Waitin' on my Riv--debating on Drops versus Albatross

2013-11-17 Thread Tom Virgil
I am also Tom and I own a Sam. My Sam has inverted Albas. See here. It is my personal preference. They work well for me using Sam as an "All Rounder" country bike. Sam gets ridden on the road at a good clip, on dirt trails without iss

Re: [RBW] Cable Management (or) More Twine

2013-11-19 Thread Tom Virgil
On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 8:40:08 AM UTC-8, Eric Norris wrote: > > And if you really want to get carried away with the whole twiny thing: > > gilligan.jpeg > > Forget Gilligan. I have had these,

[RBW] Re: Out my back door.

2014-02-12 Thread Tom Virgil
Wonderfully composed and an enjoyable read. Got me thinking about my own fortune in having a riding resource outside my back door (Although Gozales, McGonnigle, and Black Mountain have nowhere near the extent of Big Tijunga). That in turn led to reading about Sunland-Tijunga history, the Tongva

[RBW] Re: Way too good to keep to myself.

2014-02-18 Thread Tom Virgil
Could we be talking "Tejas" and the Buena Suerte Cinnabar Mercury Mine Ghost Town? One way or the other, it appears Jared knows how

[RBW] Re: Pics from inside Waterford

2014-02-18 Thread Tom Virgil
I must have got in just under the wire. My Boulder All Road was crafted at Waterford. I do not know if the pin stripe was was done at Waterford or with one of Mike Kone's Boulder resources. I can say I like it (the frame and the paint)

[RBW] Re: Way too good to keep to myself.

2014-02-18 Thread Tom Virgil
The ever clueless Tom asks "What is 'DV'"? Death Valley? Thanks, Tom On Tuesday, February 18, 2014 9:31:18 PM UTC-8, hsmitham wrote: > > My guess is DV. Looks good. > > ~Hugh > > On Tuesday, February 18, 2014 7:51:20 PM UTC-8, Manuel Acosta wrote: >> >> Hate too call him out but just can't keep

Re: [RBW] Re: Way too good to keep to myself.

2014-02-18 Thread Tom Virgil
Complete Walker" and his other works). Off topic for Rivsters, but I am sentimental about it. Take care, good friend, Tom On Tuesday, February 18, 2014 9:58:12 PM UTC-8, hsmitham wrote: > > Yep, or one of the lesser valleys in DVNP perhaps Panamint or Eureka. > > -Hugh > O

Re: [RBW] Re: Atlantis w/ some fatties!

2014-02-27 Thread Tom Virgil
Hugh, Medicine dance is working. Awesome job. Tom On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:13:28 PM UTC-8, hsmitham wrote: > > Tony, > > Don't be jealous, were in major a drought I can't remember the last time > we had rain?? And the high pressure pushing the jet stream North and East > has created

[RBW] Re: Reflection on S24O/Mo

2014-02-27 Thread Tom Virgil
Loving this thread. Over on the Atlantis Fatties I made light of the medicine dance and (implied) humor of it. Having now heard the forecast (Noah type deluge) and knowing the geography of Sunland/Tijunga, you take care, dear friend. Best regards, Tom On Thursday, February 27, 2014 8:15:5

Re: [RBW] SoCal February S240 poll.

2014-02-28 Thread Tom Virgil
In view of the Noachian event occurring in SoCal I believe we can declare the first weeks of March "virtual February" and avoid dampening the prospect of one S24O/month for 2014. Best regards, Tom On Thursday, February 27, 2014 11:59:05 AM UTC-8, hsmitham wrote: > > Hey Guy's, > > Well I thin

[RBW] Re: What does "IRD" and "IGH" mean?

2014-03-01 Thread Tom Virgil
An IRD Crank on my Boulder All Road. On Friday, February 28, 2014 9:34:32 PM UTC-8, Michael wrote: > > I see these trebles thrown around a lot in Riv-speak and was wondering > what they mean. > Are they brand names? Do they mean "Independe

[RBW] Re: Baby got new shoes ...

2014-03-02 Thread Tom Virgil
I pulled the trigger on Gran Bois Hetre Extra Legers. Comfortable, fast rolling, light. They do hit that 650B 42 mm sweet spot. Today was the maiden voyage, and I was happy. We will see about puncture resistance and wear. Had they been available, I might have went for the Babyshoe Pass XLs.

[RBW] You know you are riding in San Francisco when

2014-03-03 Thread Tom Virgil
"I see a fellow cyclist riding in high heels". Interesting profiles of some S.F. riders. There is even a Homer Hilsen rider with a fish leather cap. Some ideas for the Bay Area Nati

[RBW] Re: Hillborne sighting, SD, CA

2014-03-11 Thread Tom Virgil
Probably Bruce. Sam and I were out on Carmel Mountain Road seeking a way to connect with the Duck Pond Ranch and Del Mar Mesa Road (almost but not quite). I spent a little time on Carmel Valley Road near the end between 56 and Del Mar Heights Road. Time was about 1:30 - 3:00 PM. Tom On Satur

[RBW] Re: The mind set of the car centric society

2014-03-13 Thread Tom Virgil
Some food for thought. Dutch style intersections . See http://www.protectedintersection.com/ as well. On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 6:05:04 PM UTC-7, Curtis wrote: > > Hi all, > > The following

[RBW] Re: Beauty Shots of the Custom are up!

2014-03-26 Thread Tom Virgil
Congradulatons Liesl, This bicycle just plain avers competence as a bicycle. It is unique, handsome, and artful. And every detail reveals thought and intent on the part of you, the owner, and its builders. It is at once beautiful and at the same time as purposeful as a honey badger. I look

[RBW] Remember the Turtles?

2014-03-31 Thread Tom Virgil
Sighted these guys on a SamRide (TM) along the Highway 56 Bikeway. So happy together. They are apparently Red-Eared Sliders which are not native and most likely escapees or rejects from someone's home terrarium turtle habitat.

[RBW] Re: Remember the Turtles?

2014-03-31 Thread Tom Virgil
. ~Tom On Monday, March 31, 2014 8:56:14 PM UTC-7, Tom Virgil wrote: > > Sighted these guys on a SamRide (TM) along the Highway 56 Bikeway. > > So happy > together.<https://www.flickr.com/photos/20853610@N05/sets/72157643139659794/> > > They are apparently Red-Eared Slide

[RBW] Re: New Edeluxe Light Source - LENR

2014-04-01 Thread Tom Virgil
Rivendell Sauron. LMAO. My evil mind immediately flashed to a salamander hued contraption with 16 inch wheels and a low slung frame.. It would be the Rivendell Gollum. Me precious, Tom On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 10:15:47 AM UTC-7, Corwin wrote: > > Although I don't have the funds at the m

[RBW] Re: Low trail, lightest tubing bikes really all that?

2014-04-17 Thread Tom Virgil
I have a Samuel Hillborne and a Boulder All Road. I am exactly lined up with Bill Lindsay. ~Tom On Wednesday, April 16, 2014 11:08:22 PM UTC-7, Michael wrote: > > Anyone here own a low-trail/ lightest tubing bike? > Like the Herses and Singers and the new MAP S&P, Boulder bikes, etc.? > > Do yo

[RBW] Smoking might be good for you

2014-04-23 Thread Tom Virgil
and maybe not -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegro

[RBW] Re: Grey Blue, Blue Grey Sam Hillborne touch up paint.

2014-04-23 Thread Tom Virgil
Cyclofiend came up with this for some of the legacy models. I also have a Sam and prefer having him on the pristine side rather than the Beausage. On Wednesday, April 23, 2014 6:37:11 PM UTC-7, Richard Rios wrote: > > Hi All, > > I know Riv suggests ju

[RBW] Re: What do you do on your Birthaday?

2014-04-24 Thread Tom Virgil
A most happy birthday, Hugh! Loved the birthday ride story. Tom On Thursday, April 24, 2014 11:34:17 AM UTC-7, hsmitham wrote: > > This is what I decided to do. Here > > > Have a great day! > > ~Hugh > -- You received this message because you are subsc

[RBW] Re: 30daysofbiking

2014-05-02 Thread Tom Virgil
I am so very moved that you have shared this, Eunice. It is a work of love and the process of healing. Thank you Tom On Thursday, May 1, 2014 6:10:32 PM UTC-7, Eunice Chang wrote: > > I thought I'd share my experiences on 30 days of biking last month here: > > https://sleepyneko.exposure.co/30

[RBW] Some ideas on bike theft and retrieval (Here's how to get your stolen bike back in S.F.)

2014-05-03 Thread Tom Virgil
>From >sfgate. > The article has some reasonable ideas. The comments are chaotic so please don't be discouraged by them. It made me think. Do I even know or have I recorded the bic

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