on 5/18/10 11:36 PM, CycloFiend at cyclofi...@earthlink.net wrote:
> on 5/18/10 9:57 PM, happyriding at happyrid...@yahoo.com wrote:
>> On May 18, 8:38 pm, CycloFiend wrote:
>>> I'm not quite following your math (geometry?) on this. When they describe
>>> the horizontal extension as 65 m
Are we "Bunchers?"
"Bunchers." "Buncher." "I'm a buncher." "Hey, fellow bunchers!"
I don't think that's going to work for me... can we use one of those
made-up Rivendell model names instead?
On May 18, 10:44 am, Brad Gantt wrote:
> On my way home from work I saw a dapper looking gent o
Does anyone have experience using the shopsack with drop bars? The wideness
of it concerns me. I ride 44mm bars with a medium basket. I would just go
to RBWHQ to check it out but it looks like they are out of the grid grey in
the size I want. I'll make the trip when it is in stock.
Wow - I guess I am the only person who had these brakes and didn't
care for them. I ordered my AHH built with the polished center mount
version of the Racer and found them to be rather problematic. Neither
the folks at Rivendell nor my LBS were able to help with the problems
I was having:
I like the idea of the made-up Rivendell model names..."Istari" or
some such nonsense, perhaps?
On May 19, 3:44 am, Philip Williamson
> Are we "Bunchers?"
> "Bunchers." "Buncher." "I'm a buncher." "Hey, fellow bunchers!"
> I don't think that's going to work for me... can we use one of
Used for two tours, plating is completely intact, no dents or bends,
comes with the adjusting hardware. $140 delivered in the lower 48. I
take good care of my stuff and this rack is in fantastic condition.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 3:01 AM, CycloFiend wrote:
> Made me dig through my ref's and refind this link:
> http://www.habcycles.com/fitting.html
> and I'll work through this when my brain is better..
> http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/53925.html
> oh, and though this is set up more
Rene, I say go for it and get the Atlantis. Especially if you have a
dedicated mountain bike. Maybe before you pull the trigger you could
get out on a 61cm for a while. One thing I'd do if I were getting an
Atlantis is have braze-ons added either mid fork, or behind the fork
for the large Nitto fro
Bear in mind too that Noodles have a longish reach if you set them up
flat-ramped. So a stem that's a cm or two shorter than one might expect to run
for a given frame size isn't that uncommon...
-Original Message-
From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
On May 18, 8:23 pm, Rene Sterental wrote:
> I'm 5'11". It seems to me that I might have a shorter torso but long arms
> and long legs. However, I've never been able to figure it out... :-)
not sure about the long legs - your saddle height (76.5) seems a touch
low for a leggy 5'11."
>I could plac
It is difficult to do the geometric calculations which compare the
Technomic to the Dirt Drop because it is hard to find a right triangle
in the setup. It is fair to say that a 6 or 7cm Technomic will get
you as close as you will get to the same position as an 80mm Dirt Drop
-- within 5mm or so as
please, no more Rivendell name games! we've beat that one to
and I thought Aaron had a Romulus... at least from all the pic's I've
On May 19, 3:54 am, Blindrobert wrote:
> I like the idea of the made-up Rivendell model names..."Istari" or
> some such nonsense, perhaps?
I still have it.Some close to pulling the plug
From: Bruce
To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tue, May 18, 2010 10:56:27 PM
Subject: [RBW] Selle Saddle
Is that thing sold yet?
You received this message because you are subscribed to th
Hey Calm - The ride was so nice I guess you had to say it twice :-)
The Rivboy's are putting together a Saluki for me now. They have a
few new frames left over. I bought mine sight unseen, never even saw
a Rivendell. Wanted one for years though and well, the Saluki will
soon be heading to upsta
I currently have my bike set up with 44mm drop bars and a medium
basket, and I use my shopsack daily with no problems. The bag does
touch the bars a little bit but it is nothing that gets in the way of
my brakes (it probably wouldn't work so well with brifters), but it
isn't a fuss for me. Most o
and welcome to 650B!
Beware there may be a slippery slope ahead
On May 18, 10:48 pm, Calm54 wrote:
> Thanks!
> On May 18, 4:41 pm, Rene Sterental wrote:
> > Welcome to the club!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Owners Bunch" group.
On May 19, 12:36 am, CycloFiend wrote:
> on 5/18/10 9:57 PM, happyriding at happyrid...@yahoo.com wrote:
> > On May 18, 8:38 pm, CycloFiend wrote:
> >> I'm not quite following your math (geometry?) on this. When they describe
> >> the horizontal extension as 65 mm, wouldn't that be the just
on 5/19/10 5:29 AM, Seth Vidal at skvi...@gmail.com wrote:
> There is also:
> http://alex.phred.org/stemchart/Default.aspx
> from Alex Wetmore
Excellent! That's the one I was thinking about. Thanks Seth!
- J
Jim Edgar
Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries - h
on 5/19/10 12:24 AM, happyriding at happyrid...@yahoo.com wrote:
> On May 19, 12:36 am, CycloFiend wrote:
>> on 5/18/10 9:57 PM, happyriding at happyrid...@yahoo.com wrote:
>>> On May 18, 8:38 pm, CycloFiend wrote:
I'm not quite following your math (geometry?) on this. When they de
On May 19, 12:16 am, Rene Sterental wrote:
> These must be guidelines, obviously. After measuring horizontal distance
> between my AHH and my Bombadil, the Bombadil is 1 - 1.5cm longer, although
> the height difference between the saddle and bars might be affecting this
> measurment, therefore t
Like many Riv products those are heinous looking and (mildly)
practical. I first saw them yesterday and chuckled, but then riding
home in the rain with water repellent pants and jacket, I thought they
might serve a use for commuters like me. In the winter I use NEOS
overshoes, but they are a lot to
Disclosure: Paul is a good friend of mine.
Regarding the straddle wire, that sounds like a setup problem to me. I
run Paul brakes on a few of my bikes, and that's not a problem with
any of them. In fact, just squeezing the centerpulls by the pads
should release the cable, or close to it. Without s
Beautiful new Roadeo frame received, will have the LBS build it up
this week. Am thinking about SRAM Apex (brifters, derailleur, and
11-32 cassette). Or, possibly, the Apex brifters with SRAM XX
derailleur and 11-36 cassette.
Cranks will probably be a TA Cyclotourist knock-off from Velo Orange,
terryg wrote:
>and welcome to 650B!
>Beware there may be a slippery slope ahead
Indeed. My Saluki was my first 650b bike and I now have 5. (Equally the fault
of K.Pacenti, for bringing the wheelsize to mountain biking)
You received this message because you are subscribed to
Where's Waldo? Yes, I am most likely the person in question. And Mike
is correct: I have a Romulus.
On May 19, 7:37 am, Michael_S wrote:
> please, no more Rivendell name games! we've beat that one to
> death.
> and I thought Aaron had a Romulus... at least from all the pic's I've
> see
I don't know anything about Apex itself, but my understanding of SRAM
gruppos is that the shifters and front and rear derailleurs must all
be SRAM, because they have them optimized for the double tap shifting.
I don't know if mixing an Apex with XX will work. You'd have to ask.
Although I don't ha
on 5/19/10 12:44 AM, Philip Williamson at philip.william...@gmail.com wrote:
> Are we "Bunchers?"
> "Bunchers." "Buncher." "I'm a buncher." "Hey, fellow bunchers!"
"Listers" always makes me think we're out of balance. Which may indeed be
the case. But it does make me want to reset the trim tabs.
The Apex and the other SRAM road groups should be compatible with the XX group.
The cable pull ratio is the same for the rear derailleurs. The cassette spacing
is identical and is the same as Shimano's 10 speed spacing. You can mix and
match SRAM 10 speed derailleurs and shifters, but you can't
I think some of the compounding confusion comes from the Riv site.
There, they claim a 100mm dirt drop stem has an effective horizontal
extension of 82mm. I think that should simply read 'extension' with
'horizontal' removed. That's what my 100mm dirt drop stem measures
to, and only then do
Aaron: thanks for the response, I appreciate the feedback on the
shifters. The gearing is a bit overkill, true. But it's appropriate
for a Clyde (the cycling community often underestimates the
contribution of old shotputters in the peloton). My frequent rides
include Death Ride routes, Levi's Gr
Speaking of Paul's centerpulls, my new-to-me Saluki has the polished
versions. Haven't ridden it yet, still setting it up, but I noticed
this morning the chrome on all of the brake pad fixing post nuts--the
5mm hex domed ones--is flaking off and rusting. Anyone know if those
available in st
20 years ago (at 35) I weighed 155-160. At 200 lbs now, it's kinda
like loaded touring even with nothin' on the bike. :) My gearing has
changed accordingly. Getting back to riding, hope that will reverse.
Rob in Seattle
On May 19, 2010, at 9:20 AM, Aaron Thomas
For comparison, I
I know these are rare as hen's teeth, but thought I'd give it a shot.
Anyone out there tired of looking at their Legolas or thinking of
moving to another frame?
Park City, UT
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Owners Bunch" group.
I concur. I use 48mm Noodles with brifters and have both the Medium and the
Large versions. With the Large, I get a similar experience. It might be a
minor hassle but not worth being concerned with. Obviously I have no issues
whatsoever with the Medium. In terms of handling and overall feeling, I
On May 19, 12:26 pm, Joe Bartoe wrote:
>The cassette spacing is identical and is the same as Shimano's 10 speed
>spacing. >You can mix and match SRAM 10 speed derailleurs and shifters, but
>you can't mix >them with Shimano.
anyone know if you can use a doubletap shifter with a 9 speed cassette
I used SRAM Rival and Red on my pre-Rivendell days. In fact, when I first
built my AHH I just used the Rival group I removed from the Gunnar frame I
sold and bought the SRAM bar-end shifters. Compact front 172.5mm cranks (2nd
generation) and 12-28 rear cassette. I loved it, but at 275 lbs, getting
on 5/19/10 9:30 AM, William at tapebu...@gmail.com wrote:
> Jim
> I think some of the compounding confusion comes from the Riv site.
> There, they claim a 100mm dirt drop stem has an effective horizontal
> extension of 82mm. I think that should simply read 'extension' with
> 'horizontal' remov
I don't think you can, as the cable pull will be incompatible. However, you
can use a friction barend shifter with the double compact, which is how I
ran my AHH for a short time. Sram double compact front and Shimano 9 speed
rear with Shimano barend shifters. I don't recall if Sram's barend shifter
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Owners Bunch" group.
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On May 19, 1:34 pm, Rene Sterental wrote:
> I don't think you can, as the cable pull will be incompatible. However, you
> can use a friction barend shifter with the double compact, which is how I
> ran my AHH for a short time. Sram double compact front and Shimano 9 speed
> rear with Shimano baren
SRAM's 9 speed cassettes and rear derailleurs are not compatible with SRAM's
10 speed cassettes and rear derailleurs as far as I know. It has to do with
the amount of cable pull and the separation between the rear cogs. I doubt
it's just a matter of adjusting the limit screws since the 9 and 10 spe
My fleeting glimpse gave me two false impressions:
1. It didn't look like he was wearing a helmet. He was.
2. I thought the bike was a custom. It was a Romulus. So much for my
eyewitness testimony.
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For Campy Ergo there are two options ( well maybe 3)
1. 10 speed Ergo shifters pull the same cable as the spacing on 8
speed ShimaNo Cassette and Rear deral. Works great ..I have this on
my Tandem.
2. 10 speed Ergo shifters with a DaVinci modified SRAM Mountain X9
rear derailleur and a shimano 9
To all,
While Rich and I are having coffee this morning, he mentioned he has 5
black 650b rim from Velocity. 3 of them are rear O/C and 2 are
regular rims. In case you want some black rims for you bike, now is
the time.
Contact Rich at Rivendell for more details.
Disclaimer: Rich is a friend o
On May 19, 3:16 pm, Michael_S wrote:
> For Campy Ergo there are two options ( well maybe 3)
> 1. 10 speed Ergo shifters pull the same cable as the spacing on 8
> speed ShimaNo Cassette and Rear deral.
do you know if one can do 9 spd with the "alternate" shimano rech mech
cable routing?
yes, if you use Hubbub routing. Here is the link to Shimergo. I have
not tried it. http://www.ctc.org.uk/desktopdefault.aspx?tabid=3946
On May 19, 1:05 pm, Patrick in VT wrote:
> On May 19, 3:16 pm, Michael_S wrote:
> > For Campy Ergo there are two options ( well maybe 3)
> > 1. 10
though I'm late to the party...here is my input ... I would pick the
Atlantis hands down over the Bombadill. I just like the flatter top
tube and classic lines. Without disc brakes on the Bomba, I think is
not as usable off road as the construction and design intent would
dictate. To me it's just a
On May 19, 4:13 pm, Michael_S wrote:
> yes, if you use Hubbub routing. Here is the link to Shimergo. I have
> not tried it. http://www.ctc.org.uk/desktopdefault.aspx?tabid=3946
neat. thanks for that.
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Owners Bu
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 10:04 AM, rinjin wrote:
> I know these are rare as hen's teeth, but thought I'd give it a shot.
> Anyone out there tired of looking at their Legolas or thinking of
> moving to another frame?
> Thanks!
Just curious -- does/will Rivendell still make this bike? I know t
just saw this post. I have been looking at the Frances Tourist
Diffusible model. The one bike I would like to have is a travel bike
and the Ritchey Break away system seems very innocuous compared to the
more obvious S&S couplers. Are you pleased with the workmanship? did
the builder meet your expe
Buy new brake pads, and you get new nuts. Those aren't a PAUL part,
just part of the brake pad.
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Rob Harrison wrote:
> Speaking of Paul's centerpulls, my new-to-me Saluki has the polished
> versions. Haven't ridden it yet
I'll be darned. That's clever. I haven't owned a bike with centerpull
brakes in the modern era. (Obviously.) Last centerpulls I had were
Weinmanns, in 1977. :)
Thanks Gino!
Rob in Seattle
On May 19, 2010, at 3:39 PM, Gino Zahnd wrote:
Buy new brake pads, and you get new nuts. Those aren'
On May 19, 6:56 am, Blindrobert wrote:
> Used for two tours, plating is completely intact, no dents or bends,
> comes with the adjusting hardware. $140 delivered in the lower 48. I
> take good care of my stuff and this rack is in fantastic condition.
> --
> You received this message beca
Of all my custom bikes, it's my favorite! And it get's the most
comment/stares of any bike I own except, perhaps my cargo bike, which
is like being in a parade every time I ride it.
The interaction with Josh (at Frances) is ve
Thought I had a few leads but nothing yet so I am still looking.
If anyone is interested here is a photo of the new larger size
Bullmoose bars that Rivendell currently has. Apparently while it has
a 200mm reach vs the current 150mm because of the geometry the
difference is not that great. I unfo
I didn't mean to start a discussion of the semantics of unpaved rural
road terminology, but I did learn a few things about the western fire
roads. So thanks.
The Almanzo race included just about every type of bike. I rode to the
event with a guy on a Long Haul Trucker and another guy on a full-
Yes I agree, my first custom (now sold) was a learning experience. Got
everything right but rear seat stay length. My 2nd is in the garage
being built.
I really like the Diffusible Tourist Joshua built. I would like to get
one maybe this fall. Here is a pic from his Flickr site
On 5/15/10, cyclotourist wrote:
> BTW, here's a cool gravel-road race promo for the mid-west:
> http://vimeo.com/11700688
> Nicely put together video (if not a touch silly).
The American Gravel Road Cycling Institute videos are nice (f not a
touch silly), as well...:
From: Gino Zahnd wrote:
Buy new brake pads, and you get new nuts.
Boy howdy, I wish it were that easy.
Jon ³Feeling every bit of 51 years old today² Grant, in
Austin, Texas
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Owners Bunch" group.
Last week I had posted information about a 55cm Bleriot frame, Saluki
Fork, Rivendell wheels and a Nitto stem that I am offering for sale.
I had several requests for pictures, but I had no digital pictures to
send, so I removed the post until pictures were available. Well, the
bike pictures are no
FWIW, Dave Zabriskie is leading the ATOC.
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Jon Grant wrote:
> From: Gino Zahnd wrote:
> Buy new brake pads, and you get new nuts.
> ===
> Boy howdy, I wish it were that easy.
> --
> Jon ³Feeling every bit of 51 years old today² Grant, in
> Austin, Texa
At the risk of earning an off-topic reprimand, this photo spread on
the bicycle for National Bike to Work Week could be of general
interest to the list:
Many of the photos are really nice.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Go
The photography is magnificent!
The bikes are steel...
The images are made with silver...
No reprimand for you!
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Owners Bunch" group.
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To uns
I've only talked to Josh Muir of Frances for a few minutes a couple of
times, but I really respect him, and his bikes hit the spot.
This may strike other people differently than it does me, but I love
that his bikes have had the only Nashbar brakes I've ever seen at a
bike show. They also looked,
64 matches
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