Re: [PyMOL] command question RE printing out distances to text file

2014-06-17 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej Suzanne, you will need to append the other two distances to the script to get them printed. Following your example that would be something like: # calculate the distance and store it in dst dst1=cmd.distance('tmp','B///297/cb','A///17-19/cb') dst2=cmd.distance('tmp','B///297/cb','A///17-19/cb

Re: [PyMOL] command question RE printing out distances to text file

2014-06-17 Thread Andreas Warnecke
he output file f.write("%8.3f\n"%dst1) f.write("%8.3f\n"%dst2) f.write("%8.3f\n"%dst3) f.close() Cheers, Andreas On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 8:45 PM, Andreas Warnecke <> wrote: > Hej Suzanne, > > you will need to append the o

Re: [PyMOL] Set fullscreen and grid mode in batch script

2014-06-19 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej, I haven't tested, but the grid_mode should work, all you need to do is correct the underscore typo: set grid_mode, 1 # without _ set grid_slot, 2, object2 set grid_slot, 1, object1 Picture size and quality is not controlled by viewport unless you are making a movie, in that case set viewport

Re: [PyMOL] side chain helper glycine

2014-06-23 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej, I'm not sure about the side chain helper options, but you can always selectively show displays. You could try something like: show_as cartoon, object show sticks, sele and not name N+C+O or: show_as cartoon, object show sticks, sele hide sticks, name N+C+O Either option should show the ca

Re: [PyMOL] Aligning multiple residue sets in two or more proteins

2014-07-02 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hi Monica, I haven't tested, but maybe you could try: align PDB1 and (resi 80-120 or resi 160-220), PDB2 and (resi 80-120 or resi 160-220) I.e. expanding the selection to both streches. Running sequential alignments will replace existing ones. How this may help. /Andreas On Jul 2, 2014 1:24 PM,

Re: [PyMOL] How to show atom index or atom serial when clicking on an atom?

2014-07-13 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej Jose, This script may do what you need. The core is to use iterate over the different identifiers. I'm not sure if there's a more convenient way, though. python def get_macro_name(sele): ''' will return t

[PyMOL] Fwd: Re: How to show atom index or atom serial when clicking on an atom?

2014-07-13 Thread Andreas Warnecke
-- Forwarded message -- From: "Andreas Warnecke" <> Date: Jul 14, 2014 1:03 AM Subject: Re: [PyMOL] How to show atom index or atom serial when clicking on an atom? To: "Jose Borreguero" Cc: minor amendment, changin the iterate

Re: [PyMOL] Iterating through states of a topology object (trajectories) and writing out a distance

2014-07-17 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej Sajeewa, it is hard to test this without the data, however, I think what you may be looking for is defining the "state". Either you can set it in your script using cmd.set('state', x) or define it in the get_distance function. Since you use state=0, it will always use the object's current one.

Re: [PyMOL] Faster installation of plugins during development

2014-07-18 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej Matthew, 1. The advantage of using the plugin manager is that it will automatically import all the plugin in the 'plugins' folder of the 'pymol-script-repo'. This should re-load you plugin if it is located in a folder managed by the plugin manager. The loading of plugins located therein occurs

Re: [PyMOL] directing output of "print"

2014-07-23 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej Harry, This PyMOL wiki page may help you out further, it may be hard to find without the underscore in the name: If you use the load_b=1 option, PyMOL will overwrite the b-factor. You could select the atom by the overwritten b-factor, e.g.: select m

Re: [PyMOL] Fwd: color by RMSF or RMSD

2014-07-23 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej Nidhi, I'm not familiar with the two scipts but the usage appears correct. You can check the arguments in PyMOL using e.g.: rmsf_states ? and/or: help rmsf_states I assume the color_b command is a simplification of the spectrum command, so you could also check out:

Re: [PyMOL] Coloring of helices

2014-08-21 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej, you can try to exclude the backbone from your selections using "not": select V27, (resi 27 and EXA) and not (name N+C+O) # I included the CA in this selection etc. This should select the residue atoms excluding the backbone (except CA). If you have hydrogens in the structure you may need

Re: [PyMOL] Hbonds in grid mode

2014-08-21 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej, The reason for this happening is that the distances are a separate object. What you are looking for is grid_slot. Simply assign the distance and protein objects to the same slot. Cheers, Andreas On

Re: [PyMOL] drawing arows, CONE cgo doesn't work.

2014-08-25 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej, if you simply copy-paste the wiki entry into PyMOL you will get the error. This code is intended to be run as a block (e.g. from script) and creates e.g. problems with indentation, or other errors. A simple solution would be to wrap the commands to a block using "python" and "python end". Ei

[PyMOL] Testing for incentive vs. open-source in scripts

2014-10-03 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Dear PyMOL users, I am wondering if there is any way of testing whether a PyMOL version is open-source or incentive for use in scripts. I'm thinking of something similar to 'cmd.get_version()'. The reason for this is that I am e.g. using the 'alter' command on custom properties in scripts, which

Re: [PyMOL] Testing for incentive vs. open-source in scripts

2014-10-03 Thread Andreas Warnecke
gt; > you to catch it off. So you would indeed need to get access to the > > version. I don't know where that is stored from the top of my head. > > Maybe Thomas knows. > > > > Cheers, > > > > Tsjerk > > > > On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 2:09 PM, A

Re: [PyMOL] Testing for incentive vs. open-source in scripts

2014-10-03 Thread Andreas Warnecke
0) 1700, Incentive Product > > > You could ude this, or not? > > On 10/3/14 3:06 PM, Andreas Warnecke wrote: > >> Hi all, >> >> just to specify the issue: the problem is not the crash, because the >> script continues due to the try statement. The issue is th

Re: [PyMOL] CONECT table

2014-10-07 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hi, It appears that the following: Select gluco, bound_to resn NDG Show sticks, gluco does not work. I'm not sure if the glycosylation is handled as a separate residue, but you could try: select glucoasp, byres (neighbor (resn NDG)) show sticks, glucoasp FYI: There are pages on selection algebra

Re: [PyMOL] CONECT table

2014-10-07 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Oh, and it should be glucoasn, of course. :-P On Oct 8, 2014 1:26 AM, "Andreas Warnecke" <> wrote: > Hi, > > It appears that the following: > Select gluco, bound_to resn NDG > Show sticks, gluco > > does not work. I'm not

Re: [PyMOL] set size nb_spheres

2014-11-21 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hi Erica, I prefer to leave the vdw value untouched, as this may affect operations that rely on this value. Instead you can alter the sphere scale: set sphere_scale, , e.g.: set sphere_scale, 1.5, hetatm show_as spheres will increase the sphere scale of heteroatoms (i.e. non-bonded) to 1.5 Che

Re: [PyMOL] How to build imedazole by using builder

2014-11-21 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hi Surya, Using the interactive builder is usually the way to go. To get you started you may need a starting atom, which you could create using the pseudoatom command: Note that the builder has some templates, e.g. the cyclopendadiene that you can use

Re: [PyMOL] Goodsell colouring

2014-12-05 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hi Jacob, I'm not familiar with "goodsell", but some selection algebra should be a solution: Try something like: util.cbaw # color by atom (white carbons) color grey80, chain B and elem C color grey70, chain C and elem C #... etc. There are also pymol wiki pages for coloring and selection algebr

Re: [PyMOL] selection of a set of amino acids

2014-12-13 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hi, There is a script available on the pymol wiki called "zero_residues". This will allow you to easily renumber any AA sequence. As far as other heteroatoms are concerned you could consider removing them (remove hetatm), or extract them into a second object. Another alternative is to simply adjus

Re: [PyMOL] ray trace mode 1 playing up pymol 1.7.4?

2014-12-16 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hi, This may also be related to the setting: ray_trace_mode Try: set ray_trace_mode, 0 This will deactivate outlines (ray_trace_color) during ray tracing. The wiki page has some examples. Cheers, Andreas On Dec 16, 2014 6:05 PM, "H. Adam Steinberg" wrote: > The thickness, or weight of the bl

Re: [PyMOL] Phosphoserine

2015-01-30 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hi Monica, You can check out the plugin PyTMs, which allows you to introduce PTMs into protein models within PyMOL: Let me know should you need any assistance with this plugin. Cheers, Andreas On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Monica Mittal wrote: >

Re: [PyMOL] Pymol wiki search is not working

2015-02-04 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej, While its not perfect I usually end up using google search and adding 'pymol wiki' to the search terms. Works for me. Cheers, Andreas On Feb 4, 2015 2:50 PM, "Matthew Baumgartner" wrote: > Yes, I've been having this problem for a while. > I contacted Jason Vertrees about it a while ago,

Re: [PyMOL] Printing Protein Surface residues

2015-05-21 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej, depends on what you want, single atoms or residues. You can output the available surface are for every atom and then decide which ones are accessible based on your cutoff stringency. Here is some code that will print the info in PyMOL, alternatively you could modify it to print to a file inst

Re: [PyMOL] Printing Protein Surface residues

2015-05-22 Thread Andreas Warnecke
le to run both lines sequentually, but usually one doesn't care for the heteroatoms. This is just to avoid potential influences by surrounding waters, or other stuff. Cheers, Andreas On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 1:27 PM, Andreas Warnecke <> wrote: > Hej, &g

Re: [PyMOL] Viewing Electrostatic Potential maps for multimeric complexes

2015-06-08 Thread Andreas Warnecke
You could try to split the states and subunits in PyMOL, then save them as individual .pdb's and then use those to generate multuple .dx files. On Jun 8, 2015 2:38 AM, "Rahul Sheth" wrote: > Hello, > > I am new to using PyMol. I wanted to see the electrostatic potential map > for a multimeric pro

Re: [PyMOL] Pymol for inorganic chemists - dealing with bonds

2015-11-20 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej Henrique, not an inorganic chemist here, but some suggestions anyway: Metallic centers should be displayable as spheres using the *show*, or *show_as spheres* commands. The radius can be altered using: *set sphere_scale, value, selection* The bonds are more problematic. Pymol has some option

[PyMOL] Electrostatic Map for a molecule containing a citrulline

2016-02-25 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Dear all, a colleague is interested in generating an electrostatic map of a protein containing a citrulline. Does anybody have any experience with this and could recommend any approach? Cheers, Andreas -- Site24x7 APM In

Re: [PyMOL] Selective valency on bond

2016-06-14 Thread Andreas Warnecke
The easiest way to deal with this is setting the valence or valence_mode individually for the object. set valence, 0, object1 set valence, 1, object2 Cheers, Andreas On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 11:56 AM, McIntyre, Patrick wrote: > Dear PyMol users, > > I have a crystal structure of my protein wit

Re: [PyMOL] Detecting holes/cavities in surface

2016-07-19 Thread Andreas Warnecke
I haven't used it before, but I there is a PyMOL plugin called KVfinder that detects cavities. Potentially this offers an approach for you. On Jul 20, 2016 12:05 AM, "Daniel James" wrote: > Hi all, > > I haven't used this list before but can't find an answer to my question > elsewhere. I am selec

Re: [PyMOL] Coordinates of an atom

2016-12-01 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej, try this command and specify the atom selection: cmd.get_atom_coords('atom selection') see also: Cheers, Andreas On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 2:19 PM, Mohsen Chitsaz <> wrote: > Hi all, > > > > Can anyone please

Re: [PyMOL] PyTMs

2017-04-12 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej Raag, my name is Andreas and I wrote PyTMs back for my PhD. It essentially uses PyMOLs basic editing functions to build PTMs onto protein models. PyTMs is a simple tool and has its clear restrictions, but generally it is nice to play around with and explore hypotheses with. The challenge is t

Re: [PyMOL] Enable selected atoms of disabled object

2017-06-19 Thread Andreas Warnecke
Hej, a disabled object will not show any display, but you can easily work with selections, provided that a selection is defined. Try something like: hide everything object show sticks selection Cheers, Andreas On Jun 19, 2017 6:00 AM, "Vijay Masand" wrote: > Dear All, > With the help of inte