You could try to split the states and subunits in PyMOL, then save them as
individual .pdb's and then use those to generate multuple .dx files.
On Jun 8, 2015 2:38 AM, "Rahul Sheth" <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am new to using PyMol. I wanted to see the electrostatic potential map
> for a multimeric protein complex (Viral particle). The problem is that when
> I generate the .dx file from pdb2pqr server and open it in PyMol, only one
> unit (monomer) gets colored by the electrostatic potentials and the other
> units do not. I can see the entire complex using split_states command but
> the EP maps color only one unit. Is there a way to generate electrostatic
> potentials for the entire complex?
> Would appreciate any help on this!
> Thanks!
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