Re: HowTo Install X afther a server type installation

2003-01-17 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 11:24, Dario Lesca wrote: > HowTo Install X+Gnome afther a standard setup "Server Mode"? > > redhat-config-package non work in consol mode > > exist a utilities fron command line like > redhat-config-pachage, or which are the rpm to install? > The comps.xml file will

Re: HowTo Install X afther a server type installation

2003-01-17 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 16:19, Jesse Keating wrote: > On Friday 17 January 2003 06:46, Dario Lesca uttered: > > Install the package that has lots of dependencies whit --force or --nodeps > > ? > > No. You use up2date. "WITH" up2date, you pick a package, such as > gnome-terminal, eg: up2date gnome

Virtualhosting SSL sites with Apache 2.0.40-11

2003-01-17 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
I'm experiencing problems with Apache, doing name based virtual hosting for SSL sites. The SSL certificate for the first virtual host defined is used for every virtual host. As far as I remember I did this with Apache 1.3.x up until Psyche. (Only just got around to asking about this one). A snip

Re: Virtualhosting SSL sites with Apache 2.0.40-11

2003-01-17 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 21:39, Kevin McConnell wrote: > --- "Mr. Adam ALLEN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: > > > This virtual host is repeated three different times > > with different > > server names, Apache is delivering the right > > contents out o

Re: SIS 900 onboard network adapter

2003-01-22 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 16:38, Redhat wrote: > Thanks, Dennis. That is what I was thinking too. I just wanted to see > if anyone knew of a way to fix the behavior of that adapter. > FWIW I have perfect behaviour (without measuring to prove otherwise) from 00:03.0 Ethernet controller: Silicon Int

Re: Excellent signature

2003-01-23 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 20:24, Kevin Waterson wrote: > This one time, at band camp, > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > > > Unfortunately the ignorant masses I work with insist on me using lotus > > notes because it is 'secure', the company is also a slave to the Microsoft > > machine even though thei

Re: How did i get mail?

2003-01-26 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 16:12, Buck wrote: > How do I have mail when I don't have email on the redhat computer? > I logged in as root and it says I have one message. > mail you will see an index of messages, type the number to see a message. d1 would delete message 1 quit - well quits the mail p

Re: What programming languages are available for Linux?

2003-01-26 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 23:46, Martin Stricker wrote: > I would use Perl (with DBI for database access and Tk for GUI > development, web pages are already included with CGI, all free from >, but there is no graphical IDE that I know of. Perl scripts > mostly run without any modification on

Re: Dreamweaver MX

2003-01-27 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Mon, 2003-01-27 at 23:53, JD wrote: > Dave Sherman wrote: > > >On Mon, 2003-01-27 at 17:10, JD wrote: > > > > > >>Hi, > >>I'm running Dreamweaver and have some problem that I think is related > >>more to wine. > >>Anytime I click on a feature, I always get "The Following JavaScript > >>erro

Re: Empty mails

2003-02-11 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 13:56, Patrick Marquetecken wrote: > Hi, > sorry if my mails are empty, but its only on this list. > The mail in my send items looks fine. > I've seen that every now and again in Evolution, glad someone else has experienced this ;-) -- Regards, Adam Allen. [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Evolution processes don't exit.

2003-02-20 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 21:26, Camron W. Fox wrote: > Alle, > > I'm running a 2.4.18-24.8.0 kernel and Evolution 1.0.8-10. The problem > (or maybe it's a non-problem) is that when I exit Evolution, the > following processes remain: > > UIDPID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD > cwf

Re: snmpd configuration

2003-02-23 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 09:37, Justin Clacherty wrote: > Does anyone have some links to good how-to's on configuring snmpd? I > want to try out MRTG to monitor the traffic and just generally give me > some statistics on a gateway I have set up. MRTG uses snmp to get > data from various machines but

RE: why there is no sound when I played CD

2003-03-09 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sun, 2003-03-09 at 20:47, Tengjiao HU wrote: > In WinXP it plays CD without any problem. I have check the volume control > and it is at the maximum. What should I do next? Thanks and Regards. Seem to remember that XP might use the CPU to create a digital version of the sound, and then play that

RE: [ Boycott Caldera/SCO Products]

2003-03-09 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sun, 2003-03-09 at 18:36, Jerry Roy wrote: > Since they allow you to espouse your theory - I thought it would be appropriate to > give the truth so as not to let you think you actually know the truth. Evolution is > just a theory - These are the facts ma'am - Just the facts. You can choose to

Re: cron.daily running at 16:00 instead of 4:00(AM)?

2003-03-09 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sun, 2003-03-09 at 21:55, Chris Kloiber wrote: > Does it consistently run at the wrong time if you left it on 24x7? I > thought anacron was modified so it would wait a bit after the machine > was turned on to run anything that was missed while the machine was off. > IIRC, this was so that the us

recompiling ppp - advice for best method.

2002-10-22 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
I've needed to make some small changes to PPP (to satisfy some testing for University projects). Since my usual compiling skills consist of the ./configure, make, make install set of commands- I'm stopping to ask for the best way through this. (I've started to search the web; but hopefully some hin

Re: [Fwd: Wireless Question]

2002-10-23 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
Warning Unable to process data: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="=-mh6ux5Q8M4lID+Fiklz3"

Re: MySQL help

2002-10-24 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Thu, 2002-10-24 at 16:13, Ryan McDougall wrote: > > > /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start > > or > > service mysql start > > use "redhat-config-services" and the mysqld service will start at boot up but I'd stick with trying the service mysqld restart command until you figure out any problems st

Re: dependency

2002-10-25 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 18:12, hans privat wrote: > hi, > trying to install opera-6.03*static results in a dependency-problem > asking for; > now I was looking for openmotif and heave discovered an installed > openmotif-2.2.2-12 which is on the rh8-CD. > therefore I have an installed libX

Re: Recompile Kernel

2002-10-25 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 22:10, Arjan van de Ven wrote: > On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 22:30, Jeremy Hein wrote: > > Does anyone have step by step instructions to recompile a kernel or can > > possibly help me? And please don't point me to the kernel howto since > > > step 1: make mrproper > step 2:

Re: Real Audio and Red Hat

2002-10-25 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 14:03, Steven Rubenstein wrote: > Why is that RealPlayer 8 (and RealOne configures itself in Windows, but > not Linux? > > In Linux I have RealPlayer 8 set up as a Netscape 7 plugin. I have read > all the documentation I can find and have set /etc/sysconfig/iptables > acc

Re: CrossOver

2002-10-26 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
A new release of CrossOver was planned for yesterday - but it didn't surface. One thing to be fixed is the menus- but I'm sure there will be a few other things tided up. -- NAME: Adam Allen. EMAIL : [EMAIL PROTECTED] COMMENT : insert your favourite signature comment

Re: What WM and how to change?

2002-10-26 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
> > How do I switch between theese WM's? I want them to aoppear in the list when I > log in. switchdesk windowmaker the next time you login WindowMaker will be the window manager. -- NAME: Adam Allen. EMAIL : [EMAIL PROTECTED] COMMENT : insert your favourite sign

Re: Do you have to install Apache Webserver 2.0 under root?

2002-10-27 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sun, 2002-10-27 at 01:50, Anthony Colon wrote: > Or could you install it under a shell account? > One of the reason it runs under root (at least in a default install) is that it binds to port 80. Ports <1024 need root privileges. You could bind to port 8080 and not need to be root. There may

Re: Throttling ethernet to emulate 56k

2002-11-01 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 20:05, Taylor, ForrestX wrote: > One of my users wants to using Linux to act as a simple router. He > needs to emulate a 56k line through the linux router transparently. All > packets would pass through unchanged, but the bandwidth would be > limited, preferably dynamical

Re: how do I get off this email list?!!!! AHHHH!!! HELP!!!

2002-11-05 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN - read all the way at the bottom of the page - it's easy enough -- NAME: Adam Allen. EMAIL : [EMAIL PROTECTED] COMMENT : insert your favourite signature comment here PGP : :http://search.keyserv

Re: Vfat ownership and permissions

2002-11-06 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
> The problem, I think, is that ownership of the vfat partition is set on the vfat >partition. Windows is not friendly to Linux. So, you can't set permissions from the >'nix side. You can mount the vfat and have access to the documents, but my >experience is, you can not write to that partiti

Re: Sis900 still not working.

2002-11-07 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 15:21, Christopher A. Williams wrote: > Tomas: > > I'm sorry to report that I am still unable to get this controller > working. The research I have done leads me to believe it is something > that may be fixed in a later kernel version, but I have not tried that > yet. My sche

Re: GPG-Signing Emails On Different Machines

2002-11-09 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 03:19, Robert L. Cochran wrote: > > I have a question about signing emails with my gpg key (which is due to > expire soon anyhow.) I generated a key pair on physical machine A. There > are times when I want to send emails from machines B and C. I would like > to gpg-sign the

Re: ASSp

2002-11-09 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sat, 2002-11-09 at 01:56, Jesse Keating wrote: > On 08 Nov 2002 20:43:48 -0500 > Dan Clowater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > # SO - none of my browsers support the evil asp!?! *sighs* Is there a > # plugin or something so I can view these wretched MS IE, > # withoutbooting windoze. > > Huh? I

Re: nfs question

2002-11-10 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 05:57, anthony baldwin wrote: > Okay > I;ve been using linux for about 8 months now and it is time to get serious. > I want to network my iBook with this linux box. > I have them sharing the dsl connection, but not files or the printer. > Should I do that with nfs? smb? > And,

Re: ifconfig bytes stuck at (2^32)-1

2002-11-10 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 16:19, Michael Wells wrote: > Hi, > > Today I noticed that some of my network traffic graphs had stopped working. > I checked ifconfig and found that the bytes counter had stopped incrementing > for the network device. As you can see in this ifconfig dump, the TX bytes > is (

Re: Wireless Lan Monitor for Linux?

2002-11-11 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 23:46, Carter, Shaun G wrote: > Is there a graphical Wireless LAN monitor for normal linux systems (psyche, > mandrake, debian, whatever) like the one available for Zaurus (at the > following link)? > > > > I like the idea

RE: Wireless Lan Monitor for Linux?

2002-11-11 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 01:53, Carter, Shaun G wrote: > Nice app, however I'm looking something along the lines of signal strength > and quality. It would come in handy for wireless site surveys with my > Psyche laptop. F1 for configuration - Plugins -- Wireless (tick enable) then in the left h

Re: Sound (volume control) from console terminal

2002-11-14 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 21:18, Harry Putnam wrote: > Probably some slick way of doing this but I'm drawing a blank here. > How can I set the volume of any sound file? I don't mean with gnome > or something but from a console login. Or at worst from xfce. > > grip has a nifty toggleable volume slid

Re: How to Play These Streaming Online Radio Feeds?

2002-11-15 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 15:54, Dr. David M. Colburn wrote: > I just went to this site and clicked on WABC (the lightning bolt icon to > play the Internet feed) and a window popped up asking if I wanted to > save or use an application but there wasn't an application option given. > > How does one pla

Re: RedHat 8.0 and TNT2 Ultra

2002-11-15 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 18:59, Sylvain Jodoin wrote: > Hi, > > I'm new to Linux and just installed RH 8.0 Personal Desktop to learn > and play with it. Everything seems to work correctly besides graphics. > In fact, I just can't enable 3D hardware acceleration (the option is > shaded so I can not e

Re: CF card reader for RH8?

2002-11-16 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 09:52, Christopher M. Taylor wrote: > Hello, > Anyone know of a good quality CF card reader that is compatible with > RedHat 8? I'm not concerned with interface...the HCL seems to be a > little scarce on this subject. The CF reader will be used to process > digital images f

Re: RedHat 8.0 and TNT2 Ultra

2002-11-16 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 16:20, lovswr1 wrote: > > If you haven't downloaded the drivers from nVidia's site, then that's > > the first job. There's two files, a GLX file and a Kernel file. > > nVidia pre-compile the drivers, so you either need to match the kernel > > you are running (probably 2.4.18)

Re: How to Play These Streaming Online Radio Feeds?

2002-11-16 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 21:51, Dr. David M. Colburn wrote: > Ok, RealPlayer is up and running fine -- appreciate y'all pointing > out my obvious flub! > > Now I have found another need for a player: > > When I click on LSITEN LIVE at Mozilla > doesn't bring up an app. >

Re: Importing Outlook Express 6 messages into Mozilla Mail 1.0.1

2002-11-16 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 23:20, Lanny Marcus wrote: > Hello everyone: > > I am trying to Import the Messages from MS Outlook Express 6, for my > main e-mail account, into Mozilla 1.01. The Mozilla Mail Help says that > one can Import messages from Outlook Express, but when I try to do that, > the

Re: database gui frontend

2002-11-17 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sun, 2002-11-17 at 20:48, anthony baldwin wrote: > Hi, > I am trying to use pgAccess to build a databse of my library. > I am unable to use it, however, because I am unable to > create a postgres user. when I try to "su postgres" su root password then when you are root su postgres more /et

Re: Mostly Solved: Re: Importing Outlook Express 6 messagesinto Mozilla Mail 1.0.1

2002-11-18 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 03:15, Lanny Marcus wrote: > Hello Warren, Martin & Adam: > > Thanks to each of you, I have this *almost* solved. :-)The last > part is still a mystery to me, because I'm a Linux (and Mozilla) newbie. > Here's my progress: > > (1) I imported the Outlook Express 6 Addr

Re: su'ing to postgres (was) Re: Psyche-list digest, Vol 1 #497 -16 msgs

2002-11-18 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 08:50, anthony baldwin wrote: > > > >su > >su postgres > >createuser > > > >Dave Cook > > > > > Tried luck. Others have suggested that there is no password, as well. >but the terminal asks forone and if I simply press enter without giving one, I get > the "incorr

Re: Solved: Re: Importing Outlook Express 6 messages into MozillaMail 1.0.1 into Mozilla Mail 1.0.1 into Evolution 1.2

2002-11-20 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 09:00, Neil Loffhagen wrote: > This thread has been a great help to me as well. By doing the steps > below, (though only copied folder 1 and 2, not 3 over) have finally got > my mail off my Windows box onto RH8. At least now I can reply to my old > emails from mozilla, thoug

Re: internet connection

2002-11-20 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 21:13, Eric Potvin wrote: > Here are all the answers to the commands shown earlier. > I notice that there is no Gateway in "route" and this might possibly be a > DNS problem. > Whatever you guys can make of this is greatly appreciated. > > Thanks, > > Eric > > > route -n >

Re: Netgear PCMCIA Card MA401

2002-11-21 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 15:21, dolle wrote: > Hi Everyone. > I would create a wireless lan at home and have seen this card: > Netgear PCMCIA Card MA401 > Someone has just installed this card? Are there problems with that card? None for me, although installation has never been automatic and require

Re: Solved: Re: Importing Outlook Express 6 messages into Mozilla

2002-11-22 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
> The only other thing I've not been able to fully succeed in, is being > able to play Windows Media player asp & asx format videos and sound > files, from web sites. > Look back through the list archives: for the thread "How to Play These Streaming..." ASP isn't a

Installing RH8.0 for a particular CPU architecture.

2002-11-23 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
I'm doing some network testing for a final year project at University, and have come across a need for another machine which I can't get my hands on until I drive back to my folks house next week. I have a spare hard-drive kicking around- I want to get RH8.0 installed before I get the machine.

Re: Re:wolf/wine--It's alive!!!

2002-11-25 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 06:30, anthony baldwin wrote: > Hey! I donwloaded the latest one from winehq and I got it work! > I got wine to work! I got wine to work! > Okay, okay..can you tell I am excitied? > I managed to get Inspiration (a fantastic graphic organizer tool for students) > to work with

Re: wine - IOPL not enabled

2002-11-28 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 12:18, David Sudjiman wrote: > I tried to use sol.exe by wine and it works but when I was using it for > winword.exe (office 2000) it came with error IOPL not enabled? > Checkout Crossover Office at The Wine project re-implements each and ever

Re: gnuyahoo installation error on rh80

2002-11-28 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 12:17, David Sudjiman wrote: > Dear All, > > Today I just got it and was trying to install it: > > 1. readline and readline-dev installed > 2. guile and guile-dev installed > 3. libyahoo2 installed > 4. on gnuyahoo directory i did ./configure and it was fine > 5. on the make

Re: dreamweaver MX with wine

2002-11-28 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 17:06, Javier Enrique Tia Marin wrote: > Hi, partners: > > How can run Dreamweaver MX usinged wine? > > Javier Not well at all. I've tried with both Wine and CrossOver Office, and although I can get it installed it isn't usable by anyones definition of the word "usable".

xdmcp session to second box from my existing gnome desktop

2002-11-29 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
I have a Solaris box which I connect to from my Redhat laptop using... X -query IP However I've not figured out how to connect to the remote box from within Gnome (in a Window 800x600). The equivalent of KEA!X on Windows. Security doesn't matter as this is all local with trusted users, just nee

Re: How does Redhat 2.0 parse PHP files?

2002-12-04 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 15:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I have installed PhpMyAdmin and lo and behold, it would > not parse a .php3 file. Well, I went to my trusty old > httpd.conf file and could not find where it was set up > to parse .php files so I could add .php3. > > Any ideas? > /etc/http

Re: Getting eth0 to work

2002-12-11 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 21:40, Ryan McDougall wrote: > I can't run redhat-config-x whenever I try to invoke those commands I > get an error saying: > RuntimeError: could not open display > I don't have X or any graphical user interface just the command line interface. > Also how would I get t

Re: Connection refused - why?

2002-12-13 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 15:59, John Nall wrote: > When I try to ftp (or telnet) from one RH8.0 system to another RH8.0 system > I get the message "connection refused." I can ping between them OK, and the > security level is supposedly set to allow access. What else do I need to > do? > > Thanks, >

Re: AMD K6-2 identified as i586?

2002-12-14 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 21:54, John H. Ingersoll, Jr. wrote: > Running RH 8.0 on a Compaq Presario 7470. > > KDE -> Preferences -> Information -> Processor ID's my > AMD K6-2 as "CPU family 5". Is this saying it's a > pentium - not a pentium-II class processor? > I remember back in the day when

making hard-drive snooze

2002-12-16 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
With my Fujitsu hard-drive I'm using the following commands to try get some powersaving configured for the harddrive.. (Disabled in BIOS). hdparm -S 1 /dev/hda The problem is as soon as the drive has spun down it will immediately spin back up. This is without intending to hit the disk, so I'm ass

Switching to Sawfish (was: Re: Why no 'Kill App'??)

2002-12-27 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Fri, 2002-12-27 at 15:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > All the poor guy wanted to know is where his kill app went. He got one > possible answer from Donald G Wilson Jr (create a link to xkill), and a > bunch of messages either excoriating him for having priorities other than > learning how to

Re: Redhat on Dell Servers.

2003-01-13 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 18:40, Nadim Bitar wrote: > >You haven't done much research into this have you. You should at least > >be sure of your facts before you make comments like that :) > > > Maybe you should check your facts, i am running Redhat linux on dell > servers and having problems that c

Re: RE Netgear MA401 Wireless

2002-11-13 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 04:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I'm in Windoz right now because I still can't use the Netgear MA401 > wireless with Linux. So, I can't thank whoever sent me info on where to > find drivers for the card because that email is in my Linux partition... I've found it best to s

Re: Know any Enterprise PM platforms? (How Microsoft Screws Us)

2002-10-05 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sat, 2002-10-05 at 15:44, Christopher A. Williams wrote: > > 1) Even though we are officially not a Microsoft shop, we will now run > only Microsoft software on company systems that customers *might* see > because we are apparently trying to cozy up to the Redmonians. If a MS > rep sees Red Hat

Re: PHP With Apache 2.0

2002-10-02 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
About to install psyche.. (my valhalla box is seeing the end of it's days - disk space full) ... however on Null, with the latest php packages from up2dates, I had no problems with PHP + Apache (a few changes in the php.ini were a shock... the no short tags option especially). ... After a few

Re: Linux 8.0 and e-tech PCI56AVP modem

2002-10-02 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Wed, 2002-10-02 at 10:57, LOOS,HANS (HP-Netherlands,ex1) wrote: > > Hello All, > Somebody has already installed a e-tech PCI-modem > See any details: > > What drivers are used? > Can some body send me a download link or the files. http://

Re: Apache Virtual Hosting Frustrations

2002-10-06 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
A stab in the dark: # # Disable autoindex for the root directory, and present a # default Welcome page if no other index page is present. # Options -Indexes ErrorDocument 403 /error/noindex.html This section of configuration may explain your problem. If there is no index.html in your vi

Re: Opera 6.03 - dependencies?

2002-10-06 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 03:21, Martin Felker wrote: > Has anyone tried installing Opera 6.03? I had no problem under RH > Linux 7.3 but under 8.0 I get a failed dependency > > for the static version, and that file + another trying the > shared version. Both were the rpm versions.

Re: RPMS to add limited menu editing

2002-10-06 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
I *REALLY* would like to play with that; if you can e-mail them to me that would be great... I can put them up on the webspace that I got with the cable-modem and thought I'd never use, that way I don't have to worry about traffic (assuming I can find the login details).. Regards, -- NAME:

Re: RPMS to add limited menu editing

2002-10-06 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 17:08, Jim Hayward wrote: > One of the rpms is simply a recompiled nautilus rpm against the newer > gnome-vfs. It little large to e-mail. This is required or it doesn't > work at all. > > Going to play with it some more today, hopefully. One of the "fix me's" > in the newer

Re: RPMS to add limited menu editing

2002-10-06 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
Warning Unable to process data: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="=-3L84jJiqEkyMiWbirfA8"


2002-10-07 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
redhat-config-keyboard On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 19:27, Kashif Ali wrote: > does anyone know how to change the keyboard layout to uk? > > Kashif -- NAME: Adam Allen. EMAIL : [EMAIL PROTECTED] COMMENT : insert your favourite signature comment here PGP :

USB CompactFlash/Smartmedia card reader.

2002-10-12 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
Finally got my Dad to dual-boot Redhat 8.0 on his laptop. A small piece of hardware which causes problem is a USB card reader: Oct 12 13:27:25 galapogos kernel: usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0x7cc/0xc) is not claimed by any active driver. Oct 12 13:27:28 galapogos /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: ... no m

Re: Pysche and DVD

2002-10-12 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 17:31, Michael Weiner wrote: > however i cannot get ogle, or even livid apps to work correctly as the > system doesnt recognize the dvd tracks on disk in the drive. Can anyone > give me any additional pointers? Whats everyone's favorite player? And > how does one really get th

Re: latitude suspend

2002-10-13 Thread Mr. Adam ALLEN
On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 05:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > has any one been successful at getting x to come back up after going to > suspend/sleep mode. I don't have a problem hitting ctl+alt+F1 but it would > be nice to just close the thing. > On my Latitude L400 the standby (Fn+Suspend) works full