On Sun, 2002-10-06 at 03:21, Martin Felker wrote:
> Has anyone tried installing Opera 6.03?   I had no problem under RH 
> Linux 7.3 but under 8.0 I get a failed dependency
> libXm.so.2 for the static version, and that file + another trying the 
> shared version.   Both were the rpm versions.   Would these files be in 
> the tar versions.  Mostly curious - Opera has its virtues but it looks 
> like Phoenix will be the browser for me and Moz 1.2a the browswer/email 
> client.   Evolution is just more than I need and besides I could never 
> get it to work with the Compuserve SMTP server I use - the developer 
> just says its CS's fault but I know better having bugging the Mozilla 
> developers for almost a year before they fixed the bug.

I did locate libXm.so linked libXm.so.3 to libXm.so.2
rpm -Uvh opera*.rpm --nodeps

I've not run into any problems so far, although proper procedure is
probably to find the libXm.so.2 file from elsewhere (rpmfind) and
install the proper file.

NAME    :       Adam Allen.

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