On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 20:05, Taylor, ForrestX wrote:
> One of my users wants to using Linux to act as a simple router.  He 
> needs to emulate a 56k line through the linux router transparently.  All 
> packets would pass through unchanged, but the bandwidth would be 
> limited, preferably dynamically.  Does anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Forrest

I found a script (Wondershaper) which manipulates the kernel QoS using
tc. I use it to throttle a broadband connection between a few people- so
no single person can dominate the connection. (Can't remember the URL -
but google should do the trick).

However this is only half the solution, you wouldn't reliably emulate
the difference in latency. On ethernet you are looking at <1ms - whereas
dial-up 56k would probably be looking at 50ms or so.

An almost perfect emulation would be to use a null modem (serial-serial
with a few crossovers) between two machines and run PPPD on each end.
This give a much more realistic latency and bandwidth.  This is easy
enough - the only issue is if serial-serial is appropriate.

NAME    :       Adam Allen.

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