OT: Sharp Zaurus SL-5600

2003-01-16 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi, I'm waiting too, so if you hear something, please drop a message here or to me. --- flames here --- Thanks, Jim _ Protect your PC - get McAfee.com VirusScan Online http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=

re: package manager

2003-01-20 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, I think that what one person was asking for with regards to a package manager may have been the old kpackage program that was included in the previous versions of Redhat and is still included in Mandrake distros. If this person is still reading this list, there are several messages that

RE: Messenger Popups

2003-01-24 Thread Jim Christiansen
I think what you have happening is that some sweet student is issuing, from the command prompt, the command: net send Students shouldn't have access to RUN, CMD, or the command prompt... Jim _ The new MSN 8: advanced junk mai

Who knows how to use dhcp on external nic AND one alias?

2003-01-25 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, I've been looking around for some time, and have sent off a couple of email messages to people who have pubished iptable firewall scripts. I've asked all of them the same question: How do I set up an iptables nating/router/firewall with two external ips on my one outside nic also with

Iptables Again! :(

2003-01-28 Thread Jim Christiansen
Have you created an alias eth0:0 on your external nic, for the second external ip? _ The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROT

How to find if net-masquerade is compiled into a vinalla kernel

2003-01-28 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, How do I find out if masquerading has been compiled into the kernel after an install. Are things done differently if the installer find two nics instead or one? Thanks, Jim _ The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protecti

grubby fatal error: unable to find a suitable template

2003-02-01 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, I keep geeting the error - "grubby fatal error: unable to find a suitable template" This is for the stock 2.4.20 kernel. Everything goes well at make xconfig, make dep, make bzImage, and make modules. After issuing make modules install I get: -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTEC

grubby kernel prob continued

2003-02-01 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, I have tried to start my box with the new kernel and all I get is a blank black screen. I have checked the /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/ directory and the reference in grub to initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.20.img doesn't exist... I suppose this is why the box halts after grub ... duh This i

grubby ...

2003-02-01 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, I just looked at my last two messages about asking for help with getting my new 2.4.20 kernel going using grub, and both messages are clipped/incomplete. So, there is very little of value in them... sorry about the mess and missing info. I'll just keep trying for a bit before I litter

Grub/kernel install problem

2003-02-01 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello Charles, Thank you for the post. I followed your instructions: copy the .configure back from /root to the top of the source tree make xconfig #(sometimes I use make oldconfig) make dep make clean #(did you forget this by chance?) make bzImage make modules make modules_install make i

image file size in boot

2003-02-03 Thread Jim Christiansen
Is it normal that when I run: mkinitrd -v /boot/initrd-2.4.20.img 2.4.20 the 2.4.20 image file size is only 67k rather than the dozen 2.4.18 an 19s that are over 136k? I still can't get my new 2.4.20 kernel to boot, the computer just black screens. My son's computer boots to the new kernel ju

2.4.20- the devil is in the details

2003-02-03 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello again Charles, Yes, to all of the questions below. To add salt to the wounded system, my son's box just compiled fine. I have noticed that the image file for the 2.4.20 kernel is half of all of the others in /boot. Jim Christiansen wrote: Hello Charles, Thank you for the pos

Re: grubby kernel prob continued

2003-02-13 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello Thomas, Thank you for the explanation. When I openned the mail, and read your response, I smiled thinking that someone else finally had a problem similar to my own... Then I noticed that the reason it read like my writing was because the repeated text was my own... Oddly though, my son

nfs unmounts of stale connections

2003-02-13 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi, I haven't looked at my nfs mounts for over a year, but there was an exports file that I had to make. Just remove the references in that file. Jim _ The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.

App to record from mic

2003-02-16 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello Everyone, I'm not experienced with sound recording and mixing and I can't find an easy to use app to record from the mic or line. Does anyone here use a nice easy sound recorder? Thanks, Jim _ MSN 8 with e-mail virus p

Resize with parted

2003-02-16 Thread Jim Christiansen
Here's another silly question: If I resize a smaller partition, does the data get wiped? I've got 12 megs of free space that I want to give to another existing partition. Thanks, Jim _ Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Ge


2003-02-17 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi Guys, I also have an asus A7M266-D and I have seen your problem before. Although the board is spec'ed out to use almost any ddr ram out there, mixing it will often make problems for this board it seems. The power supply is another issue. Have you noticed on the main ASUS homepage, they st

grub and thanks

2003-02-18 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello Everyone, First, thank you everyone for the help with recording from a mic and playing back. We have a prob with grub on my son's computer. He was recompiling a kernel (he's done this tons of times before) and thought to back up his /boot dir. After some major messing around (I guess)

script to check before 2nd process executes

2003-03-11 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, I'm a teacher who suscribes to this list and K12OSN (amoung others) and I need a hand... After a lot of thought I figured that I may as well just post this and ask for help. Several (probably many others too) on the K12OSN list (this is for Linux Thin Servers/Clients in Education) have

Re: script to check before 2nd process executes

2003-03-12 Thread Jim Christiansen
chnologies To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: script to check before 2nd process executes Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 16:50:53 +1100 Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Wednesday, March 12, 2003 16:31, Jim Christiansen wrote: Several (probably many others too) on the K12OSN list (this is for Linux Thin Servers/C

Re: script to check before 2nd process executes

2003-03-13 Thread Jim Christiansen
Thanks, Iain, very much. Two scripts have popped up on the K12LTSP list and I'll look for yours, too. Regards, Jim _ The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail

Driver disk for Fasttrack100 Raid (I know it's crappy)

2003-03-18 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi Jesse, My old dual msi 694 p3 board had a Promise Fasttrack raid (don't know the number) built-in. Redhat 8.0 and 7.3 just found it on start-up... Jim _ Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. http://j

printing from cups

2002-11-13 Thread Jim Christiansen
ozilla 1.0.1 + RH8.0 + CUPS print fine for me to a remote Windows SMB printer, using everything from the distribution. Getting CUPS working rather than the default LPRng was not obvious however. This is documented in the Customization Guide IV 26. Jim Christiansen wrote: I have read about the

dead up2date and rhn_register doa

2002-10-29 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi, I've been using up2date on my previous Redhat versions for a long time, but I've somehow fouled up my new RH8.0, so that I can't run up2date (yes, as root), and when I try to I get: Error Message: Please run rhn_register as root on this client Error Class Code: 9 Error Class Info: Inva


2002-10-30 Thread Jim Christiansen
Thank you for the help. Everything is back in working order. Jim _ Unlimited Internet access for only $21.95/month.  Try MSN! http://resourcecenter.msn.com/access/plans/2monthsfree.asp

redhat-config-date, time

2002-10-30 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, On the first RH8 box that I setup, I included net time during the config. The time was always one hour off, and even as root, could never access dateconfig, redhat-config-date, or time... I'm ssh'ed into the problem box now, but I get the same results logged in locally: [root@jim ro


2002-10-30 Thread Jim Christiansen
Yes, my son is still running null and he isn't having any probs... Lucky kid. When I ran null, I did have probs in the same way, but I figured it must be fixed in RH8 ;-) Jim From: Mark Guzzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Jim Christiansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sub


2002-10-30 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi, I have used Mondo for over a year. It is great. _ Surf the Web without missing calls! Get MSN Broadband. http://resourcecenter.msn.com/access/plans/freeactivation.asp

the old kpackage

2002-10-31 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi John, I too have been plagued with this problem. On a side note, do you know how to get the old kpackage from the 7.x series and others working in RH8? Jim _ Broadband? Dial-up? Get reliable MSN Internet Access. http://

geforce 4 mx440 on rh8

2002-10-31 Thread Jim Christiansen
OK everyone, My @$%%# nicely running RH8 install will NOT work with geforce 4 mx440 cards. My son's computer, a little old ecs k7sem rips along just fine when he sticks it in his. My motherboard is an Asus A7M266-D (duel)MP board. We have 4 computers in the house, all running with nvidia tnt

Re: cloning

2002-10-31 Thread Jim Christiansen
From: Stephen Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Jim Christiansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: cloning Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 23:04:00 +0800 Hi Jim, I have been advised that Monde supports RH8.0. My remaining questions are as follows (quoted from my posting on anot

rpm/tar nvidia

2002-11-01 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, I have only 4 boxes with RH8, but all with nvidia kernel and glx tars installed. All work great. OpenGL in Flightgear, for example runs flawlessly. I did have a problem with one GForce4MX440, that was not working properly. What I did lst night was just ssh into the box (I must have


2002-11-02 Thread Jim Christiansen
I've noticed that the font used when I rad some man pages, from Konsole, are gibbled. Instead of dashes - I get little boxes being displayed. Could this be a related problem? _ Protect your PC - get McAfee.com VirusScan Online

RH8 on its own unique time-space continuum

2002-11-02 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi, Kind of a repostsorry... Has anyone else done a RH8 install to discover that whether you choose net-time, or not, even root can not adjust the time or date? One person mailed me with the report that he had experienced similar problems with null (as I had also encountered)... Jim ps:

time continuum and kdict, not kdist-duhh

2002-11-02 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi, I can not even make redhat-config-date/time execute as root... [root@jim root]# redhat-config-date Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/redhat-config-date/redhat-config-date.py", line 35, in ? mainWindow.mainWindow().stand_alone() File "/usr/share/redhat-config-date/mainWin

weirdness gone

2002-11-03 Thread Jim Christiansen
Thanks for the post. Now I can read my man pages! Jim _ Unlimited Internet access for only $21.95/month.  Try MSN! http://resourcecenter.msn.com/access/plans/2monthsfree.asp


2002-11-04 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, Some helpful person just answered this question for me. I used mandrake9's rpm and one lib rpm... No other changes were necessary. Is it just me being reluctant to change and am I missing some great man or faq about redhat-config-packages, because it sure does seem to be thin on power

True Type Fonts and their support -> WOW

2002-11-07 Thread Jim Christiansen
I've been listening to and sometimes asking questions on this list about the new RH8.0 for 2 or 3 weeks. When the questions about ttf fonts came up, I really perked up. MY HAT GOES OFF TO THE PERSON OR PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NEW WORK ON THE FONT SYSTEM... Our machines now sport a huge list

type1 font install

2002-11-07 Thread Jim Christiansen
I've been digging around and read a few of my books (all that dealt with type1), but I can't find any current info on how to add type1 fonts to the 8.0 system. I copied a pile of fonts into /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1, but now can't figure out what to run so that the new contents of the dire

type1 fonts like AARELBI_.PFB

2002-11-07 Thread Jim Christiansen
Well, I just can't seem to get type1 fonts to register if they are in full caps like ... AAABBB__.24 AAABBB__.48 AAABBBI_.24 AAABBBI_.48 AAABBBI_.PFB AAABBBI_.PFM AAABBB__.PFB AAABBB__.PFM AAABBEY_.24 AAABBEY_.48 AAABBEY_.PFB AAABBEY_.PFM AAABBI__.24 AAABBI__.48 AAABBI__.PFB AAABBI__.PFM AAABOB__


2002-11-08 Thread Jim Christiansen
Here's another agreement that webmin works on 8.0. No Probs. I agree, just try installing it again from tar or rpm... Jim _ The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail

Thanks Ron O. for the mozilla info

2002-11-14 Thread Jim Christiansen
_ Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list

printing from mozilla

2002-11-14 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi, About our systems- all with full vanilla installs: One RH8 box with CUPS broadcasting an HP1200 Three RH8 boxes with OpenOffice that print to the HP, no problem. My box, with OO printing perfectly, acro prints, everything prints just fine. I usually send everything through kprinter --stdi

xine and divx5

2002-11-19 Thread Jim Christiansen
Download all of the mentioned libs. You need libdvd, css, read, nav, amoung others. Read the setup instructions for ln -s cd/or hdx to dvd... Maybe you need to include a change like hdparm -d 1 /dev/... This page has a Custom Docs link that is useful. Jim

Re: how did you compile the nvidia drivers into -18.8.0?

2002-11-19 Thread Jim Christiansen
I use the tars from nivdia. Exit x by init 3 untar the GLX and the kernel files as root make and make install both edit the /etc/X11/XF86Config as the text or pdf explains... load the text file into a second session, then you can refer to it as you edit ;-) while you're at it, why not include

gigabit nic

2002-11-20 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi, My school is installing a couple of gigabit switches, and how much benefit will there be to installing gigabit nics in our servers? Our network is about 60 NT boxes, 30 Linux thin clients, 1 NT domain server, and 5 linux servers for various tasks. Are there any cards I can just install i

RH8.0 thoughts

2002-11-20 Thread Jim Christiansen
I've been reading the posts, so here's my take on things...x 2 (I need to get a mail server going, because this message dissapeared from the list...dumb hotmail) Perhaps RH8.0 was released a little too soon. Maybe it should have been null2. However... The font management is very well done.

Re: A thought about psyche

2002-11-20 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, I too feel that Psyche has changed significantly in look and use, from 7.3. It took several days to get a gui rpm manager that gave me info and feed-back about what was really on my system. I don't know about the reasons why kpackage has disappeared, but I do believe that many people mi

Re: Getting libdb.a to be recongnized

2002-11-21 Thread Jim Christiansen
Are you installing kdeadmin because you want kpackage? If so, you can use kdeadmin-3.0.3-10mdk.i586.rpm and liblcms1-1.09-1mdk.i586.rpm... They work. Jim _ STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* http://join.

Installation and partition questions

2002-11-21 Thread Jim Christiansen
Wipe the mbrs. _ The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list

gigabit nics...

2002-11-21 Thread Jim Christiansen
I don't know if all of my emails are getting through...Seems that my previous message didn't. Maybe I my mind is going... So here goes: Does anyone here know anything helpful about using gigabit nics in a linux box?? Thanks, Jim ___

another mp3 to cd method ...

2002-11-23 Thread Jim Christiansen
How about just openning the mp3s in xmms and: options preferences and chaging the ouput plugin to: Diskwriter plugin... Then just use your favorite gui to roast them. Jim _ MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months

For example:

2002-11-23 Thread Jim Christiansen
how to use env LANG=C acroread in the plugin? Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 16:00:43 -0700 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Hi, Also located in an installed system at: /usr/share/doc/redhat-release-8.0/RELEASE-NOTES-i386 Does anyone know how to use the info from the release-

knoppix cd

2002-11-23 Thread Jim Christiansen
I had been using the Knoppix cd for a few days before I discovered all of the great fonts. I have scp'ied the fonts onto my redhat8 system, and they are really nice to have to use. My daughter will really enjoy having them to use on her rh8 box. Take a look at them if you have a chance. They

About mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz vs mozilla-1.2b-2002111304_trunk_rh8_gtk2

2002-11-24 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, Just a comment or two...then a question: I installed mozilla-1.2b-2002111304_trunk_rh8_gtk2.i386.rpm as mentioned a few weeks ago on the list, and have enjoyed the fabulous fonts. They are really much better to very view, but printing is still an issue. Today, I grabbed the latest: 200

Walk thru for cups

2002-11-24 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, I use CUPS for all of the printing in our 6 box rh8 home network. CUPS did take a little more work to setup in 8 than in 7.3 (Can't remember what, exactly, sorry). There were just a couple of extra changes in the config that needed to get changed. If you want, I'll send you the cups c

Include IceWm as optional wm in kdm logon

2002-11-29 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, Does anyone know how to add IceWm to the wm selection list available at log-on time? Thanks, Jim _ Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail -- Psyc

IceWm in kdm or gdm sessoini chooser

2002-11-30 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi, I've been poking around for days, but I can't find any elegant solution to running IceWm other than creating a simple .xsession file in my home... That is not really a first solution, as it would be nice to have a choice, at boot, as to the windows manager for each startup. Booting into I


2002-11-30 Thread Jim Christiansen
Thanks Romildo, and Havoc, I'm a big Linux user, but I haven't had the need to chmod anything +x for a while. I forgot to do this to the Xsessions script while I was trying to get my darn IceWm going... Romildo, I'm using your RPM, and if anyone else wants to try it, it fits right in nicely.

postscript and pdf merging

2002-12-03 Thread Jim Christiansen
Try ps2pdf. This ought to work for you. Jim _ Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://listman.redhat.

each pdf file

2002-12-03 Thread Jim Christiansen
..each pdf is a different page Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 07:41:05 -0700 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Sorry I didn't finish reading your message before I responded...a wet poodle jumped into my lap...

re: How to change the link to start OpenOffice

2002-12-03 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi Stephen, I do this by going to the Control Center, File Browsing, File Associations... :-) Jim _ Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail -- Psyche-list m

Re: StarOffice 6.0 Not Recognized Under RH8

2002-12-04 Thread Jim Christiansen
Star6.0 installed just fine on our systems. All were net installs. Were you root? Jim _ Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail -- Psyche-list mailing list

current nightly moz build dec-4

2002-12-04 Thread Jim Christiansen
Is anyone using this? Things seem to work, except for my send button in hotmail! I had to back up to an older 11-25 for it to send. Jim _ Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?page=f

Gigabit nics

2002-12-05 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, Several users who use the K12LTSP mail list have mentioned problems with gigabit nics on RH8.0. Does anyone here use an SMP kernel with gigabit nics? I have been waiting for a month or two, waiting for news and feed back before I spend any school budget dollars. I would rather go by w

RE: ANSI graphics not displaying properly in 8.0

2002-12-05 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi, pico /etc/sysconfig/i18n #LANG="en_US.UTF-8" LANG="en_US" SUPPORTED="en_US.UTF-8:en_US:en:ja_JP.eucJP:ja_JP:ja" SYSFONT="latarcyrheb-sun16" May be this will help... Jim _ The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*

fonts in GIMP

2002-12-06 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, I use: Filters/Render/Freetype all the time. I can't remember if I had to install it--- just checked on my wifes, and it isn't there... So, anyway, grab the Freetype plugin and give-it-a-go. It works well for me. It show Comic Sans MS, and a zillion or so other nice fonts, both Typ

Re: Running X on servers in really plain language...

2002-12-07 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi, Ok, so what I'm understanding is that a linux host system without X installed can be accessed from another computer, remotely, using ssh and its X system to operate an X session from the host? Thanks, Jim _ The new MSN 8:

stock smp vs up oddities

2002-12-07 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, I have been puzzling this on my last two dual processor system installs (7.3 8.0). My last two systems have been dual processor setups, and when ever I shut down from a gui, or poweroff from a console, using the stock single processor kernel, the computer will actually poweroff. While

Re: OS time keeps getting out of sync

2002-12-09 Thread Jim Christiansen
I think there are some issues with time / this kernel.. or xfree.. I've commented about this, too. I've checked the files mentioned and the rh-conf-date always dies with: [root@christiansen root]# redhat-config-date Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/redhat-config-date/red

today's nightly gtk2 mozilla build

2002-12-09 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi, Just to let everyone know that today's build at: http://ftp26moz.newaol.com/pub/mozilla/nightly/experimental/gtk2/ still has a printing problem, although I do prefer it to the default Mozilla... Has anyone has come up with a solution to stopping the 7 pages of blanks before the real print

ssh, x forward works, but sound?? ;-)

2002-12-09 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi everyone, Thanks to this list, I have one computer playing ogle by x forwarding from another on my network with a DVD player. Very cool. I know it's working, because ogle isn't installed on the box that is displaying... so cool. Now the question... How would I get the sound out of the rem

network sound

2002-12-10 Thread Jim Christiansen
Ok, The network sound can be started on the client with: esd -public -tcp and xms on the host, for example, can be configured to output using esound to an ip and port. Now I have to get ogle or xine to output using blaa blaa blaa... Talk about an immense system... Thanks for the pointers. T

Re: No xinerama in 8.0?? ;-(

2002-12-11 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, Do you have an Nvidia card? If so, you can use its twinview capability. It works well here. Jim _ MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/virus -- Psyche-list m

RE: Hostname help

2002-12-13 Thread Jim Christiansen
There is a hosts file available in Windows, too. That may be an option... _ The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTEC

Subject: Re: Weird hard drive boot message

2002-12-16 Thread Jim Christiansen
Ok, I've been reading this thread since the beginning, and I have something to add to the puzzle. I too have an IBM DEATHSTAR 60 giger, and I get the same errors. Could this be another IBM pos problem? I suspect so. Jim _ Add

rpm to find kpackage...

2002-12-19 Thread Jim Christiansen
Kpackage is being install by many, from the Mandrake 9.0 rpm set. It is actually part of kdeadmin, so you'll need to remember this, right? It should turn up just by issueing t]# rpm -qa | grep kdeadmin The redhat-config-packages command, IMHO, doesn't offer anything near what the good old k

grubby fatal error

2002-12-21 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello All, I just ran up2date on my box and included the kernel updates (as they worked well last time why not again...) only to discover that my console returned the following lines: grubby fatal error: unable to find a suitable template grubby fatal error: unable to find a suitable template g

grubby error messages...more

2002-12-21 Thread Jim Christiansen
Ok, it looks like the errors were false alarms. The only problem is that the nvidia rpms are no good. Looks like the tars are choice two. Jim _ MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 3 months FREE*. http://join.msn.com/?pa

RE: poweroff fails on Dell Dimension 4500 with RH8

2002-12-26 Thread Jim Christiansen
Thanks to another person who answered a similar question for me a while ago, all of our smp boxes will power down with the following... title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-19.8.0smp) root (hd0,0) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-19.8.0smp ro root=LABEL=/ hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi vga=0x305 apm=

Re: dvd-mplayer-xine

2002-12-28 Thread Jim Christiansen
Re: dvd-mplayer-xine Go to freshrpms.net. There are very clear instructions for setting up ogle, xine, and mplayer for RH8.0. Also, you'll find the required software nicely packaged into functional rpms. Jim _ The new MSN 8

2nd external ip by dhcp question

2002-12-29 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, Our cable provder supplies two dhcp ips in their standard non-commercial service. I'm using Smoothwall and I'm very happy with it, but it is too difficult for me to figure out how set it up to get it to accept a second external ip. Does anyone know of a nice gui for iptable based fir

list users

2003-01-15 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, I've been using RHat since 6.0, but only for certain tasks such as nating, and proxying. I have only used it for about 1.5 years as regular desktop replacement to Windows. Before I get flamed- let me say I've tried to use the faqs and several good books, but none explain how to, withou

help for list users

2003-01-15 Thread Jim Christiansen
Thank you to everyone with replies to my question about listing users on a box. I even got a lesson on awk! (I say to myself "Jim, you ought to look at awk sometime soon and figure out how it always seems to be so useful for people..." and then before I know it, I get a crash course!) And al

yet again: printing from mozilla

2002-11-12 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hello, I've been listening since the beginnning of the mailing list, to solutions for the print problems from mozilla. I even did the hex edit changing the _ to a - for Helvetica, in one of the libraries. Then I thought it worked!! But NO... The darn browser that I fired up for the test wa

firewall builder vs smoothwall/danasguardian or another...

2002-11-12 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi All, I'm bored with my Smoothwall/Dansguardian box at home, and figure it's about time to try something else. If it works at home, then I take it to school. Has anyone looked at Firewall Builder: http://www.fwbuilder.org ? Smoothwall can't bind multiple external ips without buying the com

new mozilla

2002-11-13 Thread Jim Christiansen
Hi, I read your message about the new Mozilla. I can not print from the curent mozilla in RH8, and would like to try the gtk2 version that you referred to. Do I grab EVERY rpm that is listed, then uninstall my current mozilla, before running the new rpms, or does an upgrade -U work? Thanks,