Hi All,
I'm bored with my Smoothwall/Dansguardian box at home, and figure it's about time to try something else. If it works at home, then I take it to school. Has anyone looked at Firewall Builder:
http://www.fwbuilder.org ?
Smoothwall can't bind multiple external ips without buying the commercial route, and maintaining the DansGuardian configs is a bit of a pain because so much of the system has been altered (I'm using squid with acls, and dansguardian at school with a basic set of iptable rules...and have begun using webmin, which is cool, too.)
So I want to look at something open souce that can:
1 build me a firewall nice and easy
2 handle multiple eth1:1,2,3,4,5 ... to the external card
3 also use squid and dansguardian
4 find a webminable firewall opensource solution...
I guess I'm looking for a gui... my students are better at iptables than I am!
Any suggestions?
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