Our cable provder supplies two dhcp ips in their standard non-commercial service. I'm using Smoothwall and I'm very happy with it, but it is too difficult for me to figure out how set it up to get it to accept a second external ip.
Does anyone know of a nice gui for iptable based firewalls that can setup and manage two external ips?
I know how to add external eth0:1 eth0:2 ... interfaces and how to port-forward through them using simple iptable rules, but I don't know how to firewall each of these interfaces individually.
I've looked at guarddog and firestarter, but I don't see how these two manage more than one external ip.
Thanks for any info,
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Psyche-list mailing list
- RE: 2nd external ip by dhcp question Jim Christiansen
- RE: 2nd external ip by dhcp question Greg Hanks