I agree about adding analyses to PSPPIRE but I have to disagree about
merging files (adding variables). I find it *far* easier to use syntax:
Just a few lines for most matches!
The problem is that there are several choices (e.g., a table m
Assigning value labels (e.g., 1=female) is with VALUE LABELS but I don't
think PRINT or LIST will print the value labels (FREQ will in SPSS, I
haven't tried it in PSPP). You could create new string variables and
assign them the labels as values (as John suggests; or arrange to
receive the data wit
What operating system are you using? Because you need a package for
your operating system and the question of 32- or 64-bits would be
addressed at this packaging step.
For example, Windows users should download from this page, and the page
offers both 32- and 64-bit versions:
As I think you've discovered, the 32-bit build will work adequately on
either architecture. The 64-bit version will work better, but only on
computers with 64-bit CPU's. The notes at http://pspp.awardspace.com/
are intended to convey this. Let us know if we could be more clear.
On 2/9/20
If the manual says it's available, then it's a bug if it's not working.
Can you send a tiny example of your syntax and be more explicit about
what you're trying to do and what it's not doing correctly?
For example, here is a page with some SPSS syntax about this dates,
including DATEDIFF.
lenbach" is a contact with a reasonable email address and an
alternative email address of pspp-users@gnu.org, then you should delete
the PSPP email address from Al's contact information. Or call your IT
help desk.
On 4/14/2017 10:54 AM, Alan Mead wrote:
> Marc,
> If the manual s
dy answered Mr Braxton.
> Thank you.
> Oliver Walter
> Am 14.04.2017 um 18:01 schrieb Alan Mead:
>> Sorry, here the the URL I forgot to include:
>> https://www.spss-tutorials.com/spss-date-variables-tutorial/
>> BTW, you're corresponding
ng indivual problems.
> Then I will unsubscribe.
> Oliver Walter
> Am 14.04.2017 um 18:22 schrieb Alan Mead:
>> Well if you did not cc the users list, how will the users know that
>> you've already answered his question?
>> -Alan
How are you defining missing values? I notice that the handling of
missing cases depends on their status as system or user-defined. Maybe
you've found a bug.
On 4/21/2017 10:16 AM, ftr public wrote:
> Hi,
> I cal
You're asking a user question, perhaps rhetorically, but here's a
developer answer: I added the code to display the cluster membership.
I had intended to add code to add the cluster membership results to the
dataset and it wouldn't be hard to add this feature except that one
needs to understand h
According to this blog posting:
The reference would be something like:
GNU PSPP version 0.10.2-g654fff [Computer Software.] (2017). Retrieved
from http://pspp.awardspace.com.
Assuming you were using version 0.10.2-g
That sounds frustrating. I wasn't able to replicate your bug using GNU
pspp 0.10.1-g1082b8 or GNU pspp 0.10.4-g50f7b7 on Windows 7 .
What operating system and PSPP version are your students using?
Did your students have a choice of versions when they downloaded PSPP?
If so, you might try
I don't think so. This page says it's an option in SPSS:
When I try running ANOVA using a recent version of PSPP, the only option
is to run Levene's test, it doesn't seem to produce Welch's test. This
page shows how to perform the test using a spreads
This change solves the problem for my Windows 7 installation of PSPP.
On 9/8/2017 10:29 AM, Friedrich Beckmann wrote:
> Dear Oliver,
> thanks for checking this. Could you rename the file
> gspawn-win32-helper-console.exe
> to
> gspawn-win32-helper.exe ?
> This file is in the in
AFAIK, no Excel format is a supported format (but PSPP is open-source,
so feel free to write that missing functionality and contribute it to
our community).
I suggest that you save the excel file as a Tab-delimited, CSV or ODS
file and try importing that. ODS would be the closest to the Excel for
And if John's explanation is insufficient, please explain what you are
trying to do. A recode statement (if your conditions depend on values of
one variable) or compute statements in IF or DO IF blocks (otherwise)
may be necessary to accomplish what you want.
On 10/23/2017 12:00 PM, John Da
code 3 in the new variable.
> I wonder sintaxis should be condtional if do, but i dont know...
> El El lun, 23 oct. 2017 a las 14:03, Alan Mead <mailto:am...@alanmead.org>> escribió:
> And if John's explanation is insufficient, please explain what you
> are
> betsabe.co...@gmail.com <mailto:betsabe.co...@gmail.com>
> CEL: +54911 5701 3993
> 2017-10-23 17:45 GMT-03:00 Alan Mead <mailto:am...@alanmead.org>>:
> Let's assume you have variables X1, x2, x3, etc. and you wish to
> create a new
Sorry, I forgot to add "END IF." Here's where it would go:
DO IF(P5=2 or P6=2 or P7=2).
COMPUTE Var0001 = 1.
ELSE IF (P8=1).
COMPUTE Var0001 = 2.
COMPUTE Var0001 = 3
On 10/27/2017 11:52 AM, Alan Mead wrote:
> You have the syntax wrong. I imagin
Var0001 should compute code 1
> When P8 is equal to code 1 Var0001 should compute code 2
> When P8 is equal to code 2 Var0001 should compute code 3
> *
> *
> betsabe.co...@gmail.com <mailto:betsabe.co...@gmail.com>
> CEL: +54911 5701 3
I don't know if this answers your question (because I don't know how to
sample and ensure a particular distribution of the subsample) but any
random sample of a normal population should approximate normality as the
sample size grows, so you could take a random sample:
This old email (see below) suggests that your computer is configured for
If that's not true, then maybe there's a bug. From where did you get
your copy of PSPP?
On 6/2/2018 10:25 AM, Agnes Oyeniran wrote:
I agree with Sandor that this omission makes clustering not very useful
in PSPP. When I was working on this, the hold-up on this feature was
that I didn't know how to add variables to a dataframe. I intended to
see how saved predictions were handled by regression, but I didn't
understand that
You can perform this test using syntax in PSPP.
Open a new syntax window, type the syntax (see below), and run it.
The syntax is explained here:
FWIW, I'm excited that you're working on reading SPV format. I had
assumed that the implicit output model might preclude compatibility.
On 7/24/2018 4:30 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> There might be some small hope here because I've been spending a lot of
> time lately working to make PSPP underst
Do you have, or can you create, an example syntax file that causes PSPP
to crash on Windows 7?
You only have trouble with syntax files, right? The syntax files are
text, so you can open them with any program that opens text files. In
windows 7, right click and choose "Open with" and choose a diffe
I think John is saying that in SPSS/PSPP you need to use a statistical
function to generate statistical results like a CI. For example, T-TEST
will produce a 95% CI for the mean difference in independent-samples
t-tests. Other routines may provide other confidence intervals.
But maybe you want to
This is fantastic! I'm about to send you some feedback on three SPV
files. The message is about 2.7MB. I'm pretty sure I cannot send such an
email to the list.
If it doesn't arrive, let me know how I can get you send it.
Short description: Works pretty well! Which is amazing! But: Images
On 11/26/2018 10:58 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> When you say "images", do you mean charts? SPV files can include .png
> files and other kinds of images pasted in from elsewhere. It would not
> be difficult to support them but they are rare in practice (I only found
> a few in my corpus) and I haven't
On 11/27/2018 8:31 AM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> This does not yet handle SPO files. Toward adding support for them, I
> have a small corpus of sample .spo files that I'll investigate at some
> point. I'd appreciate donations of more .spo files.
I think I've sent you all mine. The demand for SPO may be
On 11/27/2018 10:34 AM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> New .spo files do show up regularly at the converter webpage. That's
> how I collected most of my 3000+ .spv files, too. (I'd have far more
> .spo files if I hadn't inadvertently deleted most of them a few months
> ago not recognizing the format.)
I tak
On 11/27/2018 12:54 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 11:46:59AM -0600, Alan Mead wrote:
> SPV files contain results, in the form of pivot tables, charts, and
> other objects. Loading one does not re-run analyses, but it does load
> objects from disk only as they come in
with and without the BOM.
On 12/1/2018 11:34 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 08:58:47PM -0800, Ben Pfaff wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 03:30:44PM -0600, Alan Mead wrote:
>>> Ben,
>>> This is fantastic! I'm about to send
On 12/2/2018 11:55 AM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> Thanks for the report. I ran into a previous issue where SPSS was
> saving every space as a non-breaking space. I guess it must use other
> space variants sometimes too. Weird.
> This seems to be specific to the particular SPV file, because after
> c
Maybe this would be better on the pspp-dev list, but it comes up every
so often. I added the support (with a lot of hand-holding by John
Darrington) for /PRINT to the Quick Cluster and I intended to add /SAVE
as well. Adding /PRINT was not very hard, but adding /SAVE will require
that your s
Point well taken. But I thought SAVE was working in REGRESSION?
On 12/13/2018 7:18 AM, ftr wrote:
> Hi,
> I would be happy if the meagre resources were concentrated on
> completing procedures several times already demanded here, in
> particular the save function for regression and factor an
The DL links are here: https://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/get.html
For windows: http://pspp.awardspace.com/
You probably want 64-bit (but 32-bit will also work) and you probably
want the newest version, which currently has 2018-11-09 (November 9,
2018) in the link name. That is close to the latest
encat.cat |_www.gencat.cat/ics_
> <mailto:secretariatecnica@gencat.cat>
> *De:* Alan Mead [am...@alanmead.org]
> *Enviat el:* dijous, 13 / desembre / 2018 15:36
> *Per a:* Vilanova Boix, Francesc Xavier; pspp-users@gnu.org
> *Tema:* Re: Pspp 0.7.8 for win
> https://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/pspp/
> But I don't know how to handle this kind of files.
> Am 13.12.2018 um 15:56 schrieb Alan Mead:
>> I don't see that 0.7.8 was a release: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/pspp/
>> and it must be ancient (0.8.0 was released
I don't know. You should Google how to create this using SPSS and then check if
that functionality is present in PSPP. Let us know if you need help with this
question. I googled this current and I didn't see an quick answer in the form
of a statistical routine. So maybe not but my check was extr
This is great news! To run this version, we would need to pull the
sources from github and compile them?
On 1/1/2019 1:22 AM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> Until now, the PSPP output engine has had a pretty basic notion of what
> constitutes a table. It was essentially the same sort of model y
Thijssen wrote:
> A MSwindos build of this version is now available
> at
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/pspp4windows/files/2019-01-02-ForTestingOnly/
> Have fun
> Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2019 22:01:52 -0800
> From: Ben Pfaff mailto:b...@cs.stanford.e
On 1/2/2019 2:25 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> Actually, Alan, there's something you can try yourself. From the output
> window, run "File|Export" and export to a text file, then post the
> output. If the text output includes the missing numbers, then it's a
> display issue, otherwise it's something tha
Because Windows doesn't include the buildchain, Harry Thijssen provides
Windows installs as Windows executables:
The installer is NSIS, which supports silent installs:
https://nsis.sourceforge.io/Docs/Chapter4.html#silent ,
Looks like you found your answer. Happy to hear it.
> It turns out I simply needed to specify the output:
> |$ pspp mySyntaxFile.sps -o histogram.pdf -O format=pdf|
On 2/21/2019 3:31 AM, Oren Ish-Shalom wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to export a histogram to an image file.
> My input is an *.ods
Can you construct a tiny example CSV file with three cases of dummy data
that illustrates the problem? Can you also share the version of PSPP,
platform, etc. that you are using? How are you accessing the file? And
what exactly did PSPP do when it encountered the error?
Does LibreOffice Calc or Exc
>From memory:
match files file = 'one.sav'
/file = 'two.sav'
/by patient_id
/map .
/MAP will show you a "map" of the matched variables (and is
optional)... The matched file will have all the c
What version are you using?
My initial thought is that PSPP doesn't support this, which may well be
true. The PSPP manual, does not include the METHOD subcommand in the
reference, although the examples show an example like your second one
with a single METHOD subcommand:
I would construct a new variable with values A1, A2, A2, B1, etc. but
you could do something like this (from memory/untested):
sort cases by var 1 var2.
compute dup=0.
if( lag(var1)=var1 and lag(var2)=var2) dup = lag(dup)+1.
Sometimes lag() surprises me, but I think the above sh
What operating system are they running? awardspace.com packages for for
Windows computers.
Oh, I just checked and I think you mean that awardspace.com seems to be
down? The files are hosted on another site:
I would simply search for tutorials:
ing away for few days, but I'll try to install a different
> version in windows when I'm back.
> I am a bit surprised that such a problem could creep up in a release
> version, since it's something very basic and that everyone does.
> Thanks.
> Michele
Sorry, that was dumb. I attached a link to the spreadsheet to my
previous email. If you you want the spreadsheet, here it is. It is a
LibreOffice document.
On 9/1/2019 6:19 PM, Alan Mead wrote:
> Henry may have a better answer, but the way Windows binaries are
> created probabl
That is a drag.
If you saved the data, the saved file should have survived the crash. If
not, then probably not.
Also, to have any hope of having the developers examine the crash, they
would also need more information like the operating system you are using
and the version of PSPP, and what you w
I haven't run in to this problem and I cannot tell you exactly
step-by-step what to do, but I can explain what's going on and give you
some advice.
Incompatible encodings implies that the files have encodings that are
not all the same and the warning is that you could be surprised by the
Past discussions have suggested that PSPP does not yet replicate this
functionality (but I'd love to fin d out that my recollection is wrong
or that PSPP has added support).
On 10/16/2019 8:44 AM, Horacio Saravia wrote:
> Hi, I´m a new user of PSPP. I have this version: GNU pspp 1.2.0-g0fb4
I think this message should be on the dev list, whom I've cc'd (but if
you're not on it, you won't see the replies to that list).
I don't use MR sets, so my understanding is slight. I think PSPP does
not (did not in the past) support that syntax. I see below that there is
at least support in readi
I don't think that's supported. In the past, the advice has been to save
the XLSX file as a supported format (ODT or delimited file) and import that.
I recommend doing this for SPSS as well, because when I import an Excel
file directly in SPSS, it makes guesses about variable types/lengths
that I
This is probably known, but SPSS will stop on some errors. If the GET
DATA command fails, it will stop at the first routine that requires a
dataset. I think it will also stop on a duplicate key when merging files
by a condition.
I don't think it stops on errors like divide-by-zero (i.e., where I'v
On 11/16/2019 11:31 AM, Frans Houweling wrote:
> Yes, but for errors we have MXERRS. I personally would like PSPP to
> halt on the first error, but never on a warning.
> Greetings
> frans
Sorry, that was my point. It's really unhelpful to stop on warnings (of
any number). MXWARNS is helpful to sto
On 11/16/2019 1:14 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> Recent SPSS documentation specifies two ways that exceeding MXWARNS
> can be handled. In batch mode, it does what PSPP does here, stopping
> processing if MXWARNS is exceeded. In interactive mode, it just
> suppresses warnings beyond the warning limit. This
On 11/16/2019 1:14 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
>> too_many_errors = true;
>> if (m->severity == MSG_S_WARNING)
>> submit_note (xasprintf (_("Warnings (%d) exceed limit (%d).
>> Syntax processing will be halted."),
>> n_msgs, max_msgs));
That's annoying; I'm sorry you're having this trouble.
One of the developers may have a better idea what this error means. It
sounds like a problem with encoding or a bug in PSPP. Of course, it's
possible that the actual problem is unrelated and merely causes this.
They would need to know the vers
As a guess, you are trying to write to a directory for which you do do
have write permission.
To help you further, we need you to fully describe your problem, with
step-by-step instructions for replicating the problem. We also need the
exact error message, including the directory names.
Actually, I get a different error when the output file has it's
read-only bit set. So that's probably not it.
On 11/24/2019 1:07 PM, Alan Mead wrote:
> And that "data.pdf" is not write protected?
Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
edrive\MyPC\the name of the
> folder i want\data.pdf: error while writing to output stream
> *From:* Alan Mead
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 24, 2019 8:32 PM
> *To:* Manos Markakis ; pspp-users@gnu.org
> *Subject:* Re: pspp: error while writing to output st
test.pdf, then (which it was open) tried to export
to that name in that folder again. I got the same error.
On 11/24/2019 1:07 PM, Alan Mead wrote:
> Manos,
> When you select Help > About, what version does it say? Because I cannot
> replicate your error.
> When
; and also tried to save it somewhere else.
> ----
> *From:* Alan Mead
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 24, 2019 9:07 PM
> *To:* Manos Markakis ; pspp-users@gnu.org
> *Subject:* Re: pspp: error while writing to output s
make a folder like 'pspp' so maybe that would be "E:\pspp" and
try to save there.
Even if that works, that's still pretty annoying and should be fixed if
On 11/24/2019 1:56 PM, Alan Mead wrote:
> That's really annoying. I don't know what els
e and I wasn't aware.
On 11/24/2019 2:48 PM, Manos Markakis wrote:
> IT WORKS. thank you very much. i plugged my external SSD and it works
> properly. I dont find that too annoying though. Thanks again
> ____
> From: Alan Mead
> Sent: Sunday
Wow, that's a lot. Do you mean that 7GB of space are needed (for, I
guess temporary files)? And you did not observe that previously?
Maybe the devs are familiar with kubernetes; I only know the name. Can
you describe the environment (e.g., OS)? And pspp version? How many
conversions have you obser
one of the first things
> you learn as you step in to the container world!
> Appreciate the quick reply. It certainly was a shocking observation
> when I found it :-)
> Cheers
> Dave
> On Dec 4, 2019, 8:29 AM -0600, Alan Mead , wrote:
>> Wow, that's a
I was showing my son how to use PSPP to analyze some survey data and I
crashed PSPP. I'm using GNU pspp 1.2.0-g0fb4db on Windows 7 (yeah, I
know). This happens reliably for me. A mingw window pops up saying an
assertion failed:
The text reads:
Assertion failed!
Program: C:\Program Files\PSPP\b
Using the PSPPIRE Data Editor (the "data window") select "Data View" at
the bottom left (if it's not already selected) and select your case and
choose "Edit > Clear Case" and the cases will be deleted.
I usually prefer syntax because if you save the syntax, it makes the
analysis replicable and pro
You can't.
You can import from and save to OpenOffice/LibreOffice/ODF formats, but
not Excel. You can also use CSV.
In SPSS, I dislike opening Excel files because AFAIK, there is no way to
specify the format of the variables when opening Excel. Occasionally,
this is a real PITA. So, I find it wor
nks! That is very helpful.
> I accidentally entered an extra case in the middle of my database, and
> then realized that I wasn't quite sure how to get rid of it after
> looking around a bit.
> Best regards,
> Jermy Canipe
> On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 2:43 PM A
I don't know if PSPP (or SPSS) can do Pareto Diagrams. So, maybe PSPP
isn't the tool you need.
But PSPP has (I think) the same capabilities of combining data as SPSS,
but I think you do need to use syntax. This page describes the commands
to combine data files. There's a command to stack files/add
this page or sheet?
> Thanks
> El El mié, 19 feb 2020 a las 15:56, Alan Mead <mailto:am...@alanmead.org>> escribió:
> I don't know if PSPP (or SPSS) can do Pareto Diagrams. So, maybe
> PSPP isn't the tool you need.
> But PSPP has (I thin
I know nothing about Macs but I googled this error and it looks like a
lot of Mac users are running into issues like this (with different
software). This page claims to have a fix:
This is a discussion of what appears
This is how this kind of question has been answered in the past:
(That's one email in a thread, you can read the whole thread by clicking
the links at the bottom).
PSPP does it's best to use your local language, so either you ne
could be solved so easily.
> I also will look into helping with the translation.
> Thank you,
> Uliana D.
>> On 29 Apr 2020, at 17:05, Alan Mead > <mailto:am...@alanmead.org>> wrote:
>> This is how this kind of question has been answered in the
Ben's a genius at understanding SPSS file formats, but he's not going to
have any insight into tiamo's PHP code. If tiamo's code has a source
file called sys-file-reader, it's probably a port of PSPP code (and that
should be self-evident from examining the file; it should have a FSF
copyright) and
Harry Thijssen's build process for Windows?
What Linux distro would I need to install to have pspp packaged (or have
the requirements packaged so the tarball woudl compile cleanly)? Because
I have six Linux machines running CentOS 6 and 7 and none of them will
run psppire.
Windows is the only way
On 7/29/2020 12:31 PM, John Darrington wrote:
> Ssw is very easy to build and install. It requires gtk+ but once you
> have that installed there are no other dependencies. I presume CentOS is like
> most other distros; they will accept package contributions from
> volunteers?
> J'
On 7/29/2020 1:03 PM, John Darrington wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 10:42:05AM -0700, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> Centos is RHEL minus the Red Hat trademark, and RHEL is a downstream
> of Fedora, so getting PSPP and SSW into Fedora would eventually get it
> into
> Centos.
> Acco
Sounds frustrating and I'm sorry to hear that.
You said that you cannot install it, but then you say that it's not
working right, so I'm guessing that you can install it, that it starts,
but that it doesn't function properly. Is that correct?
And it functions correctly at work, but not
us-free. www.avg.com
> <http://www.avg.com/email-signature?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail>
> El jue., 13 ago. 2020 a las 21:34, Alan Mead ( <mailto:ame...@alanmead.org>>) escribió:
> Domingo,
> Virus-free.
> www.avg.com <http://www.avg.com>
> <http://www.avg.com/email-signature?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&am
> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> El vie., 14 ago. 2020 a las 20:56, Domingo J Rubira López (<
> domingojrub...@gmail.com>) escribió:
>> Nothing. I can't. I think I throw in the towel!
>> E
On 8/17/2020 2:04 AM, Domingo J Rubira López wrote:
> The problem now is with "add files command". You know it was my other
> trouble. I write in sintaxis the following sentence: add files
> /file="prot.sav" /file="dataset1.sav". I am sure the folder is on the
> desktop directly too.
Glad PSPP is
No, I'm not aware of any way to use DO .. IF in the GUI. I think this is
only available in syntax.
On 8/22/2020 2:33 AM, Domingo J Rubira López wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I would like to know if I could compute a conditional variable directly
> without using Sintaxis. I explain it better in t
On 8/23/2020 11:46 PM, John Darrington wrote:
> I suspect the problem is that you have no value which is exactly equal to 82
> in your dataset. Perhaps you have 82.1 or 81.998,
> either of which might display as "82" dependening on the number of decimals
> defined fro the
I don't think the devs (other than Harry) use Windows, so if we find a
bug in the Windows version of PSPP, it's important for us to file a bug
report. I could file a bug report for you, but then if it gets fixed I'd
need to be able to test it and the bug you found with non-ASCII
That's a drag, but it's these little events that demonstrate how helpful
you are :)
I'll look forward to a build when things are settled.
On 8/24/2020 11:33 AM, Harry Thijssen wrote:
> Hi Alan & list
> Unfortunately my main computer died about a month ago. I ordered a new one
Yeah, it's telling that when Harry compiles for Windows, he does so by
cross-compiling on Linux. I did a lot of development on DOS but since I
discovered Linux, almost all my development has been on Linux, which I
also find much easier.
I think someone who was familiar with windows development too
I have no idea about the Mac, but for Windows 7, did you install the
64-bit version? There is a known bug with the 64-bit version and Windows
7. If that's the problem, you should be able to solve it by uninstalling
the 64-bit version and installing the 32-bit version. For typical usage,
you won't n
Sure, and it works about the same as SPSS. Compose your command using
any text editor, or in a blank syntax window. Then run them.
On 10/3/2020 10:31 PM, jhwh...@techwriteinc.com wrote:
> Is there an option for me to input syntax commands?
> Take Care,
> John
This sounds like the error I get when I install 64-bit PSPP on Windows
7. We decided that some library used by PSPP had deprecated Windows 7.
Installing the 32-bit version worked fine.
If that doesn't seem to be the case for you, can you clarify what
version of Windows you are using and which PSPP
The 64-bit version won't work with Windows 7 and there are no plans to
fix this. Try installing the 32-bit version.
On 10/16/2020 10:03 AM, ftr wrote:
> Hi,
> I use Windows 7 Professional and installed the 64 bit version.
> Regards
> ftr
> On 15/10/2020 17:24, Friedrich Beckmann wr
What type of computer do you use? Windows 10? Windows 7? Mac? Linux?
This page has links to "binaries" (i.e., installable executables). The
pages you're findig are more for someone who wants the source code.
If you still use Windows 7, you should upgrade
info> . Could I
> install PSPP_2020-09-05_daily_64bits
> <https://sourceforge.net/projects/pspp4windows/files/2020-09-05/pspp-20200905-daily-64bits-setup.exe/download>?
> Thank you again,
> Ester
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 5:18 PM Alan Mead <mailto:ame...@alanme
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