Do you have, or can you create, an example syntax file that causes PSPP
to crash on Windows 7?

You only have trouble with syntax files, right? The syntax files are
text, so you can open them with any program that opens text files. In
windows 7, right click and choose "Open with" and choose a different
program like Notepad or Wordpad. You could use something like Word or
Libreoffice Writer but they usually don't work well.

You could also rename them to a '.TXT' suffix, like change
'analysis1.sps' to 'analysis1.txt' and then some program like notepad
should be the default on your computer and you can just open it. The
only risk there is (a) PSPP will no longer open the file (it knows to
open .SPS files, but not .TXT files) and (b) you may have some poor
default program like Word to open .TXT files. So, the 'open with'
strategy above is better.

You can then open a new syntax file in PSPP and copy the text from
notepad (or whatever) and paste into the blank syntax window and then
you should be able to save it.


On 8/17/2018 7:44 AM, Decker, Suzanne wrote:
> Hello all,  I am experiencing a problem such that I can open data
> files in PSPP (vsn 1.0.1 – g818227), but can’t open SOME of the syntax
> files on my Windows 7 computer. When I open these syntax files, I get
> this error message and the program immediately terminates. 
> I talked to my local IT, who said they applied a patch to PSPP
> (
> but it did not fix the problem… unfortunately the patch works on
> Windows XP and my computer runs Windows 7. 
> Does anyone have a solution to this so that I do not lose the work I
> have done?  I would appreciate suggestions. 
> Thanks, Suzanne
> imap://
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