Sure, and it works about the same as SPSS. Compose your command using
any text editor, or in a blank syntax window. Then run them.


On 10/3/2020 10:31 PM, wrote:
> Is there an option for me to input syntax commands?
> Take Care, 
> John
> Email: <> 
> Website:


Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
President, Talent Algorithms Inc.

science + technology = better workers

The irony of this ... is that the Internet is
both almost-infinitely expandable, while at the
same time constrained within its own pre-defined
box. And if that makes no sense to you, just
reflect on the existence of Facebook. We have
the vastness of the internet and yet billions
of people decided to spend most of them time
within a horribly designed, fake-news emporium
of a website that sucks every possible piece of
personal information out of you so it can sell it
to others. And they see nothing wrong with that.

-- Kieren McCarthy, commenting on why we are not 
                    all using IPv6

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