File > New > Syntax opens a new syntax window.

You can also create a file using any text editor and save the file with
the extension .SPS and open the file with File > Open. If you do this,
note that some editors (e.g., Notepad) make it difficult to choose a
file extension for a text file (Notepad always appends a '.TXT') and by
default Windows hides the file's extension.


On 2/19/2020 11:34 AM, Domingo J Rubira López wrote:
> Sorry Alan, where do I write the sintax? I have seen the commands, but
> I don’t know where to write them. How can I get this page or sheet?
> Thanks 
> El El mié, 19 feb 2020 a las 15:56, Alan Mead <
> <>> escribió:
>     I don't know if PSPP (or SPSS) can do Pareto Diagrams. So, maybe
>     PSPP isn't the tool you need.
>     But PSPP has (I think) the same capabilities of combining data as
>     SPSS, but I think you do need to use syntax. This page describes
>     the commands to combine data files. There's a command to stack
>     files/add cases (ADD FILES) and a command to merge files/add
>     variables (MATCH FILES). If you click on the link for your choice
>     at the bottom, you'll see the syntax.
>     You would click "New Syntax" and type the commands there and then
>     click run, but if you describe what you're trying to do, we can
>     give you additional advice. For example, you'll need to sort on
>     the matching variable(s).
>     If I had files 'test1.sav' and 'test2.sav' with matching variable
>     'index' I would type:
>     * sort file 1 by match variable.
>     get /file='test1.sav'.
>     sort cases by index.
>     save /outfile'test1.sav'.
>     * sort file 2 by match variable.
>     get /file='test2.sav'.
>     sort cases by index.
>     save /outfile'test2.sav'.
>     match files file='test1.sav'
>       /file='test2.sav'
>       /by index
>       /map.
>     execute.
>     The number one pain I experience in combining data (using PSS or
>     PSPP) is when the same variable has a different data type across
>     files. This is extremely common with string variables. Number two
>     is duplicate identifiers.
>     -Alan
>     On 2/19/2020 3:55 AM, Domingo J Rubira López wrote:
>>     Sorry for this mail. I am sure I am not sending to the right place nor in
>>     the right way.
>>     Recently I have started to use PSPP in my Windows System and I can't do
>>     things I am sure they can be done. Things as Pareto Diagram or combining
>>     data files.
>>     In manual I can see them, but I don't really know how to do it or where I
>>     must write
>>     orders.
>>     I would be very pleasant if any of you can help me.
>>     Thank you a lot and sorry again.
>     -- 
>     Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
>     President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
>     science + technology = better workers
>     Mutiny Acts are needed only by officers who command without
>     authority.  Divine right needs no whip.
>     -- Shaw, from "Maxims for Revolutionists"


Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
President, Talent Algorithms Inc.

science + technology = better workers

Philosophy of science is about as useful to scientists as
ornithology is to birds.

-- Richard Feynman

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