t;>> Postfix later?
>> No.
>>>Is there any security risk if I configure/compile all the sources
>>> as the superuser? (I am referring only to the build/installation
>>> process)
>> For installing, take a look at the software pa
user used to configure/compile the sources is used in anyway in
>>>>> Postfix later?
>>>> No.
>>>>> Is there any security risk if I configure/compile all the sources
>>>>> as the superuser? (I am referr
Am 10.01.2011 14:43, schrieb John Adams:
>> On RHEL/Fedora you take the srpm, install it as builduser, put
>> the newer tarball under SOURCES, edit the SPECFILE and do
>> a "rpmbuild -bb postfix.spec", i do this since a long time
>> necause i rebuild all our core-services with optimized
>> gcc-fla
Am 11.01.2011 17:25, schrieb Jonathan Tripathy:
> So have my entire email system run on 2 boxes alone?
Where is the problem?
You can run hundrets of mail-domains in ONE virtual machine
> What if the postfix box were to go down?
The you hopefully have 2 VM-Hosts with HA so it does not matte
Am 11.01.2011 18:05, schrieb Jonathan Tripathy:
> But then I will need central storage, which I don't currently have.
> Can you please explain how I could achieve this?
For VMware-HA, yes this is true
But if you do not have a SAN setup for every client a vm
makes nothing better, iy you have en
Take a look at http://www.dbmail.org/ for imap/pop3
you can have as many servers you want connected with the
same database, i would use dovecot as proxy and for sasl-auth
which would give you even the option to use mysql-slaves
fpr the readonly-requests to spread the database-load
Am 13.01.2011 0
Am 13.01.2011 21:55, schrieb Zhou, Yan:
> I am connecting to Postfix, send it message with TO address in a remote
> domain, served by another mail server. I do not understand why such
> "relay" is happening
What do you expcet?
This is normal and they way email works
If you in "my_networks" relay
Technical correct but not really wise since it needs
only a simple dns-record and a "ServerAlias postfix.org"
in the httpd-vhost and there is no vaild reason to not
do that
Firefox seems to try this automatically because such setup
exists and try to think for the browser-users, the need
of such br
Am 17.01.2011 06:37, schrieb Victor Duchovni:
> Postfix may for now be the only mainstream SMTP server that enables
> server-side EECDH support, but this is not important. SMTP servers
> don't talk to SMTP servers
In summary more SMTP servers are talking to other servers than to clients
in thunderbird you have two options
on port 465 you have to use "SSL/TLS"
the same for imaps/pop3s on dedicated ports
if port / enycryption is in the wrong combination it will not
work, happens most time if you changed the ports manually
while doing some tests, after that th
Am 20.01.2011 12:29, schrieb Christian Roessner:
> Why adding a contact form? If a postmaster really does his/her job and scans
> the logs, finds your assistance info and enters the website, don't you think
> the same admin is also able to write a mail to you (postmaster@...)?
Because if his se
What do you exactly mean with
> My ISP does not support ipv6
If the ISP for your server does not support IPv6 you
can not use IPv6 for services
Am 21.01.2011 02:33, schrieb fakessh @:
> Hello postfix network.
> I found the error in the ipv6 by visiting http://dnscheck.iis.se/
> he tells me
=root@halbhalbh...@abc.com then I need this email to
> be forwarded to another smtp relay server that will take care of
> sending the email at the right place ex relay.abc.com redirects
> from=r...@halbhalbhalb.abc.com to
> relay=otherrelay.abc.com
> thx for the help
Mit be
> user = postfix
> password = xxx
> hosts =
> dbname = postfix
> table = domain
> select_field = domain
> where_field = domain
> What i can do to solve that problem?
> Cordially,
> Claudio Prono.
Mit besten Grüßen,
take the latest srpm of your distributions version
as base and remove patches from the SPEC-File
Am 24.01.2011 10:01, schrieb Walter Pinto:
> I couldn't find any 2.8.0-1 SRPMS.
Mit besten Grüßen, Reindl Harald
the lounge interactive design GmbH
A-1060 Vienna, Hofmühlgasse 17
Am 24.01.2011 11:15, schrieb Claudio Prono:
> Reindl Harald ha scritto:
>> collation is normally a table property
>> your mysql-tables charset should be uTF8
> How i can check this?
show create table tablename;
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
/dovecot/dbmail is
is UTF8 from the beginning
Am 24.01.2011 11:53, schrieb Claudio Prono:
> Reindl Harald ha scritto:
>> show create table tablename;
> Ok, something strange is come out.
> Here is th
Am 24.01.2011 14:17, schrieb Claudio Prono:
> - How i can force UTF8 for all the tables?
alter table will be your friend -> mysql manual
> - If i change all into UTF8, can be some data loss or some risk at all?
normally not because there is nothing in LATIN1 which is not supported
in UTF8, in
what i really not understand in this post is why the OP
doens not change all his charset/collation to UTF8
to avoid mixing?
Am 28.01.2011 23:37, schrieb John Fawcett:
> On 28/01/11 21:56, Wietse Venema wrote:
>> John Fawcett:
>>> On 28/01/11 13:12, Wietse Venema wrote:
John Faw
Am 28.01.2011 23:44, schrieb Victor Duchovni:
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 11:40:42PM +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> what i really not understand in this post is why the OP
>> doens not change all his charset/collation to UTF8
>> to avoid mixing?
> The input
Am 01.02.2011 17:51, schrieb Frank Bonnet:
> On 02/01/2011 05:43 PM, Victor Duchovni wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 05:33:14PM +0100, Ignacio Garcia wrote:
>>> Hi there. Hi, I've been googling around all morning and I'm
>>> completely ignorant on what I'm going to ask, so please forgive me
Am 03.02.2011 17:16, schrieb Alokat:
> Okay ... thanks for all your comments.
> So how would you solve my problem? Multiple Instances?
> Regards,
> Alokat
* One Servername
* One Certificate
I see really no reason why not "mail.yourcompany.tld" using in all
MX-records and client-configs, nobod
Am 03.02.2011 20:05, schrieb Chris Tandiono:
> You can get a multi-domain SSL certificate. It is one certificate that lists
> all the
> domains for which it is valid.
in theory xes
but this is not scaleable
If you get 3 new customers with their own domains you cert
does not include them and
Am 03.02.2011 20:41, schrieb Alan Batie:
> On 2/2/11 12:20 AM, Matthias Andree wrote:
>> Postfix logs the ID whenever one is available, and it did in your case.
>> I'm wondering what exactly you seem to be missing. If it's about the
>> client connection as logged by postfix/smtpd, then it has
Am 04.02.2011 11:20, schrieb J4K:
> I agree. I have plenty of colleagues who run their own mail servers from
> residential connections and they know how to set-up their machines.
Maybe, but if they are running a mailserver form dial-up ranges
mail seems not to be important for them because si
Am 04.02.2011 16:32, schrieb lst_ho...@kwsoft.de:
> So you have a local caching-resolver on the Postfix box?
> If so it should not fail because of traffic as long as your system resources
> are not exhausted.
> If your system resources are exhausted using a different resolver does not
> help
Am 05.02.2011 12:37, schrieb Benny Pedersen:
> On Fri, 04 Feb 2011 08:44:39 -0600, Noel Jones
> wrote:
>> At least set up a local caching resolver with as the
>> forwarder.
> in case of bind this is bad to use any forwarder since it disables hint
> zone, forwarders is more usefull
Am 05.02.2011 18:49, schrieb Charles Marcus:
>>> in case of bind this is bad to use any forwarder since it disables hint
>>> zone, forwarders is more usefull pr zone, so keeep forwards out of options
>>> containter in named.conf
>> And where is the problem?
>> Nobody needs the "hint zone" in hi
Am 05.02.2011 19:05, schrieb Jeroen Geilman:
> On 2/5/11 6:58 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> bullshit!
> Way to make your case.
sorry, but this was the only right answer for you can not
use dns-forwarder and blacklists"
Am 05.02.2011 19:27, schrieb /dev/rob0:
> Perhaps so. And on average the TTL for cache hits will be roughly
> half what you'd have when doing the recursion yourself.
but it's only ONE request and your are not the onnyl one
refreshing his caches
>>> * This cached requests are much faster and few
Am 05.02.2011 20:49, schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
> Reindl Harald put forth on 2/5/2011 12:49 PM:
>> http://www.barracudanetworks.com/ns/?L=de
>> Get a (virtual) appliance, their filters are fine and
>> their one blacklist does never block anybody
> You s
Am 05.02.2011 22:20, schrieb Benny Pedersen:
>> * It reduces the load of the root-Servers
> no, root severs delegate dns to ones isp servers ?, are you kidding ?
jesus christ what do you not understand that recursion needs
some dns-queries to find out what is the authoritative
nameserver and
| source | target |
| thelounge.at | @thelounge.net |
Reindl Harald
the lounge interactive design GmbH
A-1060 Vienna, Hofmühlgasse 17
CTO / software-development / cms-solutions
p: +43 (1) 595 3999 33, m: +43 (676) 40 221 40
icq: 154546673, http://www.thelounge.net/
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Am 07.02.2011 11:51, schrieb lst_ho...@kwsoft.de:
> Zitat von Reindl Harald :
>> hi
>> i have a little problem implementing alias-domains
>> the backend is dbmail with some additional tables and a inhouse
>> developed webui for dbmail/p
Am 07.02.2011 22:56, schrieb lst_ho...@kwsoft.de:
> This is your source of recipient checking...
> So it matters what you get from this by querying with "postmap -q
> mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-recipients.cf
exactly this is the reason why i need a working domain-alias
"mysql-recipients.cf" is
Am 08.02.2011 02:28, schrieb Noel Jones:
> Don't use "domain aliases"
That is not a solution nor a workaround because many business
clients have a couple of domains and wnats to receive mail for
all addresses in all of them because peopole visit a homepage
often take the domain in the address
Am 08.02.2011 08:45, schrieb lst_ho...@kwsoft.de:
> Zitat von Reindl Harald :
>> Am 07.02.2011 22:56, schrieb lst_ho...@kwsoft.de:
>>> This is your source of recipient checking...
>>> So it matters what you get from this by querying with &quo
Am 08.02.2011 22:32, schrieb Charles Marcus:
>> Don't use "domain aliases".
>> Wildcard address rewrites disable recipient validation.
> Postfixadmin (2.3.2+) has working recipient verification with alias
> domains...
Hm - I will take a look what they do if i find no simple solution
Am 11.02.2011 10:08, schrieb Nikolaos Milas:
> Thank you Noel,
> After searching for a while, I found your info/solutions were complete and
> accurate.
> Locking sender addresses with authenticated users appears to be a good
> practice, anyway.
> Here, I have two questions about reject
Am 13.02.2011 18:06, schrieb Simone Caruso:
>> If you mean why doesn't he synchronize all mail storage between the servers
>> - do you really think that that will
>> DECREASE the traffic ?
> doesn't a san decrease traffic between servers!?
yes it does because it has a dedicated network
Is your server using authentication on the relay-host?
If not this MUST NOT work because if it would work the
relayserver coul be used from everybody out there for spam
Am 14.02.2011 08:59, schrieb Georg Schönweger:
> Hi,
> yesterday i received a failure-notice;
> Remote host said: 554 5.7.1 :
How can this happen?
The address "mailer-dae...@plancompany.at" does not exist
but if checked from barracuda SPF postfix answers with valid?
Betreff: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Datum: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 17:30:11 +0100 (CET)
Von: Mail Delivery System
master" and "mailer-daemon" for
each domain even if it does not exist anywhere i would be
lucky because it does not make sense, but that is another problem
ok, postmaster is required and a global forwarder for all domains to me
but "mailer-daemon" does not exist anywhere :-(
et |
| mailer-dae...@thelounge.net| postmas...@thelounge.net |
| apa...@thelounge.net | postmas...@thelounge.net |
| mailerdae...@thelounge.net | postmas...@thelounge.net |
Am 15.02.2011 18:27, schrieb Wie
Am 15.02.2011 19:07, schrieb Wietse Venema:
> Reindl Harald:
>> I just added "mailer-daemon@" -> "postmas...@thelounge.net"
> That would be a terrible mistake
no, it would not
> since it aliases EVERYONE ELSESm domain too
this is what it should do an
Am 15.02.2011 19:36, schrieb Wietse Venema:
> Reindl Harald:
>>>> I just added "mailer-daemon@" -> "postmas...@thelounge.net"
> Including mailer-dae...@porcupine.org -> postmas...@thelounge.net
Check your mails after greylisting :-)
These Forw
This game should be played with the system-logger
:msg, contains, "client=localhost[]" ~
:msg, contains, "client=unknown[]" ~
Am 16.02.2011 09:07, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
> Hi,
> is there an easy "switch" to getout
> of logging "Connection reset by peer" f
Am 16.02.2011 13:55, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
> Am 16.02.2011 09:10, schrieb Reindl Harald:
>> This game should be played with the system-logger
>> /etc/rsyslog.conf:
>> :msg, contains, "client=localhost[]" ~
>> :msg, contains, "cli
Yesterday i sent a testmail and misstyped the domain (.at instead .net)
But why is this mail deferred instead bounced because the remote-server
said "550" what should be a hard bounce?
Feb 16 21:53:29 mail postfix/qmgr[18730]: 650ADBE:
from=, size=1930, nrcpt=1 (queue act
Am 16.02.2011 23:53, schrieb mouss:
> Le 16/02/2011 23:48, Reindl Harald a écrit :
>> Hi
>> Yesterday i sent a testmail and misstyped the domain (.at instead .net)
>> But why is this mail deferred instead bounced because the remote-server
>> said &
Am 17.02.2011 14:49, schrieb Frank Bonnet:
> If all users are virtuals how to enforce filesystem quota?
postfix is simply the wrong instance
quotas should do the imap/lmtp-server
as example in dbmail you have in the users table a field
for max mailbox size in bytes and the dbmail-lmtp
rejects m
Am 18.02.2011 08:23, schrieb Nikolaos Milas:
> Would you have any plans to integrate in Postfix support for global AND per
> user
> mailbox quotas supporting both Maildir and MBOX?
> This is a frequently needed feature
Quota on the MTA is totally useless since sent messages are coming from
Am 17.02.2011 08:43, schrieb Ralf Hildebrandt:
> * Reindl Harald :
>>> so orange.stuon.com told antispam.stuon.com: 550 5.1.1 ...
>>> and
>>> antispam.stuon.com converted this to 450 4.1.1 ...
>>> thus your postfix got a 450.
Am 18.02.2011 18:55, schrieb Swapnil Bhaigude // Viva:
> how do I pass dkim-milter in postfix
can you please stop hijacking others threads with
your questions and without any usefull information?
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
as i understand the docs the follwoing should be correct
to use the local mysqld over a unix socket and if this
fails try the query again on the scond host over tcp
but how can i specify that the fallback-server is listening
on port 3307 because this is the readonly replication-slave
and on 3306 i
dbname= dbmail
hosts = unix:/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock inet:
query = select transport from dbma_sender_relay where email like '%s'
Am 19.02.2011 19:03, schrieb Reindl Harald:
> as i understand the docs the follwoing should be correct
> to use
Am 20.02.2011 02:51, schrieb Jeroen Geilman:
> On 02/19/2011 09:36 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> OK
>> installed a second mysql-instance on my local machine
>> with port 3307 and killed standard mysqld for testing
>> it works with inet:host:port
In a local machine i have the following setup to prevent sending outside
and catch some domain local, but why in the world is the second log-entry
relayed instead reject like the first one?
default_transport = error:5.1.2 mail to remote domains not permitted
Now i fixed this problem with "rel
It seems you did not read my mail
Am 21.02.2011 13:51, schrieb Charles Marcus:
> On 2011-02-21 7:43 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> Feb 21 13:41:52 postfix/smtp[14418]: warning: relayhost configuration problem
>> Feb 21 13:41:52 postfix/smtp[14418]: 2D60D3DF7:
>> to=, r
Is there a way to get "pflogsumm" work with logfiles without
a machine name because the hostname is useless overhead
as long it is the same in every line
$template myFormat,"%TIMESTAMP%
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate myForma
23 12:53:43 localhost postfix/smtp[16770]: 9E90BE051: to=,
relay=none, delay=0.07,
delays=0.01/0.05/0/0, dsn=4.3.5, status=deferred (mail for loops back
to myself)
regards from austria
Am 21.02.2011 13:43, schrieb Reindl Harald:
> Hi
> In a local machine i have the following setup t
Am 23.02.2011 14:44, schrieb Wietse Venema:
> If you have a problem with Postfix, and you would like to see that
> problem fixed, then you need to provide ONE SIMPLE EXAMPLE that
> reproduces the problem.
This is a example, i do not know how to make it simpler
because there is only one line in
So no mail to external domains should be relayed
> No, local_transport is for LOCAL DESTINATIONS.
> Wietse
Mit besten Grüßen, Reindl Harald
the lounge interactive design GmbH
A-1060 Vienna, Hofmühlgasse 17
CTO / software-development / cms-solutions
p: +43 (1) 595 3999 33, m:
al_recipient_reject_code = 550
unverified_recipient_reject_code = 550
Am 23.02.2011 15:45, schrieb Wietse Venema:
> Reindl Harald:
>> Sorry that was the wrong line :-(
>> default_transport = error:5.1.2 mail to remote domains not permitted
> See http://www
Am 23.02.2011 17:47, schrieb Victor Duchovni:
> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 05:32:16PM +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> "de.bp.com" does not exist anywhere and so why the sceond log entry?
> Subdomains of domains in mydestination are by default relay domains.
> Se
Am 23.02.2011 17:49, schrieb Wietse Venema:
> Reindl Harald:
>> Sorry, here the output of "postconf -n" and some more information
>> "de.bp.com" does not exist anywhere and so why the sceond log entry?
> Obviously, the address does not resolve to the d
Am 23.02.2011 18:16, schrieb Victor Duchovni:
> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 05:56:35PM +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>>> mysql-transport.cf:
>>>> select transport from
>>>> dbma_transports where mydestination like '%s'
Am 23.02.2011 18:29, schrieb Victor Duchovni:
> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 06:25:56PM +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>>> sender dependent relay hosts
>>> What's wrong with "mydestination = '%s'"? Why are you using "like '%s
thank you very much!
Reindl Harald
the lounge interactive design GmbH
A-1060 Vienna, Hofmühlgasse 17
CTO / software-development / cms-solutions
p: +43 (1) 595 3999 33, m: +43 (676) 40 221 40
icq: 154546673, http://www.thelounge.net/
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
on another server.
> At the minute, for the accounts which aren’t on this server, postfix is
> saying "user unknown in virtual mailbox
> table" (which is to be expected). However, how do I make postfix go to
> another server, if at first the account
> isn't o
Am 24.02.2011 10:54, schrieb Jonathan Tripathy:
> On 24/02/11 09:42, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> We implemented this in our postfix/dbmail-setup this way
>> You can do this also with config-files but i never setup
>> any server without mysql-backends
it should be developed in
> the context of the Postfix development release, that is, Postfix
> 2.9.
> - There is no need to distribute private branches of stable Postfix
> releases that break major Postfix features.
Reindl Harald
the lounge interactive design GmbH
Am 27.02.2011 20:24, schrieb Jerry:
> On Sun, 27 Feb 2011 13:33:49 -0500 (EST)
> Wietse Venema articulated:
>> Reindl Harald:
>>> Thank you for your informations and very good documentation!
>> Please fix your mail reader.
>> My posting h
Am 27.02.2011 21:55, schrieb Jeroen Geilman:
> On 02/27/2011 08:34 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> sorry that was because normally i use "reply all" what is needed
>> on some mailing-lists which are sending the message with "from"
>> as the users address an
Am 28.02.2011 21:23, schrieb Jeroen Geilman:
> Again, not making any sense; there is no "bug" in Thunderbird
sure, a usability bug because if the MUA detects that it is a
mailing-list-message it would be no fault if the standard reply-action
would be "send to list" instead forcing the user to t
Am 28.02.2011 23:35, schrieb mouss:
> Le 27/02/2011 19:33, Wietse Venema a écrit :
>> Reindl Harald:
>>> Thank you for your informations and very good documentation!
>> Please fix your mail reader.
>> My posting had:
>> To: Po
gt; This is the correct (from reverse DNS lookup) name of my "outside"
> address.
> But this do not help.
> So ... what is the problem ?
> What kind of test exact does the server of Google mail ?
> Haw to satisfy its requirements ?
> I hope someone
ued for delivery in session
>>> 7c930034.)
>>>> Mar 1 08:28:50 duron650 postfix/qmgr[12923]:
>>> 46508A2F18: removed
>>>> ---
>>> I have spent many time with googling about this.
>>> I have found many
>>>> questions, but no answers.
>>> So I have try change my "myhostname" in main.cf
>>> (and restart
>>>> postfix):
>>> myhostname = 108.234.broadband4.iol.cz
>>> This is the correct (from reverse DNS lookup)
>>> name of my "outside"
>>>> address.
>>> But this do not help.
>>> So ... what is the problem ?
>>> What kind of test exact does the server of
>>> Google mail ?
>>>> Haw to satisfy its requirements ?
>> Google is possibly blocking your dynamic ip range,
>> you need to use
>> smarthost. ("relayhost")
>> --
>> Eero
Mit besten Grüßen, Reindl Harald
the lounge interactive design GmbH
A-1060 Vienna, Hofmühlgasse 17
CTO / software-development / cms-solutions
p: +43 (1) 595 3999 33, m: +43 (676) 40 221 40
icq: 154546673, http://www.thelounge.net/
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Am 01.03.2011 10:06, schrieb Ralf Hildebrandt:
> Agreed. I do know that some RedHat releases had no maptype mysql
> (because of this?)
seems so
for fedora i had to take the srpm and rebuild it with mysql-support which
can be enabled in the SPEC-file but is not enabled in binary builds
i think t
> > --
> > Viktor.
> >
> >
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://old.nabble.com/Update-Postfix-transport-file-on-multiple-servers-tp31008507p31038134.html
> Sent from the Postfix mailing list archi
Am 01.03.2011 16:57, schrieb Emmanuel Seyman:
> * kapetr [01/03/2011 13:30] :
>> In such situation the only function of Posfix left is the log.
> Note that you can use transport maps to use a relay only
> when sending to gmail.com .
This does not solve the problem sending mails get russia
Am 02.03.2011 08:56, schrieb Eero Volotinen:
>> So I can nothing to do with it (in Postfix) config - just to degrade
>> Postfix with "relayhost" to my ISP SMTP server - what is exactly
>> what I have did not want.
> No need to route all mails to isp, just route needed mails. (for example
> all
: 7D08B106DD6: removed
> Is there a way to detect and reject any email from IP addresses
> falsly claiming to be localhost?
> Cheers,
> Erik
Mit besten Grüßen, Reindl Harald
the lounge interactive design GmbH
A-1060 Vienna, Hofmühlgasse 17
CTO / software-develo
we do quotas this with dbmail-lmtp on the mda-side
in this case postfix delivers every message via lmtp
and if the mailbox is full dbmail-lmtp is giving
a error back for this unique rcpt
another point is that quoats on the mta is the wrong place
because the mta do not know anything about via imap
Am 03.03.2011 15:33, schrieb Pascal Volk:
> On 03/03/2011 02:55 PM Reindl Harald wrote:
>> we do quotas this with dbmail-lmtp on the mda-side
>> in this case postfix delivers every message via lmtp
>> and if the mailbox is full dbmail-lmtp is giving
Am 03.03.2011 16:11, schrieb Pascal Volk:
> On 03/03/2011 03:47 PM Reindl Harald wrote:
>> Here a example on my homeserver with set quota down to 10 MB
>> while 50 MB are in the inbox for this test-case. You see
>> the same message-id so i sent one message to two rcpt while
Postfix receives the message and gives it via "check_recipient_access"
over lmtp to amavis, amavis is giving clean messages back on
smtp or rejects
dovecot has nothing to do here
amavisfeed unix - - n - 10 lmtp
-o disable_dns_lookups=yes
-o lmt
"Connection timed out" has nothing to do with greylisting
have you "tuned" any timeout-settings in postfix?
Am 03.03.2011 21:50, schrieb jason hirsh:
> On Mar 3, 2011, at 4:40 PM, John Hinton wrote:
>> On 3/3/2011 3:09 PM, jason hirsh wrote:
>>> On Mar 3, 2011, at 4:02 PM, John Hinton wr
Am 05.03.2011 02:39, schrieb Rafał Radecki:
> Hi all.
> Is it possible to store not only user info but also e-mails in a database
> such as MySQL or PostgreSQL?
> If yes can you share your experience?
we are using dbmail since 2009 and i love it
until now the administ
Am 05.03.2011 12:51, schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
> Reindl Harald put forth on 3/5/2011 4:46 AM:
>> we are using dbmail since 2009 and i love it
>> http://www.dbmail.org/
>> until now the administration is a weakness because i don't know
>> any useable, f
Am 05.03.2011 14:13, schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
> Reindl Harald put forth on 3/5/2011 6:02 AM:
> Thanks for the info. Need one clarification:
>>> Can you cluster the dbmail IMAP daemon on multiple external hosts to
>>> support thousands of concurrent I
> delay=132, delays=0.1/0/60/71, dsn=4.4.2, status=deferred (lost
> connection with mx1.hotmail.com[] while sending end of
> data -- message may be sent more than once)
> Mar 5 14:44:23 out postfix/smtp[19842]: flush_add: site hotmail.com
Am 05.03.2011 16:18, schrieb Andy:
>> Why in the world do you start with a debug-log instead a normal
>> one with filtered where you see a problem?
> Because I already went through those. The outbound server has been
> working perfectly for more than a year with the same configuration,
> nothin
Am 06.03.2011 01:16, schrieb Alan Fullmer:
> I am trying to basically "archive" all messages coming through without using
> the bcc option. We are being required to archive/save all emails (by law
> requirement) and hang onto them for (x) years. My theory was to put this
> machine in between inc
Am 06.03.2011 07:51, schrieb kapetr:
> My "from:" address used by these tests of fresh Postfix installation
> I have and use many years - so it fit not in yours definition of
> "spamtrap adress".
seems you do not understand waht a spamtrap is
hint: your sender-address does not play in this game
D6861848C7: milter-reject:
> END-OF-MESSAGE from smtp143.junkemailfilter.com[]: 4.7.1 Service
> unavailable - try again later; from=
> to= proto=ESMTP helo=
> Any one, any ideas? Perhaps, which is likly there is some misconfiguration.
> Best rega
> possibilities?
postfix is enough for receive mails and queue them until the other parts of
the mail-system are back and after that they are delivered
> Regards,
> Rafal.
> 2011/3/5 Reindl Harald <mailto:h.rei...@thelounge.net>>
> Am 05.03.2011 14:
> -rwxr-xr-x1 root root 29104 Dec 2 2004 libntlm.so.2.0.19
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 851 Dec 2 2004 libplain.la
> -rwxr-xr-x1 root root 13360 Dec 2 2004 libplain.so
> -rwxr-xr-x1 root root 13360 Dec 2 2004 libplain.so.2
> -rwxr-xr-x
Hi Wietse
I would like to say THANK YOU for postfix because i know
developers are hearing this words not often enough as long
their "baby" is running well and nobody takes notice about
Especially for the great documentation and crazy online-times
on the mailing-list :-)
Non-authoritative answer: name = 108.234.broadband4.iol.cz.
[] blocked using zen.spamhaus.org
sorry but what is your problem?
you can not use your home-machine as mailserver and
nothing will change this, so what is new in your
message after this long
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