Am 10.01.2011 11:33, schrieb Buzai Andras:
> Hi,
> I use Ubuntu 10.04 and the package repository does not contain the
> latest Postfix release.
> Also I prefer installing packages from source. This way I think I can
> always learn something new.

nobody said anything against

"software packaging procedure of your distro/OS" is NOT apt-get
it was menat to build an rpm/deb-package instead a dump install
with "make install" your system will get dirty after some updates
because old files are not removed, a package does this clean

To your querstion about superuser:
NERVER EVER build sources as superuser necause
if there are bugs in the build-process you can
damage you system which is impossible with
restricted permissions.

rpmbuild as example should EVER called with explicit user and
if there is a bug in the bzild-process which wants to touch files
outside the build-folder it fails an dnothing happens - do this
as root overwrites files on your build-system, mybe fails later
and you have an undefined state of your system

> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 10:43 AM, John Adams <> wrote:
>> Am 10.01.2011 10:06, schrieb Buzai Andras:
>>> Hi,
>>> I want to install Postfix 2.7.2 by compiling it from sources.
>>> In the INSTALL file I saw the following statement:
>>>             "In the instructions below, a command written as "#
>>> command" should be executed as the superuser.
>>>              A command written as "% command" should be executed as an
>>> unprivileged user."
>>> My question is:
>>>    The user used to configure/compile the sources is used in anyway in
>>> Postfix later?
>> No.
>>>    Is there any security risk if I configure/compile all the sources
>>> as the superuser? (I am referring only to the build/installation
>>> process)
>> For installing, take a look at the software packaging procedure of your
>> distro/OS. This is much cleaner than just run 'make install'.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Buzai


Mit besten Grüßen, Reindl Harald
the lounge interactive design GmbH
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CTO / software-development / cms-solutions
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