Am 10.01.2011 14:43, schrieb John Adams:

>> On RHEL/Fedora you take the srpm, install it as builduser, put
>> the newer tarball under SOURCES, edit the SPECFILE and do
>> a "rpmbuild -bb postfix.spec", i do this since a long time
>> necause i rebuild all our core-services with optimized
>> gcc-flags
> I use Slackware. 

And he is using Ubuntu

>> I use Ubuntu 10.04 and the package repository does not contain the
>> latest Postfix release

And so we have a case where the distro-package should be
replaced without breaking any dependencies and make
the installation-base dirty without any needs

> There's no deb, no rpm, no spec, no dependency checking, 
> no whatever you may have in ubuntu debian
> centos rhel sles etc..., it's not there :)

with other words: a system from the 1990's
you are not packaging because you do not want, you can not :-)

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