Re: [GENERAL] Finally upgrading to 9.6!

2017-10-18 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 10/18/2017 11:17 AM, Don Seiler wrote: On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 1:08 PM, Vik Fearing>> wrote: On 10/18/2017 05:57 PM, Melvin Davidson wrote: > > I support the policy of using caution with regards to new versions. They > are often thought of a

Re: [GENERAL] Finally upgrading to 9.6!

2017-10-18 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 10/18/2017 08:49 AM, Ron Johnson wrote: On 10/18/2017 10:16 AM, Igal @ wrote: On 10/18/2017 7:45 AM, Ron Johnson wrote: On 10/18/2017 09:34 AM, Igal @ wrote: A bit off-topic here, but why upgrade to 9.6 when you can upgrade to 10.0? There's no way we're going to put an

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres Architect

2017-10-17 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 10/17/2017 10:39 AM, Dillon Tang wrote: ***Must sit onsite in Cypress,CA or Eden Prairie, MN*** This is the wrong list. Please use pgsql-jobs. Thank you, JD -- Command Prompt, Inc. || || @cmdpromptinc PostgreSQL Centered full stack support, consulting and dev

Re: [GENERAL] time series data

2017-10-14 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 10/01/2017 01:17 AM, Khalil Khamlichi wrote: Hi everyone, Take a look at TimescaleDB they have an extension to Postgres that makes this awesome (and yes its free and open source). jD I have a data stream of a call center application coming in  to postgres in this format : user_name,

Re: [GENERAL] Making subscribers read only in Postgres 10 logical replication

2017-10-11 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 10/11/2017 11:18 AM, rverghese wrote: Hi I'm testing out logical replication on PostgreSQL 10. Is there a setting to make subscribers read-only slaves like with Slony. Currently I can insert into the Publisher and the Subscriber. If there is a conflict, i.e. same record exists in both, then al

Re: [GENERAL] Functions and Parentheses

2017-10-06 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 10/06/2017 02:33 PM, Tom Lane wrote: "Igal @" writes: How come `current_date` has no parenthesis but `clock_timestamp()` does? Because the SQL standard says that CURRENT_DATE doesn't have parentheses. It is a function by any other measure, though. (AFAICT, the SQL committee is u

Re: [GENERAL] looking for a globally unique row ID

2017-09-14 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 09/14/2017 03:27 PM, David G. Johnston wrote: On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 12:45 AM, Rafal Pietrak >wrote: Hello everybody, Can anybody help me find a way to implement an ID which: 1. guarantees being unique across multiple tables. 2. guarantees its uniqu

Re: [GENERAL] PG and database encryption

2017-08-22 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 08/22/2017 12:48 PM, rakeshkumar464 wrote: We have a requirement to encrypt the entire database. What is the best tool to accomplish this. Our primary goal is that it should be transparent to the application, with no change in the application, as compared to un-encrypted database. Reading abo

Re: [GENERAL] Redacting JSONB

2017-08-07 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 08/07/2017 12:08 PM, Paul Jones wrote: Is there some way to redact JSONB fields? This is essentially implementing "row-level" security on JSONB fields. Could possibly be done with a view or a function. MongoDB and MarkLogic both do this. Yeah I imagine you would use a view or function and

Re: [GENERAL] Developer GUI tools for PostgreSQL

2017-07-26 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 07/26/2017 05:58 PM, Tim Uckun wrote: I am waiting till pgadmin4 gets a bit faster. It seems kind of slow on my mac. PostgreSQL Studio Navicat EMS PostgreSQL Manager PgAdmin3 LTS (BigSQL) JD -- Command Prompt, Inc. || || @cmdpromptinc PostgreSQL Centered full

Re: [GENERAL] RAM, the more the merrier?

2017-06-29 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 06/29/2017 07:19 AM, Willy-Bas Loos wrote: Hi, We have a postgresql database that is now 1.4TB in disksize and slowly growing. In the past, we've had (read) performance trouble with this database and the solution was to buy a server that can fit the db into memory. It had 0.5 TB of RAM and

Re: [GENERAL] Config for fast huge cascaded updates

2017-06-26 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 06/26/2017 06:29 PM, Andrew Sullivan wrote: On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 10:17:49AM +1200, Craig de Stigter wrote: We're doing a large migration on our site which involves changing most of the primary key values. We've noticed this is a *very* slow process. You can make it faster through a num

Re: [GENERAL] Download 9.6.3 Binaries

2017-06-23 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 06/23/2017 11:04 AM, Igal @ wrote: Hello, I expected to find binaries for 9.6.3 at but I only see 9.6.2. Am I looking at the wrong place? Looks like EnterpriseDB is behind. You can try BigSQL:

Re: [GENERAL] Db backup

2017-06-08 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 06/08/2017 12:10 PM, Jimmy Lunceford wrote: A windows 7 computer went bad but the hdd is still operable. Is there a way to transfer the db data directories to another computer or does it require a dump and restore? As long as the data is intact and you use the same major version of postgre

Re: [GENERAL] EnterpriseDB installed PostgreSQL 9.6 vs. REPMGR. Round 2 - compilation issues.

2017-05-14 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 05/14/2017 02:38 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote: On 05/14/2017 02:20 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote: On 05/14/2017 01:42 PM, Martin Goodson wrote: Do you happen to know if there's any documentation anywhere on installing/configuring repmgr with Enterprise DB PostgreSQL (community, *not* Advanced)

Re: [GENERAL] EnterpriseDB installed PostgreSQL 9.6 vs. REPMGR. Round 2 - compilation issues.

2017-05-14 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 05/14/2017 01:42 PM, Martin Goodson wrote: Do you happen to know if there's any documentation anywhere on installing/configuring repmgr with Enterprise DB PostgreSQL (community, *not* Advanced)? A bit outdated but:

Re: [GENERAL] EnterpriseDB installed PostgreSQL 9.6 vs. REPMGR. Round 2 - compilation issues.

2017-05-14 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 05/14/2017 11:22 AM, Devrim Gündüz wrote: Hi Josh, On Fri, 2017-05-12 at 08:18 -0700, Joshua D. Drake wrote: This is your problem. As Adrian already mentioned, you should be running the PGDG apt repos. I don't think this is a productive answer. Really? The OP has had a thread

Re: [GENERAL] EnterpriseDB installed PostgreSQL 9.6 vs. REPMGR. Round 2 - compilation issues.

2017-05-12 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 05/12/2017 08:13 AM, Martin Goodson wrote: Hello. Yesterday I had problems getting repmgr installed, since our PostgreSQL installs to a non-standard place, and doesn't use any postgresql repositories/packages. The responses I got generally seemed to be 'you need to compile it'. I'm running u

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Required Monitoring

2017-04-28 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/28/2017 07:39 AM, Andrew Kerber wrote: I am a fairly experienced Oracle DBA, and we are starting to move in to the PostgreSQL world. I would expect the standard monitoring items are required for mission critical postgres apps, Ie, disk space, wal log space, log monitoring, process counts,s

Re: [GENERAL] [PERFORM] Questionaire: Common WAL write rates on busy servers.

2017-04-27 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/27/2017 09:34 AM, Andres Freund wrote: On 2017-04-27 09:31:34 -0700, Joshua D. Drake wrote: On 04/27/2017 08:59 AM, Andres Freund wrote: I would agree it isn't yet a widespread issue. I'm not yet sure about that actually. I suspect a large percentage of people with such

Re: [GENERAL] [PERFORM] Questionaire: Common WAL write rates on busy servers.

2017-04-27 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/27/2017 08:59 AM, Andres Freund wrote: Ok, based on the, few, answers I've got so far, my experience is indeed skewed. A number of the PG users I interacted with over the last couple years had WAL write ranges somewhere in the range of 500MB/s to 2.2GB/s (max I'veseen). At that point WA

Re: [GENERAL] TimeScaleDB -- Open Source Time Series Database Released (;

2017-04-26 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/10/2017 05:22 AM, Steve Petrie, P.Eng. wrote: Please see below. TimeseriesDB is an interesting project. They actually sponsored at spoke at PGConf US. You can see their presentation here: Thanks, JD -- Command Prompt, Inc

Re: [GENERAL] A change in the Debian install

2017-04-07 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/05/2017 09:05 PM, Tom Lane wrote: (But ... these statements are based on an assumption of out-of-the- box Postgres behavior. I would not exactly put it past the Debian packagers to have decided to change this for reasons of their own, and their track record of telling us about such dec

Re: [GENERAL] browser interface to forums please?

2017-04-05 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/05/2017 11:46 AM, Magnus Hagander wrote: On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 7:22 PM, Joshua D. Drake>> wrote: Stackoverflow gives back by providing an interface people want to use. It is free (as in beer) and is hugely popular. I think one of the gr

Re: [GENERAL] browser interface to forums please?

2017-04-05 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/05/2017 10:45 AM, Adrian Klaver wrote: On 04/05/2017 10:26 AM, Tim Clarke wrote: +1 Joshua, that's the best reason I've heard so far and it seems very powerful to me. The more readers we have and the easier they can communicate with us (doesn't matter if they are "wrong") then the bette

Re: [GENERAL] browser interface to forums please?

2017-04-05 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 03/24/2017 09:49 PM, Yuri Budilov wrote: Hello everyone Can these forums be moved to internet ? All these emails is so 1990s. So hard to follow, so hard to search for historical answers. We really need to be able to post via browser. best regards to everyone You are going to find that the

Re: [GENERAL] browser interface to forums please?

2017-04-05 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 03/24/2017 11:45 PM, Tom Lane wrote: John R Pierce writes: On 3/24/2017 9:49 PM, Yuri Budilov wrote: They are uniformly unfriendly when viewed from this end of the relationship. nabble for instance reposts stuff into the mailing lists that is missing critical portions. stackoverflow doe

Re: [GENERAL] Conferences for a DBA?

2017-02-27 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/27/2017 03:25 PM, Nathan Stocks wrote: What worthwhile conferences should a PostgreSQL DBA consider going to? There have been some good sessions at OSCON in the past, but I was wondering about more DBA-specific events. If you are in North America, this is the largest and it is taking pl

Re: [GENERAL] Can't restart Postgres

2017-02-15 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/15/2017 03:09 PM, Shawn Thomas wrote: Just wanted to follow up that re-installing Postgres worked (well almost—I did have to reset the permissions and ownership on the key and pem file). Thanks so much for all the help. That's what we are here for :D Sincerely, JD -Shawn -- Com

Re: [GENERAL] Can't restart Postgres

2017-02-15 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/15/2017 09:17 AM, Adrian Klaver wrote: On 02/15/2017 09:03 AM, Shawn Thomas wrote: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/pg_ctl: No such file or directory That should have been: lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS Release:

Re: [GENERAL] Can't restart Postgres

2017-02-15 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/15/2017 09:03 AM, Shawn Thomas wrote: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/pg_ctl: No such file or directory postgres@pangaea:/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin$ ls -al total 4008 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root4096 Feb 9 16:17 . drwxr-xr-x 3 root root4096 Feb 9 16:17 .. -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root

Re: [GENERAL] Can't restart Postgres

2017-02-15 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/15/2017 08:35 AM, Shawn Thomas wrote: Yes, that’s the correct sequence of scripts. And no there’s not anything really helpful in the system logs. I’m thinking that at this point I need to approach this problem as more of a disaster recovery. There was a full pg_dumpall file that was d

Re: [GENERAL] Can't restart Postgres

2017-02-14 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/14/2017 11:43 AM, Shawn Thomas wrote: pangaea:/var/log# systemctl status postgresql ● postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service; enabled) Active: active (exited) since Tue 2017-02-14 10:48:18 PST; 50min ago Process: 28668 ExecStart=

Re: [GENERAL] Can't restart Postgres

2017-02-14 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/14/2017 11:17 AM, Shawn Thomas wrote: I inadvertently deleted the ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem out from under a running Postgres instance (9.4) which caused it to shut down. The last line of main.log: FATAL: could not load server certificate file "/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem": No such

Re: [GENERAL] Default column value

2016-12-30 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 12/30/2016 06:46 AM, Adrian Klaver wrote: On 12/30/2016 06:38 AM, Rich Shepard wrote: test=> \d default_test Table "public.default_test" Column | Type| Modifiers +---+--- id | integer | fld_1 | character varying | To

Re: [GENERAL] CRM where pg is a first class citizen?

2016-12-13 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 12/13/2016 12:19 PM, John R Pierce wrote: On 12/13/2016 10:19 AM, Joshua D. Drake wrote: I was looking for a open source CRM, PHP or python based, with a large community where Postgresql is a first class citizen. I'd prefer ease of use over features. DjangoCMS Drupal 7+ CRM (Cus

Re: [GENERAL] CRM where pg is a first class citizen?

2016-12-13 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 12/13/2016 08:58 AM, Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote: Hi, I was looking for a open source CRM, PHP or python based, with a large community where Postgresql is a first class citizen. I'd prefer ease of use over features. DjangoCMS Drupal 7+ JD Thanks -- Command Prompt, Inc.

Re: [GENERAL] PDF files: to store in database or not

2016-12-06 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 12/06/2016 11:21 AM, David Wall wrote: The advantages of storing in the database is that a DB backup will have everything, instead of a DB backup and a file system backup. Using a BLOB, you can certainly keep track of variable length PDFs. This is true but also not necessarily an advantage.

Re: [GENERAL] PDF files: to store in database or not

2016-12-06 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 12/06/2016 10:50 AM, Rich Shepard wrote: On Tue, 6 Dec 2016, Joshua D. Drake wrote: Due to the widely variable size of a PDF document, I would say no. I would store the metadata and file location. Joshua, I read your answer as "don't store them in the database, but store th

Re: [GENERAL] PDF files: to store in database or not

2016-12-06 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 12/06/2016 11:12 AM, Eric Schwarzenbach wrote: On 12/06/2016 01:34 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote: On 12/06/2016 10:30 AM, Rich Shepard wrote: My thinking is to not store these documents in the database, but to store them in subdirectories outside the database. Your thoughts? Due to the

Re: [GENERAL] PDF files: to store in database or not

2016-12-06 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 12/06/2016 11:09 AM, Moreno Andreo wrote: ... but what if database is replicated? Use a network mounted filesystem (or replicated filesystem). JD -- Command Prompt, Inc. +1-503-667-4564 PostgreSQL Centered full stack s

Re: [GENERAL] PDF files: to store in database or not

2016-12-06 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 12/06/2016 10:30 AM, Rich Shepard wrote: My thinking is to not store these documents in the database, but to store them in subdirectories outside the database. Your thoughts? Due to the widely variable size of a PDF document, I would say no. I would store the metadata and file locatio

Re: [GENERAL] Index size

2016-12-05 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 12/03/2016 03:57 PM, Samuel Williams wrote: With some indexes, it looks like MySQL might not be adding all data to the index (e.g. ignoring NULL values). Does MySQL ignore null values in an index? Can we get the same behaviour in Postgres to minimise usage? What would be the recommendation he

Re: [GENERAL] Create DB ends with error "FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres""

2016-12-02 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 12/02/2016 09:58 AM, Fabricio Pedroso Jorge wrote: Hi all, /[root@vm-ora12 ~]# service postgresql-9.5 status postgresql-9.5 (pid 18507) is running.../ Why am i getting the above error while trying to create a new database? See here:

Re: [GENERAL] Overwrite pg_catalog?

2016-12-01 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 12/01/2016 03:16 AM, Juliano wrote: Hi everyone, I tried to restore pg_catalog to my new database, but the existing pg_catalog can't be overwritten or dropped, and postgres auto creates pg_catalog when I create a new DB. So, there is a way to restore the pg_catalog to a new database? Why w

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQl HA solution

2016-11-30 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 11/30/2016 06:00 AM, Marcin Giedz wrote: Hello, Does anyone know any reliable open source HA solution with stream replication and IP live migration in case of master node failure? Recently I've been attending Fujitsu PostgreSQL webinar and they presented so called "mirroring controler" + sync

Re: [GENERAL] C code with embedded SQL

2016-11-14 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 11/14/2016 10:21 AM, Poul Kristensen wrote: Can't the gcc compiler be used for the subject Without sample code and an error message there isn't much we can do here. jD I have ordered the book "Postgresql for develophers" and hope to see some examples there covering C(Gnu) with embedded S

Re: [GENERAL] PHP-Shop with PostgreSQL

2016-11-08 Thread Joshua D. Drake
Hello, Drupal + Ubercart should service your needs. Sincerely, JD -- Command Prompt, Inc. +1-503-667-4564 PostgreSQL Centered full stack support, consulting and development. Everyone appreciates your honesty, until you are ho

Re: [GENERAL] Hardware recommendations?

2016-11-02 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 11/02/2016 10:03 AM, Steve Atkins wrote: I'm looking for generic advice on hardware to use for "mid-sized" postgresql servers, $5k or a bit more. There are several good documents from the 9.0 era, but hardware has moved on since then, particularly with changes in SSD pricing. Has anyone se

Re: [GENERAL] Online course for those who want tot contribute

2016-10-06 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 10/06/2016 10:39 AM, Andrew Borodin wrote: Hi everyone! From time to time I teach at Ural Federal University. Currently university wants me to make up online course. They are going to put it to platform like edX or something. I do not want to do another general programming course, so I made

[GENERAL] Thanks to the Pg community (Louisiana Flood)

2016-09-06 Thread Joshua D. Drake
Hello fellow community members, I just wanted to put out a public thanks to all the community members that sent donations to the CMD office in Baton Rouge. We received a ton of needed supplies. You can see the reference here: Thanks aga

Re: [GENERAL] Rackspace to RDS using DMS (Postgres 9.2)

2016-09-01 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 08/31/2016 03:41 PM, Patrick B wrote: Hi guys, I posted this question on the ADMIN list but will post here as well so more people can comment... I've got a 2.3TB Database running at Ra

Re: [GENERAL] pg_hba.conf : bad entry for ADDRESS

2016-08-25 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 08/25/2016 07:44 AM, arnaud gaboury wrote: On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 4:38 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote: Did you reload PostgreSQL? That is how you tell PostgreSQL to reread the pg_hba.conf. FTR: I have deployed Mattermost and it works wonderfully. The issue is solved (see my replies). By

Re: [GENERAL] pg_hba.conf : bad entry for ADDRESS

2016-08-25 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 08/25/2016 07:18 AM, arnaud gaboury wrote: I am deploying mattermost on my machine following their documentation[0]. There is a public IP with a domain name (http works OK). I entered this line in pg_hab.conf: I assume you mean pg_hba.conf -- host matte

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres Pain Points 2 ruby / node language drivers

2016-08-11 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 08/11/2016 10:43 AM, David G. Johnston wrote: On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 1:13 PM, support-tiger>>wrote: It would be great if the Ruby and Node drivers can be brought under the Postgres team umbrella and make them as reliable and clearly documented as th

Re: [GENERAL] 9.6beta3

2016-07-29 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 07/29/2016 09:06 AM, rob stone wrote: Hi, "The database cluster was initialized with PG_CONTROL_VERSION 942, but the server was compiled with PG_CONTROL_VERSION 960." So, could somebody tell me if the 9.6beta1 version of initdb contained an incorrect version constant? 9.3Beta3 requires a ne

Re: [GENERAL] Uber migrated from Postgres to MySQL

2016-07-28 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 07/28/2016 04:58 PM, Joe Conway wrote: On 07/28/2016 03:16 PM, Bruce Momjian wrote: Not really true. I ran into two separate cases where on older (pre 9.3 I believe) Postgres if you had hundreds of thousands of tables (in the case I remember well, it was about 500k tables) the schema dump fro

Re: [GENERAL] Uber migrated from Postgres to MySQL

2016-07-28 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 07/28/2016 10:43 AM, Scott Marlowe wrote: On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Alex Ignatov wrote: And? Oracle and MySql doesnt have it but can downgrade right out the box. Quick and easy. So you can swap between oracle 11 and 12 back and forth in a live environment with no downtime? Please

Re: [GENERAL] Uber migrated from Postgres to MySQL

2016-07-26 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 07/26/2016 02:49 PM, Rakesh Kumar wrote: This is an old news. They are using mysql as a nosql to store schemaless. Basically one giant blob col. And thats where the role of mysql ends. The bulk of the processing will be in nosql. That doesn't mean they didn't bring up some very good points

Re: [GENERAL] Uber migrated from Postgres to MySQL

2016-07-26 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 07/26/2016 10:39 AM, Guyren Howe wrote: Honestly, I've never heard of anyone doing that. But it sounds like they had good reasons. Thoughts? Hello, I started a thread about hackers on this. Sincerely, JD -- Command Prompt, Inc. h

Re: [GENERAL] MediaWiki + PostgreSQL is not ready for production?

2016-07-20 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 07/20/2016 08:57 AM, John DeSoi wrote: On Jul 18, 2016, at 11:47 PM, John R Pierce wrote: Drupal even tried to offer a database API so plugin developers wouldn't touch SQL directly, but too many ignored it. I have been using Drupal with PostgreSQL for more than 10 years without too man

Re: [GENERAL] MediaWiki + PostgreSQL is not ready for production?

2016-07-19 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 07/19/2016 12:20 AM, Tatsuo Ishii wrote: On 7/18/2016 9:14 PM, Tatsuo Ishii wrote: My colleague has been working on making the latest version of WordPress work with PostgreSQL (there used be a PostgreSQL plugin but it has not been maintained and does not work with the latest version of Word

Re: [GENERAL] pglogical cascading replication (chaining replication)

2016-07-13 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 07/12/2016 07:20 AM, Nick Babadzhanian wrote: I apologize if this is wrong place to ask the question. A quote from pglogical FAQ: Q. Does pglogical support cascaded replication? Subscribers can be configured as publishers as well thus cascaded replication can be achieved by forwarding/chai

Re: [GENERAL] pg_dump fundenental question

2016-07-05 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 07/05/2016 10:10 AM, J. Cassidy wrote: Hello Adrian, appreciate the prompt reply, thank you. As stated in the original email, I want to know whether compression (whatever level) is on by default (or not) - if I supply NO extra switches/options. There is no compression by default. -- Com

Re: [GENERAL] OT hardware recommend

2016-06-18 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 06/18/2016 11:52 AM, Andy Colson wrote: On 06/17/2016 04:39 PM, John R Pierce wrote: On 6/17/2016 2:33 PM, John W Higgins wrote: With

Re: [GENERAL] PostgresSQL and HIPAA compliance

2016-06-17 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 06/17/2016 03:03 AM, Alex John wrote: Hello, I have a few questions regarding the use of PostgreSQL and HIPAA compliance. I work for a company that plans on storing protected health information (PHI) on our servers. We have looked at various solutions for doing so, and RDS is a prime candidate

Re: [GENERAL] regarding schema only migration from sqlserver to postgres with

2016-06-15 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 06/15/2016 01:30 PM, David G. Johnston wrote: On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 11:27 AM, Durgamahesh Manne>>wrote: may i know recommended approach to migrate the tables from sql server to postgresql instead of using 3rd party tools ​Answering this specifical

Re: [GENERAL] What is the general opinion on use of tablespaces

2016-06-10 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 06/10/2016 10:20 AM, David G. Johnston wrote: Can you be more precise? A single table can only be placed onto one file system. Only if those different file systems have different physical characteristics is using a tablespace likely to be a good solution. In other scenarios having some kin

Re: [GENERAL] Increased I/O / Writes

2016-05-10 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 05/10/2016 09:50 AM, Igor Neyman wrote: Please, if anyone can share anything.. Thanks a lot! Lucas So, what’s wrong with using pg_stat_statements? It has a set of columns pertaining to IO. You could use iotop to determine which postgres pid is eating the IO, then use statement logging

Re: [GENERAL] Create index concurrently hanging with big table on pgsql 9.3.12

2016-05-09 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 05/09/2016 10:32 AM, Robert Anderson wrote: Only one line returned: postgres=# select * from pg_stat_activity where pid=3990; -[ RECORD 1 ]+ datid| 16434 datname | flip pid | 3990 usesysid | 10 usename

Re: [GENERAL] Create index concurrently hanging with big table on pgsql 9.3.12

2016-05-09 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 05/09/2016 05:04 AM, Robert Anderson wrote: Hi, We are trying to create a index concurrently but, at least apparently, it hangs in a infinite loop and never ends. Apparently how? How long did you wait? JD -- Command Prompt, Inc.

Re: [GENERAL] ruby pg connection fails on centos - okay on debian and dev machine

2016-05-03 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 05/03/2016 05:07 PM, john.tiger wrote: our model.rb runs fine on a dev machine and a debian server but is failing on a new centos server - checked the postgres db name and user name and password - all seem fine could it be: host => "localhost" or maybe CORS ? What do the PostgreSQL log

Re: [GENERAL] Proper relational database?

2016-04-23 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/23/2016 08:09 AM, Geoff Winkless wrote: On 23 April 2016 at 07:08, Manuel Gómez wrote: but its semantics can be rather wonky. Witness: postgres=# select 1; ?column? -- 1 (1 row) postgres=# select 1 union select 1; ?column? -- 1 (1 row) Exactly w

Re: [GENERAL] Proper relational database?

2016-04-22 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/22/2016 12:25 PM, Raymond Brinzer wrote: So, let's just flat-out ask. Dear Important People: would the PostgreSQL project consider supporting other query languages? Or creating a plug-in mechanism for them, so that alternative interface languages could be added without changing the base c

Re: [GENERAL] $foo $bar is BAD

2016-04-17 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/15/2016 04:35 PM, Melvin Davidson wrote: *Although people commonly use $foo $bar in examples, it is actually a misuse of a VERY rude acronym. Actually it isn't. *The next time you need to make an example, please try being a little more original (or meaningful) with your variable names.

Re: [GENERAL] I/O - Increase RAM

2016-04-13 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/13/2016 01:59 PM, wrote: On 14 April 2016 at 08:52, Joshua D. Drake>> wrote: On 04/13/2016 01:43 PM, <> wrote: Question: I know that might not be the

Re: [GENERAL] I/O - Increase RAM

2016-04-13 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/13/2016 01:43 PM, wrote: Question: I know that might not be the best option, but by increasing the RAM and the CACHE would help, right? might, not necessarily would. JD -- Command Prompt, Inc. +

Re: [GENERAL] Trying to understand page structures in PG

2016-04-06 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/06/2016 02:39 AM, Rakesh Kumar wrote: Hello I understand that when an update of say 100,000 rows are made, PG writes the updated rows as a new row. These new rows are not visible to any sessions except the one creating it. At commit time PG flips something internally to make these rows vis


2016-04-02 Thread Joshua D. Drake
What version of PostgreSQL and which OS? On 04/02/2016 08:38 PM, Soni M wrote: How can the corruption occurs ? and how can I resolve them ? Thank so much for the help. Cheers \o/ -- Regards, Soni Maula Harriz -- Command Prompt, Inc.

Re: [GENERAL] Multimaster

2016-04-01 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 04/01/2016 04:50 AM, Konstantin Knizhnik wrote: There are also some minor technical issues which lead us to making few changes in pglogical code but we tried to do our best to keep original versions unchanged, so we can switch to public version in future. It seems the better solution for al

Re: [GENERAL] Partitioning and ORM tools

2016-03-22 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 03/22/2016 01:50 PM, CS DBA wrote: Understood, was just wondering if there is a way to cause the child table insert results to be returned to the ORM/Application instead of the master/base table insert Insert into the child table directly based on the partition rules. JD -- Command Promp

Re: [GENERAL] Partitioning and ORM tools

2016-03-22 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 03/22/2016 01:35 PM, CS DBA wrote: On 03/22/2016 02:23 PM, Joshua D. Drake wrote: On 03/22/2016 11:40 AM, CS DBA wrote: Hi All; we setup partitioning for a large table but had to back off because the return status (i.e: "INSERT 0 1") returns "INSERT 0 0" whe

Re: [GENERAL] Partitioning and ORM tools

2016-03-22 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 03/22/2016 11:40 AM, CS DBA wrote: Hi All; we setup partitioning for a large table but had to back off because the return status (i.e: "INSERT 0 1") returns "INSERT 0 0" when inserting into the partitioned table which causes the ORM tool to assume the insert inserted 0 rows. Is there a stand

Re: [GENERAL] enum bug

2016-03-14 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 03/14/2016 09:02 AM, David G. Johnston wrote: ​The one nice thing about enums is that you get two concepts in one column - a human readable label and a system used ordering. i.e., "SELECT enum_value FROM tbl ORDER BY enum_value" actually ​ ​gives you a meaningful order without having to carr

Re: [GENERAL] enum bug

2016-03-14 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 03/14/2016 08:48 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote: Joshua D. Drake wrote: On 03/11/2016 03:19 PM, Elein wrote: An unused (yet) enum type cannot display the enum ranges. An empty table containing that type cannot display enum ranges. The example selects were what I did to figure out that

Re: [GENERAL] enum bug

2016-03-14 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 03/11/2016 03:19 PM, Elein wrote: An unused (yet) enum type cannot display the enum ranges. An empty table containing that type cannot display enum ranges. The example selects were what I did to figure out that enum_ranges only worked on existing data. Sorry if they were confusing. But the w

Re: [GENERAL] "PostgreSQL" Version 9.3 Supportability

2016-03-11 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 03/11/2016 04:27 AM, Harish Kumar Gudur (DATA GLOVE INCORPORATED DBA TR) wrote: *Hi Team,* We are planning to migrate few Vendor based applications from Windows Server 2003 to the latest server Operating System Windows Server 2012/2008. Before migration we would like to do the assessment of t

Re: [GENERAL] Exclude pg_largeobject form pg_dump

2016-03-08 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 03/08/2016 08:02 AM, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote: På tirsdag 08. mars 2016 kl. 16:57:01, skrev Tom Lane>>: Andreas Joseph Krogh writes: > What I'm looking for is "inverse -b" in an otherwise complete dump. Any plans > to add that? [ shrug... ]

Re: [GENERAL] pg_restore man page question

2016-03-07 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 03/07/2016 09:17 AM, Karsten Hilbert wrote: The man page of pg_restore says --disable-triggers This option is relevant only when performing a data-only restore. It instructs pg_restore to execute commands to temporarily disable triggers

Re: [GENERAL] Issue enabling track_counts to launch autovacuum in 9.4.5

2016-03-02 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 03/02/2016 02:49 PM, Tom Lane wrote: Or maybe the problem was that when we forced track_counts off because of no stats collector, we didn't emit any bleat noting that, which if we had might have led you to realize that the above messages were the direct cause of the next one: 2016-03-02 14:

Re: [GENERAL] RLS on catalog tables would be helpful

2016-03-02 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 03/02/2016 11:37 AM, Joe Conway wrote: It would be good for you to add your thoughts on your use case and specific f

Re: [GENERAL] multicolumn index and setting effective_cache_size using human-readable-numbers

2016-02-29 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/29/2016 10:05 AM, Geoff Winkless wrote: Just as a continuation of this, I can set effective_cache_size to 64MB and it will still use the single-column index, but PG flatly refuses to use the multicolumn index without effective_cache_size being an unfeasibly large number (2x the RAM in the m

Re: [GENERAL] Only owners can ANALYZE tables...seems overly restrictive

2016-02-29 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/29/2016 10:06 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote: Joshua D. Drake wrote: On 02/29/2016 05:31 AM, Stephen Frost wrote: Realistically, ANALYZE is a background/maintenance task that autovacuum should be handling for you. Incorrect. That would be autoanalyze and although they are similar they are

Re: [GENERAL] Only owners can ANALYZE tables...seems overly restrictive

2016-02-29 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/29/2016 09:09 AM, David G. Johnston wrote: ​ Being able to run ANALYZE on a table in no way implies that ​I should be allowed to run ALTER TABLE SET STATISTICS on the same. ​ Only table owners should be allowed to execute ALTER TABLE while, in my opinion, anyone with write capabilities on

Re: [GENERAL] Only owners can ANALYZE tables...seems overly restrictive

2016-02-29 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/29/2016 05:31 AM, Stephen Frost wrote: * David G. Johnston ( wrote: Given the amount of damage a person with write access to a table can get into it seems pointless to not allow them to analyze the table after their updates - since best practices would say that n

Re: [GENERAL] How Restricting user

2016-02-25 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/25/2016 10:09 AM, Daniel Gallo wrote: thanks a lot David It wouldn't be hard to create a limiting system in user space however. It would be a little obnoxious but it can be done. For example connect_time and idle_time are relatively easy to implement with a proper session handler i

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL flavors

2016-02-23 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/23/2016 05:49 PM, Magnus Hagander wrote: It's Postgres Plus, not PostgreSQL plus. And AFAIK, it was also retired some time ago and doesn't actually exist anymore. And, I just looked. You are correct. Wow... Sad. JD -- Command Prompt, Inc.

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL flavors

2016-02-23 Thread Joshua D. Drake
prise ecosystem nearly as much as investing in a community contributor driven platform. Sincerely, Joshua D. Drake -- Command Prompt, Inc. +1-503-667-4564 PostgreSQL Centered full stack support, consulting and development. Eve

Re: [GENERAL] decoding BLOB's

2016-02-22 Thread Joshua D. Drake
On 02/22/2016 11:08 AM, CS DBA wrote: Hi All; we've found a post about dumping blobs: / / /I wrote: [fanlijing wants to write bytea to file] > A simple > COPY (SELECT byteacol WROM mytab WHERE ...) TO 'filename' (FORMAT binary) > should do the trick. Corrections: a) "binary" must be surrounded

[GENERAL] Reminder: PgDay @ LFNW CFP is closing on the 10th

2016-02-08 Thread Joshua D. Drake
Hello, As a reminder the PgDay @ LFNW CFP is closing on the 10th. This is a great 2000 person non-profit conference that takes place at a local college in Bellingham, WA. We are still looking for talks! Bring your ideas. Sincerely, JD -- Command Prompt, Inc. http://the.pos

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