On 07/12/2016 07:20 AM, Nick Babadzhanian wrote:
I apologize if this is wrong place to ask the question.

A quote from pglogical FAQ:

Q. Does pglogical support cascaded replication?
Subscribers can be configured as publishers as well thus cascaded replication 
can be achieved
by forwarding/chaining (again no failover though).

The only mentions of forwarding on documentation page are:

Cascading replication is implemented in the form of changeset forwarding.

forward_origins - array of origin names to forward, currently only supported 
values are empty
array meaning don't forward any changes that didn't originate on provider node, or 
which means replicate all changes no matter what is their origin, default is 

So my question is how to forward changeset using pglogical?

That's a great question. I have tried to figure out that information as well. Unfortunately it appears that it is locked up in 2ndQuadrant's head. I suggest contacting them.



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