On 03/24/2017 09:49 PM, Yuri Budilov wrote:
Hello everyone
Can these forums be moved to internet ?
All these emails is so 1990s.
So hard to follow, so hard to search for historical answers.
We really need to be able to post via browser.

best regards to everyone

You are going to find that the .Org community is generally hostile toward non-email centric communication. My recommendation is to look toward these very useful external communities:

* https://plus.google.com/communities/116371937400081693174
* https://www.facebook.com/groups/postgres/
* http://www.stackoverflow.com/
* http://reddit.com/r/postgresql

If you would like a highly dynamic environment, you may try IRC. Yes it is an old school protocol but over 1000 people hangout on that channel and there are a lot of them that try to help.

        * Server: irc.freenode.net
        * Channel: #postgresql

Other collaborative platforms:

        * https://gitter.im/postgresmen/postgresql

If you are looking for an awesome interface to the IRC channel, you can try Riot:

        * https://riot.im/app/#/room/#freenode_#postgresql:matrix.org

Thanks for trying to participate,


Command Prompt, Inc.                  http://the.postgres.company/
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