On 05/14/2017 11:22 AM, Devrim Gündüz wrote:
Hi Josh,
On Fri, 2017-05-12 at 08:18 -0700, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
This is your problem. As Adrian already mentioned, you should be running
the PGDG apt repos.
I don't think this is a productive answer.
The OP has had a thread of 28 messages over 2.5 days going back and
forth trying to solve a problem against the One Click Installer that
would have been as simple as:
apt-get install repmgr;
(Granted he would have had to enable the PGDG apt repo)
I would say my response (and Adrian's originally) is absolutely
productive. Native OS packaging is *always* better if it is possible to
use it.
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