On 02/29/2016 10:06 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Joshua D. Drake wrote:
On 02/29/2016 05:31 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:

Realistically, ANALYZE is a background/maintenance task that autovacuum
should be handling for you.

Incorrect. That would be autoanalyze and although they are similar they are
not the same. ANALYZE is used for a number of things, not the least is query

I think you are confusing ANALYZE with EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

Actually I am not but I can see how it wasn't clear.

I am not aware of any way in which ANALYZE is different from what you
call "autoanalyze" (which is really just an autovacuum-invoked ANALYZE
and for which we don't have any specific term).

One item that can be helpful from ANALYZE (not EXPLAIN ANALYZE) is modifying the statistics via SET, running Analyze and see if the query improves. You can then determine where best to set those statistics (usually ALTER TABLE).



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