RE: Upload error

2012-09-25 Thread George Kirkham
/lib/red5/webapps/openmeetings/uploadtemp/files total 8 drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody nogroup 4096 Jun 27 15:49 . drwxrwxr-x 3 nobody root4096 Jun 27 15:48 .. Thanks, George Kirkham -Original Message- From: Claudio [] Sent: Tuesday

RE: Cannot connect to server

2012-09-25 Thread George Kirkham
/webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/lib/mysql-connector-java-jar-5.1.9.jar Thanks, George Kirkham From: David Takle [] Sent: Wednesday, 26 September 2012 4:54 AM To: Subject: Re: Cannot connect to server The following

RE: Upload error

2012-09-25 Thread George Kirkham
? >From what you said, that is "apache-openmeetings-incubating-2.0.0", you are using the same version that I am using. Which is why I am puzzled that you problems uploading a file. Hopefully someone else has an idea. Thanks, George Kirkham From: Claudio [m

RE: Cannot connect to server

2012-09-25 Thread George Kirkham
=5080 https.port=5443 rtmp.port=1935 rtmps.port=8443 rtmpt.port=8088 /usr/lib/red5/webapps/openmeetings/config.xml 1935 8080 443 5080 Thanks, George Kirkham From: David Takle [] Sent: Wednesday, 26 September 2012 3:23 AM To: openmeetings

RE: Cannot connect to server

2012-09-25 Thread George Kirkham
it in your installation. Thanks, George Kirkham From: George Kirkham [] Sent: Wednesday, 26 September 2012 10:35 AM To: Subject: RE: Cannot connect to server David, The Ubuntu instructions should have

RE: Cannot Load JDBC driver

2012-09-25 Thread George Kirkham
installation to work once it has failed. I know it can be done if you know enough about how OpenMeetings works, but as yet experience has proven that I don’t. Thanks, George Kirkham From: David Takle [] Sent: Wednesday, 26 September 2012 11:56 AM To: openmeetings-user

RE: error with moodle plugin - mod_proxy via your apache server

2012-10-03 Thread George Kirkham
port 60? Thanks, George Kirkham From: Jean-Marie Landri [] Sent: Thursday, 4 October 2012 12:14 AM To: Subject: Re: error with moodle plugin Sir, Will you guide me to document about how to configure

RE: OpenMeetings 2.0 startup

2012-10-03 Thread George Kirkham
change the start up script to use the root account instead of the nobody account. Thanks, George Kirkham From: Manoel Campos da Silva Filho [] Sent: Thursday, 4 October 2012 5:07 AM To: Subject: OpenMeetings 2.0

RE: error with moodle plugin

2012-10-03 Thread George Kirkham
can have two services listening on the same port number? Thanks, George Kirkham From: Maxim Solodovnik [] Sent: Thursday, 4 October 2012 1:01 PM To: Subject: Re: error with moodle plugin you need

RE: OpenMeetings 2.0 startup

2012-10-04 Thread George Kirkham
Thanks, George Kirkham From: Manoel Campos da Silva Filho [] Sent: Thursday, 4 October 2012 9:17 PM To: Subject: Re: OpenMeetings 2.0 startup Ok. Thank you. Em 04/10/2012 01:07, "Maxim Solodovnik"

RE: OpenMeetings 2.0 startup

2012-10-04 Thread George Kirkham
use the guide “Installing OM2.x On Ubuntu64 - Headless.pdf” to install OpenMeetings. Stephen did a great job in updating these guides. Thanks, George Kirkham From: Manoel Campos da Silva Filho [] Sent: Friday, 5 October 2012 3:58 AM To: openmeetings

RE: saving the presentation

2012-10-07 Thread George Kirkham
screen. 3)  To record your screen and then download this as an AVI or FLV file. Thanks, George Kirkham From: Антон Ткаченко [] Sent: Monday, 8 October 2012 5:09 AM To: Subject: RE: saving the presentation

RE: saving the presentation

2012-10-08 Thread George Kirkham
how. I understand the Whiteboard to be a flash object, so I am not sure how it could be saved in a way it could be used later. Thanks, George Kirkham -Original Message- From: Антон Ткаченко [] Sent: Monday, 8 October 2012 6:56 PM To: openmeetings-user

RE: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11

2012-10-08 Thread George Kirkham
t think we will transform the SWF8 code to AS3, we rather will concentrate on DHTML." I am not sure if any changes have yet been made to resolve the echo issue. But I sure wish it was resolved. Thanks, George Kirkham IT Manager Cooperative Research Centre For Greenhouse G

RE: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11

2012-10-08 Thread George Kirkham
even with the Echo cancellation checkbox set, but not an issue for Skype. Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks, George Kirkham From: Maxim Solodovnik [] Sent: Tuesday, 9 October 2012 2:20 PM To: Subject: Re

RE: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11

2012-10-08 Thread George Kirkham
default value is 128; the only other possible value is 256. •MicrophoneEnhancedOptions.nonLinearProcessing specifies whether to use non-linear processing to suppresses residual echo. A time-domain technique is used; the default value is enabled. Thanks, George Kirkham From

RE: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) that is available in Adobe Flash 10/11

2012-10-08 Thread George Kirkham
SWF11", I might be able to test it out? Thanks, George Kirkham From: [] Sent: Tuesday, 9 October 2012 5:18 PM To: Subject: Re: Sound issue on laptop due to lack of Acoustic Echo Cancellatio

RE: OpenMeetings 2 doen't works after installation: The connection to the server has been lost

2012-10-16 Thread George Kirkham
Manoel, Have you first installed OpenMeetings via the URL http://myIP:5080/openmeetings/install ? And did this succeed ? Also is your database on this server a new empty database called “openmeetings” ? (so that the install process can create the database tables are required). T

RE: OpenMeetings 2 doen't works after installation: The connection to the server has been lost

2012-10-16 Thread George Kirkham
why you don’t use the correct start script, that is “/etc/init.d/red5 start” By the way, what do you get if you use the following command ? # netstat -anp | grep java Thanks, George Kirkham From: Manoel Campos da Silva Filho [] Sent: Wednesday

RE: OpenMeetings 2 doen't works after installation: The connection to the server has been lost

2012-10-17 Thread George Kirkham
file permissions and cd /usr/lib/red5 and run ./ and then try URL http://myIP:5080/openmeetings/install once again. Of course there are other ways, but this way I know will work if the server has all the supporting packages (as per instructions) installed . Thanks, George

RE: reverse proxy and context root changes for using only 1 ssl-port

2012-11-06 Thread George Kirkham
config.xml: 80 80 Thanks, George Kirkham -Original Message- From: Marcus Wellnitz [] Sent: Wednesday, 7 November 2012 7:58 AM To: Openmeetings User Mailinglist Subject: reverse proxy and context root changes for using only

SUCCESS - Testing application to compare Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) in SWF11 in OpenMeetings

2012-11-19 Thread George Kirkham
soon as I try to turn the volume up where it is useful, the echo returns. Test 1- No echo when Echo Suppression is enabled. Test 2 - Background echo is a major issue when Echo Suppression is not activated. Thanks, George Kirkham IT Manager Cooperative Research Centre For

RE: Problem with wrapping layout on clipart

2012-11-20 Thread George Kirkham
humbs/ On my Openmetings server they are *.png files of around 100x85 pixcels each, with a colour depth of 64 bit. The thumbs are just a second copy of the same icon file. How many icons (i.e. files) do you have ? Thanks, George Kirkham -Original Message- From: senthil vel [mailt

RE: How to access the open meeting by domain name

2012-11-22 Thread George Kirkham
should be able to access via http://yourdomain:5080/openmeetings Is this what you are asking about? Thanks, George Kirkham From: amit shrivastava [] Sent: Thursday, 22 November 2012 4:11 PM To: Subject: Fwd

RE: Hibernate and errors 204, 556 and 642 after restart

2012-11-24 Thread George Kirkham
Sorry no one has replied so far. What do you get when you check the ports; # netstat -anp | grep java You should see ports 5080 and 1935 Thanks, George Kirkham From: JMRR Support [] Sent: Friday, 23 November 2012 10:32 PM To: openmeetings-user

RE: Strange echo with openmeeting

2012-11-29 Thread George Kirkham
computers support hardware AEC if enabled in the drivers (sadly mine does not). Thanks, George Kirkham -Original Message- From: Patrick Begou [] Sent: Friday, 30 November 2012 3:46 AM To: Subject: Strange echo with

RE: Strange echo with openmeeting

2012-11-30 Thread George Kirkham
enMeetings currently does not. Thanks, George Kirkham -Original Message- From: Patrick Begou [] Sent: Friday, 30 November 2012 7:17 PM To: Subject: R

RE: Strange echo with openmeeting

2012-12-01 Thread George Kirkham
Patrick, I apologise, I had miss read your email. You are saying that both parties France & USA are using headsets (Logitech PC 860) and you are getting echo. If this is correct that is indeed very strange. Thanks, George Kirkham -Original Message- From: Patrick B

RE: FreeBSD and JODConverter

2012-12-19 Thread George Kirkham
jod.path, ffmpeg_path, sox_path, imagemagick_path and swftools_path are also correctly specified. Thanks, George Kirkham From: Jacob C. Gaiski [] Sent: Thursday, 20 December 2012 2:24 AM To: Subject: Re: FreeBSD and

RE: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog

2012-12-19 Thread George Kirkham
cated, and of course much more to happen. Thanks, George Kirkham -Original Message- From: Tom Judge [] Sent: Thursday, 20 December 2012 12:35 PM To: Subject: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog Hi Everyo

RE: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog

2012-12-19 Thread George Kirkham
Tom, Can you please activate my account. I have not seen the activation email as yet, maybe it will arrive soon? Thanks, George Kirkham -Original Message- From: Tom Judge [] Sent: Thursday, 20 December 2012 12:56 PM To: openmeetings-user

RE: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog

2012-12-19 Thread George Kirkham
Tom, All worked well for your OpenMeetings server when I used a Windows 7 client. I was able to record and play back my test video. Thanks, George Kirkham From: Maxim Solodovnik [] Sent: Thursday, 20 December 2012 1:36 PM To: openmeetings-user

RE: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog

2012-12-19 Thread George Kirkham
, George Kirkham From: Tom Judge [] Sent: Thursday, 20 December 2012 3:12 PM To: Subject: Re: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog so thevissue is with flash 11.1? Maxim Solodovnik wrote: my 12.10 system

RE: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog

2012-12-20 Thread George Kirkham
go to blank screen. There seems to be an issue with OpenMeetings in Ubuntu 12 using the Ubuntu packaged Flash Player. Youtube clips played just fine in Firefox on Ubuntu 12, but OpenMeetings did not. Anyone have any other experiences ? Thanks, George Kirkham From: Tom

RE: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog

2012-12-20 Thread George Kirkham
have that test URL, maybe I could try logging ? Not sure how to detect this issue. Thanks, George Kirkham From: Tom Judge [] Sent: Friday, 21 December 2012 6:00 AM To: Maxim Solodovnik Cc: Subject: Re

RE: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog

2012-12-20 Thread George Kirkham
Local Host or the network card, but not both. So you have to use whatever IP address the system/service is listening on. Thanks, George Kirkham -Original Message- From: [] Sent: Friday, 21 December 2012 8:04 AM To: openmeetings

RE: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog

2012-12-20 Thread George Kirkham
, George Kirkham From: Maxim Solodovnik [] Sent: Friday, 21 December 2012 2:18 PM To: Tom Judge Cc: Subject: Re: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog Hello Tom, I'm using Ubuntu 12.10 with flash 11.5, I s

RE: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog

2012-12-20 Thread George Kirkham
/software/flash/about/ Linux based Chrome (Pepper-based Flash Player) I just installed Google-Chrome on Ubuntu 64 bit, and it has and uses Flash Player and works great. Thanks, George Kirkham From: Maxim Solodovnik [] Sent: Friday

RE: Openmeetings on FreeBSD startup

2012-12-21 Thread George Kirkham
instructions to FreeBSD. If you get stuck, please email back and I will respond if I can assist you. I will also try to build a FreeBSD server, but this will take me time. Thanks, George Kirkham From: Linas Redeckis [] Sent: Friday, 21 December 2012 11:07 PM To

RE: Merry Christmas!

2012-12-24 Thread George Kirkham
Damm, so I will have to return to work in the new year. (in reference to my looking forward to the “Maya's end of the world”) Oh well, I look forward in enjoying Christmas with my family tomorrow. I hope you all are able to do the same. Sadly we don’t have “White Christmases” here in

RE: Happy New Year 2013!

2013-01-01 Thread George Kirkham
Thanks, and same from me. Thanks, George Kirkham -Original Message- From: greenes [] Sent: Tuesday, 1 January 2013 8:53 PM To: Subject: Happy New Year 2013! Happy New Year 2013 to every one! Alvaro

Features that need to be completed for 2.1

2013-01-21 Thread George Kirkham
Please consider: One feature to include in 2.1 would be enabling Adobe's Acoustic Echo Cancelling (AEC). We have tested this, and it greatly improves end user experience for meetings (for people whose computers do not support hardware AEC). Thanks, George Kirkham

RE: Features that need to be completed for 2.1

2013-01-21 Thread George Kirkham
Sebastian, You only see two main points, not three? : ( Thanks, George Kirkham : ) thanks heaps for your efforts, Sebastian, we all appreciate it. From: [] Sent: Tuesday, 22 January 2013 3:27 PM To: openmeetings

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