
Openmeetings does not currently use software  Acoustic Echo Cancelling.

If the computers being used do not support hardware AEC, I recommend
that people use headsets or speakerphones like Alexei suggested. I have
successfully used the ClearOne Chat 60.  I have also learned that some
computers support hardware AEC if enabled in the drivers (sadly mine
does not).


George Kirkham

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Begou [] 
Sent: Friday, 30 November 2012 3:46 AM
Subject: Strange echo with openmeeting

When we are using openmeeting in the same area (two separate buildings
on the same campus) all is working fine. But I'm using openmeeting from
France with somebody in North America and I've very strange echo
problems: When I speak, 2 or 3 seconds later I'm listening myself in a
strong echo. Checking "reduce echo" 
in adobe flash player popup do not change anything.
Using some other webconferencing solution like vidyo do not show the

Do you have any idea about this strange problem ?

Thanks for your advices,


|  Equipe M.O.S.T.         |          |
|  Patrick BEGOU           |       ------------               |
|  LEGI                    | |
|  BP 53 X                 | Tel 04 76 82 51 35               |
|  38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX    | Fax 04 76 82 52 71               |

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