Some information from previous emails;


Linux guides here:


Up to date guides are:


Installing OM2.x On Debian64 - Headless.pdf




Installing OM2.x On Ubuntu64 - Headless.pdf





George Kirkham




From: Manoel Campos da Silva Filho [] 
Sent: Thursday, 4 October 2012 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: OpenMeetings 2.0 startup


Ok. Thank you. 

Em 04/10/2012 01:07, "Maxim Solodovnik" <> escreveu:

According to your openmeetings.log

you don't have OM installed.


configuration table of your DB seems to be incomplete.

Double check you persistence.xml

delete install.xml and run installation one more time (maybe you need to 
drop+create your DB)

On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 2:07 AM, Manoel Campos da Silva Filho 
<> wrote:


I'm using OpenMeetings 2.0.0.r1361497-14-07-2012_1108

in a Ubuntu Server 11.10 with Sun Java JRE 1.6.0_30 installed.

I installed the pre-requisites (except item 4: Enabling import of .doc, .docx, 
.ppt, .pptx, ... all Office Documents into whitebaord)


I followed the 3 steps installation instructions 

and the OM was installed. I did access

the application from browser and works fine.


However, I restarted the server and 

I manually started the script 

with this steps:

cd /path/to/openmeetings



Now, when I try to start openmeetings at http://myIP:5080/

it doesn't work anymore.

I receive the errors below:


Error Missing [204]

Error Missing [556]

Error Missing [642]



The log files are attached (the file error.log was empty).

At openmmetings.log I saw that is ocurring a Null Pointer Exception

but I don't know why.


Thanks for some help.






Manoel Campos Silva Fh, Me
IFTO - Instituto Federal do Tocantins

Get a signature like this. 


Maxim aka solomax

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