

You noticed that you said “I tried to reinstall OM”, well I don’t know about 
your installation, but for me, to install OpenMeetings I have to start with a 
full clean, “never been installed before”, set of OpenMeetings files, and a 
clean empty database. Only then have I succeeded in getting OpenMeetings to 
install and to be able to run http://myIP:5080/openmeetings/install   to 
complete the installation processes.


I have read where others has said that you can restore certain files or 
settings and perform a reinstall, but I do not know how this is achieved.


I can only suggest you read the documentation (see below URL) that most closely 
corresponds to your server and follow each of the steps, checking an verifying 
along the way.


If you believe that all is OK and should work, the most notable things to check 
are, 1) are file permissions on folders and their sub folders correct ? (i.e. 
chown -R nobody /usr/lib/red5m, chmod +x /usr/lib/red5/

) and if from your OpenMeetings server, you can log into your openmeetings 
database from the command line using the openmeetings userid and password?  If 
these two are correct, usually a clean OpenMeetings set of files will start 
when you run ./ from the /usr/lib/red5 folder, and then the URL 
http://myIP:5080/openmeetings/install   will load the installation page, 
allowing the completion of the installation process. 


I can only suggest, a) drop the openemeetings database the recreate the 
openmeetings database (without tables), then delete/move the existing 
/usr/lib/red5 folder, and get a clean, never been installed before set of 
OpenMeetings files (i.e. in /usr/lib/red5 and then set file permissions and cd  
/usr/lib/red5 and run ./ and then try URL 
http://myIP:5080/openmeetings/install   once again.


Of course there are other ways, but this way I know will work if the server has 
all the supporting packages (as per instructions) installed .




George Kirkham




From: Manoel Campos da Silva Filho [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 17 October 2012 10:07 PM
Subject: Re: OpenMeetings 2 doen't works after installation: The connection to 
the server has been lost


Have you first installed OpenMeetings via the URL 
http://myIP:5080/openmeetings/install  ?  And did this succeed ?

Yes. Yes. I alredy installed OM at a test server and works fine.


         Also is your database on this server a new empty database called 
“openmeetings” ?  (so that the install process can create the database tables 
are required).

Yes, I copied postgresql_persistence.xml to  persistence.xml

and configured the database, login and password.

My DB was empty before installation and after that, the tables were created.

I tried to reinstall OM, excluding install.xml, dropping and recreating 
database but it doesn't work. I receive the error message 
"org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceException: The column index is out 
of range: 2, number of columns: 1."

when I try to login at OM.







        From: Manoel Campos da Silva Filho [] 
        Sent: Wednesday, 17 October 2012 10:37 AM
        Subject: OpenMeetings 2 doen't works after installation: The connection 
to the server has been lost



        I'm using OpenMeetings 2.0.0.r1361497-14-07-2012_1108

        in a Ubuntu Server 11.10 with Sun Java JRE 1.6.0_30 installed.

        I installed all the pre-requisites.


        I followed the 3 steps installation instructions 
<>  (using the nobody 
account) and the OM was installed. 


        I started the script with this steps:

        $ cd /usr/lib/red5/

        $ ./


        My DB is a postgresql 9.1 with utf8 enconding.

        I alredy installed the OM at a test server.

        Now, when I try to install the OM at a production Server, with the same 
software configuration,

        it doesn't work. 


        When I try to start openmeetings at http://myIP:5080/ 

        I receive the "The connection to the server has been lost" error

        At openmeetings.log I get the error below (the log is attached):


        ERROR 10-16 20:31:05.310 192920 239 [NioProcessor-2] - 
        org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceException: The column index 
is out of range: 2, number of columns: 1.

Thank you.




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