
I found on some servers/computers; since local host is IP and the IP 
of the server/computers network card is and that the 
system/service (red5/mysql/apache or whatever system) will some times listen on 
both IP addresses, and sometimes only on one IP address, say Local Host or the 
network card, but not both.  So you have to use whatever IP address the 
system/service is listening on.


George Kirkham

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, 21 December 2012 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog


I will try that tomorrow night on the specific machine that does freeze at the 
adobe openmeetings permissions part. Untiul then I will not be at that machine. 
I can use the link that Maxim provided tio get to the adobe flash control panel 
and then set it to allow the localhost, which is odd because you might think 
that localhost would bypass security.


Quoting George Kirkham <>:

> Tom,
> I am surprised by my tests on newly built Ubuntu (23 bit and 64 bit) 
> clients, and a Debian client computer.
> On both Ubuntu version 12, 32 bit and 64 bit computers using Firefox 
> would freeze the OpenMeetings window when I loaded your OpenMeetings 
> and right clicked and selected “Settings…” in adobe flash player.  I 
> had installed the Ubuntu install for Adobe Flash Player. I have not 
> installed the adobe flash player by other methods.  Firefox itself was 
> not frozen, I could refresh the OpenMeetings page, and it would load 
> again, it would only freeze when I caused the Adobe settings dialog 
> box to be displayed, either by right click, or by setting AV hardware 
> when entering a conference room.
> Using Ice Weasel with the Debian Flash Player package did not freeze, 
> in fact it worked perfectly OK. However the Epiphany web browser would 
> not load OpenMeetings, it would just go to blank screen.
> There seems to be an issue with OpenMeetings in Ubuntu 12 using the 
> Ubuntu packaged Flash Player.  Youtube clips played just fine in 
> Firefox on Ubuntu 12, but OpenMeetings did not.
> Anyone have any other experiences ?
> Thanks,
> George Kirkham
> From: Tom Judge []
> Sent: Thursday, 20 December 2012 3:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog
> I can use it with my laptop with ubuntu 12.10 and my other 12.04 
> workstation also seems to work now. Just the localhost workstation 
> seems to hang
> Your classroom is as close as your desktop
> George Kirkham <> wrote:
> Tom,
> Are you able build a clean Ubuntu 12 computer and give this a try ?
> I am in the process of doing so, to test out your OpenMeetings site.
>  When it is finished I will let you know how it went.
> I expect it will be the same as Maxim’s Ubuntu, it will work just fine.
> Thanks,
> George Kirkham
> From: Tom Judge []
> Sent: Thursday, 20 December 2012 3:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog
> so thevissue is with flash 11.1?
> Maxim Solodovnik <> wrote:
> my 12.10 system works as expected.
> The only solution I know is: change browser and/or flash version
> On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Tom Judge <> wrote:
> Thanks for the test and the prompt to fix the email notifications.
> Took care of that already. So it seems that this is the same flash 
> issue as before.
> The good news is that openmeetings uses flash and is therefore.
> cross platform and cross browser compatable.
> The bad news is openmeetings uses flash and is cross system and cross 
> browser compatable
> George Kirkham <> wrote:
> Tom,
> All worked well for your OpenMeetings server when I used a Windows 7 client.
> I was able to record and play back my test video.
> Thanks,
> George Kirkham
> From: Maxim Solodovnik []
> Sent: Thursday, 20 December 2012 1:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog
> Hello Tom,
> This is well known browser/flash issue.
> Can you try couple of browsers? (Chrome/Chromium/FF) doe your issue 
> reproducible on all of them?
> I'm unable to test on Ubuntu since I have upgraded my client to 12.10 
> :(
> On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 8:59 AM, George Kirkham 
> <> wrote:
> Tom,
> Can you please activate my account.  I have not seen the activation 
> email as yet, maybe it will arrive soon?
> Thanks,
> George Kirkham
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Judge []
> Sent: Thursday, 20 December 2012 12:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog
> Hi george
> Thanks for the reply
> If you have a minute you could try it from your client. This is the 
> one that we built a few months ago from source. and the 10.04 was just 
> updated to 12.04
> here is the link I think you still have an account there.
> The computer that is running the red5 server, the localhost is a 32 
> bit Ubuntu 12.04 upgraded from the 10.04
> Sorry I dont have access to a windows 7 now except as a virtual host 
> on Vbox and that might not be a valid test.
> Flash I believe is 11.x on everything (11.1 i think)
> On Thu, 2012-12-20 at 12:47 +1100, George Kirkham wrote:
>> Tom,
>> Are you able to test using a Windows PC ?  For example Windows XP or 
>> Windows 7 ?  (with the latest Flash Player installed).
>> I guess you are still using Ubuntu client computer, as I am sure many 
>> others are also using?
>> Is the computer that has the issue a 64 bit computer or a 32 bit computer?
>> Can you tell us more about the computers which do and which don't 
>> have the issue?
>> I do believe the issue you are experiencing is related to the client 
>> computer, not the server.
>> Good to see you back again. There has been some great work happening 
>> to OpenMeetings since we last communicated, and of course much more 
>> to happen.
>> Thanks,
>> George Kirkham
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Tom Judge []
>> Sent: Thursday, 20 December 2012 12:35 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Openmeeting webclient hangs on av permission dialog
>> Hi Everyone
>> Im back, last time george was very helpful.
>> I upgraded my 10.04 Ubuntu to 12.04 and it seems some portions of 
>> openmeetings has broken.
>> On the 12.04 machine, localhost, when starting a new meeting and 
>> setting up the camera and microphones, when it comes to the Adobe 
>> Flash Player Settings dialog  If dyou try to click on Allow the 
>> button movement is not displayed and nothing happens it appears as if 
>> it has hung, locked up and the browser seems to become unrespopnsive.
>> This reminds me of san issue we had before and I thought what we had 
>> done was that I had built the openmeetings package from source but 
>> casnt remember ecxactly and now i am on 12.04 so wondering what my 
>> best direction might be.
>> Using another client remotely i can connect, use the webcam, record 
>> some selected screeen areas, upload a video and it gets converted 
>> properly.
>> Does this sound like a browser side or server side issue? (or a 
>> little of both) thanks in advance for any advice
>> Tom Judge
> --
> Maxim aka solomax
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

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