The Ubuntu instructions should have information about how to down load the mysql connector which is not supplied with the OpenMeetings files. It will at least give you an idea of how to obtain the mysql connecter. For the basic installation of OpenMeetings that does not use SSL, the ports are: 5080, 1935, 8088 Rtmpt 8088 is a fall back port if 1935 is blocked, so to test with, you would normally only require port 5080 and 1935. This changes if you alter any of the port settings or if you use Apache redirection. I have an IP address which has no Apache server or other server that is using port 80, so I change both port 5080 and 8088 to be port 80, which is great for getting round most issues with firewalls that you don't have control over. From a Debian installation the settings are in; /usr/lib/red5/conf/red5.properties http.port=5080 https.port=5443 rtmp.port=1935 rtmps.port=8443 rtmpt.port=8088 /usr/lib/red5/webapps/openmeetings/config.xml <rtmpport>1935</rtmpport> <rtmpTunnelport>8080</rtmpTunnelport> <rtmpsslport>443</rtmpsslport> <red5httpport>5080</red5httpport> Thanks, George Kirkham From: David Takle [mailto:djta...@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, 26 September 2012 3:23 AM To: openmeetings-user@incubator.apache.org Subject: Re: Cannot connect to server Flash is very current. port 1935 is open (where does this port get used?) I'm using the default apache DB just to get this thing running. Edited the persistence.xml to set the user and password, and now instead of a blank screen or an error, I'm getting "Open Meetings - Loading. the server has not yet initialized" And no matter how long I wait, when I retry I get this message. On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Alexei Fedotov <alexei.fedo...@gmail.com> wrote: I'd suggest: Check if 1935 port is open Check flash player version 25.09.2012 20 <tel:25.09.2012%2020> :22 пользователь "David Takle" <djta...@gmail.com> написал: XP SP3 After installation, when I try the URL http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/ I get a blank screen. It appears to be running flash, since a right-click brings up the flash context menu. But nothing is visible. Any thoughts?