all these good news remain only news unless there's a strong leadership from
market makers. until then, take profit is not a sin and cut loss is not a shame.
--- In, "jsx_consultant"
> Sebuah OUTLOOK tentang prospek pasar modal Indonesia dan Dunia
> dar
Senin, 15/02/2010 18:45 WIB
Bakrie Brothers Jajaki Pendanaan dari Timur Tengah
Nurul Qomariyah - detikFinance
Jakarta - PT Bakrie and Brothers Tbk (BNBR) tengah menjajaki pendanaan dari
investor Timur Tengah yang ingin menanamkan modal di sektor infrastruktur di
Asia Tenggara.
Lesunya perekonom
Paulson Buys, Buffett Sells in Duel on SunTrust Banks (Update1)
By David Mildenberg
Feb. 17 (Bloomberg) -- John Paulson, who amassed a fortune by betting against
U.S. mortgage markets, became the biggest stakeholder in SunTrust Banks Inc.
while fellow billionaire Warren Buffett was cutting his s
Soros More Than Doubled Gold ETF Stake in 4th Quarter (Update1)
By Katherine Burton and Glenys Sim
Feb. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Billionaire George Soros's Soros Fund Management LLC
more than doubled its holding in the biggest gold exchange-traded fund in the
fourth quarter after bullion advanced 8.9 p
Stiglitz: Washington Should Stop Worrying, U.S. Has "No Problem" Paying Off Its
Posted Feb 18, 2010 08:11am EST by Peter Gorenstein in Investing, Newsmakers,
Recession, Banking, Politics, China
President Obama is taking matters in his own hands when it comes to paying down
the deficit. T
Indonesian Banking Probe Winding Down
Saturday, 20 February 2010
It's down to Bakrie and the President now, say insiders
With the deadline nearing for a fractious and politically motivated
investigation into a massive and controversial 2008 bank bailout to end,
Indonesian President Susilo Bamb
Fed's Bernanke to Assure Congress Higher Rates Not Imminent
By Craig Torres and Jerry Hart
Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke will
probably assure Congress that the central bank is mindful of the lack of
job growth in the U.S. and an increase in the benchmark interest
Minggu, 21/02/2010 14:07 WIB
Kisah Aliran Dana Bank Century ke Inisiator Hak Angket
Anwar Khumaini - detikNews
Jakarta - Sebagai salah satu inisiator Hak Angket Century, politisi PKS
Muhammad Misbakhun tentunya berharap agar kasus Century diusut secara tuntas.
Tapi yang menjadi persoalan adalah
semua ngumpul di bakrie, akhirnya gak naik2. pilihan yg lain dong plis.
--- In, TimurLangit wrote:
> Seberapa sering feeling mbah salah?
> On Feb 21, 2010, at 22:13, "jsx_consultant" wrote:
> Kalo melihat Ratio RI UNSP, rasanya ini untuk bikin Retai
Lehman Bankruptcy Advisers Paid $641.9 Million in 16 Months
By Linda Sandler
Feb. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., the investment bank
liquidating in bankruptcy, paid its lawyers and other advisers $641.9 million
in 16 months since September 2008, according to a regulatory filin
maklumlah, namanya juga teorisi, pasti beda dong stylenya sama praktisi2 di ob.
kalau di ob gak butuh golden ways, di sini cuma butuh golden inside information
--- In, "jsx_consultant"
> Banyak orang suka Golden Way Mario tapi embah termasuk yg
kalau banyak yg berharap naik, bakal nggak naik2.
~ take profit is not a sin, cut loss is not a shame
--- In, budi zhu wrote:
> Jika demikian, gak lama lagi B7 akan naik dunk hahahaha...
> 2010/2/24 iwan jalal
> >
> >
> >
> > B7 menyebalkan ah,...
kalau banyak yg berharap naik, bakrie justru jadi gak naik2.
~ take profit is not a sin, cut loss is not a shame.
--- In, betty_hm2...@... wrote:
> Mbah jd skr boleh buy B7 yah,thanks
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> -Original M
take profit is not a sin, cut loss is not a shame.
--- In, Tasrul Tanar wrote:
> Sambil nunggu komputer kantor disiapin iseng iseng lihat BUMI ...
> kesimpulannya : biarin ajan yg mau buang selesaikan tugasnya
kalau dicermati, pansus century adalah kepanjangan ambisi parpol untuk dapat
jatah wapres waktu pilpres kemarin. kenapa wapres? karena di 2014 sby tidak
bisa maju lagi, maka posisi wapres bisa jadi loncatan ke ri1. sekarang jelas
kalau target parpol dalam pansus adalah budiono.
--- In obrolan-
industri properti itu demandnya domestik, jadi nggak bakal gonjang ganjing
kayak komoditas. selain itu nggak bakal kena serbuan fta china hehehe.
--- In, Data Saham wrote:
> harga saham sektor properti juga merangkak naik :)
> JAKARTA: Sejumlah pengemba
properti dan konstruksi: domestic-driven sector, kebal pula thd serangan
fta china.
--- In, "It's Elaine!"
> *Hi all,
> Just want to share that below was my love letter to Embah, sent about
> month a go when IDX was 2400. Currently my target is only 2
nasdaq malah naik 1,12%. jadi gimana statusnya secara ta sekarang?
--- In, "JTâ¢" wrote:
> Dow and Nasdaq Ijo Mbah. Semoga stabil sampe tutupan dah.
> " Trade By Rules, Not HOPE "
> -Original Message-
> From: "jsx_
ihsg 2645. kalau mau ke 3000 berarti naik 13%. kalau tiap hari naik 2,12% maka
minggu depan sampe dah ke 3000 hehehe.
--- In, "jsx_consultant"
> Score JANUARY EFFECT dari tgl 4/01/10 sampai 14/01/10
> Scoring by Sector:
> - http://www.obrolanbandar.c
minggu depan mungkin n225 tembus 11.000, aord tembus 5.000. kapan dow tembus
11.000? kapan ihsg tembus 3.000??
--- In, " NAD  " wrote:
> N225 dan AORD closing ditarik tuh...
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
BI Mengkaji Seretnya Bunga Kredit
Meski beberapa bank telah menurunkan bunga kredit, namun penurunan itu masih
jauh dari harapan pelaku industri. Oleh karena itu, Bank Indonesia (BI) terus
mengkaji penurunan suku bunga kredit perbankan yang masih saja seret.
BI kembali melihat komponen-kompone
Bursa India Meriah, Rupee Sumringah
MUMBAI.Mata uang India kian perkasa. Nilai tukar rupee terhadap dollar Amerika
Serikat (AS) menyentuh level tertinggi dalam tiga bulan terakhir berkat
pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat dan derasnya arus dana asing di bursa India.
Pada perdagangan di Mumbai pagi
Soros Melirik Hong Kong
Keberhasilan Asia pulih cepat dari krisis membetot minat banyak perusahaan
investasi dunia. Salah satunya, Soros Fund Management LLC. Perusahaan investasi
milik George Soros ini dikabarkan bakal membuka kantor pertamanya di Hong Kong.
Menurut sumber Bloomberg, kemarin,
U.S. Economy: Industrial Production, Confidence Climb (Update1)
By Courtney Schlisserman and Timothy R. Homan
Jan. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Production in the U.S. rose for a sixth consecutive
month, consumers gained confidence and price increases slowed, indicating the
economic recovery is being sustai
Insight: The Century and Bumi cases: Who is the slayer, who is the victim?
Wimar Witoelar , Jakarta | Wed, 01/13/2010 9:05 AM | Headlines
After the disastrous machine gun attack on the Togolese national football
team's bus on the Angola border, Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger said the Africa
cut loss is not a sin.
--- In, "EBâ¢" wrote:
> Besok CL lagi nih
> EB
> -Original Message-
> From: highwaysta...@...
> Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 15:56:30
> To:
> Subject: Re: [ob] Dow parah -1.3% per 22:52
> Hahaha...bodo ah, mau tidur aja deh :
diincar fm asing:
""Kenaikan harga yang cepat disertai kinerja fundamental yang kokoh menjadikan
ELTY sebagai saham properti primadona di Asia," kata CEO Alpine Management &
Research LLC Sam Lieber di Jakarta, Selasa (19/1). Sam dalam wawancaranya
dengan jaringan televisi Pimm Fox akhir pekan la
jangan ta melulu. too much ta will kill you hehe. sekali2 fundamental dong,
misal: apakah indonesia bisa decouple. soalnya china saja bisa tumbuh 10%
(kalau nggak ada tmp bisa 16%).
have a nice contemplating weekend.
--- In, "jsx_consultant"
> Week end
is 30xx waiting for godot??
--- In, "It's Elaine!" wrote:
> *Hi all,
> Just want to share that below
bagaimana dengan yg domestic-driven industry? seperti properti, konstruksi,
retail? di 2010, china bisa tumbuh 10%, india 7%, indonesia > 5%. sebelum
krisis ada teori bahwa asia bisa decoupled dari developed countries. memang
faktanya sebaliknya, sebagian besar asia terimbas krisis. tapi china,
Economy grows for second straight quarter at 5.7 percent annual rate, fastest
since 2003
By Christopher S. Rugaber, AP Economics Writer , On Friday January 29, 2010,
8:57 am
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The economy grew for a second straight quarter from October
through December, posting a better-than-e
padahal seminggu sebelumnya ditiup rumor:
- Investor Tiongkok Gandeng ELTY
- Incar Investor Hong Kong dan Singapura
dasar bd hehehe.
kebanyakan rumor, ca n teknikal, sampai fundamental kelewat (nav 640).
--- In, "zero25758" wrote:
> beritanya di etrading jam 7-
Rabu, 02/12/2009 12:29 WIB
Sasol Investasi di Bidang Pencairan Batubara US$ 2 Miliar
Suhendra - detikFinance
Jakarta - Perusahan asal Afrika Selatan bernama Sasol memastikan akan
menanamkan investasinya di Indonesia dengan nilai investasi lebih dari US$ 2
miliar. Hari ini Sasol menandatangani Me
kalau gak salah dulu bumi pernah mau joint sama sasol.
--- In, Andre Andre wrote:
> Wowsasol(SSL)itu market capnya gede bgt...
> ____
> From: vict
window dressing ada kemungkinan. tapi yg jelas 2010 tahunnya properti dan
konstruksi. elty n ctra kayaknya top picks fm2 untuk property stocks.
--- In, heruwibowo_jem...@... wrote:
> Para member ob yang baik, minta pendapatnya dong tentang kedua saham ini. Mau
Unemployment and Job Cuts in U.S. Riding Coattails of Recovery
By Timothy R. Homan
Dec. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Employers in the U.S. cut the fewest jobs in November
since the recession began, and the unemployment rate fell, signaling that the
recovery is lifting the labor market out of the worst slump
Suspension of Disbelief: Rally Has Further to Go, Bernie Schaeffer Says
Posted Dec 07, 2009 09:46am EST by Aaron Task in Investing, Recession
Friday's disappointing response to the strong jobs report, and weakness early
Monday, has some observers once again calling for the end of the bull market
The Old Normal
Ken Fisher, 11.29.09, 06:00 PM EST
Forbes Magazine dated December 14, 2009
A decade ahead of lackluster earnings and economic growth? Don't believe that
I can't call on my institutional clients without hearing anguished questions
about the "new normal." In case you have b
Daniel Fisher, 12.04.09, 09:00 AM EST
Forbes Asia Magazine dated December 14, 2009
The U.S. President could use a Bill Clinton-style stock market rally.
President Obama had better pray for a rally, bigger than the one that's already
taken the Standard & Poor's 500 average up 64% fro
apa ini skema kantong kiri kantong kanan lagi seperti tahun 2008?
Production, Home Starts Probably Climbed: U.S. Economy Preview
By Bob Willis
Dec. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Industries in the U.S. boosted production in November
for a fifth consecutive month and housing starts rebounded, showing the world's
largest economy is picking up speed heading into 2010, econ
tanpa sayap = tanpa volume???
--- In, "iching_prediction"
> hexagram 36.1 darkening of the light to 15 modestyterbang tanpa sayap.
menyerahlah kamerad hehehe.
mending liburan dulu aja deh.
--- In, dario kurniawan
> mudah2an bozz kasih THR yapayah dah..kita kejepit issue politik...mau
> bursa lain terbang kita mah nyengir aja iri ati...
> Â Dario Amran
> ___
Indonesia in Place Among BRIC Nations, Templeton Says (Update1)
January 28, 2010, 09:26 PM EST
By Berni Moestafa
Jan. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Indonesia, Asia's second-best performing stock market
last year, may be ready to join the so- called BRIC group of major emerging
nations, according to Templet
Indonesia's Teflon tycoon
Aburizal Bakrie has survived controversy in business and politics
Jan 14th 2010 | JAKARTA | From The Economist print edition
ALTHOUGH Aburizal Bakrie, one of Indonesia's most prominent businessmen, lost
his job as Indonesia's welfare minister last year, he is still manag
di riset valbury koq masih rugi? koq rugi bisa ipo? bukannya ada aturan yg
mengharuskan untung 3 tahun baru bisa ipo?
--- In, Andre Andre wrote:
> ga jelas neh companynama anak perusahaanya aneh2 kaya yg biasa d BVI
> hahahaha
just walk the talk. others will follow.
--- In, AB wrote:
> meneruskan dr papah lauren
> rgds
> ab
> - Pesan Diteruskan
> Dari: Yuga Wijanarko
> Kepada: a_zakar...@...; agpahl...@...; agus.amirs...@...; agu...@...;
> ai...@...; a...@...; al
Tak Perlu Khawatir Orang Asing Memiliki Properti
Kamis, 4 Februari 2010 | 02:58 WIB
Saat ini harga properti di Indonesia merupakan salah satu yang terendah di
Asia, apalagi dibandingkan dengan negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat atau
Inggris. Rendahnya harga apartemen
ember siap dikeluarkan boss.
--- In, "jsx_consultant"
> Musuh ketakutan dan mundur
> Kejar dan tangkap dead or alive !!!
> --- In, "jsx_consultant"
> wrote:
> >
> > 02:11 IHSG 2433 -85
> >
> > Musuh mendekati G
Pimco's New Normal
Peter C. Beller and Michael Maiello, 01.21.10, 01:00 PM EST
Forbes Magazine dated February 08, 2010
In the postcrash world Pimco says it's time for everyone to load up on stocks.
Bond mavens William H. Gross and Mohamed El-Erian have built a fund firm in
Newport Beach, Calif. t
jangan contrarian deh, soalnya baru ember kecil yg keluar. lagipula n225 open
minus tuh.
--- In, Febry Hariyannugraha
> Sayang seribu sayang saudara-saudara ..
> Sekilas pandangan mata dari Wall Street .. DOW Jones ditutup -1% lagi malem
> ini ...
> Ap
ini maksudnya supaya dibaca terbalik? berarti time to sell dong hehe.
--- In, Rinoa BC wrote:
> *Y U B O T E M I T*
> [?] [?] [?]
kalau masih banyak yg optimis sama b7 biasanya sih malah turun.
tapi gak tau juga besok, soalnya dow fut ijo lumayan tuh.
--- In, "datasahamku" wrote:
> coba jawab ya Mbah,
> dengan BUMI -1% maka ongkos buat naikin IHSG jadi murah & bisa bikin LQ45
> naik so
Asian stocks advanced for a third day, while commodities and higher-yielding
currencies rallied, as Australian unemployment fell, European leaders meet on
an aid package for Greece and Chinese inflation unexpectedly slowed.
European leaders have reached a deal to provide aid to Greece, EU president
Herman Van Rompuy said on Thursday, in an unprecedented move to stave off a
broader crisis in the 16-nation bloc that shares the euro.;_ylt=AhZ.W.
Stocks fall as China forces banks to increase reserves for second time in past
mungkinkah win-win solutionnya begini:
- sri mulyani jadi gubernur bi
- anggito (yg kabarnya didukung ical) jadi menkeu
- pansus century rekomendasinya in favor of pemerintah
- tax evasion bakrie selesai dgn sendirinya
--- In, Irwan Napitupulu
> Mungkin
> regards,
> DonQicot
> UNTR gowes ke NoBan !!
> From: victor_sperandeo
> To:
> Sent: Fri, February 12, 2010 11:48:58 PM
> Subject: [ob
dow liar banget. sempat down 160 points, sekarang minus 44.
--- In, "victor_sperandeo"
> Stocks fall as China forces banks to increase reserves for second time in
> past month
Suharto's legacy of big money
February 13, 2010
The blow-out started nearly four years ago as a gas drilling rig bored
down into the lush landscape of rice paddies and villages near Sidoarjo
in Java. Grey toxic mud, scalding hot, spewed from the ground.
It's kept coming ever since
Production, Home Starts Probably Climbed: U.S. Economy Preview
Feb. 14 (Bloomberg) -- The manufacturing rebound probably accelerated in
January and homebuilding bounced back, adding to evidence the U.S. expansion
began the new year without missing a beat, economists said before report this
Kamis, 20/08/2009 16:24 WIB
15 Bank Besar Kompak Samakan Suku Bunga
Herdaru PurnomoAngga Aliya ZRF - detikFinance
Jakarta - Sebanyak 15 bank besar dalam negeri telah sepakat untuk menyesuaikan
tingkat suku bunga dana pihak ketiga (DPK) agar selaras dengan tingkat suku
bunga acuan atau Bank Indon
Indonesia's year of living safelyPosted by Gwen Robinson on Aug 20
Even in Asian investment circles, it can come as a surprise to learn
that the world's second-best performing stock market this year has
been Indonesia's.
Bloomberg did its bit on Thursday to publicise the fact, reporting tha
google news' search results on us deflation versus us inflation:
result: Did you mean to search for: US inflation
result: many
who owns google anyway, hehehe.
Bernanke, Trichet See End to Global Slump, Caution on Recovery
By Scott Lanman and Simon Kennedy
Aug. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and European
Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said the world economy is pulling
out of its deepest recession since the 1930s.
Jumping In Java: Indonesia Still A Buy
Carl Delfeld, Chartwell Advisor, 08.21.09, 01:05 PM EDT
China is not the only emerging market where you can find opportunities. Don't
overlook the big archipelago to its south.
Long-time readers know that Indonesia has been a favorite of mine that is often
The Bear Market is Over
Ken Fisher, 08.05.09, 06:00 PM EDT
Forbes Magazine dated August 24, 2009
Money market cash, in comparison with the value of all stocks, is twice what it
was in 1982.
That 9% minicorrection between June 2 and July 13 was nothing to worry about.
Pullbacks are normal early i
Most red ink ever: $9 trillion over next decade
Citing worse than expected economy, White House and Congress offer bleak budget
By Jim Kuhnhenn, Associated Press Writer
On Tuesday August 25, 2009, 7:22 pm EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) -- In a chilling forecast, the White House is predicting a
Applying Roubini Wisdom to Stocks Means Missing Out (Update2)
By Whitney Kisling
Aug. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Making money on the thinking of Nouriel Roubini isn't
what it used to be.
The New York University professor, who in 2006 foretold the worst financial
unraveling since the Great Depression, h
Benchmark Indexes at `Key Bullish' Levels: Technical Analysis
By Francesca Cinelli
Aug. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Benchmark indexes for U.S., Japanese and European stocks
are close to breaking "long-term bullish" levels, according to analysts at
Credit Suisse Group AG who use price charts to make foreca
Senin, 31/08/2009 17:40 WIB
Bunga KPR Harusnya Bisa Turun Jadi 10%
Whery Enggo Prayogi - detikFinance
Jakarta - Pelaku properti minta suku bunga Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR) bisa
turun ke level 10% dari tingkat suku bunga yang saat ini bertengger di 13-14%.
Kesepakatan penurunan suku bunga ole
It's Good to Be a Pig
This market rally still has time to run.
By Barton Biggs | NEWSWEEK
>From the magazine issue dated Sep 7, 2009
The recent drop in the Shanghai market has gotten everyone scared. Sharp
downward movements tend to focus the mind, just as a good hanging in the Old
West used to
Pickens: Oil Will Reach $300 a Barrel
Friday, August 28, 2009 8:04 AM
Oil legend T. Boone Pickens, now CEO of BP Capital, says oil prices will
continue to rise, possibly reaching $300 per barrel.
"Look at the history," Pickens told Dan Mangru of Moneynews. It proves oil
prices will go up, as OP
gak ada window dressing, bargain hunting pun jadi. diskon 60-70 dr nav???
--- In, "5'2" wrote:
> Hihi
> Welah ditantangin ama OM DE gak brani ane bang
> Masih ingusan saya *
> *sambil ngelap umbel
> Saya sih antri d kisaran ntu aja ya kalo mantul 184 bole
Pimco to Start Global Stock Fund Amid Equity Push (Update1)
By Miles Weiss
Dec. 30 (Bloomberg) -- Pacific Investment Management Co., the world's largest
manager of bonds, filed with U.S. regulators to start a stock mutual fund that
can also invest in bank loans, junk bonds and distressed securit
Minggu, 03/01/2010 15:12 WIB
Petisi 28 Ancam Gelar Aksi untuk Turunkan SBY
Hery Winarno - detikNews
Jakarta - Kelompok Petisi 28 yang rajin mengkritisi pemerintah, mengancam akan
mengerahkan massa untuk menurunkan Presiden SBY. SBY dinilai gagal
menyejahterakan rakyat Indonesia.
"Kita akan lak
kalau jaman soeharto, berita kayak gini udah dicap makar.
--- In, "JsxSniper" wrote:
> Ini bah berita menjatuhkan IDX bukan SBY..
> Wakaka..
> -One shoot-
> -Original M
Jan. 7 (Bloomberg Multimedia) -- The Federal Reserve is likely to keep interest
rates low for a longer period than traders anticipate as U.S. inflation remains
subdued and the economy grows less than its potential, an analysis shows.
pantes kemarin manajemen lempar wacana right issue. dengan begitu harga
rata2 mesop jadi rendah. hebat tricknya insider.
biasanya harga elty ngikut harga bumi. biasanya ratio-nya 1 banding 10
atau 8. tapi sejak kena rumor right issue dan kena badai krisis dubai
world rationya jadi 12-13. kalau rum
kayaknya dikarbit. cara biar bmri bisa exit dari debt-to-equity swap?
--- In, Raja Cumi wrote:
> 9 Januari 2010 | 19.34 WIB
> Garuda Segera "Go Public"
Minggu, 10/01/2010 13:47 WIB
10 Ribu Mahasiswa Siap Kepung Istana 28 Januari
Amanda Ferdina - detikNews
Jakarta - Aliansi 30 kampus siap untuk menggelar aksi besar-besaran pada 28
Januari mendatang. Sebanyak 10 ribu mahasiswa akan mengepung Istana untuk
menurunkan SBY-Boediono jika pemerintah ta
bukankah biasanya dia minta diskon?
--- In, "JT" wrote:
> Buset dah.., belum juga nongol orangnya udah pada hebohâ¦., heheheâ¦.., si
> EL ini memang LUAR BIASA.., ayo EL, cepet nongol lagi.., ngga ada loe ngga
> rame !!
> JT
> From
Rabu, 09/09/2009 06:02 WIB
Raup Rp 2,5 Triliun, BTN Siap Melantai di Bursa 15 Desember
Herdaru Purnomo - detikFinance
Jakarta - PT Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) dipastikan go public melalui penawaran
umum saham perdana atau initial public offering (IPO) pada bulan Desember 2009.
Rencananya, persero
Rabu, 09/09/2009 06:15 WIB
Bunga KPR BTN Dipatok 9,9%
Herdaru Purnomo - detikFinance
Jakarta - PT Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) mematok suku bunga kredit perumahan
rakyat (KPR) di posisi 9,9 persen.
Hal ini dilakukan BTN untuk mendongkrak laju pertumbuhan kredit perseroan yang
ditargetkan mencapai
Capital World Incar 10% Saham Bakrieland
Susan Silaban
INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Capital World Ltd mengincar saham PT Bakrieland
Development Tbk (ELTY) hingga 10% saham setara dengan RpRp100-150 miliar lewat
Demikian penjelasan Presiden Direktur Bakrieland, Hiramsyah Thaib kepada
wartawan p
Bank Kembali Menggunting Bunga KPR
JAKARTA. Ini kabar baik. Bunga Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR) sudah turun.
PT Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) sudah memangkas bunga sebesar 1% untuk KPR baru.
Alhasil, bunga KPR rata-rata BTN kini 12%. Untuk promosi hingga November 2009,
BTN malah memasang bunga KP
Michael Price Says Stocks May Climb, Repeat 1975-1982 (Update2)
By Thomas R. Keene and Whitney Kisling
Sept. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Billionaire investor Michael Price said the U.S. stock
market resembles 1975-1982, when the Standard & Poor's 500 Index doubled, and
he's finding value in small banks.
S&P 500 Moving Averages Show `Fierce' Rally: Technical Analysis
By Michael Patterson
Sept. 9 (Bloomberg) -- A rise in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index's five-month
moving average above its 15-month moving average for the first time since 2003
signals stocks are in the early stages of a bull marke
'Emerging' Stock Markets Are Looking Better
by Gregory Zuckerman
Monday, September 28, 2009
provided by
The Wall Street Journal
On the heels of one of the worst years in stock-market history, some experts
say investors should shift more money into a surprising area: emerging markets.
For years,
IMF Raises 2010 Growth Forecast; Asia Leads Recovery (Update2)
By Sandrine Rastello and Timothy R. Homan
Oct. 1 (Bloomberg) -- The International Monetary Fund raised its forecast for
global growth next year as more than $2 trillion in stimulus packages and
demand in Asia pull the world economy o
Senin, 05/10/2009 15:29 WIB
Bunga Deposito Bank Turun ke 6,9%
Herdaru Purnomo - detikFinance
Jakarta - Bank Indonesia (BI) mencatat suku bunga deposito rata-rata perbankan
telah menunjukan penurunan, rata-rata suku bunga bank saat ini adalah 6,9%. Hal
ini terkait dengan kesepakatan 14 bank yang
Fidelity's Bolton Predicts `Multi-Year' Bull Market in Equities
By Bernard Lo and Michael Patterson
Oct. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Sustainable economic growth and low interest rates
worldwide will spur a "multi-year" bull market in equities, led by developing
nations, said Fidelity International's Anthon
`Wall of Cash' to Extend Stock Rally Into 2010, Aberdeen Says
By Peter Woodifield
Oct. 7 (Bloomberg) -- The global recovery in stock markets will stretch into
2010 as people try to make more money than they can from cash and government
bonds, according to the investment chief of Scotland's large
Fed boss sees no rush to boost rates
Bernanke sees no rush to boost rates; confident Fed can reel in support when
time is right
By Jeannine Aversa, AP Economics Writer
On 7:08 pm EDT, Thursday October 8, 2009
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke sent a fresh signal
Thursday t
a cat has nine lives. a general has nine balls. hehehe.
--- In, fifi young wrote:
> Huahahaha..Jendral bijinye mengkeret...
> 'ga berani mimpin perang lagee...
> 'mang biji apaan sich...?
> hihi...[?][?]
> 2009/10/8 [ M S ]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Jangan p
Dollar to Hit 50 Yen, Cease as Reserve, Sumitomo Says (Update1)
By Shigeki Nozawa
Oct. 15 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar may drop to 50 yen next year and eventually
lose its role as the global reserve currency, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp.'s
chief strategist said, citing trading patterns and a likel
roma jatuh karena kombinasi banyak faktor: ekonomi, moral, politik, serangan
barbarian. but then n now, superpower always resorts to military might.
a russian (ex kgb) professor anyone???
--- In, "It's Elaine!" wrote:
> *I didn't say this will happen, but it's p
Minggu, 18/10/2009 13:37 WIB
Ekonomi RI Diprediksi Tumbuh 8% di 2010
Whery Enggo Prayogi - detikFinance
Jakarta - Ekonomi Indonesia di tahun 2010 akan mengalami perbaikan secara
signifikan. Ini merupakan dampak dari pemulihan ekonomi global, yang diprediksi
dapat akan membaik di kuartal I tahun
biji cuma 2. tapi ember kosong masih 20. lanju!!
--- In, sahami...@... wrote:
> Masih pada ada BIJI nya? Sekali guyur kyk ngecor bangunan..
> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
> -Original Message-
> From: Heru Susanto
> Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 11:47
interbank nostro cuma dapet 0,25-0,50%.
--- In, dunia ini indah wrote:
> More than $3 Trillion Waiting on the Sidelines to buy stocks
> Published: October 22, 2009
> According to some estimates, investors have parked more than
> $3,000,000,000,00
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