properti dan konstruksi: domestic-driven sector, kebal pula thd serangan fta china.
--- In, "It's Elaine!" <elainesu...@...> wrote: > > *Hi all, > > Just want to share that below was my love letter to Embah, sent about a > month a go when IDX was 2400. Currently my target is only 25% until Jan-Feb > (balanced-diversified), which translates to 30xx level, so help us God. > About the dollar shock, check your chart, you will know what I mean. > > The rally may be late, but it's better late than never. Laggards would be > Bakrie stocks, property and metal miners (I believe they're technically > confirmed, or whatever, JT should be able to help you). Esp on prop/constr > don't sell until 100% gain at least. Some of them are grossly underpriced. > FA enthusiasts should be able to help you. > > For 2010, you can read the letter below. That's all I can say at this > moment. Anyway, when I was away, I learned a bit about TA, and I'd say it's > amazing, really. Should've done a long time ago. > > Fifi, .... > > .... he's mine. [?] lolz.. [?] > > Elaine* > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: It's Elaine! elainesu...@... > Date: Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 2:40 PM > Subject: ***HI MBAH! WINDOWDRESSING*** > To: jsx-consult...@... > > > *Just want to share that this December to Jan 10, Asia Pacific is expected > to have two month straight window dressing, around 10-25% average upside. > Though the general market will be affected, laggards will play major role so > be prepared. Also expect to see good news (even ridiculous ones) to flavor > the year end rally. > > US Dollar will stay low.. or lower.. for some time. Consider stock markets > reversals when public thinks that USD is "too" low and fears that Chinese > Government will stop buying US treasury that will lead to debt crisis and > will spark hyperinflation (I call it the dollar shock), so focus on your > currency. Anything can happen dependending on your central bank action. On > the longer view, 2010 is quite volatile and sideway-ish since many > corporations poses higher default risk. What happened in Dubai was only a > start. > > We're in a process of deflating and deleveraging economy. But for now, just > be quiet and enjoy the show. ^_^ > > Elaine* >