FCC Report on 2019 Nationwide Emergency Alert Test

2020-05-12 Thread Sean Donelan
FCC published its 2019 nationwide EAS test report. The issues haven't changed, and some improved. "With respect to the single largest complication reported from the 2019 nationwide EAS test results – namely, issues with monitoring source failures – FEMA notes that it is actively taking mea

Did I miss a problem: FCC and CISA stress need for access during pandemic

2020-05-26 Thread Sean Donelan
I have not heard of any problems with access for ISP and communications workers in any U.S. state or locality during the pandemic. Did I miss a big problem requiring the FCC chairman and CISA Director send a letter? https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-cisa-stress-need-communications-industr

FCC Seeks Comment on Effects of June 15 T-Mobile Outage

2020-06-23 Thread Sean Donelan
FCC Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Seeks Comment on Effects of June 15, 2020 T-Mobile Outage on Public Safety Entities, Government Entities, and Consumers https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-seeks-comment-effects-june-15-t-mobile-outage From T-Mobile's statement: https://www.t-m

FCC: rulemaking on STIR/SHAKEN and Caller ID Authentication

2020-09-10 Thread Sean Donelan
At this month's FCC rulemaking meeting, it will consider https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-announces-tentative-agenda-september-open-meeting-6 Promoting Caller ID Authentication to Combat Spoofed Robocalls – The Commission will consider a Report and Order that would continue its work to imple

Wildfires: Reminder smart devices don't include emergency warnings while streaming

2020-09-11 Thread Sean Donelan
As some of the largest wildfires burn along the West Coast, and over 500,000 people evacuate, a reminder that streaming devices do not include local emergency alerts. Cord-cutters using Alphabet Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV "smart" devices should remember they don't have emergency al

Re: Wildfires: Reminder smart devices don't include emergency warnings while streaming

2020-09-11 Thread Sean Donelan
On Fri, 11 Sep 2020, William Herrin wrote: tl;dr: keep your cell phone on and with you 'cause only a few things get emergency alerts and only when they're turned on. You sound like the CTIA in the 2000s when it was opposed to requiring emergency alerts on cell phones. "Its unnecessary to requ

Re: Wildfires: Reminder smart devices don't include emergency warnings while streaming

2020-09-12 Thread Sean Donelan
On Fri, 11 Sep 2020, Matt Erculiani wrote: Linking relevant past thread about devices that don't alert for emergencies and, of course, a heated debate on if they should: https://mailman.nanog.org/pipermail/nanog/2019-March/199721.html Yep. I'm not naive. I keep saying something, because one

Google Android phone earthquake visualization

2020-09-19 Thread Sean Donelan
The VP Engineering for Android posted a visualization of the 4.5 earthquake in Southern California from data collected by Android phones. https://twitter.com/davey_burke/status/1307395583338885120 USGS ShakeAlert is transmitted via WEA to Android, iPhone and other cellular devices; and shared d

Re: Google Android phone earthquake visualization

2020-09-19 Thread Sean Donelan
and I received this alert about 3 seconds before the shockwave hit my location: On Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 1:40 PM Sean Donelan wrote: The VP Engineering for Android posted a visualization of the 4.5 earthquake in Southern California from data collected by Android phones.

STIR/SHAKEN: New Rules Promote Caller ID Authentication Across America's Phone Networks

2020-09-29 Thread Sean Donelan
https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-adopts-new-rules-combat-spoofed-robocalls The Federal Communications Commission today adopted new rules to further promote implementation of the STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication framework to protect consumers against malicious caller ID spoofing. The new

Pennsylvania’s voter services data center outage - 24+ hours

2020-10-04 Thread Sean Donelan
State and local government services are always underfunded. Election depend on heroic election administrators and a lot of duct tape. Its not yet election day, but don't be surprised by all sorts of normal problems and outages on November 3 and after when systems will be under maximum stress.

Re: Pennsylvania’s voter services data center outage - 24+ hours

2020-10-05 Thread Sean Donelan
SERVICE RESTORED The outages began late Saturday and the voting services were restored at about 7 a.m. Monday. Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar said the problem has been with a contractor’s equipment and there was no evidence of “malicious interference.” The outage also affected online

Florida: Voter registration website overwhelmed at deadline

2020-10-06 Thread Sean Donelan
Every election has problems. Most of the time, those problems aren't noticed. Elections rely on a lot of back-end infrastructure, besides the actual voting itself. It could be a DDOS attack, or simply duct-taped systems having trouble with the load. Voting early (mail, drop-off, in-person

Re: Florida: Voter registration website overwhelmed at deadline

2020-10-06 Thread Sean Donelan
Florida has had notoriously unreliable state I.T. infrastructure for years. Florida's unemployment websites were broken for months during the Spring 2020 COVID unemployment demand surge. So its very likely crappy state I.T. infrastructure problems being stressed by high volume. Florida vo

Re: Florida: Voter registration website overwhelmed at deadline

2020-10-06 Thread Sean Donelan
On Tue, 6 Oct 2020, Mike Hammett wrote: How many of these overloaded web sites that we hear about (voter registration, unemployment registration, web sites announced in a big way, causing surges in traffic, etc.) have a CDN offloading the low-hanging fruit? Florida uses a CDN, like essentially

Re: Florida: Voter registration website overwhelmed at deadline

2020-10-07 Thread Sean Donelan
This is not the first, and won't be the last, problem that happens during this election season. Unless there is substantial and credible evidence otherwise, the normal reason for an technology outage will likely be the normal stupid reasons for technology outages. ===

Virginia voter registration down due to cable cut

2020-10-13 Thread Sean Donelan
On the last day of Virginia voter registration, the state-wide voter registration system experienced a cable cut disrupting access to the state-wide database system. Absent clear and convincing evidence otherwise, the problems will likely be caused by the usual stupid stuff. VITA @VITAag

Re: Main electric transmission towers collapsed--New Orleans at 11% Internet connectivity

2021-08-30 Thread Sean Donelan
Major wireless carriers have activated their open roaming agreements, allowing customers of competitors to connect to any working cell tower. As usual in disasters, text messaging may work even when voice and data connections don't. AT&T released the following statement: "Hurricane Ida has

Carbon Monoxide warnings - keep generators outside 20ft away from doors and windows

2021-09-01 Thread Sean Donelan
One person has died and at least 27 people are being treated for carbon monoxide poisoning from portable generators. Officials are reminding people to operate portable generators only outside, 20 feet away from homes, doors and windows. Not in carports, garages, basements. To restore power,

Walkie-Talkie Apps on cell phones still require working Internet access

2021-09-02 Thread Sean Donelan
Another reminder Walkie-talkie apps on smartphones, like Zello, still require working Internet access. They don't work without cell or wifi service and internet access. Zello keeps reminding people, it REQUIRES internet access; but people don't get it. https://www.reuters.com/article

FCC outage reporting does not expand beyond gulf coast

2021-09-02 Thread Sean Donelan
As Hurricane Ida moved across the eastern part of the country, the FCC did not expand its DIRS reporting. So today's outage reports only includes Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. It does not include New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, etc. Hurricane Ida death toll: 29 people to date, ex

Hurricane Ida updates

2021-09-03 Thread Sean Donelan
Two 19-year-old linemen died in an electrocution accident in Jefferson County, Alabama assisting with storm recovery. Cause under investigation. at least 66 deaths confirmed: 25 in New Jersey (at least 8 died in vehicle flooding), 17 in New York (at least 11 died in basement apartment flooding)

Re: Hurricane Ida updates

2021-09-04 Thread Sean Donelan
On Sun, 5 Sep 2021, Eric Kuhnke wrote: During the peak of the rain storm in NJ+NY (see flooding deaths referenced in previous email), the wireless emergency alert systems were sending, simultaneously: 1) TORNADO WARNING SEEK SHELTER NOW GO TO BASEMENT [1] 2) FLOOD WARNING SEEK HIGH GROUND GET O

Re: Hurricane Ida updates

2021-09-07 Thread Sean Donelan
According to news reports, Cox communications has restored 85 percent of service in the Greater Baton Rouge area, but 60 percent of Greater New Orleans customers are still without internet. They assessed nearly 65 miles of damages to their network infrastructure in the New Orleans area. Cox st

FCC: Promoting More Resilient Networks

2021-09-09 Thread Sean Donelan
This month's FCC meeting includes a notice of proposed rulemaking on wireless network resilience cooperative framework, outage reporting, and backup power arrangements. https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-375607A1.pdf What the NPRM Would Do: • Seek comment on potential impro

Never push the Big Red Button (New York City subway failure)

2021-09-10 Thread Sean Donelan
NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT RAIL CONTROL CENTER POWER OUTAGE ISSUE ON AUGUST 29, 2021 Key Findings September 8, 2021 https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/default/files/2021-09/WSP_Key_Findings_Summary-for_release.pdf Key Findings [...] 3. Based on the electrical equipment log readings and the manufactu

Re: Never push the Big Red Button (New York City subway failure)

2021-09-17 Thread Sean Donelan
Sigh, people often mis-hear this when I say it, so I will try to say it carefully. If you have an Emergency Power Off (EPO), the electrical code (and life-safety code) allows use of several alternative wiring methods. Some people mistakenly believe the allowed alternatives are the rule, but t

Four years since Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rick/US Virgin Islands

2021-09-20 Thread Sean Donelan
Wednesday, September 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico with sustained winds of 155 mph. An estimated 2,975 people died in PR, 3 in USVI, and 81 the other parts of the carribean. It caused over $90 billion in property damage. The Puerto Rico power grid was effectively destroyed by

Robocall Mitigation Database Call Blocking Deadline Is Today

2021-09-28 Thread Sean Donelan
According to the FCC, 4,798 companies had filed in the Robocall Mitigation Database with many hundreds of carriers, including all of the largest phone carriers, certifying to implementation of STIR/SHAKEN standards on their IP networks. Beginning today, if a voice service provider’s certifi

S.Korea broadband firm sues Netflix after traffic surge

2021-10-01 Thread Sean Donelan
South Korean Internet service provider SK Broadband has sued Netflix to pay for costs from increased network traffic and maintenance work because of a surge of viewers to the U.S. firm's content, an SK spokesperson said on Friday. [...] Last year, Netflix had brought its own lawsuit on whether

Re: S.Korea broadband firm sues Netflix after traffic surge

2021-10-01 Thread Sean Donelan
In the old days, postal services used to charge the recipient of a letter to deliver the letter. Then stamps were invented, and postal services charged the sender of the letter, and the recipent got free delivery. Now there is free-shipping, and pre-paid return envelopes for DVDs. Of cours

Re: Disaster Recovery Process

2021-10-05 Thread Sean Donelan
On Wed, 6 Oct 2021, Karl Auer wrote: I'd add one "soft" list item: - in your emergency plan, have one or two people nominated who are VERY high up in the organisation. Their lines need to be open to the decisionmakers in the emergency team(s). Their job is to put the fear of a vengeful god into

Safe Geo-location Defaults

2021-10-21 Thread Sean Donelan
Has anyone published "safe" geo-location defaults? By safe I mean default lat/lon coordinates for a country, state/province, city, postal code which do not resolve near a residence. It seems like too many people use "Find My " or other geo-location services, and then go to the exact location s

DOJ files suit to enforce FCC penalty for robocalls

2021-10-21 Thread Sean Donelan
The multi-million dollar fines announced with great fanfaire by the Federal Communication Commission are almost never collected. The FCC doesn't have enforcement authority to collect fines. The FCC usually withholds license renewals until penalties are paid. If the violator doesn't have any

South Korea KT to pay USD$33.97 million for network outage

2021-11-01 Thread Sean Donelan
https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2021/11/133_318025.html KT to pay W40 bil. in compensation for network outage KT will pay out up to 40 billion won ($33.97 million) in compensation to customers of its wired and wireless services, which underwent nationwide disruptions Oct. 25, the compan

Re: Redploying most of 127/8 as unicast public

2021-11-17 Thread Sean Donelan
On Wed, 17 Nov 2021, Jay R. Ashworth wrote: That's over a week old and I don't see 3000 comments on it, so maybe it's just me. So many things are just me. Someone is wrong on the Internet. https://xkcd.com/386/ Other problems which will occur sooner: 1. Unix 32-bit time_t overflow. 2. North

FERC releases final report on Texas power outages (2021)

2021-11-17 Thread Sean Donelan
"Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It." Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has published its final report on the Texas 2021 power outages. According to FERC during the last 10 years, there have been four extreme cold weather events which have threatened the Texas p

FERC: 2021 Lessons Learned from Commission-Led CIP Reliability Audits (October 2021)

2021-11-17 Thread Sean Donelan
I missed the October publication of FERC's annual staff report on lessons learned. https://ferc.gov/media/2021-report-commission-led-cip-audits Some are the usual boilerplate FERC staff "found that while most of the cybersecurity protection processes and procedures adopted by the registered e

Re: Redploying most of 127/8 as unicast public

2021-11-18 Thread Sean Donelan
Berkeley quad on 03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038. On Wed, 17 Nov 2021, Sean Donelan wrote: Other problems which will occur sooner: 1. Unix 32-bit time_t overflow. 2. North American Numbering Plan runs out of +1 zone phone numbers 3. IPv6 deployed and working everywhere/everything on the

Re: Anyone seeing ping corruption?

2021-12-20 Thread Sean Donelan
On Sun, 19 Dec 2021, J Doe wrote: --- ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 5.657/5.657/5.657/0.000 ms lukas@dev:~$ ping -c1 -s1000 PING ( 1000(1028) bytes of data. 1008 bytes from icmp_seq=1

Re: Anyone seeing ping corruption?

2021-12-20 Thread Sean Donelan
On Mon, 20 Dec 2021, Steven Champeon wrote: on Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 04:50:00PM -0500, Sean Donelan wrote: Assuming (not confirmed) mitigating old-style DOS attacks. See "ping of death." Are there even enough dialup connections and ancient modems left that POD is a thing anyone need

Re: Anyone seeing ping corruption?

2021-12-21 Thread Sean Donelan
On Tue, 21 Dec 2021, Mark Tinka wrote: On 12/21/21 09:11, Hank Nussbacher wrote: As Google has stated in many forums and I quote: "Google Public DNS is a Domain Name System service, not an ICMP network testing service." :-)... can't argue with that. In the 90's and early 2000's, it was:    

One year since Nashville Christmas Day bombing (Dec 25, 2020)

2021-12-22 Thread Sean Donelan
https://wpln.org/post/the-christmas-day-bombing-cut-off-emergency-communications-across-tennessee-heres-whats-changed-since/ It’s been nearly a year since an RV exploded outside an AT&T data center in downtown Nashville. Damage from the blast resulted in major disruptions to phone and interne

Colorado Emergency Managent Agency website down

2021-12-31 Thread Sean Donelan
The worst time for an emergency managent agency website problems is during a state of emergency. Colorado wildfires. https://twitter.com/COEmergency/status/1477001728138485761 CO - Emergency Mgmt @COEmergency Our division websites are currently down. We will use our social media accounts and

Re: Useful ping targets for end-users?

2022-01-12 Thread Sean Donelan
On Wed, 12 Jan 2022, Adam Thompson wrote: Restatement: yes, there are much better ways to diagnose problems, but my customer can only run ping & traceroute (and pathping, I suppose) and is capable enough to run those tools and self-assess before calling me. Back in the old days, when there was

Re: home router battery backup

2022-01-12 Thread Sean Donelan
Need to look at the entire infrastructure. Now, its less about backup for the hardwired router, and better utility backups and construction for mobile provider infrastructure. Almost all households have at least one mobile phone, with built-in battery backup :-) We used to have public pay te

SOHO IPv6 switches

2022-01-18 Thread Sean Donelan
Of course, any ethernet switch is "IPv6 ready." They are just ethernet packets, and the switch doesn't care what's in the packets. Which SOHO class switches are really IPv6 capable? Or is it still necessary to go with the enterprise class switches? IOT devices all want to chat with each

Re: Undersea cable damages in the Atlantic?

2022-01-18 Thread Sean Donelan
On Tue, 18 Jan 2022, Andy Ringsmuth wrote: Hmmm… Multiple sub-sea cable problems referencing Europe and the US east coast… Putin testing the waters for connectivity disruptions ahead of a Ukraine invasion? Where the US and NATO are the thorn in his side? Naw, that's Svalbard, Norway cable da

Re: SOHO IPv6 switches

2022-01-19 Thread Sean Donelan
On Tue, 18 Jan 2022, Brandon Martin wrote: The Netgear GS108T is my typical go-to "not a dumb switch". 8 ports for about $80. Make sure you get the v3 if you want most of the modern IPv6 L2 features (you also get some very limited L3 capabilities). The v2 lacks most of them and is still rea

BANDWIDTH and VONAGE lose FCC rules exemption for STIR/SHAKEN

2022-02-17 Thread Sean Donelan
https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-finds-two-providers-failed-fully-implement-stirshaken-0 The Federal Communications Commission today took action to ensure that voice service providers meet their commitments and obligations to implement STIR/SHAKEN standards to combat spoofed robocall scams.

Re: ICANN Response (Re: Ukraine request yikes)

2022-03-03 Thread Sean Donelan
https://www.icrc.org/en Convention (V) respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land. The Hague, 18 October 1907. CHAPTER I : THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF NEUTRAL POWERS - ART. 8. Art. 8. A neutral Power is not called upon to forbid or restrict the use o

Re: Cogent cutting links to Russia?

2022-03-04 Thread Sean Donelan
On Fri, 4 Mar 2022, Martin Hannigan wrote: I would argue they don't have much of a choice: "The economic sanctions put in place as a result of the invasion and the increasingly uncertain security situation make it impossible for Cogent to continue to provide you with service." I would expect to

Washington–Moscow Direct Communications Link

2022-03-05 Thread Sean Donelan
Since 2008, the Washington-Moscow Direct Communications Link (also known as "The Washington-Moscow Hotline") uses redundant circuits of two satellite links and a fiber-optic cable. They use commercial facilities for at least part of the circuits. Past accidents have interrupted previous hot

Re: Conflicts and fiber cuts

2022-03-06 Thread Sean Donelan
At least 40 years of telco's being unwilling to share information about their service interuptions? They are barely willing to acknowledge outages to their own customers. On Thu, 3 Mar 2022, Hank Nussbacher wrote: As the discussion rages on NANOG, RIPE, CENTR and many other uber-technical

Re: Conflicts and fiber cuts

2022-03-06 Thread Sean Donelan
On Sun, 6 Mar 2022, Laura Smith via NANOG wrote: You do realise there's a shedload of fibre running around Europe ? There are so many redundant paths that you'd have to chop through quite a lot of it before anyone noticed much difference. Historically, the largest telecommunication outages hav

Transmission of tornado warnings delayed by major NWS tech issue

2022-03-06 Thread Sean Donelan
Weather Service tornado warnings were delayed during deadly Iowa outbreak https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2022/03/06/nws-tornado-warning-dissemination-iowa/ [...] Susan Buchanan, the Weather Service’s director of public affairs, wrote that “a technical issue caused a delay of between

Re: Russia to disconnect from global Internet

2022-03-07 Thread Sean Donelan
On Mon, 7 Mar 2022, Hank Nussbacher wrote: says otherwise. Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation denied plans to disconnect Russia from the Internet https://www.interfax.ru/russia/826788 [...google translate...] Moscow. March 7th. INTERFAX.RU - The Ministry of Digital

Re: VoLTE and SRTP

2022-03-08 Thread Sean Donelan
On Tue, 8 Mar 2022, Michael Thomas wrote: Hi, I was reading an article on why Russia hasn't taken out Ukraine's mobile networks and one of the premises was that they could use it to eavesdrop on calls. During World War I, the British Empire did this. It strategically cut telegraph cables wit

Re: Russia attempts mandating installation of root CA on clients for TLS MITM

2022-03-10 Thread Sean Donelan
On Thu, 10 Mar 2022, Eric Kuhnke wrote: I think we'll see a lot more of this from authoritarian regimes in the future. For anyone unfamiliar with their existing distributed DPI architecture, google "Russia SORM". Many nation's have a government CA. The United States Government has its Federal

Re: Russia attempts mandating installation of root CA on clients for TLS MITM

2022-03-12 Thread Sean Donelan
Likewise, my statements and opinions also do not represent any past, current or future employer. While I understand the engineering and business reasons (fewer customer complaints and lawsuits), the underlying risk is due to the combined 'universial trust root CA' store in most TLS/SSL soft

Bombs and Hackers are Battering Ukraine's Internet Providers

2022-03-15 Thread Sean Donelan
https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2022/03/15/internet-technicians-are-the-hidden-heroes-of-the-russia-ukraine-war/?ss=cybersecurity&sh=75eb5cdd2884 Images sent to Forbes by Kyivstar show what the conditions are like. Despite obliterated terrain and internet wires, fire-blackened data

FCC Foreign SPonsorship Identification Rules Go Into Effect

2022-03-15 Thread Sean Donelan
https://www.fcc.gov/document/fccs-foreign-sponsorship-identification-rules-go-effect The Federal Communications Commission today announced a March 15, 2022 compliance date of sponsorship identification requirements that will now require broadcasters to disclose when foreign governments or their

Re: Russia attempts mandating installation of root CA on clients for TLS MITM

2022-03-17 Thread Sean Donelan
On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, Carsten Bormann wrote: Oh. Your message started insightful. Now you are back to binary authorization, just with a jurisdiction parameter going in. Public CAs are third-party introducers. Its like a friend of a friend of a friend sets you up on a blind date. Your friend'

Ukraine electric grid now synced with Europe grid (year ahead of schedule)

2022-03-17 Thread Sean Donelan
The Ukraine electric grid has been synched with the Russian electric grid since the fall of U.S.S.R. In 2017, Ukrain and ENTSO-E (Continental Europe electric grid authority) began planning to interconnect the Ukraine grid with the Europe Grid (and disconnect from the Russian grid). The or

Reason for delayed tornado warnings in Iowa

2022-03-23 Thread Sean Donelan
https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2022/03/06/nws-tornado-warning-dissemination-iowa/ In a follow-up statement Monday, Buchanan said the communications delay resulted from a damaged fiber optic cable at the Weather Service’s Dallas-Fort Worth office. “The cable outage caused that office

OVH data center fire (2021) report

2022-03-24 Thread Sean Donelan
French media covered this earlier in March, but I didn't see the english language reporting until now. https://www.journaldunet.com/web-tech/cloud/1509749-enquete-sur-l-incendie-d-ovh-des-conclusions-accablantes/ OVH has not released its own report about the fire at its SBG2 datacenter on March

WP: Russian military behind hack of satellite communication devices

2022-03-24 Thread Sean Donelan
Not yet official, but the U.S. intelligence community seems to continue its rapid release of intelligence. I think everyone was expecting it, especially since Viasat executives declined to say it earlier this week at the SATCOM 2022 conference. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-secu

Re: WP: Russian military behind hack of satellite communication devices

2022-03-25 Thread Sean Donelan
On Fri, 25 Mar 2022, Eric Kuhnke wrote: I'd be willing to bet that this was either a malicious firmware push that was applied to the CPEs without proper authentication methods being in place, such as CPEs being able to verify a crypto key signed firmware signature, or a configuration file pushed

Budget news: Proposed Puerto Rico FEMA distribution center (warehouse)

2022-03-29 Thread Sean Donelan
Program Change 1 – Caribbean Area Office and Warehouse Support: Description The FY 2023 Budget includes an increase of $1.4M for the staffing and operational costs of the Puerto Rico Distribution Centers (DC). Staff will manage readiness, disaster response operations and the distribution of com

End of Mariupol's Internet

2022-03-31 Thread Sean Donelan
The Last Days Of Mariupol’s Internet https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2022/03/31/the-last-days-of-mariupols-internet/ "Engineers who kept Ukraine’s port city online have gone missing or died in the carnage inflicted by Russia’s siege. Hope remains that Ukrainian cities knocked off

Proper Planning for Cellular Networks in Ukraine

2022-04-01 Thread Sean Donelan
Whether its preparing for a natural disaster like a hurricane or a russian invasion, proper advance planning makes a difference. The cellular network operators and national regulator in Ukraine have been preparing for years. "It must be kept in mind, that many of these changes could not have

Puerto Rico (island-wide) power outage

2022-04-06 Thread Sean Donelan
The island-wide electrical grid has failed on Puerto Rico. From the utility company: Fault in the output breaker of Unit #5 of Costa Sur at 230kv caused the output of units 5 and 6 of the Central. The electrical system protection system took the rest of the units that were generating out o

Re: Puerto Rico (island-wide) power outage

2022-04-07 Thread Sean Donelan
According to poweroutage.us, based on data from LUMA Energy, partial power restoration in Puerto Rico. 423,000 customers still without power (down from 1.45 million). Most recent IODA data (ioda.live) shows 82% network accessibility (based on active probing). https://ioda.inetintel.cc.gatec

Re: Puerto Rico (island-wide) power outage

2022-04-07 Thread Sean Donelan
FCC Activates Disaster Information Reporting for Puerto Rico https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-activates-disaster-information-reporting-puerto-rico Reports are requested at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, April 8 and every day after that by 10:00 a.m. until DIRS is deactivated.

Re: Puerto Rico (island-wide) power outage

2022-04-08 Thread Sean Donelan
From first FCC DIRS report https://www.fcc.gov/document/puerto-rico-power-outage-communications-status-report-april-8-2022 Cable and wireline companies reported 267,111 subscribers out of service in the disaster area in Puerto Rico; this may include the loss of telephone, television, and/or

Re: Puerto Rico (island-wide) power outage

2022-04-09 Thread Sean Donelan
LUMA Energy reports partial grid restoration in Puerto Rico. Officially, it reports 30,000 customers still without power, but LUMA reports have been less than half of actual customers impacted throughout this event. IODA and radar.cloudflare show improved Puerto Rico network accessibility

Re: Puerto Rico (island-wide) power outage

2022-04-09 Thread Sean Donelan
After restoring over 90% of power across Puerto Rico, the Auguirre power plant failed. According to LUMA Energy approximately 300,000 customers impacted (LUMA's numbers have been about half of the estimated total customers impacted). IODA and Cloudflare data showing another drop in address

Re: Puerto Rico (island-wide) power outage

2022-04-09 Thread Sean Donelan
Err a typo. I meant 300,000 customers. On Sat, 9 Apr 2022, Sean Donelan wrote: LUMA Energy reports partial grid restoration in Puerto Rico. Officially, it reports 30,000 customers still without power, but LUMA reports have been less than half of actual customers impacted throughout this

Re: Puerto Rico (island-wide) power outage - RESOLVED

2022-04-10 Thread Sean Donelan
Puerto Rico electric grid has been restored.

Oahu HI undersea cable attack disrupted by federal agents

2022-04-13 Thread Sean Donelan
https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2022/04/13/hsi-agents-honolulu-disrupted-cyberattack-undersea-cable-critical-telecommunications/ Homeland Security Investigations says it was able to disrupt a cyberattack of a critical undersea cable, adding the hackers sought to target “infrastructure on Oahu.”

Sabotage: several severed cables at the origin of a major internet outage in France

2022-04-27 Thread Sean Donelan
Multiple physical cable cuts in multiple diverse locations in France. Several networks that connect the internet infrastructures of major French cities were cut overnight, in a short interval. A state source evokes with "the Obs" a "coordinated malicious act", which confirms SFR and Free aff

FCC to Consider New Rules to Combat International Scam Robocalls

2022-04-27 Thread Sean Donelan
I've noticed a few (small number) of robocalls have started spoofing international phone numbers instead of local phone numbers. I don't know if this is because telephone gateways are doing a better job at blocking neighbor caller ID spoofing -- or something else. https://www.fcc.gov/docume

AT&T, Comcast, Verizon, Others Commit to Low-Income Broadband Program

2022-05-09 Thread Sean Donelan
AT&T, Comcast, Verizon, Others Commit to Low-Income Broadband Program Providers will help offer high-speed internet to millions of households under the infrastructure law https://www.wsj.com/articles/internet-providers-commit-to-low-income-broadband-program-under-infrastructure-law-1165208680

Texas ERCOT announces electric grid shortage unseasonably hot weather

2022-05-13 Thread Sean Donelan
This afternoon, six power generation facilities tripped offline resulting in the loss of approximately 2,900 MW of electricity. At this time, all generation resources available are operating. We’re asking Texans to conserve power when they can by setting their thermostats to 78-degrees or ab

FCC proposes higher speed goals (100/20 Mbps) for USF providers

2022-05-23 Thread Sean Donelan
https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-proposes-higher-speed-goals-small-rural-broadband-providers-0 The Federal Communications Commission voted [May 19, 2022] to seek comment on a proposal to provide additional universal service support to certain rural carriers in exchange for increasing deployme

Re: FCC proposes higher speed goals (100/20 Mbps) for USF providers

2022-05-23 Thread Sean Donelan
Money, money, money. On Mon, 23 May 2022, Aaron Wendel wrote: The Fiber Broadband Association estimates that the average US household will need more than a gig within 5 years.  Why not just jump it to a gig or more? On 5/23/2022 1:40 PM, Sean Donelan wrote: https://www.fcc.gov/document

Re: FCC proposes higher speed goals (100/20 Mbps) for USF providers

2022-05-23 Thread Sean Donelan
Remember, this rulemaking is for 1.1 million locations with the "worst" return on investment. The end of the tail of the long tail. Rural and tribal locations which aren't profitable to provide higher speed broadband. These locations have very low customer density, and difficult to serve.

Re: FCC proposes higher speed goals (100/20 Mbps) for USF providers

2022-05-27 Thread Sean Donelan
On Fri, 27 May 2022, Owen DeLong via NANOG wrote: USF is great for rural, but it has turned medium density and suburban areas into connectivity wastelands. Carrier & cable lobbying organizations say that free market competition by multiple providers provide adequate service in those areas. T

Re: FCC proposes higher speed goals (100/20 Mbps) for USF providers

2022-05-30 Thread Sean Donelan
I would say, if you’re looking to build or expand your networks, focus on how you can get the fiber out there, there’s a lot of money available if you’re willing to take it. It might mean taking the USF money and the obligations that go with that in reporting, compliance, etc.. but those costs

Re: FCC proposes higher speed goals (100/20 Mbps) for USF providers

2022-06-03 Thread Sean Donelan
I wish (...) that public right of way agreements included a requirement that service providers must publish accurate service area maps, and must provide service (or pay a substantial penalty for each inaccurate service claim). In the old days (...) the "certificate of publice convenience and

FCC Launches Tutorials & Help Center for Broadband Data Collection

2022-06-03 Thread Sean Donelan
https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-launches-tutorials-help-center-broadband-data-collection In preparation for the inaugural Broadband Data Collection (BDC) filing window opening on June 30, 2022, the FCC today announced the launch of an online help center and other new resources to assist inter

GAO: Federal broadband efforts fragmented and overlapping

2022-06-04 Thread Sean Donelan
U.S. Government Accountability Office Broadband: National Strategy Needed to Guide Federal Efforts to Reduce Digital Divide GAO-22-104611 Published: May 31, 2022. Publicly Released: May 31, 2022. https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-22-104611 In its efforts to expand broadband access, the federal g

Re: FCC proposes higher speed goals (100/20 Mbps) for USF providers

2022-06-06 Thread Sean Donelan
USF money is about the bottom 1% not the top 1%. I wouldn't be surprised if every Zuckerberg mansion worldwide has a multi-gig connection to support his Metaverse. The top 50% will continue to drive innovation (and bandwidth demand). Broadband service providers claim no ROI to build-out (re

Re: FCC proposes higher speed goals (100/20 Mbps) for USF providers

2022-06-06 Thread Sean Donelan
On Mon, 6 Jun 2022, Casey Russell via NANOG wrote: To be honest, I don't know, I'm not a money person, I just turn knobs.  But apparently it costs more than $130 billion dollars.  In the US alone.  If I had a magic wand, I would have a separate cap on each USF program including the High Co

Re: FCC proposes higher speed goals (100/20 Mbps) for USF providers

2022-06-06 Thread Sean Donelan
On Mon, 6 Jun 2022, Kord Martin wrote: After years and years of being told why it's not feasible to build out infrastructure upgrades to provide internet service, once I started to work in the industry it was pretty shocking to see how customers are actually treated. It's tough to gather cont

10th anniversary of Wireless Emergency Alerts

2022-06-07 Thread Sean Donelan
June 7, 2022 is the 10th anniversary of Wireless Emergency Alerts in the United States. About 30 countries now use the mobile alert protocol (with country specific names). WEA is that thing which makes your phone buzz loudly and vibrate when there is an emergency message in your area. Wildf

FCC Reminds Small Providers of June 30 STIR/SHAKEN Deadline

2022-06-14 Thread Sean Donelan
The Wireline Competition Bureau reminds non-facilities-based small voice service providers that they must implement the STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication framework in their Internet Protocol networks no later than June 30, 2022. https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-reminds-small-providers-ju

Wired: Russia Is Taking Over [portions of] Ukraine’s Internet

2022-06-15 Thread Sean Donelan
As always, complicated things are complicated. After Crimea was annexed by Russia, they learned the importance of controlling the telecommunications infrastructure. No, Russia did not cut a submarine cable, because there was no submarine cable connecting Crimea. In the old days, pre-1960s

2022 FCC broadband ISP service area survey starts today

2022-06-30 Thread Sean Donelan
Status Update: Mapping Where Broadband Is—and Is Not—Available in the U.S. June 30, 2022 https://www.fcc.gov/news-events/notes/2022/06/30/status-update-mapping-where-broadband-and-not-available-us Inaugural Filing Window for Broadband Data Collection Has Opened https://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc

Why are ad networks so slow with IPv6?

2022-07-11 Thread Sean Donelan
Verizon FIOS has been rolling out IPv6 across Northern Virginia. Hurrah! Stuff with ads (which is almost everything on the modern Internet) now load much more slowly or timeout. Changed IPv4/IPv6 connection preferences to use IPv4 first. Much improved user experience.

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