Federal Communications Commission today took action to ensure that voice service providers meet their commitments and obligations to implement STIR/SHAKEN standards to combat spoofed robocall scams. Specifically, voice service providers Bandwidth and Vonage lost a partial exemption from STIR/SHAKEN because they failed to meet STIR/SHAKEN implementation commitments and have been referred to the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau for further investigation.
- BANDWIDTH and VONAGE lose FCC rules exemption for S... Sean Donelan
- Re: BANDWIDTH and VONAGE lose FCC rules exempt... Michael Thomas
- Re: BANDWIDTH and VONAGE lose FCC rules ex... Dovid Bender
- Re: BANDWIDTH and VONAGE lose FCC rules ex... goemon--- via NANOG
- Re: BANDWIDTH and VONAGE lose FCC rules ex... Peter Beckman
- Re: BANDWIDTH and VONAGE lose FCC rules ex... Josh Luthman
- Re: BANDWIDTH and VONAGE lose FCC rule... Michael Thomas
- Re: BANDWIDTH and VONAGE lose FCC ... Brandon Svec via NANOG
- Re: BANDWIDTH and VONAGE lose FCC rule... Tom Mitchell
- Re: BANDWIDTH and VONAGE lose FCC ... Matthew Petach
- Re: BANDWIDTH and VONAGE lose... Tom Beecher