"Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It."
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has published its final
report on the Texas 2021 power outages. According to FERC during the last
10 years, there have been four extreme cold weather events which have
threatened the Texas power grid. That includes the 2011 Texas power outage
during which hundreds of people died.
As found after past weather events, investigators determined that most of
the power outages could have been avoided if power plants and wind
turbines had been better protected against the cold and ice.
Eighty-one percent of freeze-related generating unit outages occurred at
temperatures above the units' stated ambient design temperature.
Eighty-seven percent of unplanned generation outages were due to fuel
issues related to natural gas.
Natural gas fuel supply issues were caused by natural gas production
Some recommendations by FERC include:
Generator owners should retrofit existing generating units, and when
building new units account for weather events including extreme
Generator owners and operators should perform annual training on
winterization plans.
Develop corrective action plans should freeze-related outages occur.
However, Texas maintains its electric grid as an isolated island, and
hasn't followed past recommendations to avoid electric grid outages.