Peter Boone wrote:
> - Get a unit with radio/antenna integrated, PoE from inside the building
> (outdoor rated cat5, shielded I assume),
Actually shielding doesn't matter so much and it requires that the rj45
connector and socket be similarly sheilded to be effective, the salient
points are: uv s
Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 12:43:15PM -0700, Randy Bush wrote:
>> sadly, naively turning up tor to help folk who wish to be anonymous in
>> hard times gets one a lot of assertive email from self-important people
>> who wear formal clothes.
>> folk who learn this the
You've got to recall that the genesis of this is dicsussion was the
replacement of a pair for open-wrtized linksys wrt-54g routers, which
have 30mW 2.4ghz radios being used for an 800meter link... There are a
vast continuum (both in terms of performance and cost) of solutions
between that and a pai
Zartash Uzmi wrote:
> Can you say why precisely the cost of Ethernet is low compared to other
> viable alternatives?
Becuase there's a lot of it?
Gigabit ethernet ports cost less than 9600bps terminal server ports.
Mark Radabaugh wrote:
> I'm looking for new core routers for a small ISP and having a hard time
> finding something appropriate and reasonably priced. We don't have
> huge traffic levels (<1Gb) and are mostly running Ethernet interfaces to
> upstreams rather than legacy interfaces (when did OC
Roland Dobbins wrote:
> On Aug 8, 2009, at 11:57 AM, Luke S Crawford wrote:
>> 2. is there a standard way to push a null-route on the attackers
>> source IP upstream?
> Sure - if you apply loose-check uRPF (and/or strict-check, when you can
> do so) on Cisco or Juniper routers, you can c
Martin Hannigan wrote:
> The only question I have is a context switch. Why Mogadishu? Do the (sea)
> pirates need more capacity to manage their ship hijacking business?
Because ethiopia is the effectively land-locked economic power in the
neighborhood and it needs diverse landing sites. Also I
pos oc-768
pre standard 40G lr4
4 in 1 40 gig mux
100gig 10 in 1 mux with some very tight engineering tolerances
probably others
Mike Callahan wrote:
> Just out of curriousity, what type of equipment is used to terminate circuits
> of this capacity? My experience stops at the 10GB mark.
> Th
William Herrin wrote:
> The future looks a lot like the past but with more blinking lights.
> Seriously, I'm pretty nuts when it comes to networking. My basement is
> AS11875, multihomed with about 35mbps of bandwidth. If I can't imagine
> how *I* would use more than 16 subnets then it's a safe b
Olsen, Jason wrote:
> Howdy all,
> What I'm left thinking is that it would have been great if we'd had a
> snapshot of our core routing table as it stood hours or even days prior
> to this event occurring, so that I could compare it with our current
> "broken" state, so the team could have seen
Peter Beckman wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Sep 2009, Mark Andrews wrote:
>> What a load of rubbish. How is ARIN or any RIR/LIR supposed to
>> know the intent of use?
> Why don't we just blacklist everything and only whitelist those we know
> are good?
> Because the cost of determining who is
Benjamin Billon wrote:
>> Why don't we just blacklist everything and only whitelist those we know
>> are good?
>>> Note we all could start using IPv6 and avoid this problem altogether.
> Yeah. When ISP will start receiving SMTP traffic in IPv6, they could
> start to accept whiteliste
Frank Bulk wrote:
> With scarcity of IPv4 addresses, organizations are more desperate than ever
> to receive an allocation.
Factual evidence that pi allocation is in fact hard to obtain would be
required to support that statement. The fact of the matter is if you
have a legitimate application cong
Christopher Morrow wrote:
> Spammers have a lot of variables to change in this equation, RIR's
> dont always have the ability to see all of the variables, nor
> correlate all of the changes they see :(
Being a crimnal enterprise there are some tools in your kit that a
legitimate business does no
Got to stop using classful addressing terminology... It's only been 16
or so years and you're not referring to:
Snake-oil salesmen abound in this space. More to the point, any
technique used to sculpt pank-rank scores on a systematic basis is
likely to result in a countervailing adjus
Just a quick note,
The generally thrice annual NANOG pgp key signing party will be making
an appearance at NANOG 47.
The keysigning sessions are going to be held during the morning breaks
of the general session, and will be location TDB. If there is interest
we'll invite the various CA cert notar
Brian Johnson wrote:
> So a customer with a single PC hooked up to their broad-band connection would
> be given 2^64 addresses?
No, that's a single subnet, typically they should be assigned more than
> I realize that this is future proofing, but OMG! That’s the IPv4 Internet^2
> for a s
Tim Durack wrote:
> Thing is, I'm an end user site. I need more that a /48, but probably
> less than a /32. Seeing as how we have an AS and PI, PA isn't going to
> cut it. What am I supposed to do? ARIN suggested creative subnetting.
> We pushed back and got a /41. If IPv6 doesn't scratch an itch,
Scott Howard wrote:
> So you're saying that if I put in an 8Mbps ADSL1 connection, then I'm going
> to get a guaranteed 8Mbps point-to-point back to the exchange, regardless of
> the quality of my phone line, or the distance from the exchange?
> (I'm not saying that the article is right, b
Michael Peddemors wrote:
> On October 12, 2009, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
>> In summary: HE has worked tirelessly and mostly thanklessly to promote
>> v6. They have done more to bring v6 to the forefront than any other
>> network. But at the end of day, despite HE's valiant effort on v6, v6
Seth Mattinen wrote:
> Leo Bicknell wrote:
>> Worse, the problem is being made worse at an alarming rate. MPLS
>> VPN's are quicky replacing frame relay, ATM, and leased line circuits
>> adding MPLS lables and VPN/VRF routes to edge routers. Various
>> RIR's are pushing "PI for all" in IPv6 bas
Chris Adams wrote:
> I guess I'm missing something; what in section 3 is this referring to?
> I can understand /64 or /126 (or maybe /124 if you were going to
> delegate reverse DNS?), but why /112 and "16 bits for node identifiers"
> on a point-to-point link?
It falls on a 16 bit boundry and is t
Hash: SHA1
Just a quick note,
The NANOG pgp key signing party will be making an appearance at NANOG 47.
The keysigning sessions are going to be held during the monday and
tuesday morning break (11:00 - 11:30) in the Desoto Foyer. It is likely
that we'll invi
The second session for the NANOG 47 pgp key signing party will be
during the tuesday morning break (11:00 - 11:30) in the Desoto Foyer.
If you wish to participate in the pgp keysigning there is still time to
add your key to the keyring at:
Then come to the la
afternoon general session is done now.
Joe Maimon wrote:
> Or is it just me?
> None seem to come up now.
On wireless networks you can note the mac address of the rouge server
and dissociate it from the wireless network, this is rather similar to
what we did on switches prior to dhcp protection, it is reactive but it
certainly can be automatic.
Some controller based wireless systems have ips or nac fu
Brian Johnson wrote:
>> Last time I checked, and this may have changed, the limit in Linux was
>> around 4096.
> So in this circumstance you could route a /116 to the server. COOL!
These days what we might at one point have refered to as a host or
server may actually be a hardware container wi
Steve Bertrand wrote:
> Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 08:09:40PM -0500, Steve Bertrand wrote:
>>> I am AS14270. BGP with me... its been two years... you've got to have an
>>> engineer who can set up a session by now, no?
>> Sounds like someone needs to send you a copy of "
The juniper pr event at the nyse actually contained some not
unreasonable information on their new silicon.
starts about 25 minutes in (silly registration required)...
So this questions we have approached from time to time. Is there some
worth to be had in finding some consensus (assuming such a thing is
possible) on a subset of the features that people use communities for
that could be standardized? particularly in the context of source based
remote triggered b
Jack Bates wrote:
> Joel Jaeggli wrote:
>> A standardized set means it can be cooked into documentation, training,
>> and potentially even products.
> Communities (except the standardized well known ones) are extremely
> diverse. For those tha
Joe Maimon wrote:
> I dont know if communities is really the best thing to keep overloading
> this way. Whats wrong with dedicating a new attribute for automating
> policy?
Well there's always flowspec, as an example... wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Nov 2009 08:11:15 PST, Mike said:
>> Small-site multi-homing is one of the great inequities of the
>> Internet and one that can, and should, be solved. I envision an Internet
>> of the future where anyone with any mixture of any type of network
How about unused and/or private/local diffserve code points?
Ron Bonica wrote:
> Folks,
> I would love to see the IETF OPSEC WG publish a document on the pros and
> cons of filtering optioned packets.
> Would anybody on this list be willing to author an Internet Draft?
Stef Walter wrote:
> In this day of and age of wild-west, cowboy attitudes between some of
> the biggest players on the Internet, does protecting against these
> problems require a routing device that can handle multiple full routing
> tables? It would seem so...
It has been routinely observed in
Tony Patti wrote:
> I presume this CNN article falls within the "Internet operational and
> technical issues" (especially security) criteria of the NANOG AUP,
> in terms of "operat[ing] an Internet connected network",
> especially where Chertoff refers to " like an anti-aircraft weapon, shoot
> d
Thank you,
it is appreciated.
MAWATARI Masataka wrote:
> Dear NANOG Colleagues,
> We have updated JANOG (Japan Network Operators' Group) English wiki
> page.
> Recent additions include presentation titles and abstracts for the
> JANOG22 meeting, which was held July 2008.
> Yo
In order to double on schedule from the point where it hit 250k routes
the rate of prefix growth needs to be on the order of 2k prefixes a week...
I'm operating under the assumption that I'm going to need 500k dfz fib
entries around mid 2010 which oddly is about inline with where we
thought we'd b
Scott Weeks wrote:
> Ok, I hadn't thought of that. I was thinking of one company in a
> non-US country with some assets in the US (but most not) and being
> held to US regulations network-wide. How would you stop the traffic
> that was not following US regulations from hitting the US?
Ask ISPs
Michael Sinatra wrote:
> On 11/18/08 9:26 AM, Christopher Morrow wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 9:02 PM, Nathan Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I wish them good luck in reaching the DNS root servers.
>>> They are in "critical infrastructure" space, which is a single /32
>>> with
David Curran wrote:
> Can anyone provide direction (anecdotal or otherwise) on the use of Quagga
> in a virtual environment for route servers?
I run it in a real environment on a virtual machine (as a route
> Thanks
Greetings and happy new year,
As Nanog 45 is quickly approaching, I would encourage anyone who has
been thinking about the problem of address hijacking and mitigation
within the framework of our existing routing system to consider
participating in the Hijack and Tools BOF at, in Santo Domingo. We
Hash: SHA1
Just a quick note,
The thrice annual NANOG pgp key signing party will be making an
appearance at NANOG 45.
The keysigning sessions are going to be during the morning breaks during
the general session, and will be location TDB.
Monday Januar
JF Mezei wrote:
> Northern communities in Canada's arctic rely exclusively on satellite
> for voice/data.
> Not a lot of data flowing comparatively, but it is their only option so
> it is more of a "mission critical" thing than a backup.
Also high latitudes are problematic as far as your link b
Just a quick note,
The thrice annual NANOG pgp key signing party will be making an
appearance at NANOG 45.
The keysigning sessions are going to be during the morning breaks during
the general session, and will be located in the Higuey room on the pool
side of the hotel.
Monday January 2
Deric Kwok wrote:
> Hi
> I would like to ask your professional experience about switch throughput
> I have Gig Switchs eg: H P3400 /3500, cisco c4 948../ dlink
> In their spec, they said that it can handles Gig
> So far, I couldn't see their ports are used up over 200M in mrtg graph
> when I
Eliot Lear wrote:
> On 2/8/09 3:24 AM, Jeff S Wheeler wrote:
>> Sure, smart phones are becoming more popular. It's reasonable to assume
>> that virtually all cell phones will eventually have an IP address almost
>> all the time.
> The numbers I keep seeing for so-called "smartphones" in the pre wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Feb 2009 11:25:40 +0900, Randy Bush said:
>>> Not quite..
>>> 2^96 = 79228162514264337593543950336
>>> 2^128-2^32 = 340282366920938463463374607427473244160
>> not quite. let's posit 42 devices on the average lan segment
>> (ymmv).
>> 42*(2^
Skeeve Stevens wrote:
> Owned by an ISP? It isn't much different than it is now.
> As long as you are multi-homed you can get a small allocation (/48),
> APNIC and ARIN have procedures for this.
> Yes, you have to pay for it, but the addresses will be yours, unlike
> the RFC1918 ranges which
Dale W. Carder wrote:
> On Feb 18, 2009, at 3:00 PM, Nathan Ward wrote:
>> On 19/02/2009, at 9:53 AM, Leo Bicknell wrote:
>>> Let me repeat, none of these solutions are secure. The IPv4/DHCP model
>>> is ROBUST, the RA/DHCPv6 model is NOT.
>> The point I am making is that the solution is
Adrian Chadd wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009, Tony Hain wrote:
>> No, the decision was to not blindly import all the excess crap from IPv4. If
>> anyone has a reason to have a DHCPv6 option, all they need to do is specify
>> it. The fact that the *nog community stopped participating in the IETF ha
Leo Bicknell wrote:
> I can't think of a single working
> group chair/co-chair that's ever presented at NANOG and asked for
> feedback.
Then were busy staring at your laptop and not watching the program.
> If the IETF wants this to be a two way street actions would
> speak louder than words.
Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
> On Feb 19, 2009, at 10:54 AM, Bill Blackford wrote:
>> In scaling upward. How would a linux router even if a kernel guru were
>> to tweak and compile an optimized build, compare to a 7600/RSP720CXL
>> or a Juniper PIC in ASIC? At some point packets/sec becomes a
>> li
Jason Lewis wrote:
> This brings up something I've been thinking about. Are there any free
> services that let you submit an IP and get traces back from multiple
> geographic locations?
> There are plenty of internet measurement projects, but none of them seem
> to let you do a live trace and g
Nick Hilliard wrote:
> On 27/03/2009 15:26, Leo Bicknell wrote:
>> AFAIK you have to have native peering with them to be part of the
>> pilot. At least, you did when we signed up. They may have relaxed
>> that since.
> According to a Google IPv6 talk I attended yesterday, they don't intend
> t
David Edwards wrote:
> At 12:55 PM 4/9/2009, you wrote:
>> >From the news coverage it appears to be in the general area of
>> -r
> Interesting. The report I got from a vendor was that it is
> with a fiber cut in Redwood City which is affecting a circuit wrote:
> Not to turn this into an ethical typ discussion but this arguement
> would have to assume you could sue the telco not the 'vandal' due to
> a loss of life if it occured, and that, that dollar amt would be
> greater then 'securing' all cables.
Internet lawyering is a dif
Jo¢ wrote:
> I'm confussed, but please pardon the ignorance.
> All the data centers we have are at minimum keys to access
> data areas. Not that every area of fiber should have such, but
> at least should they? Manhole covers "can" be keyed. For those of
> you arguing that this is not enough
Roger Marquis wrote:
>> Why didn't the "man in the street" pharmacy have its own backup plans?
> I assume they, as most of us, believed the government was taking care of
> the country's critical infrastructure. Interesting how well this
> illustrates the growing importance of the Internet vis-
Rich Kulawiec wrote:
> If the effort that will go into administering this went instead
> into reclaiming IPv4 space that's obviously hijacked and/or being
> used by abusive operations, we'd all benefit.
I use comcast space for abusive operations. I believe they charge me $40
a month for the priv
Jack Bates wrote:
> Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
>> In v6ops CPE requirements are being discussed so in the future, it
>> should be possible to buy a $50 home router and hook it up to your
>> broadband service or get a cable/DSL modem from your provider and the
>> IPv6 will be routed without requi
Lincoln Dale wrote:
>> I asked this question to a couple of folks:
>> "at the current churn rate/ration, at what size doe the FIB need to
>> be before it will not converge?"
>> and got these answers:
>> - jabber log -
>> a fine question, has been asked many
John Paul Morrison wrote:
> Can't any network problem can be solved by adding another layer of
> indirection?
> Don't all the various nodes in a system simply "disappear" when another
> technology comes along to organize, replace and manage the problem
> differently? With iBGP there's been conf
Hash: SHA1
Just a quick note,
The keysigning sessions are going to be during the morning breaks during
the general session, and will be located in the Garden Room.
Monday Feb 18th11:30-12:00
Tuesday Feb 19th11:30-12:00
Lightning talk submission remains open until Tuesday Feb 19th.
Submissions can be made here:
A lightning talk is a very short presentation or speech by any
attendee on any topic relevant to the NANOG audience. These are
limited to ten minutes; thi
Martin Hannigan wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 3:50 PM, Todd Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> y'all,
>> just to remind everyone:
> ..that we never heard back from you as to why there is no IPV6 content
> in the program in Brooklyn? :-)
Not sure how you get ipv6 on your cable plant
> NNTP, the historical firehose protocol, just floods it out
> to everyone who hasn't seen it yet but actually, the consumers of
> an NNTP feed have been set up statically in advance. And this static
> setup does include knowledge of ISP's network topology, and knowledge
Marc Manthey wrote:
>>> i am not a math genious and i am talking about for example serving
>>> 10.000 unicast streams and
>>> 10.000 multicast streams
>>> would the multicast streams more efficient or lets say , would you
>>> need more machines to server 10.000 unicast streams ?
> he
The freebsd dummynet driver is all about latency simulation...
linux has a netem which can do the same thing
Mike Lyon wrote:
> So I want to mimic some latency in a test network for DB repl
Sean Figgins wrote:
>> On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 1:51 PM, Mike Leber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Since nobody mentioned it yet, there are now less than 1000 days projected
>>> until IPv4 exhaustion:
> No worries, the Internet is going to end in 2010, and the world ends on
> December 21, 2012
Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
> On Sat, 3 May 2008, Randy Bush wrote:
>> back office software
>> ip and dns management software
>> provisioning tools
>> cpe
>> measurement and monitoring and billing
>> and, of course, backbone and aggregation equipment that can actually
>> handle real ipv6 traffi
William Warren wrote:
> That also doesn't take into account how many /8's are being hoarded by
> organizations that don't need even 25% of that space.
which one's would those be?
legacy class A address space just isn't that big...
> Geoff Huston wrote:
>> Mike Leber wrote:
>>> Since nobody ment
Tomas L. Byrnes wrote:
> IPv4 has enough addresses for every computer on Earth, and then some.
There are approximately 3.4 billion or a little less usable ip
addresses. there are 3.3 billion mobile phone users buying approximately
400,000 ip capable devices a day. That's a single industy,
Notwithstanding that fact that keepalives are a huge issue for tiny
battery powered devices. There's a false economy in assuming those
packets wouldn't have to be sent with IPV6...
Marc Manthey wrote:
> evening all ,
> found an related article about the power consumtion saving in ip6.
Bjørn Mork wrote:
> Iljitsch van Beijnum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> After all, Microsoft must have a reason to block all icmp. Or?
>> However, in that case the only workable course of action would be TO
>> You can't have your cake and eat it too.
> B
Hash: SHA1
Just a quick note,
The thrice annual nanog pgp key signing party will be making an
appearance at NANOG 43.
The keysigning sessions are going to be during the morning breaks during
the general session, and will be location TDB.
Monday June 2
Kai Chen wrote:
> Hi, here is a quick question.
> 1. Beside public peering in IXP and private peering between two dedicated
> ASes, are there any other interconnection models in the current Internet?
There is the model where all partcipants peer through agency of 3rd
party. That tends to be looke
Deepak Jain wrote:
> Are there any good (published) BCPs for building out Municipal WiFi
> networks? Particularly in the security/authentication/scaling areas?
> Thanks in advance,
> DJ
> ___
> NANOG mailing list
> NANOG@nanog.or
Gadi Evron wrote:
>> The question isn't IF routers have security vunerabilities
> Nope, the question is not about if routers have security vulnerabilities.
> The question is how operators and organizations can defend their routers
> against rootkits, and cisco's practices.
The existence pr
Mark Smith wrote:
> On Sat, 17 May 2008 09:34:19 -0500
>> On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 04:47:02PM +0930, Matthew Moyle-Croft wrote:
>>> I'm sure it'll be good for a number of security providers to hawk their
>>> wares.
>>> If the way of running this isn't out in the wi
We've got some interesting material already lined up that should be
appearing on the agenda shortly.
I wonder however if there's anyone in the community interested in
discussing their personal operational experience with tools for
black-hole automation, or prefix hijacking detection? I'm sur
Dragos Ruiu wrote:
> First of all about prevention, I'm not at all sure about this being
> covered by existing router security planning / BCP.
> I don't believe most operators reflash their routers periodically, nor
> check existing images (particularly because the tools for this
> integrity
Gadi Evron wrote:
> On Sun, 18 May 2008, Joel Jaeggli wrote:
>> Dragos Ruiu wrote:
>>> First of all about prevention, I'm not at all sure about this being
>>> covered by existing router security planning / BCP.
>>> I don't believe most operato
Dorn Hetzel wrote:
There is a really huge difference in the ease with which payment from a
credit card can be reversed if fraudulent, and the amount of effort
necessary to reverse a wire transfer. I won't go so far as to say that
reversing a wire transfer is impossible, but I would claim it's man
A Management LLC | Purchase, NY 10577 <> | Phone: 914-460-4039
aim: matthewbhuff | Fax: 914-460-4139
-Original Message-
From: Joel Jaeggli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 9:
Barry Shein wrote:
On May 29, 2008 at 06:46 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joel Jaeggli) wrote:
> Dorn Hetzel wrote:
> > Yeah, there was a day when anyone could buy a pickup truck full of
> > ammonium nitrate fertilizer from a random feed store and not attract any
> > attention a
is not a prima facie reason not to do something. Large
successful parts of our economy as well as the basic human condition are
devoted to the business of managing opportunity vs risk and the
mitigation of the later where possible.
On May 29, 2008 at 11:10 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joel Jaeggli) wr
Hash: SHA1
The keysigning sessions are going to be during the morning breaks during
the general session, and will be located in the Gleason/Roebling rooms.
Monday June 2nd11:00-11:30
Tuesday June 3rd11:00-11:30
If you plan to p
Lightning talk submission remains open until Tuesday June 3rd.
Submissions can be made on the NANOG PC website by logging in as or
creating a speaker account:
A lightning talk is a very short presentation or speech by any
attendee on any topic relevant to th
Sean Donelan wrote:
But my actual question, which I neglected to include, Is Net-26 still
seeing queries to the root after 18 years?
26/8 doesn't appear in the routing table. so unless it's getting queries
from inside the dod all those packets should fall on the floor the first
Chris Marlatt wrote:
Frank Bulk - iNAME wrote:
It's not free, but at a recent trade show I did see what appeared to
be an
affordable unit from Apposite Technologies ( And
always PacketStorm.
-Original Message-
From: Mike Lyon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED
Joe Greco wrote:
Speaking of cables and veering off towards cable-making, I was wondering
what people thought of the so-called "EZ RJ45" stuff. One of the hazards
of doing long-term cut-to-length wiring is that if a crimp really goes
wrong, you might mess up your artistic work or need to re-cut
Netfortius wrote:
Has anybody used (and been successful at) a bit-torrent-like agent for fast
distribution of LEGAL software (install programs of large-DVD size), across
multiple sites, all over the globe, with bad WAN connectivity? I have read a
couple of references online (e.g.
Frank Bulk - iNAME wrote:
When I hear "cloud services" I think "in the network" even though it appears
all these cloud services perform their work at a data center as an
outsourced service.
Is there a vendor that makes a product that perform spam/malware filtering
literally in the network, i.e.
that point you're basically filtering by ip again, you
can do that with a bgp community. That's not really smtp filtering anymore.
-Original Message-----
From: Joel Jaeggli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 2:20 PM
As long TLS usage is low, examining TCP port
25 traffic would likely be effective without redirecting SMTP traffic and
making it effective for all customers downstream.
-Original Message-
From: Joel Jaeggli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 4:06 PM
Fernando Gont wrote:
Hello, folks,
Quite a few times it has been mentioned to me that some peering
agreements require support for the IPv4 source routing options. I was
wondering whether this is still the case for some ISPs, or it is not the
case anymore.
I haven't observed it in the recent
those prefixes all have ripe route object with origin AS 20922
all the routes I see for a given prefix look like the following:
2914 1299 12301 8696 20922 54271 from (
Origin IGP, metric 1, localpref 100, valid, external
Community: 2914:
x27;t figured out that an open bgp peer isn't a great idea! :)
-----Original Message-
From: Joel Jaeggli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 1:36 PM
To: Marshall Eubanks
Cc: NANOG list
Subject: Re: AS 54271
those prefixes all have ripe route object with origin
Sounds like he's used to used IRC, not mailing lists.
There used to be an IRC channel where a lot of NANOG
folks hung out. Anyone care to publicize the channel
name and which IRC network carries it?
--Michael Dillon
from the nanog mailing list...
From: "Tim Brown" <>
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